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<br /> v�.� .�.at ;_�. _ B.:AII funue attv�e.s fm�Be�e�c3�s9 to Ttnsenr or at�r fupue ob�igat�o�bf to e �_ .
<br /> ° _ • :�:�comosssory IIot,e.�.�Y±os aiher evfd�ce of debt eaisttng nuar ar e�cecu�ed after this Q�of'f�ust � ,,
<br /> `'� �^;�er or aot dns Dced of Ticust is sp�11�rd�w im tb.�evld�e of de�i. � �.n� �
<br /> ` �':��`�` 4 _ . G:>-=�ri obligazions Tcnsior owes w BeQet�cltay,�avhisL nflw exIst or way tet�r aiise.w tlte e7�'►t not proAibittd Dy .. , .
<br /> � iaw, �nctnding,b�u not l�ited to,lishi�IHea for averdtaft�relating,te any deposit scoo�mt aBtee�nt�ettiveea
<br /> �. .,.
<br /> ;= '� ' . '17rasror a�Beueffcia�9- . � . . ; ._ :.
<br /> �. , °. ; . I3. AII additional s�s zdvaaced aad expeas�s tnr,u�d Di►Re¢efici�Y foa�u�ag.�i���8 or ot�srulse pmt�a8 �
<br /> _ . .� .-.+„ - . .:::the PcBpertY and Its value an3 a�sp ather s�s advanceif and expenseg inciuced DY 8�►tinde�the te�ot , ,�, .:
<br /> e.
<br /> ���:.� -�F>.`� .:.� � ' this.De�d of Tmsc, Ptus�eaest at the higkesc ra�ia effes�.fmm ttme to dme.a9�+s�vide0 in the BvtQwt�of
<br /> J�,
<br /> � �,�� �}� . ,.
<br /> .' B. Trastor's peifom�cc�er the t�a of a�r ins�evideacing a debt hy Tnsstat w Beneftdary aud any De� 4,4. ;
<br /> �.�° ` � of TYast securing,guarantYing�or o�savise retating to tfle deht. .� ~�
<br /> � � If ua�e�one P�soa s�S�d�is De�of Txagt as'Tmst�r.�►'!'iusws a�that this Qe�!of Ttttst vv�t r,e�tue all � '..f_'
<br /> 'F..!�:�� i .
<br /> � � .. �advances a�id fi�tttte abllg,auons descdb�d above that sre given w ar iac�rced hy aay ana or m�ae ='to s�
<br /> � ` t � ooi►e br�e't'rdsWr end othas.'IHia Deed of Trust w1ll not secure aay.oi$er debt if Beaeficia:y fails,with resp�t � `- �`.
<br /> � s no�ce af
<br /> L < Y . o i h e#',�t,w m a�a e s o Y�d i s dosare abaut this Dced of Tivst or if BRaeBd�y fa�s w_gfi�►e anY r�u� ;
<br /> _. — s�?'i�ha�tescisdon. ' � - �
<br /> ° :-`,�:�"� . ��� � an the Sec�ued Debt when due aad ta accoidance avltP�the tecros of taa �
<br />� 4. : . 5. 1'A�i�S-Tmstos agzees w make a11 payasents -
<br /> ` Evi�enoe of Debt ar this Deed of'tYast. . ,
<br /> ... �`� t,�y` �" ::. - . � ::;:
<br /> � ,."�:'.:' ''°�` '.' 6. WA��NTY OF TITLL�.Tmswr wveaaats th�Taastor is lawfulty seized of the estate comeyed�8y thfs Deed oY Tittat � ,�-
<br /> .. � :� �., ._:.�o�; , � � anc#1�the eg�tt to iaes►acabIY g�t,aua�+�Y anA celt to Trustee.In t�ust.with power of ea2e�the Pmpeng auA watrattts -;:• ,�:.:.
<br /> ��.�P�Y is aae�cumber�,ex�i for�braaoea of reoord. , � •�_
<br /> . � _�Y=: . :� �GAINST TPi'➢.E.T�nswr�vr�l pay all taxes,as�,lien�,eacombraases.tease paYmen�s►gra�md s�s► . � °�' �
<br /> . �7. C L A"l�S S w h e a d u e.Beae t i d a ry m a�►r e q a i�e'P m s t o:t a p ro v i d e t�B�fl d a ry —�:,,„
<br /> , � .�:f. : utilities,an�other cd�arges relating t�the pmpertY
<br /> ��.°. : o�aII notices that sach a�mus ate d¢e and tHe receiPta evide��T�os�e Paynaatea�Tevstor wlll defead fltle to � *_. ;'
<br /> Y�
<br /> ��' a an clai�that woutd impair die iie�oY tt�is De�d of TYust.Trustor W assi�n to Ben�ctary.as
<br /> - . . .. ��F�9' � Y ���� �who suPD1Y Iabor or "n%
<br /> _ - .�:..� .. �ed by Feae&ciazy, anY claims or def�s� whfcb Tsuswr may have agaiast p
<br /> �'':.
<br /> - . . . �,- mat�sials w imgroveor maiutata die PtoP�Y• . . . ,- :
<br /> ` �.WitH regar3 w any othec mnrtgage.deed of wst.se�icY ag�re�or other.ltea ����r::
<br /> .�.. . & FRHflR S�CU� het � �'-.---
<br /> � .<: ��.;;� aad thas a�y►6ave Prfority over this D •-w-.
<br /> _ , , do��c�ted a pIIar s�arrIty imemst or eucambraace on the Pcapertl► . ��,�,�,
<br />_ -•,�.; .. of�st.Tivstara�s� . °"
<br /> _ . A."3'o matce alYpa�ents w�eea due aatlto perform or oompIy whh aU eovenante. �,�,
<br /> a
<br /> � ��� ''. , " �. To pro�ptty deliver to Beaefida:q m�]►notices that Tiastor receives fiom the b.older.. a�,:;y,
<br /> `'; . �. Nat eo ma�e er�ermit any modifica�tton or esuc�sion of►aad aot tQ request ar accepi aay fruure adv�uuder any
<br /> c
<br />- � �.�'' , � aote or a�reement seWred by.the other mortgage,d�d of tn�s��os secauiry e,�;r�ement ualeas Beneficiary canseaza �-===�_
<br /> .' � in wtifmg. � ;�':
<br /> . ,. 9. D�ON 3AL�U�t Fd�I�i1NiBItANCE.BeneficL�+maI►,at ita�optfan,declare the enHre balauce of the S�rured Debi to .s�=-
<br /> . be�ediately due and payable upon the creatioa of any l�en.eac+mibtaace.uansfa,or sate,or cantract fo:aay o4thes� ,�.�,�.
<br /> - . . oa tbe Property. Aowever.if the PraPercy iucludgs Trus`sor's resid�nce. this seq�an shall be sub�ect ta tiie restcictlons �
<br /> � ' iuSposed 6y federal law(12 C.F.R.59�),as applicab�e.For the pu�poses of thfs se�tIon.the tesm"Praperty"alsn iacludes '�',�.,':
<br /> .. . •� .. ang iAterest to atI or aay part oY flie Pragerty.Thfs caveuaat ahall rua arith the property and etnU remafn in effect untll the �n _;:
<br /> ' . . . � Se�ed Debt ia paid�foll aad thia Deed of Trust is releasea. . . �"`-°:
<br /> ���.
<br /> .. 10.TF�AN9FEIt O��il�T INi�iiT�ST 1N THL�3RArfl'OR. If'IYastar ls an eadty other than a aatural person(sucb tw a � �-
<br /> ' ' " corpararioa as at'�er organizHSton),BeneRe,3ary may deman�lmmed�ate pa3rment�f(1)a benefcciai intaest ia Trustai is _ -
<br /> =- ;�. ,,: .. �� ` s42d or aramsferred;(2)there is a cfiange in eiWer the identity or aamber of inembeta of a patmeiship;os C3?�is a
<br /> -_ .. � , c�aage ia flwne�sLig of ma�e thaa 2 5 pecceat o f t he vo d n g s w c k o f a c o i p o r a t t o n.H o w e v e r.B e n e f u l a ry.m a y n o t d e m a nd ;_°`:_4:`
<br /> � . � � payment in the above situations if it ie prohibited by law es of the date of thie Reed oC Trust. 4
<br /> � .. 181 OA 811�1 S4 A �'• -
<br /> oe � � ' ` 11.EPi1T1rY WA��BAS�I'Y'�•S AND REP�SEN'I'ATIONS. If Trustor is att eutiry othet thau a uata pezs (
<br /> ``,: •. . corporatton ar other argaaizadoa).Tn�stor makea to BeneR�iary the follawing wa�ranti�s an0 repre,seatations which sha11 . .
<br /> - ' be continuing as iong as tHe Secared Debt remalns outstaadinS: �� ..
<br />�- • . . A. 'hnstor is au earity which ia duly arganized and validly ex�stiag in the Ttustot's state of iacorporadoa (o: . -
<br />- . orgaa�atian).Tnutor is in good standing ia aU statea in whicb Trustor uansacto buslness.Tnutor Aas�cablewi� �
<br />°z�, � � ,� aad authority w own the Pcoperty amd to cany an its Dusiness as nov�belug conducted aaQ� es aPP
<br /> _"� . qualified w do so 9n ea.sh state in whtcL 7Yusto:operates. � _ _
<br /> � ' `� � • � S. The execution, delivery aad perfom�ance of thia Decd of Tn�st by'I'iustor and the obllgation evldeace�l by the
<br />.�.; ,'" . . � Evidence of�abt are wit�in tha power oF Truswr, have baea duly sut&orized. have received aU n�essaN .
<br />' ;�, . .. . governmental appmval.and will not violate any pmvisIoA of law,or order of wurt or govetnmental sgeacs►• ,
<br />-;�_'.' • . � . C. Other thaa dlsclosed in wrldng Tcustor has aot cl�anged ita name within the Isst ten years attd has not used any .
<br /> ' O111Cf t[d�8 Q!C1C11fl0U:i ANRC.WiQ�out Beaefic�ary's prtor written consest.'Czusror daes not and w1U not use any
<br /> - . other name and will preserve ita exisiing name.uade names aaA franch9ses�mtll the Secured Debt is satisfied. . .
<br /> � . � 12.PRQP'EFtTY CONDPTIOAT, A1.TERATIONS AND II�33PECPION.Trustar wiU keep the Praperty in goad coadition �. ,
<br /> ' � - ' - and make all repaira that aze reasonably nece,ssary.Trustor wlll glve Beneticiary prosnpt notice of a�r toss or damage to � ,_
<br /> '��;:�� � � . the Propert}+.Trustor will keep the Propeny freE of noxioua weeQs aad gtasses.Tntstor w i l l no t i n f t ia te,jo i n I p o r c o n s ent
<br /> to any change in any private resutctive c�venant� zoning ordinance or other publ3c or yrivate.resuiction limiting or
<br /> _- . deflning the uses which may be made of the Property or any►pari of the PropeztY.without Benet3clary's pr�ar wtltten r' _
<br /> • consent. Tnistor wlll ao8fy B�neflciary of a11 demaads, Pmceed9np,s, ctaims. anA acttons against'�rustor or any athet�- �
<br /> �:� ,; ,, ' owner made nnder law or regnlatioa regarding use,ownersh3p and aacupancy of the Pcoperty.Trustor w111 camply with all�'�
<br /> - , � . � . legal requirements anA=estrictions,whetDes publtc or private,with respect to the use of the Propetty.Trustor elso agtees ,
<br /> equ r
<br />- .: . . that the nature of the occupanc}+and use will noi chaage wIthout Beneficiary's prlor wdtten wnssnt:�
<br /> � , � No porHoa of the Praperty��i116e removed.demnlished or materially altered�18ou�oefe�e�'s rtd����wom �
<br /> �- , � � . except that Tnistor has the right to remove items of personal property camprls g p P� Y
<br /> � .. : "� '
<br />, _-- . _ _ _ _ aaaoaoee
<br /> ' . I w � �" Q
<br /> � m 1933 9anfce+s Sv�tam7.me..St.CtouO.MN f,�_}397-23st 1 Form aG26DT-N¢9113/98
<br /> I �.�
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