� � .:.�w"� � r: w• - ^�'-� �� ''�!' `z�? v.! 4 �s,-.�:x'-'Fi._
<br /> ----�rc--�--_ - . ' . _- . . -� .. . -_ . __ .. _. _.r� ,_ _ r � __..- _
<br /> F� . . .- � .. ...
<br /> �- <
<br /> ' . �r.<.v t . i- - ' i.c 1� F- C l c..�� _ � f t - `�` � � f f� f� ��� � k -�s'
<br /> 'n.-"" _. .r .. " .i�.,. :..-! ' ' ctil._ -L _ � .�`<.s. cV �
<br /> i �
<br />�� �'4" ,` ..._. � .� r '� . ..- � .. - .. ' . � C '_ O_ .
<br /> . ' y 4 '
<br /> ..� u' • _ � � , ..
<br /> � `<`,.•`�,�` � • 3 CaneUlaotlon at tnprov�..msnte.Tntstor sheD camPkato h go0d end woA�vmC;ct�m�r any Ou�tn$9.imDrovam�mts or � �� � 'c: i,� ..�
<br /> , �aPa�ro�uh►8 th�YO��cb rtiay Oo be�m oa t�e Tivst ProP�71 or eontemptat�B�►the taan eutQen�eO�r tlze Ncte � . .:ti.;_ :�:
<br /> , `:t"���� ses�ued t�bY.to p�fl�n c&a aA oasts iu�d CsbIId�s B�c�umd Merefo�e. ertd no!to pmn� siry�onstrneuon Gsn c ;
<br /> ags6tst such Ttuat Ptapar8yr. tn tAn svent cansGuaUon of bu�gs,trr�rov2ments or�atrs ace coatemA:ated Trustcr •� `U k<°o•,..
<br /> - . ` atso agf�,mhMVr�fn fAfs C�ed a!Tcust to th�contraryr notkvMsmndtn�ta)to RromPt�►commenw e�y BucA warh • ��`� � �;.
<br /> ' � '''" , Md tD E6titp�tAe ptOpo53� �RptovEmBtsts piomPUY. (p)t0 f'Arnpfsia fh9 etlma 6n eCCarQLU�e9 �v9D tAe plens end �:��. ,�` � .�-:` :'
<br /> ''h aDea�eetiana a�aODtnvaQ EY Bmaet�eefa�yi.(a)to compN�vM aII tAe tams at a bnt�toDn egri�ment,U e�ry.bstwe�� `• ' � "' :
<br />_: . '` • .: �, . Trustor end Bsn��atary.th�tam.s o!vrhich are 0�carparate0 Ren�1n by�ufereeee ana mad�a part herect.idi to sl►ow� .
<br /> s n� ' .� '
<br /> :� . �°< � B�Hc�ey ts �a�t the Tiu�! P ro�e R y e t a�t i m c s �u i n�e a n s b v e t i an.sn d t� t o �A�e e s ny w o r h o r m a t a h a t s� .
<br /> _ una�tary ta B�rtsIIatall►w�htn f�n(ts�days a�x�nosieo fram Bortettota�y►o!�uch faat �aA ' . � . :
<br /> . ' � � o. RutQa tar Payment ot Ch�.�+blae2 to�9tlaeDla tiw er to a wrBtm�waNer try 8onsfict�fr.Tivamr ehau pay to Q ��-°• „f " ::
<br /> � ',i.;�.'.��,�' B e n e f i c k u y►on t Ae P�r a t d aY o f�ssc A m o n t h.c r e u c h o t�s t d a t a e s c h m a n t A a s m a y$o s P�Q b Y E r n e S a t ar f►.u m II t t�e �� ��
<br /> . � c ..
<br /> ,,- .,�
<br /> tha k�DteQnose Lg O�Id �► tL4 a Bum (Aere�aRet CaHSd tAa `Funds9 �al to tl/2tA of tRe Y�9' taxes end • :
<br /> � �: esssssmn�nnts v,��A maY�n o�li over this OssO of Trosi�nd ground rt3nm an tAo Trust PropertY. U any.04rs ..; �<.,
<br /> " U12th of ths year4y. Otem�un �•tar h8zecd tnsurtina9. OUs 111�tf of the Y�U DrmnIum tn�msnts ter � 1� -
<br />� - -`�:-- maR��swenco. �en�r►.e0 as rt:asan9biy es�d tn@t9IIy eand Bom tima to t�ne b7► B�etiet�l on tha basb o! ,�
<br /> . nss�ssrnen� etsd bP�end reesonafol�eslYnates tAereo�7he 6und3 sf�U 08 he� (n � 6�st�Fnn.tt�e depos9s or ,' �'� �, t• `.
<br /> ` aecounffi ot vrhich are trr�ue0 or Quarentesd by e[aderal ar stam.egrnel►tnc�E6�g Bensffci�{{rfl.Beneficta+f►sha0 eDON . . . � ��;� :
<br /> � ::2'�;,t , tt�Funda ta pay satd Lmms.assessments,insurarice pt8rn4un8�nd qraund renta 8eneficfery sheD not b9 requUed 40 , • r����"`
<br /> � : `, :;°, pay Tnistar arty hte�ast ac eamftrss an 8�o Funda. 6�te4clsry eried ptus to TrusGo►. �r�haut oh�e. an enaual t' •.�;� ,.
<br /> `ti� aceounNnO ot ttte Funds el�ovi�p aed�s end deLRs ro the Funds and tha purDass tar+vhTeb eae�A�Q�sb�m th�FunBs ..-�`�,
<br /> . � .�F� . . �(�$. �/IO�QT9�D E8��4�IV� in0 Q1{RYm1�otGi� itC{GYtVi tij �.� rwiY v�.T.� �.� ti 4 r"r''''_4=' .
<br /> � � �• omount of thB Fimde trs!d Ey Bs�eBat�rlb ta�ethet r�A the lb0ua mantftfy 6�s�ls at Fund9 pay�t�OAor to the due - -___
<br /> � ` dates ot�.assessrt�enta,hs�rroe Premturr�a snd Afound��.shaA exceed the amount�aqutred to Ray said tszas. �'•.�:< _-__
<br />, � . � `,<� sssassnt�ts.&tsurat�se ptemluc�s end`�ound.rents es thsy taD�te.eucA�ce�s ehaD be.at Ttustofs aptlon. e3her . •��?--�---
<br /> - , `,' promptiy repflt�t�7'�us0ur or raed�ed to YYusDOr e9���ewnYhly(�smFrnanis of Fund9.It tho emount of tho Funds _ . : ���_`:-_
<br /> - e
<br /> : �''�<,. `• '' Astd tiy Benet�ryt shaD no!bo su�cfent t�DaY tmm9.assesscngnt�.tr�surance Drem4u�s 9nd Qtound rents es they faD • ��`-.
<br /> . . . , due,T�usmr sha0 PaY to Ben�ctery►enI►amount necessary ta m�ce u�tha defiatm�aY w8ht�U�UlIt daY$iram t�e Qaza `..::,� ,�,=
<br /> � nottca � me!!ed�Y �ellciflrY t0 Tcustar requasti� pay:nent qtero0t Ilpon paymeet bf h�U o! n9 fnQebtedness. �"'=��
<br /> . . .��: ;`� Beneftotary ehetf promyt�l�eS�d ta Trustot any Funds tr�Oy BanoRciarll•B tha Tnist Proy�ty is soid unQer the powar . .��:�`--
<br /> �;;., ,'�'�' � .:} of safe ar tha Teuat PrapertY t�otheswlse ecquEr�bY B�u�rll.6enet'�y►sha0 eDPly.6nmsdE3tary ORar to the sala of ° �y�r-"=-
<br /> '° � the TNSt PropaRk ot @e acq�@ton bY HectsRCiary.eny Funds hetd Ey Beneffe�ry at t�o tfrr�of eppticatlen es a aedn •._r..,.—
<br /> ._.._ ..:.fs_J_._ r,, ��th0 Mdebted4tesa If 6snetfCfmy m�tes 8 wi8ten wel�rer ot Tntst�rs ah�n3 undl3t th1G parearepb 4.T�ustor `.;,i`-�: _
<br /> ---._ :°.�
<br /> ; cavenanis anQ eyrc�s W pey.�etora tAa eamo b�om9 Qeifnqt�ent,e0 fr�ms.ess�ts.(nsurance prsmiums.�ound ;` -
<br /> -s.-
<br /> , • . ".';,:� rEmts.and aD olA� �hat�.7 cvhsteasuet tevted uAon or as�esse0.D�ed or mada a9etnst tha Trust ProDertY.Trusmr �
<br /> furMer aIIroes.upon wAtt�n re�uast�y BeneRotary.to OtomPUY doL�rer to Beneftctary eA recetpte tor the payment ot sucn "•``' �,,�=__
<br /> � . �t.�..: char�.Tiustor Osewtsa a�a9 W PaY��s.essmssments and aiher cher�tsvte0 Won or assessed.Pt�ed or ,. �'.
<br /> , : :i mado a�or rt�aar�BO by.tNb QeeQ at 11ust or the recardatlon f�eof. • .,. .,}.-;- ",��"°
<br /> `` � ��,.i, 5. APP�Btion Of Payment�.AU payments cecoNed bY Boneftciq�f►�s to anll Q9DL BabDrtll or obiipgtion owed to Bonaft�tary . _:�.r,.. —
<br /> ,. •- �: bY Tnm4ar maY 0o eDDOed by BeneNctary m the paymont ot tfre tndebtedaass or to sny suah o1�er 6e6t.��1►c► . __
<br /> ` � -�.�E ObIIIIation.b eny at�ot m�m�af sDD�n wfi�b Benef��rf►.�@s abso4�te dtsastt�on.dserus aDD�AAaze.Unk�ss . -_:_
<br /> .� othetwtse eteatEd by Banetbf¢rft.eny SuCA payment shaU Oe deemed eDyBed f�st to the PBYmen!of ertp Qeb�L�abi@y or "''. ._
<br /> , � pbppatian oth�tnan tAa Nota. .�� 4 -
<br /> ' `t� Chenges:LJer4s.Tn�star wID ke9�tha Trust Propartyr irea tro�n a0 t�ens end erteum�.a�tes wh1oA tn arry way may.�ftre ..'.�;` ,
<br /> . . 'F. .' � �` M-.
<br /> -:����`` . judgment of B�na�Ctary>ft3v9 priorRy over.or impur�a at�►o�tAfs CBEd ea Tast but Trustor Aeed not�g3 ...':.,.: .-�_s
<br /> ,-����_�;f1 � anyr sucA Qan so Eon�ss Trustot shaD aQree, 1n �. 4o paY Na ob� aawred bY suah Qen in a c�.;.:ar '::a,'v:;'•" �-
<br /> � . � aaeopt¢bto to BanetleTarfl and ahaD�e paod ts@t�aanmsi sueh ffan Oy ePD�A��D��°-�8�efleeWe ta�rt ��"'ry��'`
<br /> , . tho enfar�mnent of ttw Uen and the fosa of as�Y�te�est fn or pei4 cs3�Yrust Property. —
<br /> 7. F(axard Insurareca Truamr shal!keeD tha buIIdb+ps and other imp�ta now e�fg or herestter e�eefed on the �r� _�,.,�..
<br /> _-- . ����-, :� Trust Propmty insursd by tnstuenCO CartfalD satLsfaotory to BeneflctIIry�sgsinat tosa by fi�,htuurds IncNdad fi ttte term , ��;T.
<br /> '_ • � ,. F,. ., . •e�Rm�da6 aoverasa'an0 euoA otAet haiard�.casua�les an0 conting6nai9!a4 may ho requhad by BenOftei�rft. tn sueb , `�.„:�;--
<br /> . 8mounta flnd far euoA poAOQs es may b9 r8qutred by B6n6ftClary.The DOACY 01 itiSUfeflCe BhBD tib(fl fOtR18CCeAffiCi0 t0 � r::. :�3�._._
<br /> � �• � Benetfeiary.Oravtdo that th0 eame maY not ba eanceQed ar mad�tod w6nout tifWen t16�4ays DRor wfitten rtotJee to -.-
<br /> .5.= ` B�tflfiG[�y►•end eheD h8vo bss OaYa��Otovislons B�favot Ot aitd tn tatm exeAteb�t0 BerteR.e�rq.AI!ptom(ums On _ -.{� -Y
<br /> tnsurancs poltates ehnD b�patd h tlta manner provfd9d und9r psraprsAb 4 Rereof or.B nae�aTd h eur.h mannar.bY , ---
<br /> . � ,: i Trustor maktn8 p4yma�t at t0est fdtget�(tb�daS�s Prlor to tho duo Qete,dUacttY to tho tnstuenco eaudei BeneBoiary sha4 • '.' • ' '-�
<br /> - �` � have th0 ttpht to hot0 t�PoIIeias�0�er►awats thereet and Truator ehne Orar�t.'Y Aimt�h to BeneRCt�r!►el!r8newat • - �, � _�,
<br /> � � ,� notlCa9 end aU pald Pr�nmium r�to recoNad by �in no evettt BhnA BAn�flCta.'1y mr Trustea bs �ot0 respa��br �$-�.�
<br /> , �� . fa�ure to peY�surance prantuma or!or nny lass or dmrnape artging out o1 a detect�any portay ar sRsing otn at erry �', _
<br /> � � faIIuro at a.ry fnsurartce campanY to pay tor any lasa or dartutqa�0 epahst or toT 1aUUre by Trustor to eftect the ° - ,-
<br />, 1. 6�suranea�e4uhe0 hecBUnQar.In fhe�rant o1 bse.TNStar aha0 qtve�rom�t notice by ma0 to!ho tnsuranco�r and , , •���
<br /> • . . . &meftclary. ee�at��y mall meke Oro0! ot loas i1 no! msds Drom➢By ov fi propar (om� by T�ustar. AO poActes of , . �.
<br /> • ., .� . , insuranco sn�anY an0 a0 ref�nQa a1 una�mod Oram4im�cro AaebY asslIInsd to 6ene�olary as BddBtatral sesurgy for . .
<br />' � • . � the paymont o1 tha indeDmQnes3.ln tAo evant of Bsnaticiaya m�emisa of tho poever of sob contatned herotn.cr tn the . . . "'
<br /> .. � - - sv�nt ot tarcctasu%aB rtgh�t�end hterest of T�uatar Fn end to e.ny tnsurance poQay then�n torce ehau pass ro t�e �. • .
<br />