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<br /> hard no acceferation occurred; (b) cu:e any default of any other covenants or � �
<br /> t agreements: Ic) PaY �ii expenses incurred in enfarcing this Securihl lnsuuenent, � .�
<br /> •� � Inciudtng,4�ut nog Itmited to,reasonabte attome�s' fees; and id) take such action as . � �
<br /> . ; , • ...;;
<br /> y����� ��.� �' • Lender�+na� cessonably requi�e ta assure that the Iten og th3s Security fnstrument, ___ _
<br />_ , , �
<br /> �� r �� ��:' . Lenda�•s rlghts in 4he Property and B�rrower•s obligat�on to pay tt�e sums secured by ' _,R�;`
<br /> � � this Security instrument sh�0 cont�us ur�changed. Upon reii�statement by Borrower, �_'�.,;
<br /> �� ' �• thi�Securtty inatrument and the obllgations secur��4�ereby shait remafn fuily effective , . _�.
<br /> � � as if no acceleratton had�ccurred. �ta!wever� this�right to �einstate shall not apply in �,__
<br /> � � the c�se of acceteret�on;under paragraphs 16 or t7. � �"_;;�;
<br /> � . � . �_.=__
<br />; �. ���:;,;``�`, ;..:�� . �•rt---
<br /> � 17. A�cele�aiton; Remedfes. 4ender s�atl give notice to Borrower priar to �,�A
<br /> �,;_--
<br /> `:��. ,��.'_',: �; �� �cceterat�on foitowing Borrower's breach .of any covenant or agreement in this �s=
<br /> `�� �� Securi a y dnstrument tbut not prior�to�acceteration under paragrapti 15 untess � �::'-::=
<br /> .._ ;.:.a:,.,,_.._...�.. �.."-.—
<br /> ��r � `� appliaabte!aw provides otherl. The natice st�aU specify: (a! the defautt; (b)t he action
<br /> � � � required to cure the defautt; lc1 a date, nat tess than thirty l30) days from the date , �
<br /> i�,,. ,
<br /> -� `�� . . �,.''E the notice is given to Borrower, k�y which.the defautt must be cured; and id� that �-_:: ._`
<br /> s . , � . �
<br /> --�•.��..-�.::,4=:��+-' � failure to cure the defautt an or b�f�ore the date specifiecd in the�notice may resuit in �`�-, :
<br /> . � . , : '. �-
<br />; � ;°�:,; acceteration oi the sums secur�d by this Security instrumeni and.sate�of the Propgrty. •
<br /> �- �� .. _ . . �.��} . The no�cs shall furti�er inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and �:-__
<br /> '�:.'� ��j�••.�� -: �th��ight ta b�ing a couR action to assert the non-existertce of a defauk ar any other �_; __
<br /> �. �� � , ,��1:: defense of Borrower to accetera�on and sate. If the d�fautt is not cured on or before „ _
<br /> � -- - •;-..�,: r .,:.:
<br /> � . ' ., t h e d a t e s p e c i f i e d i n t h e n o�ce, Le�tder at their optton may requ�re immedtate payment �_, .:_
<br /> �;.` .� ' � �� in fuil of .all sums seaured by this Securlty Instrument vvithout further denn�s�d and �__:r_._
<br /> r •� ��' may Invoke the power of sate and any other remedies permitted,by appiEcab�e taw. � f }
<br /> F. �;. ��` L e n d e r s h a i t t� e n ti t ted to oollect ail expenses incur�ed in pursuing the remedies '
<br /> �:� ;�_ provided in thi�paragraph including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' iees and F.�; ___
<br /> . . �osts of titie e��dence. � . ��- _}..
<br /> . ' � --
<br /> � u.' � - ' r`�7
<br /> r_. � � • If the po�ver of sate is invoked,Truste�shati record a notice vf defauit in each K;
<br /> ��� • � � � county in which any par4 of the Property is lacated and shail mail copies of such 1.::,�-...
<br /> � '���:� notice in the re�ann�r prescribed by appltcabte law ta Bonower and to ihe other y._: __
<br />.�.: ... . . .
<br /> f.� �. � � persans prescribe.d by appticable 1aw. Aftar the time required by appliGable faw, �_:;::.
<br /> ►m...:,:.
<br /> ��' .`"'�.�:��. � ���`'''��' Trustee shal{give public notice of sale to the perspns and in the manner prescribed __
<br /> ''� ' ''� by applicable�law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower;shal!seli the Property.at �.�•
<br />'�-;" : � • public suction to th� highest bia�2ter at the time and place and under the-terms . _
<br /> �-� ' � � designated in the notice of sate in one or more parcels and in any orde�Truste� � `
<br /> :: .. : � . � • °���--
<br /> � determinQS. Trustee may postpone sae of ail or any parcel of the Property by public =
<br /> r,�, ' . announcement at the time and place of any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or ,-�
<br /> '� � , Lender's designees may purchase the Property at any.sale. •
<br /> �:• .. _
<br />:,,� ..... . .
<br /> ';;. � � Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bid, TruStee shall deliver to the purchaser
<br /> a� ����' a�: ' '���., , Trustee's deed conveying the Rroperty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shali be .
<br /> �,�,. � � ��. ��. prima facle evidence of the truth of the statements made theretn. T�ustee shall appty .
<br /> ..: : : ;. �'
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