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<br /> -'"=- .,_.._._R,...�.-, . ._ �.._:._.__�. _ ..-,.-,....- __�_�... -
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<br /> t F
<br /> t�y ; 6 M
<br /> �_�t,� s. � �� ~ ..� _ T, E� t.✓ � _ / _ z �.•t� �' -1 ; _t
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<br /> c.. ... � . � ..�.�y'� ��° .. � tr' ..
<br /> • , � �,e . {yy,��pu� '�D�{!yS Q=��. 'f„2 •_ �.''.'
<br /> _ . �`. �stat�es.Sonnwea svall na'twanmitwasae ordesuop.Qamageor s �P�Y _ .. �
<br /> �� .. u 4:.�
<br /> � �` ect tne Froperty if the Propcnq fa vacsnt `..
<br /> _ ..: �;-:� 4: Progenywa.�cenorac�reasona�]�e�aaa�ear�aaepcea I�end�rma�+insp ` "`�
<br /> �, . �, .
<br /> ``�=:`: ' is in defaalt Len�a msy Ia�e r�soaabte acxIon to protea and gtcseYVe such vacant ar ` . �, ,'.
<br /> : os�haa4oneQ ai ttis WSn .-,: :
<br /> ��°�•�` -.:.. �
<br /> �`:::r:: r abandoneOPYnpartq Ba�mavre�sLallalsobeindefanitifBomaev+er.duringthetuanagplicatinaprn�gavemat�alall�► �`I; ��, ;,..;.
<br /> fals�ar ia�te in8armation os st�sements tt►Lende�(ot fa�led m piovl�e LenQeY witi�any materlal informnttoa) .-
<br /> `` ' � . � �': � f.:.
<br /> •. ino�meaianwft$tlie2cane�3dent�dbytBoRiot�iu�ta�ing�bntnotlimitedw�represeu�atioasoan�e�aingBomower's :�:���,. -
<br />_ ��: :f:,'.`L i: �;•` . , f,. ..: -t._.."_.
<br /> . ooc�angroftfle�tcperc9�saprlac3pa1r�I4eace.IftLisSewrFtqInstromeatisonaleasago10.��shalloomFn► • ,r'.2�
<br /> . - - «.t a�th the p�ovi�ions of the Ieas� If�vvttawer aoquires fee titl�to the Yrope�ty,the ieasehol�am�fee tius shall not ;:. .c::• ;
<br /> `".,�. _� .tr:��. .
<br /> be merged nntesg LenQer a�ees to the merg�a fn wtiting� . . `���
<br /> '� � 6s �,The proaeeds of a�aalard ar daim�r damages.direax or aonsequential,i�p aonnes;tion wltL
<br /> ;.. .
<br /> -, _,-�, a�p�ad��atfon orothertaking of aay part of the Property.'crt6orconveyance ia ptace ofc�onde�.�� �
<br /> ;,.; � � " assig;a�d uad svall be p�to I�eader�t$e eateat of tHe fali uanonnt uf the iadeb�e8n�s.s tbat rem�ins�npaid�r ,� . ..
<br /> :<:; val �ea ":<,��,.:
<br /> . . .° , the Nate aad ttds Sewelty Instrameat. I�eaII�r shari appip sncD pmoeeds to the red�xtoa of the#udebtedaes�nndsr Y _
<br /> � �� '. �� the Nate aad tb►is se�uIty In�r+amea�Stst to a�►delta4aent amonaus apg2ted in the onder pmvt�rA ia pa�a�aFh 3. , .�t. -.:`':-,:
<br /> � sball not�d o�pastpons
<br /> ° . _ . sud tt�n to preya3tment uf p�gai. Any appl�c�ttoa of t$e pmcee�t.s tu the prfn�a��`.,mt ofsach ts � �� :�
<br /> �' - tae dus date af the montbt9 pay�Musb ate r��t wi���a$�-,��b'� �n - _
<br /> s .� - poy e�proceeds oveL an amount required w pay alt ontst�diag�4e�tedue�ss uader the Note amd th�s Sewsity ` _- -
<br /> .4 �..'..."" . ..�i._r..�.:
<br />- � Instrumeni shalt be paid w the entttiy legally entitIed theprew. Borrawer shalt pay all gavern�ntal .��•;.�_^``
<br /> b �'',�<.• '' . 7 (���ffi��Q�LC���ffi'S•�+br�.TD$iS�i�: < -�^-Y .
<br /> . oamuaic�pat eharge.g,Sncs aad Iu[pasitianstHat are aot it►c1ud�iaparaSzapH 2. Bam6wershall payti�ese obI�tIons � .;.�_
<br /> � If fai[ore ta pay wuuW adve�selq affect I.+enQe�s interest in <.=°�
<br /> . - . , . on timedirectt9 ta the e�►wt�►is owedtfie paymen ��to Lender reaei ts evidenc3�g paym ' i=�"�""
<br /> .. �p�P�y,nPon�,en�r�s requcst BoiraaPer sLall gmmPSY thes� ents: �. --
<br /> �-,. <`: ' ar tite pa3ments reqnired 1�►Para�taFB 2,or f�w ger�arm auy oth�er '�� -
<br /> , If BolYawe�r fails to mske these payments tBat may si�uS► � ,¢ -
<br /> �:� y- -�- wve�a a t s a a d a g p e e m e n t s a o n t a i�e d i u t b i 4 S�u ri�y'I�n m e n t,or t�ei�e i�a t e g a 3 p r uceedi�g � .=
<br /> e f f�t I R n d e�'s r i g b t s in the P m p e t t Y(sam as u pr�i�g in baakmguy,�ar canaemna�on or w encoroe iaws or ,
<br /> , .., °�: • .��°:` . regulations�,then LeuQermaydoand pay�vhatever is uec�sa�►to Pmiect th$vatae of the Prop�nq anfl L�ude�s rlg�ts •�.. .,�,�.�:`:_ :
<br /> ' �� �:, in tY�e Ympatg►.in�g p��ttf t�es.bazetal insatance aad��et items meati�ae4 ia patag,�aph 2 „ :
<br />.. t . � � A u g affiata�ts d�sDms�d by�nder wder this paraBraP$ shatt become aa additianai debt of Boma�rer aud ba ' �-._ '
<br /> s�edDythisgec�itylnstrument. Tl�seaffiountssl�a]1Bearintere�tfromWe�iateofdisbu�ementattheNoterate,. ,°,�°
<br /> y..
<br /> _ ..._ ..�..,; . . . . . . .� -. " ..._ --
<br /> •�' � and at tttee option oY Lender sbali be im��etiatelg dae and payab2e. . �
<br /> Borrawer s h a i l p r o m p�t y d i s c h a r g e a t►Y l i e n w h i c d i n a s p r I�r t t y o v e r t h i s S�a u l t y Tnstcument ual�ss Honnwer.(aj �"','
<br /> _ � . agrees in wdtl�g tp the payment o f t h e a b l i g a t i o n s e c d r e Q�y t h e tIen in a maaner a c o e ptable tu Lender,(b)oontests >-.;?-�,•—
<br /> . .. s' �
<br /> , . ,� �� wbfc�in theLeade�s n . y �
<br />_ ::. :� a��nodfaiththelieaby.ordefendsagainste�foroementoftIIelienin,legalproc�ing� °P�° ��
<br /> . • . . i . �p�iate w prevent the enfoiaement af the iien;or(c�secare�fcom the hoLder of the tien an agceenaent satts�actaiy . ,<<:.::Y .,-�_
<br /> nt If Lender determines t�at a�►part of the properiy is � •.,�,1+°"_
<br /> _ , •'�-'°. � to IreBder SubosaiIIatiII$the lieII to this SGeatlty Instrpm� ��s�;...
<br /> . ' snbjea m a li:as whicd�may auuia prlority over tWs Sec,aifey lnsuument,Lender may g�ve Borrawer anotloe ideatifging �:....T=. _ _,.
<br /> - � - - the lien. ��rer shall saffif�r the li�a ortske one ar more of tL�:..act�ons set forth abovewttnia lOdays of the g�ring : .:�K
<br /> � �� of noi[ce. � �
<br /> ', :� �''y4 8 Fee� Lender a�y collect fees an0 cbarges sut�oiltied by the Secaetazy �- '
<br /> : � 9t firo�6 for A�cel�n Qf D�L ��°
<br /> '.'� ;�4 (s)��It. LenQes may. esoePt as limited by segnia�toas issuea by the Sec�etazy in the case oP paymeat . �°�;� ,
<br /> '• � ... i �:: .,i defaaits,reqnire immediate paymemt�in fall of a ll anms secated b y this Se�cnsity�nstranaent i�
<br /> . � �, .; (i} Bo:r�wer defaWts by f�11ng to pap ta full a�monthI9 Bayment reqnirc�tty tbLs Secarity lnswment ��,
<br /> �:' prior w or ou the due date of the ne�t nenntb2Y Paymeab os , E ��'
<br /> � � . . � (�i) goAOwer defanits by fa�ing,for a ge�io�of thirty daYs.ta Perform any other ob]igations contained _ �
<br /> , , ' • ". � . jT!tW8 SeC011ty�11Stt11ffieIIL :.
<br /> � (�)Sa1s WIt�oat�edit Apgtovai. Lendet ahall.ff per�a�d ts�►appllcable Iaw(includiug s�ctio�341(d)of _,...:
<br /> ; the Qara-SL(�etmain Depasftory ImstItuttons Act of 1982,�Z U.S.G 1701j•3(a))aad wltL the prlor appravat . _ ,..
<br /> a " ' �:' of the Se�aetary.require immediate payment in hill of all sums secnred bq th�Seauity Instraffient i�: � . a;�. .,
<br /> . . �i: �i) All or pan otthe Properry.or abeneSclal tntcres�in aaast awWngail orpanof�he Properey,�issold ..� _=.-;__
<br />-_;� , .,� .
<br /> . ,:,, ,. or ot�ernlse transferred(other than by devlss or Qesaeut),ar.� . �� r,
<br /> , • : . . (ii�The Property�S aot accup4ed by the purcd�aser or gcaauutee as L�s or her principal residencey or the s
<br /> y ,.. o
<br /> ` --- -- s purcl�aser ur grsntee do�so acraspy the Pro�erty, bw his or hsr aeflii has not been approved ia � _
<br /> � accaadance a�sh the requirements of the Secretary. � _
<br /> , ,..:; , . � � (�) Pio W� 1f dreumstaaoes occar that wou10 permit I.ender to requlre immediate payment in,fu1t,but ;-��:•
<br /> � : - LenQer dfles aoi teqalre suc�payments,Lender dues not waive its rIghts with respcct to snbseyuent events. � '•��-�
<br />`•�,.� . °. ���qEg�y o�gUb�ty, In maQy circamstances regnlat�ons�ssued by tlie Secretary will limit �:;i>� .: .
<br /> ,.. . _,. ..: ... •
<br /> � � � � �.,�.i I.andePs rlghts.in the case ofga�ment defautts�to require lmmediate paymeat in fuU ana forecloseifnot paid. .
<br /> �•::: ' ' . � � :s 'I�is Security Insuoment does not a�Aorize aaoeleratlon or forerdosure If not permitted by regalations of the : .. _ .
<br /> ' . . Secretary.
<br /> ': � • (e) Mmt�¢ge Naa IIn.guree. Bonower agrees cvat if this SecurIty lnstrument anA the Note are not d:+:ermined
<br /> _ . � � to be eligible for iasutaace under the National Hnnsing Aa wIth�n b 0 DAYS from the
<br />.. � � ' • � �E' date hereo�Lender may�at its option require lmmediate payment in fW1 of sU sums secnred by th9s 5ec�uity
<br /> . � Insunmen� Q►wrItten state�,:nc of aay au�ortzea agent of the Secretary dated snbseqnent to
<br /> - . : 4. 60 DAYS from the date hereof,decllning to insure th9s Secority Insuum�nt and the Note,shall be .
<br /> ., . E Qee�aed coacdnsive proof of snch lnel�gibiliry. Nota+ithstsnding the faragoing,tWs option may not 1�esercls�d .
<br /> . : � . � by Leader when the unavailabillry oi insuraace is solely due to Lender's failnre to remit a murtgage inswance � ,
<br /> ' .� premi+�m to the Sesxetary.
<br /> .. ..,
<br />_ . .�� . .
<br /> .. •. ' IVF�RA4I{A�Ir!lADB�OFYId1JSP �
<br /> ' . .. n�msru�m+,m�c«��usz Page3of6 �
<br /> , :t .
<br /> , . _:, �_-__._; '
<br /> � . i �.
<br /> �, . � I ,
<br /> ' . � . � '
<br /> .-^�r-2—�^�.:' . . ,. .... ,. . _.�'". . . . �..i '•L�-: ' . .:,�u � �. . -r�. �- . . i, a- . .. .- . -. -���-. ;`!..-� . . . `.�5 � .
<br /> .. :. '
<br /> ,. ,_.
<br /> .
<br /> .. .. .._-..." '-�:n ..�•. .._..J-i:•. , ..a .,..- .,.. . . ...._ . a_ � .}- . _ _ . _ . . .. . . .
<br /> �, .♦ .�.
<br />