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<br /> '2`:y�t _ �-;�, � COt181tAiiT8" ��`� �,��+�� •���t
<br /> ?•-' � .�.;��'� 4.Paymcrta.Bonowar egreos to mc6w ell ents on ttm aecured dest wtien dua. llNess Bortower and lon�r e�ee o�ien+vlse, atry .. :
<br /> ` a paymartts t�ttd�t raCaivsa hara r Barmwcres beneGt v�ill�fl�pIIfld.Brst to mry smour�4s Bonovrer owea on tha eeaureA debt '. �x
<br /> •.��.;��.: s°. exdursI+re c�ftnfOrasfsatfpftneipai;5� est 8nd t�n t-�rk�dp8t.tt partdat preDeymont of t?►e see;ure0 da4t occ�rs far any reaso+s,rt vWt
<br /> �� nat radu or a7c�use+tnysehatfut�d PaY!qcv�t u i th�sacured QB�18 paid in fltil. .
<br /> ` ,` • •F •�`�"`• .• 2.Cdaims T�• r �` r W�1f{ia 'uU sasassmeMe.and othar eharges ettr(butobta 4o thepro pariy vuhen due and w311 de4and tiNe �' ��
<br /> '�,.�"� �•� . to ffio proye eg eny c�i9 w�T�v1� impalr tne lisn of Thfa dsad of tnist LenQar maY rec�+Ua 6orrower to asslgrt any►rtgMs.datsna ar �'�
<br />_.:�� • �4;�_� : dofensas whi�8ortowar may�8ve against Oslttea who su�pty Iahnr or meteBels to im�rava ar mstntatn ihe ItroDett!►• . �,�-.
<br /> : . G - . 4 `4::
<br /> , 8.�tao..Borrow{e�vu�11 keep Uto ragariy tnsuted tmaer tartna eceeptaDfe to Lendet at Borrmwefs.expenss end tor Lendefs banefit.AII
<br /> ' inaurance polides aheU tncluQe a�mert(�aao etauss tn�tavor of lende►:tsnder w�i be namsd es tosa payee a►as the tnsured an mry sucA � .
<br /> fnsutaace poIIey.Atry ins�enco proC�ede may:6saApIIsd.�lendefs dtseredor�,m either the reawmUon or rsDaTr Ot tt►s damaged OroD�l1 -., c.,-
<br /> ' cr w the sawrod dn�t.IT Lender requkea rnortflage insinance,Borrowet agees to mafnmtn sueb Insuronco for as Wng es LenQer reauUea
<br /> ." .,,`•`.;-,?
<br /> 4.Ptqperty.Borrotiver wU!kaep thfl proper(y iA 84od condition end meke a1t repatrs reaconabfy r�ecasaery. ` ��"
<br /> '� � . . , ,
<br /> ° . �.�.,r��.Bsrrarearr agrees tn�a8 tsndars� �g ra�ror�o_�ys tcas.i?Soaarrar Oresaks eny covena�Yn tAls dee0 , .;
<br /> � of trust or in any o6figanon secsued this dead of trust�orrower v�n1i pay these ama�te to Lcmdar as provtded in Covenam 9 of thia deed of �` ,.
<br /> , 4 .;: � �� . . . ' y �
<br /> 5 _
<br /> , � • , ��,;: 6.P�i c r 8�u(t y►t i t m r a s t s.i 1 N Q S S g a r r a w e r fi r s t o b t a t rt s L e n d e P s w ri t t e n c o n s e r a.@ a rt o w e r w f l t n o t m a k e or p e r m h an y c h a n ges m a n y prior ;
<br /> sea�rEqr intarasts.Borrox�at wN parfarm aU ot Borrawee's oDUgationa under erry prtor mongsge, deed of trust or ather sewrity agreemant, ��, �.i
<br /> inetu6irtg Bamower's eoventu��to mate paymerRs when dus. =-
<br /> 7. ot Re�msd Pr+oBta.Boirorver assigns to Lender the retns and profite of the�Sroperry.Unless Bnrrowar an0 LenQer have agreed v x --
<br /> .. ott���wrWr�g,Borrawer may CnAeei snd rete[n ffie rems aa long as Barrower is not in AefaWt. If Boaowrer datau[ts.Lendar.Lende�s �, �,
<br /> — �ga�Si-�S E6UR Spp0tf1L0a T6EeiVe!ma�Laiea possa.55imr�'ai�:eo:��^"'..�.^^"!.L's''"�d•"•��e.+M.�!�..5�..!�.�^_R�1�nr w�llwnte shAlt 69 --
<br /> � n�e°ce�ssary��1�e�en�ses�.mee iem imain i pg aprno rK f iec�uvil�U�ie evP�w p ym�o'n M�c�wema a�ebt°a o vi�a d�fnsca ena i i�'y°� � '`
<br /> r re
<br /> , ` 8.tsasehptda•CenG�tr.tum�•Pim�cd UrSt CavetaymeMa.Sarrow8rs�r�es to compty wim uro pravtsbns ot a�y tsase if tNs 4e;:d of avst ts on --
<br /> ' . , �I ehold.F�this desd af tru3t ts onq w�it in a eortdomtnium ar e pfarnisa�nit aevelapment�Bonower uvtU perfonn at{of 6o��fs dutiea � � `;"
<br /> . • un sr ths aavenant�Dy-la►vs:ar reguletions a!the cordornfnium or planrtc�d unct devetopment. , � , ,_°�:,
<br /> fi ` '� S.Autt�orfry at Ler[Qer to t�orfortn far Borsowsr.H Bmrower fefts wp�rform arry of Barrawefs dudes unQer t�ts deed of trust,lender may {-
<br /> .�' .' •4�= perform the Quites.or cause t�m tn ba pertarmed.t�r�der may sign_HOrrowet's name or R8y 8tty BmOtt�tt ff�BCessary!Or pe�fOrrltence.!t amr j �"-
<br /> constructlon on tRoproperty is discandnued ar rtot carNeA on in e rsasonaDfe manner,tender may do wftatpvu�is•necer,sary tn pratect LanQel'a �'
<br /> � .`���. security irnaresi in tha pvoparty.ThEs may tnduQe comptettng the eonsWCtfon. °
<br /> �.� , .
<br /> � ` j:� Lenders fait�ra to�perform wili aot{ueduQa LenQer irom exercisU�g aay o4 its otfier rignta undar the taw ar dJs daed at L�ust: • �°---="--
<br /> . . ..�_ .:. :.-.�.,.- . + .
<br /> . . .r a. . . �ti-rix:
<br /> `" Ang amourtts paid.by Lender to prateet Lemlefs sacxuityr irtereat wD16a secaued hy thia Qeed ot fruat. Suclti amour�wip 6e Bus on dertland
<br /> • � ena will bear trtterest fra�the date of the paymertt urti7 paEd in fufl at the tnteres�t rate in efieet on the seeured dab�. � - , `
<br /> ��_,
<br />� ' ` '. ' 10:�tau4=anA Qecetgta8on. It Bonower taits to make any paymeM when due or 6reaka any covenaMS under this Qeed of wst or arry � I.:�:�
<br /> ...... , . '. Q�enaa�nd immed��p�atm�ieM and�mav im�ioka a�i�vowa ot saie ana sdiy o�iBt�dl�es petqtnteA b�yi ep�pi eab(a ta��o!the se�ureG Qaht enQ :
<br />::�� �:. �
<br /> r . W:4 11.Re�est for Nottea of Defesdt.tt is harehy requesLeO thet coytas of the notfcea of defautt aod eato be serrt m each peison who ts a Rarty � t :
<br /> . heteto,at tHe addresa of eaeA sucU parson,sa set Porth herein. ` _�
<br /> �` �� f2.Pawer W S a f e.ti tha Len de►invokes the powet o t sa(e,the Tnistea s he 0 ftrst raeor Q tn t Ae o f f irs o t t he rag i s t e►o t dee Q s o t ea c h cpu r rt y
<br /> � • •wherein the uust propsriy or soma part or parcei tt�ereot is situated e notice ot ae4�,.,,�t contaiNng tfie iMarmaUon required by Iaw.Th�Ttuste� .::,� ��',.�
<br /> t''' sfraD also maR capfas of t6e�rtottea af defautt ta tAe Borrowar,to eacN person K?rm is a party hereto; and w other pereons as Fresqi6e0 by _
<br /> ' � appticapl�taw.tVot tesa than one motcth afiter the Trustae reeotQs Ne noBea ot 8etautt, or two mornttt if the uust propeny s�nat in.any �� �_
<br /> _ �. ,.J tncorpurated citY ar�illage arfd is ured in fruming o�peraUons carried on by the trustor,the 7sustes shail give pubiia motice of satsts�e persons ��';_
<br /> .. , and in the manner presctibed by appplicaDte taw:Tnistee,wfthout demand on earrawer,et�att sett tha pnPerty at D�1'ic auction ta the AIgl�eat
<br /> � � � bidder.I!requUed by the Farm�Homestead Protection Qct,T�ustee shall oftet the property fn two separate saies as ceqtimed by aDD»�bla law. r�-F�•��,
<br /> . " 'Trustee may postpone sale ot eit or arry parcel ot the property by public announcomertt at the Ume and p(ace ot arry previpusry scheduled saie. �-=;:�
<br /> � , • leade�ar iis Cesignea may puschase!he property at a�satR. . a�--
<br /> � �` °� Upon rocelpt of psyment ot tAo prlco hid,Truateo shafl dolives to tha purehasar T�ustee's deed eonvey(ng tho yrope+ty.TAe reaftlata carrt3lned in °""'�"
<br />- � ,�•�� Truatee'a deed shall 6B pqma facie evidisnce of tha truth of t�e statemerrts corKalned theretn.Snrstee shall eppiy tt�e proeeed9 at the sate in tIre =�=
<br /> , . ,. ' ' fol(owing order. fa) to all expenses ot 4he sale, inctuding, 6ut not limhed tn,reasortatrta Truste9's teeE, reasona�ate attorneys fees ana �:_-�
<br /> . ' retnstatement fess;(Df to ali sums secured by 2Ris das3 af tusL and to}the Oatance,ii any,to tha persons legatly entiUod to recetve ft, '�^
<br /> � � 13.Foraefesea9.At Lsndera opUon,this deed of trust may be forac�'osed in the manner provlde by appticab(e law.far tarectosure of mortgages �.: , '
<br /> . on raal propenY. • � �����
<br /> ''� s�'�'• � _ 14.frtsyoetlan.Lender may enter the properry to inspoct it if Lender gives @orrower notice beforehand.tha notice must state tha reasonable p �-.-
<br /> • causs ior lender's inspection. . • �- .--
<br /> � `"� � � 1&ConQemnaUorr.Borrbwer assi ns to Lender the proceeQs of eny etivard or ctaim for Oama�ges conneated wrth e conCemnatic.�e rE othsr taking � f'L��
<br /> _ ' ',r..�:,:.�_,.,...,,�,, � i=..:--:;:,-..
<br /> ,-.. of alt or eny pert of the propeRy.Sucb proceeds will be epptted es prcvided In Cov9nan11.This assigmnent fa subjeat to the tatr,�at any prlor
<br /> `f` . ' SeCtnity agr6emetrt. � . • -
<br /> - - �� ' 18.Watvai 8Y exorcising arry�amadY availablo to Lender,Lende►doea rrot giveuD ar�V�ights to later use anv other rbmedy.By not exercising : �,,:_:
<br /> �. . � � eny remeQy upon Bottowar's dstauK,Lender 6oes not watve arry rigM to tater conslQes the eve�rt a defeuft it it happans agatn. __
<br /> _� 17..JaUis end Sovoraf Uab�i;Co-slgnors; Successore ond Asot�BounQ, Atl dutiea under this dee0 of trust are jolm anA several. Any . _
<br /> c � . .: � . Bmro�ver who casigns Ws eed of uust but Qoas no! co-sign tA9 unEeAWng Qe6t Insbument(s)Goe9 so only to gran and corney thet .
<br /> +",;•�r: . Borrowet's ivterest ln tho proparry to the Trustao under the terms ot tt�is deaa of ttust.in additlon,sucb a Batrowar agrees�at tho LonQar and _
<br />�` .:i�"'�. •�. • an other Bonower under this Eeod af trust may oxtend,madity or rt[eke any other cAanges in the totma ot this dosA of uust or tho secured
<br /> "� � de�t withouc that Borrower's consem and wfthout teieasing thetBormwer irom the terms of thta deed at trust. ' �
<br />-_ ..� '. . Tha duUea end benef�cf this Eeed of trust shatl bind and benefit the successore end esalgns of Lendet and Borrower. S.
<br /> ���:.
<br /> - . • 78.lltoUee.Untasa otharwiso requlred by law,any noUco to Bortower ahail be gtven by Qelivering it or by mailing it by eeRliied mail aQdressed to �
<br /> . • � Borrcena at 4ha pro�erty edQress or any othe�address that Bortower has given to Lender.Bortowor w111 glve any noUce to tsndat Dy ceRittaO �
<br /> � mail to Lendefa address on page•1 olthie Eeed of Vuat,or to eny oNer aedresa whlch tendar has deslgnated.Any othor n�Uce to Lcnder shetl
<br /> ., . � � , 6e soni to Lender's aGdress as atated on page 1 of thls deed oi Vust.
<br /> '_ Any�otice shall be G��^.sd to have been giuen to Borrower or Lendor when ghren se�5e masme�statad pbove. . •
<br /> • <• 19,7ranoter ot tho Ragerty or o Boneftclat lntotoat in tho Bnnowor.If etl o�any F�t ot Me pro�erty or any int�.r�in it is so�d or bansierraQ
<br /> �;;:� . wftfi�ut londer's prlor vv►ltton eonsant, Lender may Aemand Immediata payment of tho secured debt.LenAer m�y atso Qemand immediate
<br /> - ,. , • . dem�pay�merseln thoeah vo situatlons�if ii Ia prohibted by toderal law as of tho daBte of tWh�ts deodlclor�u�ansterrod. Nowever, Lender may not
<br />-
<br />