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<br /> ' ��. - �l. , '� t " .,4. • �''`d. <��� 'a• �. . '. . . ' . �' �� `V' � ..
<br /> • ° - t : P �� � .: a' . . � . t .� y'`
<br />� ti; c�.. . . •f� .i- , ._ K�`,Y �-4 - y _ .. �.f� - . c� � �` ,i, �. . .
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<br />_ . S . ' ' .. � L. P ?- �`F '.G.` - �..,,� . �.t .�.� _ _ � , 4� <.
<br /> . .. - � �l— �o� ��
<br />- _:>��'«�°• � Bmrovrer shall tb$im �nn�+►ex�ns os h�aFter«e�ed on�rrop�ty ,-•�`-f-
<br />_ ,. . : F S,�@ u�ProP2�tg �D F� , ' .
<br /> -` <:.� �� �.�', isuumd a�in.st tosg b7►fue.I�ar�r�s inctuded witt�the t� "e�ctPaded coveaage°end any attter haza�ds.inciuding Qoods ar u :", °.
<br /> , � t'taoding,for wh�ch I.endea reqaaes insurance.Tbis ins,naIIOe s4�a116e�ainiamed ia the amounts and for dte periods t�ai Leadra � `� ° _
<br /> _ �� 19ie�e�pnovi4s�g d►e ins�e sfiaU ba�chosca hy Bamuw���x tQ I�cnder's ap�mv2l w6ish shall not — �-- _
<br /> °�;� �'� �ffib1y withhetd. If Borrower fa�7s to ma3atain cove�age d�bed abmre. Lendea may.at Len�i's opt�on,obtain � g� � ,_.��
<br /> 1� .. �overage to pmte�I�dca's rights in the A�peaty m acc�tdancewitbpa;ag�apl►7. � �"� .
<br /> ,L � � AD mstQance polictes and r�aev�ala s�all6e acc�tabie o�I.aader aad shall inslade a smndard martgag�claus�.Lender sball ,` ��_ :s.�.
<br /> .' ;t have the right to hold tbe polici�s and teuev�als.If L�ader leq�.Bormw�stu�prompdy give tn Leadra ell rocei�sts of�at+d `` ':� n.
<br /> �
<br /> , , . ::,;���� � gmm�ims mW reuev�at nodces.In d�e eveat of loss,Baaower sbaII give prompt anYice tn the insivanse c�iee and Leadear.3.eadea .. , . .�-�f`�--
<br /> ` "`�:� may ma3oe pm�f of Iass if not made gmmptty by Barmwea. . °` i;'.'
<br /> ti:= _
<br /> �" ' Untess�euder�Bosmwea oth�wlse sg�ee w wriaag,msurance pmceeds sLaD f�applied to�an ar_re�ta�r of the � ° _
<br /> - , .
<br /> ° � �. � F pmpe�tyr itamaged.'dE tlze restosatian�ce�a is ec�wuetc�lty f�te�d Lender's se�mty sa Qot Iessened if tne�esoa�aucm ar . ,r'"_
<br /> - > °F • -.�`�`�' ' -_
<br /> - . repair is not�unomir,aliy feas�bte�Iaadds s�p w+wId 6e Iessemed,the msmance praceeds shall be spplIed tn the sa�s . '��:<.�-`=,.
<br /> ��` �- � �� • s�¢d Dy�this Seauity tasOmme,nt,whether or aot ths�►du�.with any excess pafd to Baamwea.I€Batmwer ebandons itte 4... _ -
<br /> � � • ' Ptopeaty,az daes not aaswer w;tl�30 days a aoLtcce from I.and�diat she�ce�das offered to seitte a claim,then � —
<br /> �:;� ,..: � Iandca ritay oolfect the ms�ance pmcee�.Le�der may ase the proceeds to repaa m restnte the Pcoperty flr m gay sums sa�ued `_�_ : _
<br /> � `. by dus Seauriry Iasuume�t,wh�hea�notthau d�e.lhe 34�day peaiad�!beg�n whea the notice is givea. 4�� _...
<br /> < <,.
<br /> -'2.. .- ` UNess Leud4r sad Bmrower othetarise agtes in wtitfing.anY�FPlicauoa ofpmceeds toprmctpal shaU notextwd mr pos� -- �:`':
<br /> ` . ' •`.`.�,:£�; the dne date af the ffionthlY P�Y�ents refeaed to in parag�aphs i aud 2 os clmnge the armomit of the paymeats.If aadea g�b - _.---
<br /> ` ° �: r°;'3' 21 the Pmgeaty is acqaired 1sY I ender.Bmrawe�'s rigt�i to aay ins�anee polieie.a aad pmceeds resniting fmm damage on the , F �—
<br /> • '�' P�opeaty priur oa the ar,quisition sLall gass to I,eai�dea to the exteat of the su�s sec�ued by this Se�rityr IngOra�raeut immemately , ,--°:
<br /> i ' ��� r :- r`=�+-
<br /> � .._�....'i�. �l m�1380Q11�071. ` -
<br /> • . 6.Ocwpaacy.Pr+eservation,Mainte,naace aad PYOtectlnn af the Propertq; Bormwcr's �.oan Appi�c�tion;Leaseholds. ,�. "' ,-.
<br />�,� ' � . _ Bom�w�sHall accupyi,establish.�d use the P�+aperty as Banow�'s priacipal reddence witLin�ty days aiter the ex�udon of .x° _
<br /> ; s .�r .
<br /> .. . ;'� dils Scxurity Instnunent mnd sLari cant�ue to ooc�sy tne pmpc�aty as Bon�nwds pmicipal irsidence far at Ieast one ye�r aftea the ::;�;�:`�.�•-
<br /> � an
<br /> �a `� ''�' date uf occapanayr,miless I.ender ot�erwtse�ces m wri�g,which conseat s6aII not be unm�nnabty witht►eld. or�uatess `;�, `.;_.
<br /> m v
<br /> � :';;�, ' �.#; e�na^�ing chcamstances eust wts�cQ are beyond Barmarer's asantrol.Boaowea sUaD aot destrpy,damage or frnPair the propeaty. ;� ,T::_—
<br /> � •�� . :1'; ailaw eTM�Pmpraty w deteaimat� or cammit waste oi►thr�c►perly.Bonower shaD be in defa�ilt if any farfeiNre acdan or �"' �_-
<br /> '`' � :. ; proce�ding,wheth�civ�or eaiminal,is begim thas m Lendea's gand faid,judgmene cautd resntc�n farfeidue of ihe Pt�parey or �=�-�-�` �.;:_
<br /> `�� . ��� atheaarise matarially napair the liea�created by c�is Seauiry In�tnuneat or Leader's se�aIIiry mteaest Bmmwer may wre sa�b a -- _—
<br /> ��, . ; �:: .-_" ---
<br /> ; . � defanIt and reinstate.as pmvided in parag�aph i8.hY c�asing the acdon�s praceeding tfl bs d i�n i s s e d wi t h a r u l i ng t h a�,i n :•,�,:;�,.. •�--.-
<br />��-� . �-'�' Lexider's good faith�on.DrecI�d�farfeinue of We Borrowe�'s in:estst�a the Propeaty or atl�material i�pa�ment af
<br /> � . . . ��:, ty. '°�`:;;- � _
<br /> . the lieu created by this Secauity Inswmeat adr Leade�'s sec�i mt�st Bmrrawer shall also be in defauIt if Barmwra.dustng the � �:a:',..r
<br /> .. �,� ����, Ioan applicz�ian�Process..Bave mafearially faLss or inacemate infotmati�on or statp,rnents to Leader(or fa�ed w yravide Lea►der with . � -�"""
<br /> ' . ' : � '' �y mateaial infom�ation) in connation vriW the Ioan evldenced by the Note. inclading, but noi timited w.ceyresent�ons �_ _ -
<br /> �:.. �._.;:.::.
<br /> �: :�� � -.� canoean�ug Bolrowea's accupancy of the Prapetty ag a priuclpal residence.t�this Seamity Insuumeat is on a teasehold,BurmwPa �:�'�.;;;.'V"`
<br />*.: , sball comyly arIth aIl the pmvisians of the leas�If Boaawed acquires fee tr�e w the Propary,the Ieasehold aad the fee dtie s6aii ..�=;;��'° -
<br />..'�t : ' . . "*k , �, �--w�mrt-�.
<br /> �.• :�,:: . nat meBe unless Irender agrees w the merger in wrideg. � _�°_;.
<br /> 1 � 7.Plrot�ttan at Lender's t�ta in ffie Prapestq. If H�a�er fails to peaform the cov�at►ts and agc�emems¢onta�ed in J.-__;�=;j,�
<br /> ��� W1s Scauity Inswment,or th�i�a te8�F��B��Y sign'd�cantty affea.Lendes's dghts in the Prape�cy(sach as a. . ,
<br /> � : • .', ;I' ' FmceeQinB in ban�tcy,pa�ba�.for cond�+++�+-*��„or farfeimre or ta en.�'cx��e iaas or regatations).thea�Le,nid�r may do and P�Y -- '=
<br /> .x<:'
<br /> � • � . �. r for whatevea ls aecessary to prase�t the valne of We ProDaay snd l.e�der's c;,gY6ts in thc Properay.Leatder's actions may inclado ' ,�- .
<br /> ;";,�' ' ' � an sums secured by a I�whIcb has priorIty ove�r tLis Secarity Insuument,ePDearing in court.Day3ng reatonable • °"';::;:-
<br /> Q�Y�B Y -_ -
<br />:=�.�^ :, ' auan►eys'fees and entering on t�e Froperry w maYe repairs. Atthough l.e,nda may ta�e attian uader this paragraph 7.Lender . , _ -
<br /> . . . does not have to do so. • y�-"' .
<br /> ��f. . . . . Any amounts C'�vrsed by I.end�uadea this para�aph 7 shall 6eco�2Cdiuonat debt of Horrower secared by this S�ecuriry . :-"-_�,._
<br /> '' �� �� ', ; instrumea�1Jnless Bormwer and Lendea a�ree to othea tenns of yayc.�g ahese amounts shall tsear interest from t�e date e� . . •
<br /> �_, � �
<br /> :�;�: ` . ' � � disburseanent ai the Note ratE and shaA be yayable,witb int�upon notice from Lender to Bmrower recN��DaY�'-� � � .,,
<br /> ,-, 8.Mortgage�nsarance. If Lender required mongage in,�ance as a candition of maYing the Ioan secured by tT�Secutit3+ x :.�.�:_._..:_,.,-
<br /> ��� � • %:�:; Insmunent, Bormwer s3�aU pay the preaniums requtred to mainta� tho mortgage ins�uance in effect. If, fos any reason,the � _ .. ..
<br /> � , mortgage iasivaace wverage rcqaired by Lender tayses or ceases to be in effect,Borrow�sball pay the premiums rcqoirhd to '�; .
<br /> ;.��� . obrain coverege substantlaalty equivalent to tne mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equiva2ent w the ' ��.,-
<br /> :�; . � cost to Boimwcr of the mortguge�nsutance previously in effect,from an alternate mortg�ge insure�aDproved by Lender. If . .
<br />';=_• . � � substandally equivalent mortgage�nsarance wverage is nut available,Boirowea shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal W �
<br /> � � on�tweltlh of the yearly mortgage lnsurancc yremium being paid by Bomfwer when the insurance caverage lapsed or ceased to . �. .
<br /> . bo in effect 1.�Q�ariU ac�cep� use and retain thesa payments a9 a Ioss resenro in lieu of mortgage insuranco.Luss reserre � � �
<br /> ��.. �
<br /> � . . . Form 8028 0/90 � . '. ,
<br /> - . . , �•BA(�1E�I921�.01 Papo9o18 Initia;s:--- —- �. .• .
<br /> . ���
<br /> _ . . . . .�g'. �D . � .
<br />.I,'w`_ _ _ . • . ' . " , ' • -: � . � . . � .. . . , : . . . : . 1.. .
<br /> ��• ' . � . . ' � � - . . . . . . . . . , . ..
<br /> '1�.,. . � ; . ' `. _ . ' . . ' .. . • ' ' .. - � . • •. ' � - . . ..•
<br /> . . . - . .' - � . . _ - . • . .
<br /> ?, .. ' . . . .. � � , • , . . . . . ' . - , '
<br /> ,. �-t. ' ' . � � .. , ' _ . ' . � '� . ' � �' � � ' � � yp.r�..�..._.'.�_ „_�......�._._+...�:..��-... . _"y.'t...
<br /> • ' ���; < �. �vJ a s! •M�r^*^r^^"'�C""' ,^'.�.^�^w"^'�.�"T�. 4 .i,..,��,`a - , :v:�aau.is' a�sc-al�ct.�^��um:..�-u�s•MSl
<br />. ...._ �1'�.'T...'101:u`lif .�".v.'1 { . -� i ... . • . . . . .. I.. . . _ . . - .. . .. •i A�..�s _\•L _ i'Ix. ._ '�.s .. . . . .._.
<br />