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6/20/2013 10:48:25 AM
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6/20/2013 10:40:28 AM
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a9/ <br />3 <br />in connection with such leasing, attorneys' fees, brokerage and ex- <br />penses of keeping the Properties in good order or preparing the same <br />for leasing, it being undc•r.tood that Lessor shall have the right but <br />shall not be obligated to lease the Properties before proceeding against <br />Lessee on Lessor's claim for unpaid rentals, or amounts equal thereto, <br />and other gums due hereunder, or (ii) to terminate this Lease, in which <br />event Lessee shall immediately vacate the Properties and deliver pos- <br />. zsion thereof to Lessor and -hall pay to Lessor as the amount of <br />damage sustained by Lessor by reason of such event of default (Lessee <br />agrcehi,, that it would be impracticable or extremely difficult, to fix <br />the actual damage) a sum of mogey equal to the aggregate of all sonii- <br />annual installments of basic rental hereunder remaining unpaid, each <br />such inr_tallni�.nt diseoulLted sc -mi- annually at the rate of 4 ;''o per <br />annuin to the date of paNineiit from the date wlicn, in the absence of <br />this provision, such installijwut wuuld have become due. The foregoing <br />remedies of Lessor shall not be exclusive but shall be cumulative and <br />in addition to all remedies now or hereafter allowed by la%v or elsewhere <br />provided for. <br />13. Option to Purchase Ang Propirtr/. Lessor hereby grants to <br />Lessee the option to purchase, on any rental pad iu;•ut late, upon at least <br />G0 dayi' prior written notice, any Property at a price equal to the sum of <br />(i) an amount (adjusted to the hest highest integral multiple of $1,000) <br />equal to the projecte,.l depreciated net book value (as hereinafter de- <br />fined) of such Property on such rental payment date, plus (ii) the per - <br />centaTe specified below of the amount by N <br />Ohich (a) such amount payable <br />under clause (i) of this Section 13 exceeds (b) the principal amount of <br />Notes subject to prepayment on such rental payment date pursuant to <br />paragraph 7(a) of the Vote Purchm,;e Agreements less other amounts, if <br />any, payable on such rental payment date pursuant to clause (i) of this <br />Section 13 with respect to any other Property and /or payable oil such <br />rental payment date pursuant to the similar clause of any other lease <br />between Lessor, as lessor, and Lessee, as lessee (it being understood <br />that, with respect to all purchases by Lessee on any rental payment <br />date pursuant to this Section 13 and the similar section of such other <br />leases, the amounts computed under clause (b) above and the similar <br />clause of such other leases in the aggregate shall be equal to the prin- <br />jf <br />
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