ORDUAKS So, 3877 -
<br />An Ordinance of the City of Grind Island# 'Jebraska# vacatingo terra•
<br />inatl,ntra extinguishingi c4noeling and abolishing a right -of -wait on,over
<br />and through s strip of land twelvqi (12) feat in width, being the weft
<br />twelve (12) feet of tot Twenty Two (22) in Geer Subdivision, now rn Ad.
<br />di.tiort to the City of Grand Island, $ebra4kaa deeignated aryl beirsg g
<br />right- of.,way for utility 7arposes,
<br />4,ikSi is, ols the 20th day, of rebruary, 18626 inns paaulink ostuetlerw
<br />as widov, conveyed to the City of Grand Isla; nd, lebftaka an eavextat, or
<br />right-of -gays aver, along, une ;?r and across the west twelY, (12) feat of
<br />Lot %0ty No (22) ire Geer Subdivisions notr an AdJMQn to the City of
<br />Grand Islando tebraa:ka, wbich said easement was filed for record in the
<br />Office of the Regis Or of Ceeds of Hall County, iebracka, on the 2jth day of
<br />,february, 1962, and recorded in Book 10 of Records at page
<br />249, 5 n
<br />WOWMP the City of Grand Island finds and dstenitines that it no
<br />longer requires the use of said right. - off' -say gr =nted to it by the said
<br />Anna Pauline Cetweiltr,
<br />SECTI03 1, That the easement or right-of-way for pubito utilities
<br />conveyed to the City of Grand Tsland, a rjuniciral Corporatio,% in Hall County,
<br />lc,oraska, on the 20th day of February, 1462, by knna Pauline Detwellar over,
<br />alvlg, tender and seress a strip of land being the west twelrs (12) Feet of
<br />Lot NEnty NO (22) iu Cee# Su ".division, nvw an Iddition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, lebraska, be, & d the sage is hereby, va-cated, tircnirmted, ex•
<br />tinguished, canceled and abolished,
<br />SI�CTZQ�i 2. That a certified copy of this crdintnce shall to filed
<br />for record in the office of trs Pegister of Dged�* of Full County, Nebraska,
<br />and Vio cost of fill-,g thereof shall, bo paid Ly the City of rrond Isla.od,
<br />St' M1 3, This Ordinance shall be in force ; nd take effect front
<br />w
<br />and after its passage, Opproval And publication as provided by 1w,
<br />Pissed and ipproved by a rs jority vgte of all. of the r:emttrs of the
<br />d h- A 4
<br />City Counall of Grand Inland, %Tebrask&' on the /9 dry of ?eptemtets
<br />lq(2Z*
<br />A'iTFST I
<br />City Clerk
<br />t
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