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<br /> .� . __T,�p ,.� ._ .. .__ . .-F ._ - _ ..�F _ -!S , ..
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<br /> 'h.f"yi. � ` 1 ' ��� ���� � ,�`.
<br /> '`` ` ' � ia w�aun ell insuraaee pr�cxeds shaII be aFP�to the restaration or repair of the Properiy t � `� �
<br /> ' y - . UnLess othe:adse ageed �. lieation of to princ�pal :'`_::�s
<br />- `'�4.` ,%3�__'�, _
<br /> .`:`` o � ar w the.Secxued Debt,cvhether�nut t8en due.at Beneficesry�s option.Any�pp �o�t ofp�7tm���Y - -�
<br /> � ��`` shaII nut eatend ox pastpoae the due date of ihe scd�eduled paytneat nar cbange We . �; .....•,-
<br /> ` "' or.If the Pr eYtY is ac9uired by Beaeficaary,T�rustas's dght to any�oe pulicies� °. �. _
<br /> , ����e� ��� �Y b e f u r e t t e e a�u i s i i€on slrall pa�to Benefss�asy to the eateht of the � `,,,�.<<
<br /> .. • `` pn from eto t he eity r
<br /> �a
<br />`° :-'` Se�uredDebtim�ediatetY6ef�e the aoquisition '
<br /> ��€,�.���p-�s�e e����-Tmstor wiii aot 4�_
<br /> , ,F°=v-- � �i ��0�� a t �
<br /> ,'v'', . �������01 t8Re.98I1{�InSilCdtiC8IIIC5C�OP1. �'
<br /> �sy� . berequiredtopaptoBeneficaatyfunds �ovide to Benefi onrequest.
<br /> °,�,`� R�Y08TS AND AtDDITIOI�TAL DO��T�as�+�7i �!►nP, �i
<br /> . .(�.:: Z�. FiNE�Nt�hL Trustor a�to scgp,deliver. � ,,. �'-'_
<br /> ;`" any�inaucial statement os infam�ation Benefidary may deem reasonabIy nec�s�y - -
<br /> , ' ;:;��` ena Sie aay�anal do�ents ur oertifrratiuns thent B�enefi�ai9 ma con�er e�ssa�Y to Per�ect�contiaue.and � � -
<br /> ♦5�' 4 �
<br /> :. x preseive'Iknswr's ob}igations�mder thts Seanrity Insinma�ent and B ' s tiea status on the Property
<br /> �O�+SI61�iER&,SUZ�OAS A1�ID ASSIGNS BOUIlID Aii duties uader �''.:_;,:r=��_>_
<br /> � y ` }�. d�7f AIeIDII�IDI��IAL�; �S���ntbut does aoi sign an evidenoe of
<br /> �� : � . I
<br /> :�,. ..+ � �S�y�ns�nent ate joint and indidcdnaL If TtustoT si�ns '*
<br /> I [I
<br /> n s,`� �•'�' � '_ri•. � 'lYust�s iaterest in tUe YraPe�t9 to sea�e�aymeat ofi the Secsued Debt and �=. .
<br /> , .• . deis4,Tn�sior dnes so anip to martgage — _
<br /> ' � �� '�•`�� Tiastas does not a�ee to be peisonatty tiable on We Sec�ued IIebl.If tbi�SecantY I�t�ame°t se�s a gaaruatY
<br />. ° ,G�:�.�- �ay iights that ma revent Beneficiaryy from bring'tn8�Y
<br /> � . ci �_� ,:
<br /> � , between BeaeBciary and'IYustoi+Tipst°r agrees to araive Y P.
<br /> _ . act€an or claim a�instT�°=or any partY mdeb��der!he obligatiaa.3liese nghts tay�.'s SecwatY are not�ated � �
<br /> that Bene���Y P�Y, ��ffi� �*_ -
<br /> w,anq aa�deficiencq ar ane-action laws.Tmstor ag�+ees vidence of de6t viuhout Trnsto�'s . � �1. . -
<br /> - '� '� ��,��f y or ma�e any chaaga ia the tenms of ttris SEaaItY Instrument or a�►{� _ .
<br /> _ �: ':�, w�l nat releaseTrQ.gtor fr o�n t h e t e�s o f t}d s S e c u c i t Y I n s t�m en�'Ihe duties aadbenefits of tbis , =:
<br /> ''`` � aonsen�Such a c�ange . -.-
<br /> of'IYustnrand.Benc�aa�► �...� -:
<br /> :'��;`� ' gec�uity Instrameat sball biad ead tiene5t the suoeestors an d ass�g�s . � ::
<br /> � . . 2� A��'LiCElBD.E LA��P;SEVERABEI�T�;11oPTL�RgR�A1YO1�L'I�is Seauity Instrument ia gover�ed by tfle 4aws of
<br /> •r� .`�,;' e�t b 1 h�2ete aad-fuIt9 e 8a���laws of the jtuisdie�ion -
<br /> 5��.,`;�� the jmisdict�an in wbi,ch Beaefr�a�is l o r a t e d x c�P� � ted.�s SecuritY I�ne�t map � J
<br /> < � where the Property is Iacated'I�is Secfuit�+ -
<br /> •'' � �
<br /> �� uot be amen d e d o r m o d�i e d bp o r a D a g p r e e m.eat Any secbion ia this Security Iiostruraent,ariac.hments.ot atry �v
<br /> `.�'`,µ': , ecuced Debs ti�at canfhds wi t h applicable law wID not be e ffe�i�►e,u a 1�s t h a t 1 z w e 8 p r e s s l y �-� .
<br /> ;. ,� a g�e e ment relatcd to the S ent ranmaf be eafarced � _
<br /> . `� az imp h e d Iype m 4 i t s t h e v a r i a ti o n s b q w r i t t e n a g r e e m e n L I f a n y s e c 4 i o a of this S e c�ri t y 1as��f t he remain d e r o€.t b i s .._ i� m -.
<br /> a000rdiag ta lta eerms,that section wiU 4�e sevesed aad w�l not affect the enfor c�e a h��'e The��and � k�,.
<br /> . �� ��: � g e c�t q Intitcumsm.Whenever nsed,t�e singatar sball i n.e du de t he p I u r a l a n d�d�nut to�i e a sed w�teTPret oa �.,-_
<br /> �' he�dings af t�.�ians o f t�i s S e c�►�n t a r e f o t c o n v e��o�y r r __
<br /> .' .�. . -- . define the te�m�f this Se�ritY Inst�mea�Tame is of the essence in t6is Secarity Instr+u�ert � ;...:
<br /> �. Y
<br /> '.�,r:� �S�ICCESSOR�[t�JS7t'EE.Heaefiaary,at BeneBciaiy's option,maY�ttme to time remove Tn�stee and��oini _
<br /> ': a saacessor trustee without any other formality than tI�e d�er�aad�duti�es c�onf�e��o�n Tn�stee by this'Seairity =_
<br /> , , c u nv e p a a c e of the Property,shall suceeed w all the tirte,Faw . .-_ _
<br /> ' � instrament aas�appllra b le law °. v
<br /> . . 25. NO'F�CH:.Us�ess otlieiadse required��aw=enY aorice shall be given by deliver�g it or bg�g�t bSF�ciass . -
<br /> � ' ate s addresg aa page 1 of this Seiauity�strument,or W any othea�dress destg�tated�tt t�"�s`�. -_
<br /> cs�to.tke aPP��P� P�Y' '�'�"- -
<br />_ � ,;�' '1lom.e w ane tru..�sr w�l be deemed to be nes'sc�to all uvstois. n ts �°`
<br /> - � r' � ��AIV'ES.�EscepL ta the extent pro2u'bited by law,'Y'iustor waives all appraisement and homestead exe�� �� .. �,:_
<br /> - � ' • re2ating to td�.Property. ` � �'
<br /> � � '� � �� 2'!. ��T�S.If c�ecked►the following are applicable to this 5ecnrity Instn�met►� �
<br /> .. Q Ltncs of Cr�dtt.'The Sec�eA Debt includes a revolving liae of credit provisioa Althou the Secared Debt �
<br /> .'�,. . �
<br /> , . . ma 6e xedused to a zero balance,this Secority Inslsumeat nv�l remain in effect unt�iele,�axed. � _-
<br /> , q Insuament secu:es au obligatlon incurred for We construction of an ��:�:�,�
<br /> � . . D Conseraction Loun.This Securtty �;-;,j-...t;
<br /> - . � ' improvement on the Yroperty. �-==.r
<br />- . . , �. ❑ �5at�e FNnP,,'tias��S�nts to BeneSciary a sec�ui3y interest in all goods that T�r�ent suffices as a• `_�--=_ =
<br />_ � . � future and that are�r will become fistures related W the Property.�is Sectuiry __-_T
<br /> .. � fmanetng statement and any carbvn,p3�utagraPl��or�1��Iepzodact�on may be filed��recard for pmposes _
<br /> � ' � ;', of Articte 9 of the UnifosA�Commerdal��Code.. e ��•
<br /> " � {] 1�ldeps.The covenants and agreementa o4 each of the riders checlse�'�elow are iacospurate��nto and � _- ;,�
<br /> .� . `.� . . en� Check sII applicable boses]
<br /> � � .
<br /> . supptement and amend the temas of this Secunty Instsum [ _ __
<br /> � D Coadominium Rider O�ned Unit Develapment Rider ❑Othe:............................�.............»............. . F,� _
<br /> ' . . ❑ Ad�4na1 Terms. �'-
<br /> :� _ ... • . -
<br />.;.: . , . . .
<br />-- - _._..- -- - '� � - _
<br /> . . _�..
<br /> . .• SIGPIATIJIIiEB:By signing oeackno tw ed es�eceipt oi atcopY of this Security InsUument on the datr�s'ta�u�d�oa Page�l� _---
<br /> ' '.. '.�. any attaci�ments.Tnistos als S , .
<br /> ��: . . . .
<br /> .,�. ,
<br /> .:t • � .G;l��rc;��1�";���..........11.:..1�»f '
<br /> . � � � . .. „�� . »...»......�.1.�97 ...���:�� t�t�) �>�
<br /> u�� (pate) (Sigrat�ue)
<br />,- t , . (c,�gnature)� .._,5;
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<br /> . AC�iN Vi7LEDG1VIEI�Tt �/�
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<br /> .. ..... ....... �.. ....�w,•
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<br /> ''�� �• � ' ii,e;�e„�� This insWWment was ackaowledged 6efore me this.....��.M��. ay of...,��P�� �'»� • •�•••°�
<br /> _.. �� . . � , ........ ................». �
<br /> • My cammiss.o....»..............N01AAT•Sta;eot NeCrasta. ......................... . ...........................»
<br /> . . , . ... GEI1ERAl .................... ..���� •• H� ..�
<br /> � AflKf.Bfti►Nt1t "� (�
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