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O{it�iPJANGEL �(� s 3 84 <br />©rdinance to extend' the.,City limits off' the. Gity ' of,Qrand I�iend, ' <br />Hall. County, Hebraskep,to include yasious irregular tracts of land lying <br />in the s4th H th ntE e F, +Fy ne Ezl)r. <br />,�. the Northwest ;carter $) of', section Twenty..0 veil and the Fast Hal! <br />(E) off' �ectiort Twetityeight, (2)►; all in 1pwnspip Eleven (ll)m <br />din of the 6th P'M`.# r1 X11, County, Ubraska, Said tiaats being` <br />adjacent end conti;uos° tot Present City, limits °of the Gity o Gr.nd Island# <br />Hall County, Nobrs'ska� <br />Bg IT 040A if BY THE MAYOR, AND COUNCIL Of THg CITY' CF Oftklmo ISLAM] sl <br />Ui BR.4SKA � ' <br />SECT103 That the City limits of the City of Grin& Island, 30.11 <br />County, Nebraska, be, and they are hereby extended to ihoiud'e: various irregular <br />tracts of land lying in. the South al ' of the. southeast Quarter (31,30) of <br />Section '1'wcnty -one .,(Pl),. the Northwest ,u *jter (N' ,if) pf Section Zwenty -seven ' <br />(2 ?) =rid the Last Half 0) Section lventy -eight 428)# all in'TRvnship, <br />kleve'n. (11)� North# Range Ni49` (9)- Vest of. they 6th P.M.r, iwl County,_ <br />. �. 0kaiE Sate" tractis bai rig adjacent ?rid oontiguou to the pr "esssnt Cult <br />limits of the City of Grand Island,; Hall County, Nebraska) and more particul'ery <br />ly described as follows l` <br />Beginning 4t a point on,thesouih. line; and thirty -three - <br />(33) feet west fr rqA the southeast corner off` Pleasant <br />Rome Subd1v -Wo0q an Addition -to the City of Grand Is - <br />land# Nebraska #, point ,also being thirty -three <br />(33) feet west frdm the east, liner of. Section Twenty. <br />one (21)0 Township kleyen (11),,.'5orth# Range Nine_(9) <br />W63t of the 6th P.i+t.► Hall Debra ski z thence <br />running south o. ,'k line rallel to' and, thirt�r -three , <br />(33) Test wont frog the east' line of said uatioit. <br />TP ,'Onty -one, (21) .- to, the `Seaton itno between said <br />Section Twenty -brie (21) and Section Twenty�.eiglt (28), <br />'township tleven, Ell);` $orth, Range Nine (9) 'Vest of: <br />the 6th P.M.# Mall County# !ebraska; which ' i's =also <br />the north tine of i1ol66mbrs" Highway &M691L thence <br />continuing outh . one a lips parallel ' to and- thirty. <br />threw- (33)L feet nest; from, the` east 60 'laid section <br />Tw enty4ight (28 for'. a. distance. Of fifteens hundred':. <br />twenty-two (1522` I`ebtf thence running, east for'!t dis• <br />tinco of sixty -st (66)"6 to the "nortbwep corner <br />of Xl,l Nia, Addition j, ,thr nos continuing eaai orb the <br />nort�i- line of. M1414' Ad itiori to' the .nort�ieast. corner <br />;il -Nio• Addition, th_ACs, running south ors, the east <br />ling of NJl- Nie-Addltiori for a dia�tance of tl+redr hun- <br />dred eght)r- seven jind _fbr"t�r:.sirc hunaredths. <br />teat {.: thence running` southwesterly on than sout'he4ster.► <br />It line of- 6297) rest %r `a distance of fiftytwp <br />ands ssyer� Eenth�. (52'9 ?) feat to the east line of Lot <br />Twenty -five (10 1, Natthewrs Subdivisio�ti thence' <br />running no rth. on the east lihec of= i of a�nt`ya fiver, (25) <br />