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<br /> �� ' LOAN NO.10-1141 � `` � -.
<br /> � " IeTO'g`ICE: TI�S LO�I IS I�T�'T ASSIJIV�ABI.E �R�I'TI��VI' °,: _ .
<br /> � � � . '�'� �PFRO�IAI. C�F�'HE I�EP�TMENT OF �'�'ERA�TS .,1.r..r.:ry�:
<br /> � AF��R3 Oit I'f3 AU'��IOItIZEI� AGEN'r. :�µ -_- -
<br /> ,. . T�S V�A GUARANTEE�iAAN AND ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER is made tBis 14th day of �,. % _
<br /> .� November , 1997 ,and is incoiporatea inso aad shall be de2med m amead and svpplem�t the .-- _
<br /> ° .i:�� Martgag�. Deed of Tnut os Deed w Sec�e Dg,�t Ne�ia°SecuritN�a�um���dated of even date hecewIth, �'+.� --.-
<br />. , � � , giyen tr�1 t�undets��(t�a"Bouawu°)to seciue Boirowee's Nate to .: --
<br />_ �h.��.. _ . . :.:ac
<br /> '. � `,�: ?'' Ma�or i�rtgage, A Wyoming Corporation � -�;•: _
<br /> ; (berein'I.eenaes'� ` -
<br /> '' t aad lacated� `r.`���.;.,�:.�
<br /> . =1+ ' and cavering tiie Property de.scn'bed�a the S�itY�
<br /> :�f . �
<br /> �.'t;`.r`•�-:.. _�- -
<br /> �4"`' 101 Ei. Cedar Street,Qoniphan,HE 68832 � _--
<br /> ,
<br /> . . •Y --�
<br /> . ;
<br />_ ' `` � (P[oDertY Add2ss) . ., =.,"
<br />_ , `�. : `.s*., �. • LOAN COVENANT:In addittan to the coaenants aad a$ceemeats.made in the Seauity �^,�,?.�• �.�:���
<br /> VA GUARANTEED as foltaws: "�'"_
<br /> �. ::�, � I�atrumen�,Sorrower�i I�ader Ruthercaveua��d agree
<br /> If ehs indebted�s secmr�hemby I�goaranteed or.insused ander Titbe 38. Uaited States Cade,snch Titie and � ,'. �. -a-=�;
<br /> _ , Regulaa�ns lssued theceunder and ffi effect an the date hereof sh�govem the�dg6ta, daties�d liab�ides of �'_
<br />�� exe�aied Ia aonner�oa wittt L.'�--`� •- --
<br /> _ -- E a m o e f e r�d L e a d e r.A n y p m v i s i o�m f t h e S e c i tt i t y I n s t r u m e a t o r o t h e z i n s�a a t e u t s. �.. -�,-�—_
<br /> � a�t�uding bac•uoi vmitai io, tQe �t� :
<br /> � said �debiedness v,rbicg are iaoonsistent with sai�l Title or RegWations. . r
<br /> t" � oY ihe se�+�indeMedae�s aad the prov�sion .,: a �---
<br /> .'pmvlsiaa for paymeat of azry aum in cosmecam wssh P�RaY�°� ��v�t 17 of the� -
<br /> . �.',;:, " that the Lender maY aaeletate PaYment of t��vred i n d e R t e d n e s s pursu�Tt ��"�} -
<br /> . , {, t xrf_
<br /> instrument,are hemby a3nende�or��tes�to wr e extent neoesszrY to confmia�suct�instcs�eats to sa.��tte or �
<br /> �.+a�.•�LL�._
<br />- � '' ,k � Itegulati0ns. .
<br />- � � : -r LATE CHARdE:At Lender's aptfan,Borro��r wltl p� a"tate chazSe'not excer,diag faas Per centnm t4%j of _=`��;":�_
<br /> y �.;..
<br /> . � ' the averdue paymcnt whea paid more tLaa fiftea(1�daYs after the due date thereaf to oover the extra expense �:,� -.—
<br /> �,.r:;, . ..��� ---
<br /> :; , ~�;. . imolved in handling delinquent payments,but sach'late charge°shall not be payable oui oY the pruceeds of a�► .�;?..,..---a-
<br /> �'.� sa2e amde to sadsfy the indebtedness se�ured hereby, unless snch pmceeds are saficIent to dischuge the entire •• - -
<br /> . , costs and eapenses secured hereby. -v�'.' -.'��;^�-
<br /> � • � . .';� indebtedaess and all proper � � '`�' -
<br /> . , •.;.�r�:� -=
<br /> . � �, GUARANTY:Shoutd the Depaitmeni of Veter�ms Affairs fa�or refuse to issue iis guaranty in full amannt within i �__
<br /> ,...;* ' 60 days from the date that tbis toan wanld normally become elip,�'ble for such guaranty committed upon by the , -
<br /> . � Department of Veteraas Affalis ander t1ve provisions of Title 38 af the U.S. Code "Veterans Benefits: the .�;i��k`.,; _ -_
<br />- ` "�".s` Mortgagee tnay►declaze the iadebteduess heteby secused at once due and payable and may foreclosC im�.�dIately _
<br /> . . � � i I �;?'�r..=?."'�F_:...
<br /> . . . or may exercIse any ather rigAts Dereuader or take sny other proger action as by law provided. �
<br /> � t TRANSFER OF THE PROPER'f'Y:This toaa may be declare��rmediately due aad paye'aie v�wn uansfer of ttie � , '' -
<br />_- , . . property se�ring sucb toan to aay nansfera.unless the accepiabiliry of the assumpdon o€a'�eloaa�S established , .'� �-�
<br /> , pwsuant to Se�tion 3714 of Chapter 37,Title 38,United States Cade. . _f '~—�
<br /> ,=�.
<br /> ,.. • ' An authorizeA uaasfet(�a�sumPtiaa°)of the ProPertS►shall also be subject t�a�:ditioaal covenants aad agreements . _-
<br /> � as set forth below: .;:.; - �•�
<br /> : �� �e���S�trno770N FUNIIIPi�'n�EE: A fee equal to ane�half of 1 percent(.54�0)of the b a laace o f t h i s loan . • �
<br /> ° � " ' a4 af the date of transfer of the pru�s�r ahall be payable at the time of uensfer to the Ioan Iuplder or 9ts authorized _ _
<br /> _= � � agent,as tsustee for the Depanment of VetQrans Affairs.If the assnmer faits co pay thls feE at the tIme a�taanafer, �
<br /> � che fee ahaU consHtute an addi�onal debt to tt��:seady secured by tLia insmvnent,s'ha11 bear interest��ie rate .. .. :.t._ � .�
<br /> � . .. herein pravided.anA,at the optioa of the payee o?t he i n d e bt e d ness here b y sec�u e d or a s y r u a n s i e s e e t h e i w f,a h a ll . ., ;
<br />= : .,. . � � • :, , � �
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