�- .:;� ,,, �.�—._.�,�.-.--- ,K,=_�,_r..�.,�n._<: _d;�,:__ __
<br /> — � .:.:�� .- � . : - _ �� __r _-.^-r .� t : c _..
<br />. . �. , . C -`. — '" 4�c�—,.._.�� :..n .`.� ., , - ° t cR -> '�' C • � �� ..6` {'k.t ���'
<br /> ti ,� � • 4 . 1..
<br /> � � . � f ' � ,�4 _ . � i 4�R - � } ��j tt� ( ' -
<br /> _ .: ' ' Fr� •_4 . ` � ,t 'C, :L;�' _ �µ, _ �'�}.r'� f - � �. .y�:
<br /> :'t`T'�d' 'c 't: ° _ �. _
<br />. , ' ' �:,�. - , ,�. _
<br /> ' , •�i '
<br /> ' ..`Y. ` ( `' � `��..
<br /> ��_:. . s��� . • t7. Tr�sfsr a#the Pro�eRy ar a Benef3ctal I�er�st in 6arrovr�r.!i.ao or any parc ot me Propeny or �., 4 t`_�_�
<br /> .`` sny►interest�n fl is catd cr transterred Zar H a beneftdal in4�tn Borrower is sold or flansierred and Botrawer is not a t�aturai e� �:,F�
<br /> �'� person)wfthout Le�dar's pdor wr�[en consent,tender may.at fts optlon.�requlre immei0ade paymeM in turi at ell sums secured by .°
<br /> .�4:.
<br /> U `t `• tt�Secrufty tr�ument ltowaver.tAis optlon shal!not be�cerdsed by lender H exerdse is prah�b�Ted by tederal Iaw as at the� , ,r,_,r,.
<br /> . .� �:cK``.. date of th{s Se�utRy instrumettt ' ` � ' ' �'�"�"'`�
<br /> � -�:��'
<br /> it tender�cerclses tAts opUon. lender shal!ghre Bortawer no�ee of accel�sflon. The noUee shall prov(de a p�tad oi not � :y�, G. n�A.�. '�`�
<br />__ .`-.�,',�..�`. .. , . `�
<br /> .. . • ' t�s than 90 days irom the date ttie notke is dellvered or ma�Zed wnhtn whtcb Bortower must pay aU sums secuced by thts � �•, '"'r•.
<br /> } .
<br /> � °� Seatrig►(nsintmenL If 8ortower fa�Ts to pay these sums pr[cr tu the e�UaUon o?tNs pe�io4 Lender may trnroke any remames � ��.f�� • ; ,'
<br /> ` . ':._,_.4 . `.t`.,:
<br /> ppmftted by thls Seourlyy[nsirument withhoui turther nottce or demand on Bortower. `�,''v �.,1�;�•.
<br /> `�r s�`< �� 18. �orra�r�r�e's Right 4o Reltti..ctate. It Bo�ower meets c�ertatn condrtiona eorrower shau Aave tlse dgM ta t�ave � • '.•
<br /> .��; .' e�``�'�`:.�� . eniorcement of thTs 3ecmfty tnswment�seo�inued At any tlme pdor to the eatQer ox (a) 5 daYs (at sucn otA�pet[od as � ��•.�: .: �
<br /> ,,,. :�.,p�,�,_
<br /> appQcable Iaw may specity for refnstatemerrt)before sale ot the Property pursuant So eay power o!sate contained in this Seairity �
<br /> � •`"�•� tnstrumeer►�or (b)entry ot e jud�nent entor�dng tP�is Secur(ty Instnimeni Thosa ennditions are tAat Borrower. (a)pays Lend�aU • •
<br /> `--
<br /> _-- sums whid►then woutd ba.ti�a nnder this Seauiiyr InsGVment end the Note as i}na acceteratton had occ�ured; (b)cures enY . F , .°..
<br /> ,; __,,_ ' .
<br /> ` s defautt ot any oiher c-0venant or a�estnents: (aa Pays sU ea�enses Inc�red in entordng this Se�urity In,Uumenf.ine(ading,hui st _ -
<br /> :`� noi 1'm�ed to.reasonabte attnmeys'tees:and(d}takes sueh a�tion as lcndv may reasona6ty�ire to essure that the Oen o! � ` F �. �... �
<br /> • . ' this Senufly Instrumen� lPndefs dgMs in the Froperry and Bomowds pbIIgaUon to pay ihe�sums secured by thts Sewi►�y -„ --.`=�`: :•:=�."
<br /> • 4 }__r.
<br /> ;� tnstrument shaD coMtniie unchanged llpoa [etnsfsteme►ri by Barrow�this SecurKy► tnstrument and tAe obQgattons seared __
<br /> , " ,4 . .. ��reby slu�p remafn fuDy effecthra as it nP .acceteratton had occurred However.this dght to refistate sl�aii not appty in tfie case `' :;�',°_ ��-
<br /> ' ' ``' ot aecetaa800 under para�epfi 17. � . . Y-��=
<br /> ,,#
<br /> .y �� �f� �- .7. . . 79. ��A ��]�Q�� �`[l�gB (� �•O'dlti SC3���Th8rtI0I9 OT8 8�'Uffi IIi1BleS�ltt f71e'�v[6{`tinj6iir'e.'+.�Z.�L- .._ ` i -. .. -i.-
<br /> . +�
<br /> ,: Secu�icy tnsuumentJ may be sotd one or mare tpnes wfthout pdo�notice to Borrower.A sae may�esuft 1n a change in the entTTy n e,f������
<br /> t ,``,'',<;4`�::: :�� pmawu ss the'Loan Servtcer')that codeds mm►thty PaymeMS due under the Note and thia Secuii[y Instrument. There atso may - - _
<br /> u�-�_�.'
<br /> . ,.J,.�
<br /> be one or mae chas�ges of the Loan SeNicer unretated to a sale of the Note. tt there is a chenge af the Loar� Senric�. .. •
<br /> • '•o,`_,:� 8artower w(D be given wrftten noiics ot the cbartgs in accordance wrth paragaph 14 above and appIlcahfe law. The aoitce wiD �:_:-�ti,::,;�;_
<br /> . ; 1 state the name and address oi the new loan Servicer�d the address to whtch payinents shauid be rnade. The rsottce w�l aJso � ; ,,
<br /> _ ' cotttaia sr►y ather 6ifomtaticn�reqWred bY epPQcabie taw. Y�$'�
<br /> ''(� � 20. HaL3Td03�s Su�ItC08. BomuwR sha0 e�oi cause or permit the PT��c�use. d�sPosat.starag� or�ease af ` �,�� �
<br /> .y - ., t'�3J. ' r�._—_
<br /> .r,rk: erry Hatardou�Substene�os�or tn the FMperty. Bo.-rqwer shaB not Eo.nac aTiaw„a?yana et�e to do,anylhfirs9 a`!ect�ng ths .. �,rc�_�,o_ _
<br /> , ,,� .. ProPerEy tbai is in vtaPatlon at any Envirocm�eM�Law. ilie precedfng two sentences shaA noi aPAtY to the preserttz.usa or... ' ,',
<br /> '`'%` storage on the Properiy of small quantiti2s of Hazardous Suhstances that ere generaity recog�ized ta 6e apyto�rtafe to nortr.ai . _ ,
<br /> L. ._ .
<br /> ` �y.: �.}' residenUat uses and to maintenancs of t8e Property. . �t,: 4 � ` - -
<br /> ,, . . �arrower shaU promP�N 9�e Lender w�iten noUce ot any investtgatlon. da6n� demand IawsuR or other acNan by any � • ,�-',.'.:�r.�;�-_.-.-
<br /> - •�°� govemmental ot regt►tatory agency or pfirate party IawoNirig the Property and any Haiardous Subs�nce or EnYimnmental law ot _ _ ,�,�,._. _
<br /> •�.` ,.' ^~�`'4;' �whicfi Borrower has actual tmowtedga lf Borrawer le�ns, or fs notified by anY Sovemmerdai or reguiatory authotity.tlta!enY
<br /> t'�'• �:.'' . ". ;�; removal or ather remediatton at ar►y Hazardous Su6sTance afleding Pmperty is necessary. Borrower shail promptty take aU �.;��_�� �
<br />-•� . ` . ,.' necessary remedfai ardions in accor&nca witb Eavironmentai Law. ���
<br /> � s As used tn thls p�ragraFh 20, 'Hazardous Substances'are those substances doftned as toxic oT hataridous substances by -
<br /> • � � ~' Envtronm e n t a l l a w an d t he f o t 1 o w f n g s u b�tances: g a soQna. kerosen& other flammahte or to�da petrateum produc�. toxtc —a-�-..; --
<br /> � � ••. �. 'E pestictQes and herb:cldes,wtatiTe sohents,materials containing asbestos or tormatdehyde,end►alloactive materi�s. As usea In � � s
<br /> � ' ' :,,;.` Daragraph 20. 'Ernironmentat l.aw' means teQeral taws and taws at the Jurfsdiction where the ProDeRY Is Ioeated thtrt refato to ��„`D,?Y -�__
<br /> _ '"` ' heattb,safety.or en�firanmental pretecUon. '' � ��
<br /> � .��` '. •� NONd1NIFORM COVENANTS.Bonawer and Lender further covenant and a�ea as foltows: �_ —
<br /> � � ► 21. Ar.cetaara4�on; Remedies. l.ortd�r shaN gtve natla� to 0or�awar prtar. to aacet�tatlor� �-�� ---
<br /> . . . ,. .�
<br /> ' ' . � teitawing Bonower'a mreacb o4 any covenan4 or agroene�nt fn this So�rit�/ fnstrumort4 (6ut not �
<br /> , :. � prlor to �cceteraYlon undor paragr��h 17 unteas ap�licabte law pravide� otherwise). Yha notice ^�r��_~_
<br /> � " shall sPocHy: (a) the dofauth,.(b3 the ectlon requl�ed to cuee the defeutt; (c) a data. �at tess than �
<br /> `�.i.�'
<br /> - 30 days 4ro�t:�e date tha nattce is givan to 8asrav�er, by�uhlr.h!ho dc�4auK must be curo�; and � '`�"° _-
<br /> .z � ` ���5 � (� tha�t 4alture to cure tho defautt on pr before the date.specffied t� tha notice tnay result in F = --
<br /> � � accelerettcn o!the sums seaured by this Securi8y Ins4�ument arid salo at th� Property.The no4ice `
<br /> � � � � ,- ��r� s6�a11 tu�he� t�a�rn Borrawsr a4 the slght to �etnsta2e aftor accele►atlon and the �tgM to bring a
<br /> ' xl�tenc� af a QO�ZUIt or arn athor defiense of Borrower to � "
<br /> _ . _ c o u e t a�N�n t o a s s e rt t h a n o i e�e Y �-� _,:,
<br /> - � � acceteration and safa. t4 the dofauR Is not cused on or betore the dato specifled in the natice, '.
<br /> �` � � Lenaier at ita optton may requlro Immediate paymettt in 4u11 of ait aiuna stesured by this Securi3y i: =a:�
<br /> ,.: . �'� •.a,,._;_--_-__,
<br /> ,. Ins4rument witRoait 4uethoR domand and may invoke the power of sete and atry other remedtes _,_,___
<br /> � .: � ` permitted by sppllcabte law. Lander sha0 ioe entittod to caltect atl exp�nsos incurred in pursuing � � �; ,�,,..-.,_
<br /> . �` _��: the remedtea pravided tn thta paragrapb 21, inciuding, but aot Iimtted to, reesonable�attomeys' ' " "
<br /> �; tees and aosta of tiUe evidence. � �—�-: --��
<br /> "'�:�, , Y.;; tf the power ot sate Is imroQced, Trustoe ahail record a notice o! detault In each county in � T, =_`
<br /> ,.�
<br /> - � .•'-3 5 tnfitcfi a�ry part of the Properiy fs located and shaii �rtail Coplos o? suct� ntstice in tha mannos - ---
<br /> • �; prescribed by applicable lav�to 8orrawer aaed to tho oth�r persons prescrlbod by appUcalbta Isw .
<br /> �• � � . . • � ARer the time requlred by applicablo taw, Trustee shatl give publlc nattce of sala to Me persons , ,
<br /> • � . . ��. and in the ma�ner prescribed by appltCabte Iaw. Trustee, without damand on 8orrovrer,sfiall sell - ,
<br /> � • �I; the Proper4y at publ�c auctian to the h 3g 4�est bidder at the time and pl�ce and under the terms
<br /> . '. r.i destgnated In the nottce o! sate in one or more parc0fs and in any order Trustee determinea. . , � .
<br /> ' • • � ` T�ust�e may poc3tpone sate of aii or any parcel 04 the Property by pubUo announcement at the . . . ..
<br /> ' � �. .� . time and ptace of any prevlouaty scheduted sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the
<br /> � . prope�ty at any sale. . . .
<br /> � .�, ' , Upon rocelp! of paymeM a! the prlce 6id, T�us4eo�sha11 detiver 4o the purcha�or Tru�teo'o � ��. �
<br /> ' � dead conveying tho P�operty.The reettats in the Trustee'e deed shall be prima ff►�ie mvldence af . °-
<br /> •• � the truth M thv statementa made 4horefn. T�ustee shal! apply the proceeds of the salA In the .�
<br /> . toltowing order. (a) to all costs and expenses o4 exercising tho power o! sele, and ti�e sale. • •
<br />_� . including the paymen!af tho Truatoo's fees actualfy incurred, not to exceed thres -�
<br /> � � ,. % of the principal amount of the � , �
<br /> - • r�ate at tha time o!the declaratlon of detauit,and reasonabte attorney's tees as permitted by law; � .
<br /> ':.�'` � , (b) to all sums secured [sy thls Securtty tnstrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons •
<br /> ' . •;J � legalty entitted to it. � �' ' �• •
<br /> . ��`�'�
<br /> � Page 4 01 5 il� � . ' ' . .
<br /> . . - f'�'i.CMG(119� -
<br /> . � � . 9M05 . .
<br /> .
<br /> ' � �� _� .� ._.
<br />. .. _ . .. _—�_, .....,..__.__ --
<br /> .^-_-•- �---'-' - • .
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<br />. . - ---*�r.�-�- . ... .. . _._ _ ..... . . ._ ..... . . . .'_--- ..__'-'--.' _ _ �''+"..-.-........_ . . .... . .. ... .'..'S'_..�'_"_,�-�...... .. . . ... .--- _..... .. . . . ..
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