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201304770 <br />2 00706035 <br />The North Half and the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven, Township Twenty -three <br />North, Range Sixteen West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Garfield County, Nebraska. <br />Lots Two, Three and Four and the South Half of the North Half and all of the South Half <br />of Section Three; all of Section Four; all of Section Five; all of Section Six; all of Section <br />Eight; the West Half and the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Nine; the <br />North Half of the North Half of Section Ten; all in Township Twenty -three North, Range <br />Sixteen West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Garfield County, Nebraska. <br />The East Half of Section Thirty- three; all of Section Thirty -four; all in Township <br />Twenty -four North, Range Sixteen West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Garfield <br />County, Nebraska. <br />All of Section Seventeen; all of Section Eighteen; all in Township Twenty -three North, <br />Range Sixteen West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Garfield County, Nebraska. <br />The West Half of Section Four and all of Section Five, all in Township Twenty -two <br />North, Range Sixteen West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Garfield County, Nebraska. <br />All of Section Twenty; all of Section Twenty -one; all of Section Twenty - eight; all of <br />Section Twenty -nine; the East Half of Section Thirty; all of Section Thirty -one; all of <br />Section Thirty-two, all of Section Thirty- three, all in Township Twenty -three North, <br />Range Sixteen West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Garfield, Nebraska. <br />All of Section Two; the East Half of the East Half of Section Three; the East Half of the <br />Northeast Quarter of Section Ten; the North Half of Section Eleven, excepting a certain <br />tract in the East Half and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section <br />Eleven, more accurately described as follows: Commencing at the point of beginning, <br />the Quarter corner between Sections Eleven and Twelve, Township Twenty -two North, <br />Range Seventeen West of the Sixth Principal Meridian as marked by a 1960 Bureau of <br />Land 1'h inch diameter brass cap on a 9/16 inch rod; thence North 0 °21'14" West <br />2100.62 feet (Basis of Bearing is the Bureau of Reclamation bearing of North 88°1'18" <br />West from the Quarter corner between Sections Eleven and Fourteen to the corner <br />between Sections Ten, Eleven, Fourteen and Fifteen, Township Twenty -two North, <br />Range Seventeen West) on the line between Sections Eleven and Twelve, Township <br />Twenty -two North, Range Seventeen West, to a point marked by a % inch diameter by 30 <br />inch rebar with a yellow 1 -3/8 inch diameter No. 577 survey cap; thence South 89 °38'47" <br />West 136.53 feet to a point marked by a % inch diameter by 30 inch rebar with a yellow <br />1 -3/8 inch diameter No. 577 survey cap; thence South 41°15'57" West 644.75 feet to a <br />point marked by a 3 /4 inch diameter by 30 inch rebar with a yellow 1 -3/8 inch diameter <br />No. 577 survey cap; thence South 17 °12'29" West 332.44 feet to a point marked by a % <br />inch diameter by 30 inch rebar with a yellow 1 -3/8 inch diameter by No. 577 survey cap; <br />thence South 30 °58'4" West 1500.68 feet to a point on the line between the Northeast <br />Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section Eleven, Township Twenty -two North, <br />Range Seventeen West, as marked by a 3 /4 inch rebar with a yellow 1 -3/8 inch diameter <br />No. 577 survey cap; thence South 89 °34'23" East 1445.31 feet on said line to the point of <br />
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