.,_ .. . a. rr,-..z�--
<br /> t _ .s.4. ., . • . ..
<br /> . �.. . _ . �r�mL...�o t--`-• ��-
<br /> : � - . i :..^...._,�Y_���'� y.� _ �'IGf"e� .�_�'l�. '� .-
<br /> . .�. �. . c�__._ _.. . . _. __ _. . - - _ - _ ..�.
<br /> ' I``��, E (. ., -.. .� 4'�- �t c� ` (. _ , rt • � }! . ' ..
<br /> �S y-* -. . .�`nSt O . ' •�:. y:� � '. ••< Eo �'`K� �`- F • `1 'Q'��.
<br />. f .. ,< c 4,;ce� t ;��, �S'� Pc : t- .yG . • <'t w, -yld. +=t ,�-�
<br /> '�K,' n• �; .v�.c $ .. °- _ .'<'','S` - �i .i.�y'_.` __ i -,+.a_
<br /> i � t ' � - �.W: >.. C' l-"__
<br /> f _ ,`},•' F �t� a-' `:
<br /> f
<br /> � �� , �t ,.i�.
<br /> }- • �t � . ' , � " �r.- o
<br /> � 'i�e�on�s�alt be heid in an ic�stitudon whose deposits are insvred by a federat agency. � the F jdtys to pay t�he � - •f���J.
<br />_` � ,�,, ��.« (i n c l u d i n g L e n d e r,i f Lender is such an institution)dr in any Fede�al iiomethe Funds a n n u a l ly a n a iy z m g�i h e e s c c o w�c c a unt.or� "" ��`•F�
<br /> � � " . Escrow Itea�s. Ixnder tnay cmt charge Bocrower�fon c�+td�g and aPD Y� ;�=-_,�
<br /> ° '`�.°°.`h,>.:,�' veryif.,�y-Ing ttte Escroib Items.nnless L eader pays Borrower iateresi on the Funds aad eppticable I�w pem�its Lender to make sncD � `,.
<br /> � rtin setvice "�i:e.°�=:.
<br />..��c�'!.���t•`l�`���. .4.�• . 8 Z�ilW1�C.Hawever.Lcnder may n�cNir�Bq�tYower to pay a wte-time c'[mrge for an dndependart ceat�te tau[eQo . g �.:._.,;r.-<'.
<br /> t� •�`� useA by�Lend�r in conn�tion with ttu.s loan. untessapplicable taw provtdes othetanse. UnlesS an ag�@o the�si�. � '�.
<br /> �t:�: ;4 rS `�:i; eFP��ca61c l�w m4vires intQrest ta be paid, [xnder shaU cwl be fcquired to pay Earmwer aay inter�st o�rtm�ngs �
<br /> . .;,'. @orrower and Lender may ng�ee in wtnting.however.that inierest shail be paid on the Funds. t�endes sbatt Si!re to Borcowert � � _y�;;y_
<br /> � n
<br /> .. _'���' ... wit�out charge, an¢nnual r.ccaunt�ng of ihe Funds.s6owi��cee�ts and deDits w the Funds an�t�e patpose for which each �:;.
<br /> . .� ..i.�;_
<br /> '��� �,t `,•� cle6it to the 8u�was made.T6e Funds are piedged es attditionnT sewriry for a!f ticablt�i;�der shall�unt���wer .',-°-rt_::
<br /> ,� if the Funds hetd lsyr Lender e�ceed[he amvunts permittaf to be held�y app f .;�:
<br /> '�� � � ` for the excess Funds it+asxotdunse a+ith ttte reqQirements of appllrable Iacv..if the amount of the Eunds hetd by I.ender at any� .
<br /> eq i •
<br /> F'"` ---^^=� time is not suffic�ent ta pay the Eserow Items when due.Lsnder�y so notify Borrowet in writing.and.in such case 8orrower ' E <F=
<br /> to r:uk�up tt�defcsiencY• Borrower shail make up tht deScieacy in na mora tltan v ..
<br /> '_ _ sha11 pay to t.�der�the amount�sa�y -�1 �_L
<br /> twetye mondilY paYmenu.att Exader's sole discretion-
<br /> .. . . Upoe ga�ym�tt;in full of a!1 sums s e c v r e a Gg t h i s Secu c i ty I n s t r a m e nt.l.ender shall prampdy refimd to Baa w�r�ane � 4-_-:
<br /> � � Funds held by�.endes.if.i�r,der parag�aph 21.1.Qnder si�all acqui�or sel!the Pr�operty.Lender.�rrior to the acquis'' �� �.;
<br /> �'°.`,'� ''c.`�� of the P�a pe r t y.sAall aPP1Y�Y�unds held 6y[x.ader at the time flf aoquisitton or sate as a credtt against the sums sec�nd by _-_ -
<br /> . ,:.;, r.�:,� ;.' this�eCUrity InsWme�. � ' ir':=:���
<br /> �p.. �pay����by L.ender under p3ragrap�s -
<br /> ,, 3.A ucatio�oY Y�►ymeuts.Unles�applicahte!aw pro�id�t+t�ie:_second.co au,nunts oayable under D�Y�D�r �� _
<br /> � • r iuc�i stratr ae appiied:�usi. `sv�3i:s r�-�- `�-'_ - : =_
<br /> thud,to inter+zst due;fourth,tn principal due:aud tast.to any late charges due under�Note.
<br /> • n '
<br /> � �. .: •T;•:�,�..�.. +d.Cl�arges,�d�s.Borrawer shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges,fines and impositions atuibutabl�to the Praperty � : __
<br /> which may attain psioriry over this Serurity•Insuvment.and leasehald payment�or gtosmd cents, ���hem an time�direC t�' � �"-`
<br /> � [t�eae obligations in the manner provided ia paragraph 2.or if nat paid in thai manner.Borrower s�11 pay =
<br /> � ta the person aw�ed paymert.Borrower s6a11 pmmptly fnmish to l.ender all notic�es of amnunts W bc paid uadcr this parag*aPh. � ^
<br /> � . . If Bmmwer makes these gayncents directly.Borrower shaU prompUy fumish to Lender t�ceipts evideacing the payments. __
<br />-�., �` Borrower shatt prampUy discharge any I�en which ha�priority.over this Spcuriry irisuument untess Borrowec:(a)agree.s�n F --_
<br /> � wridng to the paycrcent of the obligation secured bY the lien in a manner accePtab�e tc'l.end�:(�?C°ntests in g�d fa'stl�the tieu r _
<br /> � (� _r�•�,`� by�. or defends aga�ast�nforcement of the liea in, legal proceedings wiuch in the[.ender s opinion operate to prevent the � :.�
<br /> � ' � enforcement of the hen;ar(c)secure.s fram the hoider of the tien a»a�reement satisfaaoiY to Leader subordinaang�he.lien w, t
<br /> .t.,r , , .
<br /> � ,� � • � this Securiry Inst�ument.If Lender detemaines that a�►Y Part of the Property is subject to a lien which may.a�n p�o�Y�ver �< . n..
<br /> `� ;� . F- .. this Security Insmiment.Lender may give Borrower a aodce idenafying the lien.Barrower shall saiisfy the iien or take one nr E. ._='�
<br /> R. .�....__:
<br /> ��': ��:"'� ����i�:�:
<br /> r•. more of tbe actioas set forth abave within 10 days af t he giving of notice.
<br /> t�'�.s.:. ..t� ` 5. Ha7ard ar Property lasarance. Borrower shall kecp the improvemenis now e�isting_ar hereafter erecced on dte
<br />— .` � . _ prbperty insurCd agaiast tass lsp fire,ha7ards incladed�uithin the term'�a[teaded caverage°and any other hazards.inciuding �.:��:.
<br /> � �- �'`• .V':. floads or flaodjng.for which i�eader requires insurance.T6is insuiaACe shall be maintained in the amounu and for the peEiods � __
<br /> �; � �. t..;•„ '� �h a't L e n der r e q u ires.Tfie insurance carrier providing the icuw�ance shall be chosen by Barro�rer subject to Lender's approval t �_.
<br /> ">•.� � ` wttish shatl not be unreasonablY withhei d.I f Borrower fai ls t o m a i m a i n c o v e r a$e d e s c r i 6 e d a b o v e. I.e n d e;ma y..at Lendes's �_ �
<br /> '• . �`,_�.,�
<br /> �r. , ' ,.,, .. �:, opdon.obtain wverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph?. v_
<br /> �. �,:�:... •. � Al!insc�rance policies and renewals sdalt be acceptable to Lender Sorr�r hal leromp�tty��'de La!earidei all receipts oi -
<br /> � . � � shall ha�e the right to hold the policies and renewals.If l.ender requires.
<br /> �'��� �. �.� "'. _ � paid premiums and renewal notices.Tn the event of loss.Bornower shall give prompt nniice ta the insurance carrier anct Lender• __
<br /> �;:.�,, ���. ' Lender may�nake pmof of loss if aot made promptly by Borsower. L�n,::'y
<br /> .,;; • Un�ess I:ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing.insutance proceeds shall he apFlied to restoretion or rc.�ait of the : .
<br /> property damaged.af the restoratian oz repair is economicatly feasibte and Lender's secutity�s not lessened.If the sestorauon oF �_
<br /> ' � � repa�s is not eeunomically feasible o:i ender's security wauld be lessened,the insurance pmceeds shall be applied to the sums
<br />.� ' ��..••':�: �
<br /> ,,;. �r�i by tpiis.gecuriry Insuument, whether or not then due, with any excess pvd to Boaower. If Borrower aban8o�ee� ___ —
<br /> ` �,�•�, properry.or does not answer w�thin 30 days a notice from l.ender that the msurance carrie�'has offered to settle a claim,
<br /> "" ' L.ender may collect�the insurance proceeds. I.ender may use the procee�ls to re�air or restore the Propeccy,or to pay sums � „�_
<br /> `' ' '; � � �' secureQ by this Secunty I�istrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day P�on of b rolc�ds w prirt�sPa2�sltal�enat cxtend ar �� �-=�
<br /> �` --' . .� '`_� Uness Lender.and BorroR•ea otherwise agree in writing, an}r app" P , t="`
<br />=�:. . `� • • ' � postpors the due date of the mor.��Iy payments referred to io p�ragraphs 1 and 2 or char.ge thc amount of the paymenu.If ��_
<br /> under paragraPh 21 the Property is acquired by Lertder,Borrower's nght to any insurance policies and pmceeds resultinS from `- -•
<br /> � � • : � � � � nor to the acqu�staon shall pass w L.ender ta the eatent of the sums secvred hy this Securiry Instniment __
<br />:¢.. ,: damage to the Progzrty p� . ;
<br /> immediately prior to�.'�acquisition. Bosrower's Loan Appllcatlon�Lqsehotds.
<br /> 6,pccupancy,Preservatton,Maintenance and Protectton of We PsopeRyi
<br /> �� �.,' .:' .,'::,,,�: establish,and use the Property as�otrower's principal residence within sixty days aTter the eaecution of �..;-=�=
<br /> Borrower shal!occupy. . �—_
<br /> � tAis Security lnstrument and shall cantinue ta accvpy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after � ��.-;;
<br /> the date of occupancy.unless I.ender otherwise agrees in writing,wh�ch sanserct shall not be unreasonably withheld,or ualess _
<br />.L� • ' � extenuating clrcvrns�.aaces exist which are bey.�nd Borrower's controi. Bono Borrower shallbe n�dau igif any forfeiture ��
<br /> '�.ti� ' � � �Property,allaw thc�operty to deteriorate. os��mmit waste an the Property. �'a"��"
<br /> -- � �� �� action or prooeecling,whether c�vil or crimina�, is be�un thut in Lender's good faith judgment wuld result in forfeiture of the �--�
<br />.�;•�
<br /> t, . ' Prope�p or otherw�se m'tterially im�air the lien created by this Security lnstrument or Lender's sacurity interest.Borrower may �,=,:.:
<br /> - � � cure scch a default and reinstate.as provided in par�,raph 18.by causing the aMian or Frc�veeding ta be dismissed a�th a ruling , _
<br /> • that. in Lcnder's �oad faith dctcrmination, precludev forfeiwre of the Botrower's interest in the Property or othar material . �: ,�.�
<br /> ' ' of the E::n created by this Security instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower shall also be i i d�T f iled I:•'_-
<br /> .,�: .. �mpairment
<br /> �� Borrower,during ti�_toan application process,gave ma te ri a l l y f a l s e o r i n z:c u r a t e i n f o r m a t i o n o r s t a t e m e n t s t o L e n c _ _
<br /> =i�i ` •. � to pravidc l.ender with any material infortnation)in rnnnection with the toan evidencetl by ihe Nate,including,but not limited
<br /> �.;,; , .' ° , to,representations ennceming Horrower'v oceupancy ot the Property as a princippl residence. lf this Security Instrumeat is on a
<br /> � ' IeaseP.o:d, Borrower shall wmply with nll thc ptovis�ons o. �Hc tcasc. lf Barrower asqulfcs fee title to the Prc,��sy. the
<br /> `a,• . .� " leaschold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. ; -
<br /> 7.Protectton of Lender's Ittp,Ats in the f�e+mperty.lf Horrower fails to pesform the covenants and u�reements Cor.tained in �
<br /> ;��" � � this Security lnstrument.or there is a lega! proceecling that rrwy signific�^tty affi:ct Lender's rights i�the Property (sucA as a �..•.
<br />•'t ' � ' proceeding m bankruptcy, probate, for wndemnation or forfciture or tv enforce laws or regulationsp.��en l.ender may do and "ti `
<br />. . � � • � ay far whatever is necessary to protect the vulue af the Property and Len�lcr's rightc in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> .� - . �• �• • include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prionty over this Seturity [astrument. appearing in w:�tt. paying ,
<br /> • �• reasonable attorneys fees and entering an the F'roperry to make repairs. Although Lcndcr may take acnon under this Qaragraph
<br /> , •.
<br /> - " 7,Lender daes nnt have to dv�o. ;.,.
<br /> - . • Any timounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall becomc additional debt of $otrower secured by this
<br /> ,. : . 5ecurity�nbur.ement at'hc Note rate�J hall bc payal�le�w'th in eresL upon n tice fr m��ULendcr�t bBorrawersrequesting
<br /> . date of d
<br /> .:: - - ' ..��,., p�yment. -
<br />•� � • g,IV(orlgage Insurnnce.lf Lender reyuired monb:+ge insurance as a condition of making tlu Inan secvred by this Secwrity
<br /> � � � Instrument. $orrower shali pay the premiums rcquired to maintain thc martgage irbsurance m eifect. If. fot any reasvn. the
<br /> -, .' , � �. � � mongage inwrance cuverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effect.$orn�wer sh:+ll pay the premiums reyuiraf to .
<br /> . : , ost t cButtui er of tl e�m'nrtgJge insurancc,h p ev�usi�y in cftecte f om y��alternat mortgagc insurer�approvc i by Lcndert If
<br /> . c
<br /> '_. _. .. __ ._ .
<br /> � � . -- m Pey01 G1 4 form 3828 3i9t3 -
<br />� ..., ... �� , .-. ... .... . . . . .. . •^'�^-.. _." ,." . _ .,,'r-_. .�� . .�.�.� _ ..... .., . .�v-"-`�~_ . .. ... . . .,,. .�%+-s-l+.nAasamo'�.�..'... .
<br />