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OFFER T0. S`E`LL RE - A L E.STAT'S <br />ANA C0NTRA.CT 0F'- SAKE <br />Lincoln, Nebraska September 11 19 62 <br />(Post Office Address) (Date) <br />.To the State of Nebraska, Game, Forestation and Parks Commission <br />U ncoln, Nebraska <br />T /WE Roberts Construction Company, a Corporation <br />101$ Terminal Building <br />Lincoln, Nebraska <br />Being the owner /s, hereby offer for sale to the State of Nebraska Game, Forestation and <br />Parks Co.gaission, the following described,land,, in the: County of Hall <br />Stat.a of Nebraska; to -wit. <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NE'k) of Section Thirteen (13), in Township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th p.m., more particularly <br />described as follows; Beginning at the point of intersection <br />of the East line of said Northeast Quarter (NE'k) with the <br />Northerly interstate highway right -of -way line; thence run- <br />ning Northerly along the East Line of said Northeast Quarter <br />(NEk) a distance of 250.2 feet to the Northeast Corner of <br />said Northeast Quarter (NE'k); thence running Westerly along <br />the North line of said Northeast Quarter (NE'k) a distance of <br />203.5 feet; thence deflecting left 160 21' and running South- <br />westerly a distance of 980.3 feet, thence deflecting left 250' <br />39' and running southwesterly a distance,of 1,250.0,feet ;. <br />thence deflecting left 900 00' and running southeasterly a <br />distance of 517.6 feet to a point on the Northerly interstate <br />highway right -of -way line; thence running Northeasterly along <br />.the Northerly interstate highway right -of -way line being on a <br />17,338.73 foot radius curve to the right to the point of beginning <br />and containing 26.77 acres, more or less. <br />The consideration for the above described land shall be the perimeter <br />acres, payable at the rate paid per acre by the Roberts Construction Com pany <br />to the previous owner. <br />zeaa =�= 35g===== -------= <br />a� =_ � � ______ _____ ____________ _____� The foregoing total is to constitute the <br />cD tract price unless total acreage hereinabove shown shall be determined by survey to <br />ba in error, tn,which case the survey shall determine the acreage, and unless_otkt_erwise <br />provided herein surveys, if any, shall be at the expense of and authorized by the State <br />of "_;ebraska Came, Forestation and Parks Commission. Wherefore, in consideraticn of the <br />smn of one dollar. to me /us in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />11we hereby agree to convey the above described premises, free and clear of all liens <br />.n3 encumbrances, to the State of Nebraska Game, Forestation and Parks Commission, by <br />eneral warranty deed, under the conditions enumerated in this offer to sell aad agrea <br />to provide a clear and marketable title to the property described herein. <br />And for the consideration aforesaid, I /we further agree that this offer shall be <br />irre;7ocable for. two + mopths from the date hereof, running to include <br />t'-1e 19th day of November , 19 62T_, and may be accepted by <br />4xecution of the acceptance indorsement herein by the Director, or other authorized <br />officer, o£ said State of Iv'ebraska Came, Forestation and Parks Commission, prior to tl.e <br />expiration hereof and mailing or delivering to me /us a copy hereof at Lincoln <br />Nebraska , bearing said executed acceptance endorsement. <br />7/ <br />
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