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<br /> ►
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<br /> � � � � •`c� f r
<br /> ��. , . � ..
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<br /> c V.S�t.f . .�� •' '•t�� •
<br /> �j� ` . • . ' _ •�'t-�.t�.<
<br /> -- .. - ��� . . . �.���ap��o� ..�-' .2 . ��.
<br /> �:� . ' :� �aansferr�dconfavene�aliate�iasaaav�cissoldaia�sfe�eaaaasorcowerisnotanatraal���+It&nuci�d�tsgtl��ri�u . �• . ,
<br /> . . �. �
<br /> � � � 1 Leades�a .atiig immed�sie�aymemiAfaDofnllsums�bythisDeedofTin.�t.Hawevea,shisop�cnsBaU . �:t:
<br /> ;,�` .. camsea� Y oP�.�4� ° . '' �
<br /> ' �Y.:`.:< ,`�:<. notbe exa�ised isy Leader if ea�ci.seia p�b�itEd�Y fedara!taw as of the dateof diis D�eed of Th�st. '
<br /> " I�I.�d�sea�adsesthisoQti�.Le�Gr�sball�tveBaaowuamiceof�na.'1�noticeshallgmvideapaialafnotIess ��` �� �
<br /> ,: . , ,`�; ,
<br /> F .�--�•A �_'=..,. thaa3��dys£��st�att����iv�ds��rtitts���k1+A�ama+e�m�p�yallsmnss�edby@tislleedof�4ast U `: < �`` _.
<br /> � �� BaaawerE�swpaythesesamspr�mrtfltYteexpnatianofthispeciad.I�endermayimra�oea€�qiemediespe,mduedby�rls�eedofTmst � � -:�� f.' ,'-. �,
<br /> � < �. : - . . . '6'- ",
<br /> - . e� Wi$lOIItflI��t IIOtiCB CtdC�SIIdOn BoI[OWet. .
<br /> -_ �� Na�-lTrmaa�aCavFrrnrrrs. BamaweaandLeuderfiutberoov�tanAagYeea4foilov� �_` :_
<br /> � ""- 17. Acoe�ation3 II�e�. ��ceDt as ps�v�a�in p�h 16�ereaf,apan Borro�'s b�ch of anY eav�t� - � •
<br /> `� `� ` � �t alSo�rovre�in 4t�sDeedaf�indu�nS Bo•rrawer's PaIItire io ' "` � ,�� '.
<br /> PeY.Dy tae�d af 10 ceiea�ar dl�ys ef�ute��e ', _: �•:• ',
<br /> ' "� �e,ssy�ss�redDyWsseeasof'1'rasE,���D�tuseoeYe�atFant�►aDgiveQOtfcetoBorsow2rasprovta4edtmparaSraD� '�.;�`'.:Y . ...
<br /> :,�':�. .:,. ,s:.:. _�
<br /> . '`.`�;� 1Eher�ol�e�ing(1)�e6rzacb3tZ16ieaaion�+e�to�resarLbseasm,t3)edetGnott�tFmn�Odeysfr�uthedat�the � _ .; -_,m:
<br /> •� : .�< uatke�S�to�arsa�eer.bywhtc��ch Drpach mIISt be c�ed:sad(�tbat faitme W wre sac�bpeach on ver be4ore th$date - , , <,°°_
<br /> `•�• ` ' � syed�'e2�in t6e notFce may sesult in aooelwalinn o?the sams secased 6y W1s Deed of'fYast and sa�e otffie Pivperty. Ttie IIs4hce ...:
<br /> ,.� , ..��' - ; _
<br /> r .. �, shaD Port�er i�mrm BasrBawer af the ctg�tt to r2ins�te after ea�leraiian sad t�ee ri�iet to bring a eomt aWit►n to ass�'t the : �
<br /> : _,;�. . noae�istcaaeotadda�aranyot��8etenseofBa�+awertosoce�a�andeai�I�Bie6rea�bisnot�rsdonarEefaR@rsdate �5 �,-_-.
<br />_ , �6.:'. ` '�_Y� �,p���iratIIem�tir�I.enQ�,e¢E.endeY'saplfou,�ayd�turea�af�2�sa�by�sEs¢ee�alTra.s�Wbeimme�ta�dae _ —
<br /> ar —
<br /> � `' angi�9a�Iea�hautfm-�er��t�astalma��tvokett��aiveraf�l2andaayath�e��yesmiS�Dyappl�sblelaw L�d�t `.��� ::`� . .
<br />, - � �� � s�aI��x enEttt2d to eaSLQCt aII rea��te�ts and e�penses inaured i�pms�ng ttie re�e�es ymvi�eA(n t�paragBpSb 19, . .4 '�.; �.'--
<br /> ` �.:' • , `' tactm�ding,but�otGmile�teir�b4ea�rae�`t�es. , .,,;:- _ , „
<br /> . `�•` :� `. �:`: I�ffiegacs�ro4satefvinva�,�s�alir�r�a�abiceotdefanittneasboa�a4qinwblcbtheP�rop�ty�samepari f �,. � � -_
<br /> � `� : �- :`�::< t�ie�atfs toc�l ead s�aII n�ail aapfes of snst�noffix tn 4De maaner�r�srtb�d by a�pp�Itable faw to Bar�w�r and tothe d�e� � • � "_; __..
<br /> c " , : ' ��ap�.'6edDyepplfa�3e�CV A�ertheia `9���ttnre.����0yappBrebtelaw.11east�s2�aallgivepaDBc '•�,��; •t� ,'�,,=•�
<br /> ' � �._ _
<br /> � aot�¢afs�tet�4�epersoas�a�taemaaner 6 �... fI�e w . . :� �rithautd�maadon�arra�er•s�Dsetl�iiP ' �=
<br /> , � < :•�, . � destgaated int6e a�Ioe atsate In oae <. ,. �
<br /> � .,. Ye�o�erty at pnblte aucti�to�e hfg�e�t bi�er ..:�
<br /> - `�_ "} • ormo;eparcet$aadinsachmrde�asTrasbeemagdet�ina 'iirastee�ypa�tpauesaleotsltozauy�celafthePeoA��9 ; � �"�....
<br />- � �• ''::�. . ps�c aaaa�sement at 4h2 ttme end pTnce ot any Dreviousdy:sctr�edated sal�. Leader as i.�ds��desl�ee may pmcbase the �� ••..�...., �_"�,°"_
<br /> �.. f ---
<br /> • �" ' Pe�PrtystaaysaL� . ' _---
<br /> . � '', 1 �Jpon.�reaeipt otpaymtnt otthe prEee D1Q,7lrastee,s�a11 deltver to t8e pwchaser 7Yostee•s�eed canve�tRe Froperty '.� � --
<br /> .. : , •���'�r 4 suid.TFceredtsLs3nt�e�e'sdeedsBuII�eHr3mafadeevi�leaceo?�troffioltheslatementan�r.�eth2r�in.'6Srb�toesit�Da�Pj9 �,..- . �=„__--
<br /> . �:,.� ,. . :t� �the praoeedsm4t�e sate In t�efollawTng ard�r: (s)tots�l reasflnrsble a�ant!��of t�e sat�ia�tadtng,bat Qot Iimitea�tay . ----
<br /> '. .. , : ` .. 71rasRee's4¢e��saIIyfncm�o?notmarethun 2� a1'ooYticeg�sts2Epr�s¢s�nablsatoorneys'teesart�ea�s�tti8e '' :_ �;�_.
<br /> _ ' �' eoi8eneei(6)L���sse�edDyt�SD¢ed��;amd(c)�eesc�,iSany,to�epastinar�grs�s�gaIIy�t�Eedth�reL� rrf-�..: -__
<br /> .. . ', ..'# = 18.B�nrarwer*s�ttm��mt� Notw�ding LeaRets�cceIesattan of d!e sams sac�ued bY @�Deedof Tmst dne to �` -_ ',
<br />- - . :�::�,...�...-"�
<br /> � _ � i Baaow�sbrras.�h.BoaowersuaUlravethe�swhaveeaYD���E'��►Y��menforcemisDeedoflYnstdiscoutimaedat : .,,.,�:...,..::,___
<br /> an
<br /> ',.�,�:.; �7►�►eD�totheearliertoocxaroft7tIle�`�3►daybefac�ethesa2eoftheP�+6Perty►Fnrsaantmthepaw�ofsaleconCaiuedinQdsDeefl '`'. !���-
<br /> . ef�'r�.stQr(��ea�cYofaJndgm�tenfo�ingthxvDaedof�.if(a)BanowerDaYsLsndesallssunswhicbwautdbeth�dneand�rtdis .;.�'-
<br /> . �: .. . �?` Ikc�ffi�afl�astandtheNoteh�adnos�celeratioaoccnc�ed:l6)Boimwerc�esalliuerahesoYanyothercaveaantsora�ecan�tsofBmiower .� , ��-
<br /> . - ��" caum�►edint�isD�do�'I1n�(e)Boaa�reayraysaria�aableexpeusesiaamedbyL�enderan�Zlmsteoi�enforcingthecflv�n+saad • • -
<br /> , ;; ;� _ . '�.�
<br /> �':'` : ag�e�ts of Hanawea containe�ia tLis Deed of'IYu.st.and in eaforcing I.eader's mc9'Itru.st�e's�nedies as povtded iei par�gra,ph 17 ', ,
<br /> - : ,�,. '.. � ; he�o��cxadin8,6utnot�niiedm.�abYeauaYaeys'fee�and(��Camw��ressachactfot►asLemdeamayteasonably:eq�t� • . . __-,
<br /> , ass�e�at thelien of tLis De�cf'ilrost.IRada's intraest inthe Pmperty mid Bmrawe�'s abtigation topay We smms sr�ed by tlds Deed ��, ; _
<br /> •. ` �) � otTtnstsballcantIaue�*c�.UyansncbqaymeaiandauEbyBoaawer,thisDeedofTrnstandtheobligationss�auedhez@1rys5a11 �%:r,:-.
<br /> �n_-.
<br /> ' � ��_!�� remain ia faU fa�+ce��l effect as if no asxete�aflon 6ad accaared. �'.' .• .�,;;r.�'.�
<br /> � ' . �� � 19.p�en3otRents.Appointmento��eceiver:LeadeatiaY�9�ssessloaAsaddittanalsec�tyh�mder.Baimweahe�by• . .,,-
<br /> :� ° ,
<br /> ..;,'rc..
<br /> .� ass�scoLeaderthezraitsofineProy�cy,pmvidedmaca�rowessball,p�ior�scceTeaaa�onuadearp�b 17nes�eofurat�adonme�c
<br /> . � .. . oYthePmg�aty.bave�erig�ttocollect ar�re�o sac�rentsas they becamedue andpaya62e. .
<br /> - - �_ - Ugon:.,�erstFan mt�er p�raph 17 Ceseof ar ab2ndanment af the Pnopeaty.I.endar.in person.by a,�t ar 1►Y 3��Y =- _ - - -
<br /> � . ,' � aDgoiateQ�eoeiver shail be emitle+Y w a�ter apan,take possession of aad manage the Pmperty and w collect the reaPS of the Plroperiy . � • .
<br /> .. :..t:.
<br /> . � �°{,, incIa�ing thosepast due.All rents caltectedby Ieffiermthereae�vershallbeaDPlled fustw payme�tcf tha costsof managemencof the •� . �
<br /> .. propertyan�collectionoireats,lncludiag,6utnotlimitedw,receivea'sfees,premiwnsonmceivdsbondsandneasonableattoisiey'sfees� . .
<br /> , � anAtAeatotllesumsseauedbytl�iisDeedofT:nst.L.eaderanathereceivershallbellab2etoacco�mtantyfarthosa�entsacwallyreceived. �''�`` � . . .
<br /> ,,,. .
<br /> � � TA.Recomaeqanse.Uponpaymentofalls�unsses�edirythisDeedofT�nsRLendershallreqaest'Ilrastcew:econveythePmperty r�"..�. � . -
<br /> � � anAshaUs�renderthivDeedof7'n�standall�acesevideacingindebtednesssec�ucdbythisDeedof7YB..�ttoTiastee.Tm:steas�haU�vey . ,.: � ,:
<br /> . � the Fropraty aithout wasanty m►d wlthout c�ge w the petson or peisons legalty endtled thereto. �ur.?�person or peasons shaU g�all ' . : `.c' .
<br /> � . . ,. � casts of recacdatiaa.�f any. . . •.
<br /> '. � tl.Snbstitate 7Yustee. Lauier.at I.end�'s option.maY fmm dme rn dme remove Tcastee and appoint a su�cessot trnstee to
<br /> �. , . ' any'IYustee appointeA heseunder by iaswment rocoided in the county 9n which thls Deed of Tmst is rec�rded. Witho�cameyanoe of � .
<br /> �`� �: � the Pra�ty�the s�ecessor tnutee sball succeed toall the eit2e,Dm'ierand dafles confeired upon tAe Tn�stee hereln and by agplicable law. : .
<br /> .• " � Z2,Yt¢quest tas Naitces.Borrow�requesis thatcopies of the nottce of defauttand norice of sa2e be sent to Boeower's$dQress • •
<br /> . which 3s the Pmperiy Address. : . ` �
<br /> • �:.
<br />' .. _ �•r� ,, ..
<br /> .,"�.. . •
<br /> . .� ' � �
<br /> ' . ; '
<br /> .. � ._ . . �
<br /> �- . i sue,.,�aa�Ne•iwr,b�.0orstan-„qh . .
<br /> . �� ' � _—
<br /> . _ ., .
<br /> . . _.__ ... .. _....,__•"..—...._.......'_'_�_.�......._.,_.�.-.---^-- _ � __ _ �• ..
<br /> . . �. .,------�--w�»�"`.-c�.. .._�....-.�r.-�..-�-^+.-^_ .—'.f.r�--, ... •tt." i.� . .
<br />. ,. . . - � ... . . . : � .. , . � • _. .. . .... . ��� . .� . ' _ . . �. • _ . _� � .. .t. ._. .. . . . 'l �. . . . . '. - - . .�. � .
<br />