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<br /> �` l� �F �"RLT3T c.��c.i � « � _-_-.--.
<br /> � ' � ` Norwest Bank I�EE R ya�o ���.�o �__
<br /> �� s° PO Qox 2440 . �° ___
<br /> ��- ——- - -u�ana, ....... --.. ._. . � � —• . _---
<br /> `f. � � }V� D�lUJ�. z ---
<br />-. . , . ' � . . . � . . � . . �•:-E:i3x_
<br /> ` THIS DEED OF TRUST "Secu Instiument"?is made on . - .'�te trustor is � �`'
<br /> � � , November I, 1997 , °�` _
<br /> . . .� ;`'` � vife and huebaad � £=..-
<br /> � . . .. �3ana �. LilientbaZ and Deivnfs �3as�biIlentltaa., . • _- --
<br /> ..��:�_. . . , ' ' " . ' �:�-_-
<br /> - - =�� (^Barrower")-'[Ue t�stEe is Nebraske, .Nat3.ciina'L �ssaciatiao� " . .. � ���-
<br /> , _._`.......
<br /> NorFrest Bank =
<br />.. �4 .. • .. � , . . . '
<br /> tVz _ . _ ' . . __ _'
<br /> " , � v..� � (°Tmstee"?•The beneficfarY�s Noswest Ban'� Nebraska. Natio:ea]. Asaociation . . � �:
<br /> . _.
<br /> _ __ weF...�. . , . . . . . � ----
<br /> .. � wtuch is organizod and eaisting under d►e laws of .and whase �---
<br /> IInited States of A�erica
<br />_, ��.�: � ..' : �. addsess js 34fl4 West 13th Street, Grand Island, NE ��en�es"}.Boimwer owes Lender t�principal sum oP " _--
<br /> :..•M . _� ' ' . , .
<br /> . : Thirtp T�z�usand and no/100 . � • Dbitans N.S.$ 30,0OO.Od �' .o,�,..
<br /> �"'�~ Tj his de8t is evideTtced by Honower's note date4 the same date as �s ��ty�Qnt("Note"),which provides far , • ._ ^
<br />' , . �n o n t h 1 Y p a ymenis.with t2�tull dCbt.if nat paId eazlier.due and payable on November 1, 200? ���.
<br /> � -. This,Sec�uriry Instsument szcures to Lender.(a)the repayment of the debt evidenc�d 6y tAe Note.w i t h inieres�,an d a A t e n e w a 1 s. „__��
<br /> � extens}ons and modifications of trhe Mote: (b) the PaYment af all other sums,. wit1�interest, advance�under paragi"aph 9 to � �-'=_,_
<br />_ � . proted the security of ttris 5ecurity Instrument; and(c)the performan�e of Borrower's save�tt►ts and agreeiaents. For this -�._�- .
<br /> ' purpose. �orrower ir�vacably graats and c4nveys tn Trustee.in trust.with power of sale. tiie folldwing�de,qcribed praperty �r:_,_,,;.
<br />= ." Rncated in Hall. County,Nebraska: �_,_:_
<br /> :f,; -- , ; _
<br /> _ . • Lot Fosty-Six (46), Amick Acres Eaat Subdivisi.t�n,-Ha9:1 Countp, Nebraslsa. , � � �
<br /> �„ . .
<br /> - -- --= - , ° �=_-;.
<br /> . , :':.; : . • , t+ . � � =.�.
<br />_ � • � Tt►ia De�d of Trust Secures an open end revolving liae of cxedit. See attached =
<br /> - . . ��,a," home equity line of aredit rider. : � —_
<br /> - . ., `, • "which hasthe addressof 46 Soaga D�cive, Doaiphan, [sneew c;ry�. �_.V__
<br />� � . � Nebraska 68832 (°PruPertY Address"): � "'"�T-
<br /> (Ziy Cade1 ', �.
<br /> --= and all easements u � �..�
<br />-- ' •� � TO(3ETHER Wi'�'H ai1 the improvements now or hereafter erected on the Droqeriy, ,app rte�ances,and �,.,.
<br /> _ _.� ' fixtures now or her� a part of the property. AII replacements and addi p ro e shall also 6e covered by this Security . ,,.
<br />-�� � . ' �. I n s t n i c rt e n t.A l i o f t h e f o r e g o i n�i s r e f e r r e d t o i n t h l s S e c u ri ry I n s u u m e n t a s t h " p t t y" `-."'
<br /> � � EORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised ot the estate hereby conveyed and has the r ig ht to grasu an�
<br /> conve y the Property ar�d that tho P'roperty is unencumbered.except for encumbrances of record:Bonower wanat►ts and will
<br /> - • , defend generally the htle w t he Properry agains t a i l c l a i m s a n d d e m a n d s.s u b j e c t t o a n y e n c u m b r a n c e s o f r e c o r d.
<br />= THIS SECIIRITY INS'f'RUMENT comti�nes uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants wlth 19mited
<br />- � ' variations by 9urisdiction to wnstltute n uniform serurity instrument wvering real property.
<br />- � � UN1F0$M COVENAAiTS.Borrower and Le�d..�r covenant and agree as foltows: •
<br /> � � � .� I, puycnent of Princips�l�utd laterest; Yrepayment anA Lute Ci�arg�. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the .
<br /> � � . pdncipal oF and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> � 2.Fuads for Taxe�and Iasurence.Subject to opplicable taw or to a written waiver by Lender.Bonowcrshali pay to
<br /> .• ' ' " ' Lender on the day monthly paymcnts are due undea the Nate.until the Note is paid ln fult.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes�
<br /> - • p rtyr•( ) early leasehotd aymenu
<br /> � • and assessmenls which may nttain pdority aver this Security Listrument as a lien on the Pra e . b y p
<br /> � or ground rents on the Property.if any:(c)�rearty hazurd or property insurance premiums:(d>year�y f lood insurance ptetniums.
<br /> if any: (e)yearly mo»gage msurance pre�►uums,if any:and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender.in ac�cordance with .
<br /> -- the prrnris4ons af para�raph S. in licu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are calted"Escrow Items."
<br />: � ' � � - ��d�r may�at any time.collect and hald Funds m an amount not to exceecl the maximum amount a tender for a federaliy
<br /> . ` � �. related mort�+ge loan msiy require for Bottower'y escrow nccount undes the federal Real Estnte Settlement.F'raccQures Act of �
<br /> � � � � 1974 as amended from[ime to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").untess another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> . sets a lesset amount. Ii so. Lender m�y. at any time. collect and hold Funds in nn amount not to exeeed the lesser amount. � .
<br /> � ' ' � Lender may estimate the amount of Funds duc on the basis of current data attd reasonubte estimztes of expenditures of future
<br /> ' ' : Escraw Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> �,_�
<br /> � � � NEBAASl1A•Singto F�mityFannlo MaolFroddio Mnc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Fotm 3028 9190 .
<br />- �� ' ' �NI I2T�I�MT� - VMP MO�OAGE fORMS��31312938100�18001521�7291 veso t o+a . �lmpndttd 8191 ..
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