. �� U-:.-� r�..�:}2 .;,T' :r: " r -_.� �_ � . ,��� .:���..... .
<br /> , ' � � " _-
<br /> —...s. ��-. ��p����_ -__ t, � _., . _�, .Kz __�_ ��'��� . : .� "��`�R� .. �-'� �TY -'S' _
<br /> �. .i �i: �. -. Y ,� , � E � F � n� - E'-' �V y.
<br /> ` .♦ ��.{ 1 � � ,� �4- � t -�1, t e �..4� C� �f . . F� . r<�c.. .4 Qy.. .t �'A��-t�
<br />� ♦,.;e —1/ - T+:���`� .r - « '� �''�` , _c�c ` � ` � ` � __ `_f :_.R_. (� _. �r• ;.,ct .'� ._iY_ e � � 4�trYjcc�r}`� �'i� _
<br /> �
<br /> ��� . � tY... .. � C:�.� _ �
<br /> - °� n' ..S }� t N . 5 '� 3 +h [y _
<br /> � G rb'T ��k�`4,A � . . - . , ' _ , - .. .. .. . < . `t�-._
<br /> � �i t '�i< . . .
<br /> ,��` ` • Bortbvms shtilT�tom�iS�r give l�ader wi"sttan notioe of any iavestigation,ctaim,demand.lawsuit or other a�ian by any ��
<br /> `�'„�r .c <.�;�`,`•;� • <gavesnn��uil`or r�tlatory�ency or private party►imolvin dte Prapert�r aud azry Har�tdaus SubstanFe ur Envitonmental I.a�v E:�`
<br /> of wE�ttf�B+�ru�er 6as�stual kus�wtedge.If Hort+arrer teams.ar iS aotif�d bY a�►Y goverumenrai or re�utatory authnrity,tbat s�
<br /> .•F'�' . � i;:�'� . - aaY�aabvat ar nther re�ilia�on of any E�az�rdans Substaace affe�tiag ttce�copertY is necessasY.8artuwer shall pramptty take t�-.
<br /> ' <.`. . �� <. � ai! ��mediaf sctIons i�ucootdance wit4 EnYiroa�ne�a11.,aw- . ;_
<br /> ,y-. k v.;� .;;�; ``.`" As usaci,�n fEvs paragmph Z0. "Harssrdaus$nbst�ces° aie tIwse sutistaaces de�ned�s wxic ar hazaiduais snbsiaacea by °_.
<br /> � ' ` : Bnv�roimaent�l Larv ead-tl�e.Eol[owiag sabstances: gas�i€ns��nosens;ether ttare�nable os t4xic-petcoleu�products. touc .� r?
<br /> �'�� .,�_��.:�, � pesticides atM he�b3ades.vo2atile.solve�sts.matteri�Is contsining asbestd's or formatdehyde,an�_�adioucdve materials.Aa used in ,� ;_
<br /> � :`� a :_
<br /> � � :�� this paragrap�I�Zp..�'Eni►iainiuenta3�Isw"'a�aas Te3eisiTTaws and Isw's o�tTis�iuis�c�ion�trhet��he Pioperty is lacated thac � ;_
<br /> :"t' � ~�,<,:; re�at$tot�itb,safc�ty or c�w�m�aralpmtecriom_ - •�- �---- - -. -� ---�- , ' .
<br /> �..,P,. ..'c`.r•�� ��r
<br />`F:;� . : IYDI�-tIriT1FO R M.C�D���f l�1 A D i'I'S:B arrawer.a u d L a�s l e r f u rt h e r covenant and u g r ce as follaws: __
<br /> . �� � `` . al.�xr�Wa;�emedE�i.Lender shal�give na�Fce to Bnrea�ve��rtor to scce2e�ation fu1Po�Sorrowe�r's bresc�'� ;°�-
<br /> �,.- ', of a�y cave�ant or ugreet�ent fa t� Ses�urltY �nstraraent (but aot pdor to acrde�utfan uader p�est�'a�b,i7 unlas.s ,�_
<br /> snu
<br /> , -.,, 4 - �IE I�provlQ�qtl�svLse��T6e.aaticS sh$U s�es�y- (e}the defaatt:t�►)t&e acdfon reqair�4o c�re the defanit;
<br /> � (c)a cl�tc,r.oi I�s tP�ae���days 9�ram the�ate tlie aotEce is given t:�BOrro�s�r,by wbfch ttte dcfaadt matst tie�ast3 rFp:
<br /> ..;�. �` � ;:�;-` :'''` (�that t�itox�t�c�the defautt oa or,Hefore tee date s�tII�in the nostce may�plt ia�scceL�raHan of the soms�
<br /> ' ' • secnred 6y t�ts 5acuritY l�tstrumen4�u►�sate ot.ttce Frug�y.T#e notlse ahal1 fmqher inforaz Borrosv�er oY tite rig6t-fo 'g.
<br /> , , �,. . �.` �.
<br /> . :-�T _. � rRi�state tsft�t�t�oet�tton en�the right to bri�a oonst adWa to�sest the noa-exi.�tence�of a defanit�ar sny othar . _-
<br /> ,,.� {�.: ...�� def�se oY Borrawee,to acccierattnn aud ss�te. Tf t�e defantt is ant cured on or befan the data speeitfed in tt�e natite, .
<br /> :: }'� . Lender,at Its o�s t t w o.ena3► �9�i m a t e t l t ate p a y m e n t[�fuld of a[l`s�secueed BY tbls Secnritg Iatstrumeat�vtiha8t • �,
<br /> , �`� fari�er deu�and aaA�may tavoke�the(SUwer oY�te uud anp otiier reame�tes permitEed by apPU�Ie#aw.L��er s�ati tie
<br /> _ �IITtE[ear�coi�rus�i�a�sc�:a*�-�''ffi,"�`-'•�"_�^��"°-�-sa L�'••q -�-+,Ss?f trtrinelta4a�Aat su►t li�[tr� _ .__
<br /> � ' �.� ti . ,.� �q,reasoaal�Ie at4orney�'fees sin�casts of tttie evidente. . '
<br /> ���;' ,. . I�We gowes of s$!e is fm�olced,�rnst�st�mli record a nutice o�defautt in ear�e county in�vhtc0 6ny Qart oS ttie �
<br /> sm �
<br /> ' � �` . �PP�9�tocated aad'sha6l mail cogi�of srsstt uotfce in the manaer pr�ed DY�PP�e tmv to Borrpwer t�d ta - ;i�
<br />_ ���,.r',. ; • , t��other p�oas presc�lbed Dy applka6ie law.Aft�the�ttme.ereqnired 6�y app�rabie taw, ee shatl give pn6lfc aotace �•_
<br /> . ° , � : �� oY.sate to the�seasnus and in tbe••,A���r.pre�cdb�d by app�cable taw.Tra§te��iH�onf danan�4 aa Botrower,s�a[l s€� �
<br /> , .; 3e =
<br /> • thQ�eog�rty at pnbitc audton tb t6e hi�hest btddelr at tiie timie aad pfaee aiN nnder ti�e tcrn�d�gnated in tDe aoHce nf
<br /> � ' ` : ' sale in one er mare parc�s�d in anp order'Il�tstee d�tera►ines.Trr�tee mnY postpoa�sate oY api or ariy Parcel af the =
<br /> ..;',;•,; .
<br /> � - �pe��Y Public a�nmufc�ient at the ttme and place b�a�ry'prev�onsly srh�duItd sate.Leader or its desiguee'm�y
<br /> �''---,-=-= .�` �d►a�setR�prag�rty at an�y sa1e. � - . -- � -
<br /> �, . ,_ � .. � tluon r'ereipt of payiaeat o?We prIce bfd,.Tcastee shail d�Uver to the pmrrl�ser Tro.stce's derd conveyi�the :. _-
<br /> . .< <. .,.� —
<br /> ,,��. ;..:�-: ..�:�: .• ` Peoperty.Tke recitaLs b the Tn�siex's deed st�l!6e prima facte evIdeace of the frutm of tfte siaterarmts m.�'„�Werein. ,-
<br /> ` ', ..
<br /> .. .` � � ' .Trustee s1�a11 ePP�3'�praa�ds of the sale in the foltondng order:(a)ta al!casts sutl espensffi oP ex�ng t6rt�ower of � --
<br /> • . , � �.,�'�,. ;t . =
<br /> � sate,ea�l We'sale,tudadtng t�e paymeuE of the T e o s te�'s Pecs a d u a l i}+I u c m T e d,a o t t o e x c e�t h e�o P 5 0.0 0 o s 1/2%
<br /> ��:,.:='_ • _-
<br /> � � � • oY the pr3nc'ipa!'�amom�4 of tlie note at fhe time�oP tine dectaraHoa of defamii.�d reasonab2e atMraeys'fec4 es�ermttt� _-
<br /> . 6y law.tb)to all sums secnred 6!+tbis Secauity dastrumeati�d(c)any ese�s to the peisotf or persot{s leg�y e�liKe�to ` _
<br /> . �z,:.:-:' , • , i� . : � • .
<br /> , �` � . tZ. Recoaveyatace. Upon PaYmeat of alI sums secaued by this Security Instrument. Letlder s6att request 3'rustee to =
<br /> � • � reconvey tAe Properiy and shalt swrender this Secnrity Inst¢ument aad al! antes eyideacing de�t secured by t�his SecprIty% •
<br /> �;:�"`�� : �� Instrument to Tnistee.Truscee shall reconvey the Propzrty:without warra�.�:aud without chasge to the per�on or pecsons lsgally -
<br />. ,:•.•'; .`�"`� , enrided to it.Such person or petsons shall pay any recordation costs. .. � � _
<br />� ' ., �t, 23.Smbstitute'II'easte2.Lender.at its option,may from time tn time remove Tce.-nee and appaint a success�r t�ustee to , _
<br /> any Tcustce ap�ointed hereander by an instn�ment reeor8ed iB the wuaty in which this�ra�urit�1nc��+t is re,corded•�'ilittrotu•
<br /> � ..;'`° ' conveyance of the Pcopeny.the.suscessor trostee shalt sucoeed to all the titte,power and duaes eonferr�d apon Trustee•herein . _
<br /> � � . and by appticable'Ia�v.
<br />. , • �•• Z�b.Request for Notises.Bosrower requests that copies of t�e notices of defttult and sale be sent to Bnrrower's address ' , � _
<br /> � ' . whicb is the Properry Addr�ss. �
<br />�.��. �:. . ' ZS.Idfdera to f�ts Ser.usity Instrumemt.If one or mor�riders are executed 6y Sorrower and recorded together wlth.this • -
<br /> � • � � 'S�audty Insttument,the oovenants und agreements of each such rider sha116e incorpbrated into aad sha71 amend azul suppteiaent
<br /> -- --�-� '� the oovenants and a�?�ments of this Securtty Instrument as if the rider(s)were a pan of this Savrity Insmiment•
<br /> � • [Check applicabtebox(es)I ' . . -
<br /> ' :��,, .. ' 0 Adjustable Rate Ride� �CondominI�im Rider t-4$�miiy Ridcr�. .. ; _
<br /> . . . ., � Graduated Paymeat Rider - - -�Planned i3njt-�evelopment�Rider -�Biw�kly Payment Eai.�s:r • ',
<br />_ � . .. �Balloon Rider ' C�Rate Improvement Rider ❑Secund Home Ridec-�:"��'`''•
<br /> � � ' � L�V.A.Rider• - . _ .. -� UUifisrQs)isA�fY1 ""'". . - . .. ,... ' .; .� , � � =
<br /> , � 8Y SIG;�'��$ELOW,Borrawer aecepis and agrees to the tem�s and covenants containetl in this Security Jnstrument and �
<br /> • . . in any dder(s)e��.�cuted by Borro�er and recorded with lt. � • -
<br /> - ,- -. Witnesses: � �� �.
<br /> (Seai) , ;;
<br />_ -• , Michael S. Tagast •��wer _
<br /> � . r
<br /> __ . � . .'.;� (5�a1)
<br />-'�� : ." . �" • _
<br /> : �:�.. ' anel M. Tagart . -Borrowcr =
<br /> - • � , (Seal) ($ql) _.
<br />� N� � -BOR6H'Cf •QOff6VlCt
<br /> � ,
<br /> . .� STAT�OF NEB1tASI{A, gall County ss: _
<br /> - •� . � . . Thc foregoing instsument was acknowtedged before me this 23rd �ay nf Qctober . 1997 •
<br /> � ' by Michael S. Tagart b Janet M. Tagart, huabgnd aad wife as �oint teaants • -.
<br />- .' Witaess my hand and notarial se�l at Grattd Island raska • ' said ounty.the date aforesaid.
<br /> . :• . . � ..� �����
<br /> My Cammission E • _
<br /> . ��N��„p�pp�•Stateotttee�as�a ho h��� ,
<br /> .:' .
<br /> -;�. ' � _ _'._..._ • �JOAN IEIGH OUIENBACK �
<br /> -- . � gy Comm.fiv�v�24.1g?9 ., ..
<br /> ' , � aaq�e or e Fomt 3028 9/90
<br /> .-..: • � •
<br /> . , � -- _ — --
<br /> � - - - � �
<br /> . , . . • . . - . - _ . -
<br /> . , . . . _ . , -- . .
<br /> .�� ...-..-,-�--�:•-
<br /> .- . . .. . -'-�'.�- ;�;. . ";. • .-. . ... . .. . .. �� . . .. . ... . . . . . _ ... ..�,. ... .._ ...
<br />