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<br />h' AFFIDAVIT r
<br />ss, za TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ti
<br />County of Hall,
<br />k Re: Lot Eight (8), in Blocl,Eight (8), in South Grand,
<br />I Island, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />G, L. EVANS, being first duly sworn, on his oath, deposes
<br />and says that he is of legal age, that he is a resident of ;Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska,,and that he has been such a resident
<br />for many years last past.
<br />A
<br />Affiant further states that he is well and per'sonally
<br />acquainted with J. B. ORENDORFF, who was one of the grantees in a
<br />certain Warranty Deed to the above property that was dated and
<br />acknowledged on April 30, 1962, filed) on September 27, 1962, and
<br />recorded in Book 139, at Page 571, in the Deed Records, ins the
<br />Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, and with
<br />JOHN B. ORENDORFF, who was one of the mortgagors in a certain
<br />Mortgage to the above described property that was dated and acknow-
<br />ledged on September 18, 1962, filed on September 19, 162, and re-
<br />corded in Book 129, at Page 364, of Mortga es, in the Office of the
<br />Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska; That he was the Notary
<br />Public in both_said deed and mortgage; and that he knows positively
<br />of his own personal knowledge that the said J. B. ORENDORFF and the
<br />said JOHN B. ORENDORFF is one and the same individual, notwithstand -'
<br />ing the discrepancy in names.
<br />k
<br />Affiant further states that he is well and personally
<br />acquainted with DONNA SMART, who was one of the grantees in a
<br />certain 'farranty Deed to the above property that was dated and
<br />acknowledged on November 3, 1954, filed on November 4, 1954, and
<br />recorded in Book 112, at Page 181, in the Deed Records, in the
<br />Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, and with
<br />DONNA L. SMART, who was one of the grantors in a certain Warranty
<br />Deed to the above described property that was dated and acknowledged
<br />r on April 30, 1962, filed on September 27, 1962, and recorded in
<br />Book 139, at Page 671, in the Deed Records, in the Office of the
<br />Register of Deeds, Hall County] Nebraska; that he was the Notary
<br />Public in the last mentioned deed; and that he knows positively
<br />of his own personal knowledge that the said DONNA STEWART and the
<br />said DONNA L., STE`rVART in one and the same individual, notwithstand-
<br />ing the discprepancy in names,
<br />Affiant further states that he is well and personally
<br />acquainted with LYLE LaVERN STEWART, who is tkie husband of the
<br />above mentioned Donna Stewart and Donna L. Stewart; that he is
<br />sometimes known as LYLE L. STEWART; and that he knows positively
<br />of his own personal knowledge that the said LYLE LaVERN STE7JART
<br />and the said LYLE L. STE14AR'I° is one and, tie same individual, not -
<br />withstanding the discrepancy in names, c,
<br />t
<br />Further, affiant sayeth
<br />4
<br />SIGNED and dated in ra Isl nd, all County, Nebraska,
<br />this day of October, 19 2.
<br />SUBSCRIBED in my presence d sworn to efare me this
<br />P
<br />1.1day of October, 1962.
<br />ljotaxy Public.
<br />St,1 P{ i {
<br />� ly Commtssion expires /. , 196 � •
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