I , 11 TK S4C jo. 3 872
<br />An Coinvic's of tw City of Grp, Lard, Ubrasksw vaostinr, terstt*
<br />3q?f3 uxti�a�aiahi.'�tr� osieslinf %14 Vl lishinf ar right- of-w%Y o "# cv ;fr r)4
<br />thro, ;t s strip of Ito t -en (10) fp�t in vidth,, more, perti"Iarly detcrtt04
<br />ax the V, 3terly divan (3) feek of Lai five (s) -0 tra easterly, rive (3) fr *t
<br />of Lot Six (3)0 dlscit 11tvan (11), in r'�aRr'khlll P'hicti Sut4visto* to I%* said
<br />City of Craj.i I91a► dAn Asl,l C,,wityp ae:rasks, desirna►tcA and Wosq a right•
<br />at -�a<y for utility Pure -sex.
<br />:�a the )0tjj day of rept-m1wr, 1959p train Plo Foots #A R =iby
<br />,reveso bus'b,A an.i ,rife, *,,iveyot to tb*1 City of r, -uni, Tetras" t, %I
<br />easexeats P rigbt•ot-o(aYa overs elonep wider and acres a strip' of larA
<br />tens (10) foot in MON acre particularly desoritcd as the w 3trrly rive
<br />(s) feet of Lot itys (3) all the tastorly Fiva (3) feet of lot $tic (b), i1ocit
<br />�levsn (I1)R i} aackhill A%Jrd 3,aWivisloa Va the said City of Cre add filind
<br />in 4311 C_unty, 1'eLrasks, vhioh sAd eueresnt -was filed far reeord io t'ho
<br />c,ffice !�! tna Register of Ce.ds of hill C_%itro 5'st.r =aks, o:a the 3Ct'1 day >f
<br />o,.tcabtro 1;513 a-r! rRror4f4 1,1 Sook 7 of t*iscellanoo1as Uccrds at pa go 2890
<br />&A
<br />4FR?Ai6 t`• City of 0,rxn¢ I•isA finds srkl etterrrines that it no Iorcor
<br />rsjulrEs the is* =f Said right -of -37 gr3ntP4 to it by t 0 said Irvira t.
<br />.Yea al 3,by M. Beres, buab.nd SA rifes
<br />lci3 rV,1VfM$ 341. It U Tit Aklf,.A A. 0 C41CXL CP 1111 MY Of
<br />;fCtSul 1. Phat the essaak it tr ript- of•way for p%;'M1* utilittil co.-
<br />reyrvd to the .tty of 1mid Iel W, a 1"unictril in fill Cc intys
<br />1(t�r ,sejq on tits nth dalr of Septexrttr, 19119, by Ervin Pe yaws and °.by y,
<br />it-yceq over, 31orf, un or alnd atross; at strip of laZd tett (14) fist i1 vidtha
<br />^r�rs carti,ularly destribed as th* .esterly fivs (3) feet of Lot rive (3)e,,
<br />a the essterly Five (5) feet of tit Sic M `$lode (11), in Fsrit-
<br />M11 NO $.bdiris1C1 to t'`,e slid City of 141SA ire 1,11 CPS -MtX,, 'fit•
<br />r `
<br />trawka, oe# "id the sAno is hereb,f racxt.edf terAnstAt extinsuislal, w- r-:0U4
<br />3 �;
<br />1'h3t a ctrtid4t oo ;),r sf Oii crdi -a ^ea shsl l fs Mod for
<br />recorf tit tip txieo �f the icfistt0 qf" Cs-,42 �t 4311 e0 -13th ;'ebra >',sv� *14
<br />t`14 0�.st at filing thercof shall to p30 by the Citf cf C'raA fsla.d.
<br />