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<br /> - B. All future adv�aaces froim Beneficaarp to Tcustas or o2her funue obligations of'�ut'I'nutor ta Benefidary�mder anyr _ ._ t �
<br /> � � �� � ':;� =� ' pmmissoip nate.,contract.gttaranty,or other evidence ef debt exeruted by Tnutor in favor of Benefrc�►e�� ;, ,
<br /> ` `",�:,�-`�•,'i after t1�is Secmiry Iastrameat wliesher or aot this Security Instr�ent is spedfically referenoed.If mvr�thar►one -�� .
<br /> h this ��
<br /> � ;. ,�:. � :�� peasoa signs tifls Sec�uiity Instrameat,e�ch Trustor agnees that thLc Seamty Instrrsment atil!secure all futwre • r, < `.�`°``° ;
<br /> �: `....�. ,. `�`� advaaoes�tttl fu�obligations tdat.are g�irvea m or incurted by eny one or moTe Ti�nstar.or aay one os more
<br /> e ,.�
<br /> ,� . �� , ���; 1�stor a�td others.All futtae advances end other fhture obligatioas are secured by this Security Inswment evea F�._ _.
<br /> - •- t3unwh.a11�r��s�y�i y?E be��a��c+ed.AU fru�ae advanaes and other fuq�re obli�,ations are secured aF if rpade .� : _
<br /> � �� � �` on tLe�iate of thas Secority Iastrumea�Notl�mg m t6is Sec�uit}►Inswme�sball constitute a w�itment to eaake -�-
<br /> _. ^- ( __ �_, ` .'
<br /> ,�:�; ' additioaalorfut�eloaasoradvance.sinanyataoinutAnysucboommitanentmicstiieagreedtoinaseparate�B: : ,
<br /> -- `�_ C. All vbligations Trustor owes to Benefiaary,which may tater arise.to the eateni not prolu'bited by law,mcluding,but �`���*.��
<br /> � �:: aott�itedto,tiab�7itiesforoverdra�ts retatiag to anYdepositarcn�mtagceemeat is�ieenTraswr aad Benefaary. - - -
<br /> ��-:.�- D. Af!additional s�s adv�tced aad.eapenses incu�red by Benefic�'ary fos insuring,presetvutg or atheiwise l`' '
<br /> =w
<br /> s °
<br /> . paote�ing th�Propert�►aad its�aaiue add a�ny athez sums advaar.ed and expenses incaured by Heaefciary uader . a :<"::.-
<br /> . •,;�-. the teims of th�s Seamty Iestrume�t • , �_��.:
<br />. . , � Zbis Security�ns�rt�ment ceID not sea�re aay other deb2 if BeneBciary fa�7s to 8ive aap�uhc�notice of the rigbt ofi --_-_--
<br /> ` . �.�' � �YN�NI'S�.Trastor ag�ees tLat all payments under the Sec�ued Debt w�71 be paid w6en due aad in accordance with - :: ���-
<br /> � ,
<br /> � '. . " the terms of t�e Secured Debt arcd tlsis SecurItp ImgwmeuL � � ,
<br /> . . �. ` . 6. W�11RFiAPP�Y OF'iT17�.Tiustnr wariants that Trnstor is or w�6e lawfully se�ed of the estate canveqed by.this `.-,r,..��',
<br />' F,, ,I�: ��',' Se�auiity Insdrument anc9 has We right to irrevocab2y grant,conveq,and seU the Property to'I�ustee.ia trust,wtt6 ,r �:
<br /> e au
<br /> power of sale.Tntstor also waitaats that the Propertq is uaenarmbered,except for encUmt�rancQS of reaord. ; �` `
<br /> 'f� �:�S.'..`' 7. PRIOR SEC�JRIrH I11�T�R�'1'�.With regard w aay other mortgage,deed of trast,sea�ty ag�ementor othesHea 4't < {;�•�..
<br /> �`• , . duc�sent tha4 created a grior seanity interest or encumbrance on the Property,T'�ustor agsee� .,
<br /> ! S _
<br /> J � �� � A. To make sil paqmenis arhen dne aad to perforsn orwmpiy witb all cavenants. � "-,
<br /> . �, � .
<br /> <� ;, � ,, B. To pramptly debiverto BeneBaary any�otices tbat Trusiorreceives from the holder.
<br /> � ._ f•": G Not to aItaw any modi8cation oz estensian o�nor to request aay fadue advaacea ur.der anq note or a�[eeraent ;k* .
<br /> ' . , ,':• secured by the lien document without Beaefrciary's prlos written consent ` �
<br /> . , :��
<br /> ` -� � CLAIIdI5 AGAIl�T�T'�TTLE.Tmstor w�t pay all tases,assessments,liens,eacumbrances,lease payments.�ound . _y . :_
<br /> � rents,n�irie�,arid other charges relatmg to the Propertp when due.Beneficaary may reqmre Tcussor w provide to `�-..
<br /> , - Benef ciatq caples of all notices that such amountg are due aud the ieceipts evidencing 1Yustor's payment ZYustor w�l �._ �° _
<br /> ': `� - defead fifle to the ProperiY against aaY claims that would impair the iisn of tbis Seauityd�stmment.Trastos agree�to •
<br /> � •,.` ` ;'. .�;�' assign to BeneBciaTy,as req�ested by Beneficaary,anY rights,daims or defenses'IYustor PraaY have agalnst�parties wlw ' �a �
<br />:�`.� �` �: �<` guPPIY laboY or mate�aLs to maintain or improve the PraPertj►• ' `':_.::, -
<br />- • . 9 D7JE ON SALE OR ENCtJ11'IBRANCE.Benefiaary m�y,at its option,dec2are the eatire balance of the Seaued • ',';�;:'-
<br /> Debt to be immed'aatety due and paya6te upon the creahon o�or contcact for the creadon o�anp fien.eaaimbrance, L - ; ;
<br /> transfer or sale of the Praperiy This ng,�►t ls sa6ject to the reslrictions imposed b�fedrsai law(IZ�F.R 591),as � _�
<br /> • • .... �� aPPlicable.�'6ls covenant shaD iun witb the Praperty an8 shall remain in effect unW the�Seased Debt is paid in fuII ` �- ----
<br />-.%� � ,. ' aad this Security Tnstmment is released. .
<br /> � � • 10 FBtOPERTY COIiTDl'Y'I01o1,ALTEI�A3'��NS..�PPiD INSPECTHON.Trustor wllt iceep td�e Property ia good L:��.F;� '
<br /> � �� � condition and make all repairs tbat are reasonably necessary.Trastor shall not commit or altow any waste, �r;��.__
<br /> ��,,.�..� , .�t • �gsaaameat,ar deterioratIon of the Property.'Pnistor arill keep the Property iree of noxlous weeds aad grasses.
<br /> � � Trastor agrees that the nature of the occupancy aud ose will not substaattaUq cd�ange without BeueSciary's prior - �
<br /> � � � written conseat.Trustor will not permit aay change in any lisense,restrictive covenant or easement withont '..�_��.•♦
<br /> - ,. �, .., .,�: BeneSciary's prior writte�oonsen�'I'rustor will notify Beneficiary o#atl demands,proceedings,claims�,amd adions �����,=,�_,,':',
<br /> ' . �- against Trustor,aud of any toss or damage to the Property. �=�''•
<br /> .,.:,.�.,
<br /> ' HeneSaary oz Beaefic,nary's agents may,at Benefciar9's option,enter the Properiy at aag reasanable tune for ttie , —, ,
<br /> � � � pi�pose of inspecting the Property.Beneficlasy shall give Trustor notice at the tune of or before aa inspect�on � .
<br /> specffy�ng a reasoaable�urpose for the inspedioa.An�r inspeciion of the Property shall 6e entaely far Hen��Q.ary's
<br /> �� � beneSt aad'�stor m71 w no way rely on Henef:cbary's inspection. � -
<br /> ="� �y A,IPfHORiTY TO PERFORNL If Trustor fa�7s to perform any duty or any oY the covenanta comtaieed in ttris Security ;,s ;
<br /> � � • Insp�ument,Beneficiary may,without notice,perform or cause them to be performed.Tsustor a�pc�sts Beneficiary as •
<br /> � attomey in fact to siga Trustos's name or pay any anaount necessary for pedo�ance.Senefrciary's nght to�eiform � : �
<br /> � foi Trusto:shaU no4 create an obhgation to�erform,and BeneSciary:s failure to perPorm w�l aot prec�ude B�..'ficiary ,.
<br /> � � � from exercising any of�3eAefiqary's other ngt►ts under the law or tWs Security Insuumeat•If anY wnstncctz��on the . -
<br />_ � . � prupert�i is discontinued or aot cartced on in a reasonable manner,Beaeficiary may take s11 eteps necessary to proted � .
<br /> � �� HeneSsiary's secirrity iaterest in the Praperty,inciud'vng cumpletion eF ehe oonstruction. �,
<br /> - -- 12. �l9S�G NF�NT�F L�ASE9�►1�ID li�PiT3.Trustor irrevocably grants,conveys and sells to�s�-tee,in trust for the li_�.
<br /> ._ ,-_..— E�„�5t of Beaeficiary. as additivnal securiry all the ri�st,title and interest in and to any and afl existing or future -
<br /> �� . � � leas.s,subleases, and any other written or verbal agreesnents Por the use and occupancy of any portion of tf�e .
<br /> . . Property,includiag any enensions,renewals,modifications ar sabstitutions of such ag�eements(all refened to as _, .
<br /> � . �' "I.eases")and rents,�ssues and piofits(aU refeaed to as"Rents").Trustor will promptly provide Beneficiary with true _ _- _
<br /> . and coaect copies of all e�tisting and future Leases.Trustor may collect.receive,enjoy and use the Rents so long as ,
<br /> ' Trustor is ao!in default under the terms of this Secusity Instnm►en� ,
<br /> � � Trustor aclraowtedges tt�at this assi�ment is perfected upon We reoarding of thLq Deed of Trust and that Benefeciary is , `
<br /> � • � entitled to notify any of Trustor's tenants to make payment of Renta due or to becoma due to Beneflciary.However, . .
<br /> . � . � ' Beneficiary agFees that only on default will Heaeficiary notify'Trustor and Trustor's tenants aad make demand that all � .
<br /> ,'��� future Rents be paid d�ectly to BeneSciary. On recaivmg norice of default,Trustor will endorse and deliver to : , .
<br /> � � �� Beneficiary any payment of Rents in Trus:or's possession and arill receivc any Rents 9n trust far Beneficiary and will
<br /> • -. • � . not cflmrningle the Rents arith any other tuads.Any amounts collected will be applied es pzovided in this Security �
<br /> - Insvument.Tntistor warrants that ao default exists under the L.cases or any applicabte laadlord/tenant law.3'rustor also .
<br /> ' . agees to maintain and require any tenant to comply with the terms oY the Leases and applicable law. . :.
<br /> . . • ' '�'.'� l3 �.EASEHOLDS;COIVDOARINIIJNLS:PI.ANNLID UNIT DEVEI.OPA9ENT5.Trustor agrees to comply with the .
<br /> V
<br /> . � - .. provisions af an}+lease if this Security Instrument is on a leasehold.If the Property incittdes a unit in a condaminium .
<br />,: .; ; �� � or a planned unit development.Trustor will perPor�all of Trustor's duties under the coveaants,by-laws.or . .
<br /> regulations of the condomin�um or planned unit development. . ,,; .
<br /> . . � �� }4J ' •
<br /> �_ • � , � �1995 BanlcUf Systmu.Ine.Sl CiouO.LLV(1�80O397Q3111 Form RE-DT.NE 1?/23f99 � . . .
<br /> �.- . .� ---. ..
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