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6. Check one: <br />The co- trustees currently acting must act in concert to exercise the powers <br />identified above. <br />Any co- trustee may act alone and individually in carrying out the powers <br />identified above. <br />A majority of / of the co- trustees may carry out the powers <br />identified above. <br />The powers identified above have been assigned to: <br />_x Not Applicable, <br />7. The trust was established in. the State of Colorado. <br />8. Check one: <br />x The real estate being purchased for the trust shall be taken in the following <br />^ T name: Elda R. Kohls, Trustee of the Elda R. Kohls Trust dated <br />September 22, 2011. <br />Not Applicable. <br />9. The real estate involved in the transaction for which this certificate is given is <br />described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />10. The trust has not been amended or revoked in any manner that would make the <br />representations in this certificate incorrect, and the signatures below are those of <br />all trustees necessary to consummate the transaction with the person to whom this <br />certificate is presented. <br />11. This certification is made in connection with a transaction in which title to real <br />estate is to be insured by Old Republic National Title Insurance Company. <br />e01,/ <br />STATE OF COLORADO ) <br />) SS <br />COUNTY OF La l fllC/V ) <br />The foregoing certificate of trust was subscribed in my presence and sworn to an <br />acknowledged before me on j, J C- + , 2013. <br />My commission expires: (112-1I7/0 J `y <br />Signature of Trustee <br />20 0304852 <br />My Commission Expires June 27, 2015 <br />