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<br /> K� �y��. st <k �� ly T � c- -i `'`� ¢.. :P �<..¢.t� (4�.
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<br /> . F� '
<br /> � `'� ' The Funds.sh�ll 6e hei� in an imstimtion whase deposits are insu�ed by a federal ageacy. iostrumentality, or entity •���:
<br /> ` �t �`,��� � (inciuding Leader.if Le�der is snch an institutioa)or in aay Federal Home Loan Bank. tendet shall apply the Funds to pay the <.�,r.
<br /> • ���. °'"�� � Escrow Items.Lender may not dmrge 8omuwer for hotding arid applYing the Funds.annually anatY�g t�e�Qw acoount,or •
<br /> �°; �.:�' .�.` verifymg the Escrow Items.un less L e t t der pays Eartower i n t e re s t o n t h e F�n d s a n d a p p l i c a b t e t a w p e m►i u L e n d e r t a m a l ce such °{:_;':
<br /> a charge.However.Lender may teqwite Bormwer to pay a orte-time charge for an i�t teal estate ta�c reportin�service�� .:_
<br /> ,,', i� '< �sed by Lender in wnnt�ction witlt this loan. tmtess applitable law�provides otherwise. Untess an agreeraert is made ot � .,Q.;;
<br /> ` •.� ':'�,,�• apPlicahIe taw ceq�ires ittterest to 6e pa�d.•I.eader shall not 6e reqaired ta pay Borrower aay interest as earaings on thc gunds. - .-;,��
<br />- . ° Horrower and Lender may sgree in wntictg. f�owever. that interest shall 6e Qaid on the Funds.Lender ghall give to Borrowet;� � �
<br /> � withaut ctrarge. an annual account�ng of the Funds.ShowIr►g czedits and detriu to the Funds und the purpose for wiuc6'eash �:�,`�.�:
<br /> ;� ����'�,:.`' � debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pled�ed as arldition3l s�cueitY for alt sums secured by this S�carity Instrutaent.
<br /> • . IE the Fund�s hetd by Leader excxed the amaunts perrnittea to be hel�by applicabte law.Lender sAal!account to Bosrowe � ���= ,`:.`
<br /> ' `' for the excess Funds in ascordance with the requimments of applica�le taw. If the amount of the Funds hetd by ixnder at an}
<br /> �.r'�'��. time is not si►fftae�t to pa-f the Fscrow Itettts when due,'Lender may so Qoafy Harrower in writing.and.in sach ease Bomnw �� =:
<br /> ' ��• shall pay to Lender the amount rte�xssary to mak�e up the defccee�cy.Borrower st�a1!make up t6e deficnency in au rhorz tftan --
<br /> � •. 4.°: .< ' twelve umnthlY Payraents,at I.ender's sole discretion. '
<br /> Upon paymenE in ftilt of all sum5 searred by this Secarity Insttumeat. Lender shal! prompdy refund to Borrower any _
<br /> .. �•��.r". Funds hetd by Leatder.If,anderPaiagraph 21,Lender shaU�acqnire or sel!tfie Property.Lender.Prior tn the acquisition or sale -
<br /> : �t':' of the Property,shall apgly any Fwn1s he�d bS'LeRder at th�time of acquisition or sate as a credit agai�t the su�ns secureQ by
<br /> - ' ""' ' �- this Security Insuument. . . ..
<br /> . . 3.Appltcatifln of Payments.Unle.�applicabte law pmvides qtherwise,ali payments received by�.ender under pasagrapt� ,t
<br /> " �; , .....:�0 1{iw.9ARI�PA• a... •„p.+v vmrr��aseeA dne nnder the PTate:secottd.w su�unis PaYable tutder paragraph Z; ---.
<br /> _- - a m«..�...t�.'...Tti.i-.1.... ......,._...i�. � - � -- ----
<br /> °• thi�l,to interest dae:fourth,to princ�pal due:and tast,to sixy tate charges due�er the Note: - �� -
<br /> . . . 4.Charge� I.iens. Borrower shail gay alt taxes.assessments,chaz8es.fines and impositions attributai�e w the�ropercy
<br /> • `'` whIch may attain prioriry over this Secur�ty Instrument.and leasehold paymeats or grouttd renu, if ar►y. Borrower shall pay _
<br /> " . -' these obligations in the mannes provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid In tl�at�manner.Botn�w�r shall pay them on ume direcdy - -,�
<br /> at
<br /> '��� , to the person owed payment.Bomnwer shall pronnptly fumish to lxnder all notices of amounts to 6e pa�d onder this pasagraph.
<br /> c ce. �':.:t-.
<br /> ? <:. :'..� . : t If Banrower makes Wese payments directly.Borro�ver shall pmmptfy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments• -
<br /> - �.` ,•`;,'1 ' - ' Borrower sliall Qrompsly discharge any lien which bas priority over Uus SecUriry Inswinent uriless Bmrow�:(a)agcaes m' � �`
<br /> _ ' ' ': ` " writing ta the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:@)contests in good faith t��tien
<br /> � - 4'���-^� �'s�, by.or defends egaiost enforcement of the liea in. te g a t pro c e e d ings w h Ic h in t he I x n d er`s o pinion o perdte.ta ptevent the ��"''�"
<br /> . , : _`, :: enforcement of the 1ieu;or(c)secares from the�holder of the�iea an agreement satisfacwry to l.ender subordinating the lien to �
<br /> � this Se�urity lnsuumem. If Lender determines that any pact of the Property is subject to a uea wtuch may attain prioriry over , . ,,..�
<br /> . tfiis Security Instrumeat, I.ender may give Borrower a natice identifying the Isen.Borrower shaU sat�sfy the lien or take oae or ,
<br /> _ , `���,`��i F more o�f tlie actions set farth above within 10 days of tfte giveng of nodce. _
<br />- _ 5. Haxard or A'�p�i+ �-���• Bo�awer shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hemaftex erected on the �;.,
<br /> .. _ ;..,.•.� ,: �e�irtsured against tass iry fire. hazards included with�n the term °e�itended coverage"anA aay other d�ards. inctirding
<br /> ' ftoods or tlooding,for wYiich Lender requires insurance.7'his insurance shall be maintained in the amounts�d for the periods � ''S"
<br /> ' .`� � � Lhat Lender reqaires.The insurance carrier providing t}ie insurance shall be chosen by Barcowes subject to,L:ender's appraval �. j
<br /> �, ',, which shail not 6e unneasonably withhefd. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage described above, L.ender may. at Lender's ,
<br /> .. ;�;=?:��. : �. opdon,obtaiit cavernge to protect Lendefs rights in ttie Property in accordance with paragraph 7. � . '�="'
<br /> • � �';��_{ Ap insurance pol�cc�s and renewals shall he acteptable to I.ender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. f,�er
<br /> .,,,� � '�:' _ shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires,Borrower shall pramptly give to Lender all c�::.�.of [�_•__
<br /> '.. :'. . , paid premiums and renewal notice.g.In the event af loss.Buzrower shall�ve prompt noUCe to the insurance carrier an3�der.
<br /> = i.ender may make proof of to$s if not made prompily 6y Borrower. . �='"�
<br /> _ :.�-�_ .. : =:._.
<br /> • • :;�� tTn2ess Lznder and Borrower otherwise agree in wrlting.insurance proceeds sltall be applied to restor�ion or repau of the �;:. _
<br /> properey damaged.if the restorarion or repair is ecoaomically feasible and Lender's securiry is noe lessened.If the resioration or _- _
<br /> repair is not economically feasibie or Lender's security would be lessened,the insnrance procxPds shall be applied to the sums .
<br /> •- c secured by this Security Instrumsnt. whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Barrower. If Borrower abanda�s the
<br /> " ' Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim,then -
<br /> �. � � ' Lender may cultect the ensurance praceeds. L.ender may use the proceeGs to repair or restore the Proper�y.or to pay satns F
<br /> .,' secured by tbs Security Inttrument,w-hether or not then due.The 30-day period wiil 6egin when the natice is g�ven. � (� .
<br /> ^ � ` ' UNess l.ender and Borcower o3.'r.:rwise agree in wridng. a�y appliradon of proceeds to principal s6a1t not e�nd ar
<br /> ' � i postpone the due date of the monthf�-�ayments refened to in p»ragraphs t and 2 c►r change the amount of the paym.�ts. Tf • ��'��
<br />-� ander paragraph 21 the Properiy js ac�ied by Lender.8orrower's nght tu any insurance policies and proceeds resuiting ftom
<br /> �: ._
<br />- . � dama;e to the Propeny prior to�he acqn�sition shall pzss to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument . � .•-:
<br /> immediatety prior to�he acqu�sirion. �
<br /> _ `- - 6.Uavpancy,Preservatton,Maintenance an�]�tection of the Property;Borrower's I.oan A��t[on;I.caseho2ds. _
<br />_ - Borrrnver shall occupy.establish,and•use the Property as Borrower's principal residem.e within sixty days a�ter the execution of
<br /> � ••• ' this Secutity Instn►ment and shall cominue co occupy the Property as Borrower s prtncipal r�esidence for at leaSt one year after -
<br />`°,�. .` . • ` the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing. which oonsent sha]!not be unreasonably withhetd, or unless
<br />��� �. • � extenuating circumstances exist which aze beyond Horrower's control. Bonower shall not destroy, damage or impair the � •`
<br /> :-`,•- Property,allow the Property to deteriorate.or cammit waste on thc F'roperty. Bonower shall be in default if any forfeitute
<br />-- � ' aetlon at praceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> � �� Property or othenv�s�materialty impair the lien created by this Secvrity /nstrument or Lender's secutity interest.•8or�rower may -
<br /> - ' . . ' cure such a default and reinstate.as providec}in paragraph 18.by rausin�the action or proceed'mg ta bc dismissed with n ruling .
<br /> � that, in Ixnder's good faith dctermination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrotiver's interest in the Praperty or other material
<br /> .;..�• � • imp3irment of the lien created by this Security Instrument ar Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if •
<br />���: .:`� � Barrower,during the loan applicatcon proce��.gave materiatly false or inaccurate ir�formation or statements to Lender(or failed •
<br /> '• to provide l.ender with any material information)in connectio»with the loan evidenced by the N��te.incicding,but nm limited
<br /> . .� • to,represer.tations concen�mg 13orrower'ti occUpancy of the PreDerty as a principal residence.If this Security lntitrument is�n a ,
<br /> r . �.��. ' leaschold. Sorrower shaU compty with aU the provisions of cf:e lcase. If Borrower acqcires fee tide ro thc Property, the
<br /> _ � � leasehold aad the fee title shall not merge unfess Lender agrces to the mcrgcr in writing. ,.
<br /> � � 9.Protectton oP I.ende�'s Ri�hts in the Property.if Borrower fails to perform thc rovenants and agreements rnntlined in
<br /> � . this Security lnstrument, ar there is u legal proceeding that may sigpificantiy affect Lender's rights in�he Propeny (sucb as a
<br /> . , proceeding in bankruptcy.probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enfnrce tawc or regulntions), tt-en lxnder may do and
<br /> - pay for whatever is nece.ssary to pratect the vatue of the Prapeny and Lender's rights in tl-e Prnperty. Lertder's actions may
<br /> ' include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prinrity over this 5erurity instr���ent, appearmg in coun, paying
<br /> - ' � reasonable attnmeys'fees and entcring un thc Propeny to mal:c repairs. Although Lcnder may take action under this paragraph ,
<br /> 7.Lender does nm have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbunai by I,e:nJer under this paragraph 7 shall hecume additional deUt of Bnnower sccured by this •
<br /> ' . Sccurity lnstrument. Unless Borruwer and l.endcr agrce to othcr tcrms of payment, these umounts chail bear interest f'rom the
<br /> � ' date of disbursement at thc Notc rate anJ �hall be payablc. with �ntcrest. upon notice from L,cnder t�� Sorrnwcr rcyucsting •
<br />_' ' payment.. .
<br />- S.Murtgage Insuronre.lf�ender reyuircd mvrtg�ge intiurance as a conditian uf making the loan srcured bp this Sccurity
<br /> - . . lnstrument. Burruwer tihtJi pay the premiwns rcyuircd to m:iintain thc m��rl�rge insurance m effect. If, for any r�ason, the
<br /> .. ., mrnn,age intiurance coverage rcyuired by l.ender lapse�ur cc:►sc�to be in cffect. Barruwer shall pay the pn�miums reyuired tu
<br /> � . obtain mcerage�ubyt�u�!'rally c�yu�valent!c�the�uurt��ge in�urance previnusly in effect.at a cost wbtit:urii�illy eyuivalent to Ihc
<br /> � � cosi to Borrmser uf�he mi�rtga�e incurance prec�au�ly in effect, irom an altemalr uiurtg�ge inwrer apptovesi by l.ender. lf .
<br /> __--_ _._._...==- �_
<br /> � • ' ` �: • ' ,,�,2�.,s form 3028 9/90
<br /> ' -c--�-�-: -
<br /> . . . . -
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