� ° . . , _ -
<br /> �� �ii?:;°z�.,.... r: c�.t;�:ac c:..t �,�,r:-;-^-��-=� _ !�
<br /> ��. �4. r - - . F s c _ ,Etr.'(s -.:� _ �, . .- .�._.. � � . �,
<br /> � :s F q, � � t `r `r�.`� . �
<br /> a .c - -4 .�: z i�.• _ •e _ t.. 4. tft� -•.-..,-�-'� _:r n
<br /> a..rj _ . .:t-i. .:c--•g` �t t . .s .o•4-=�'+��^ i ` ,: ''" �-c�� � - �,_,_'`.��..a�'�`.'FyT�..-`s1,� .
<br /> c�-z. �� .� .t V F.� 5.,� '��" 4 .-y. -
<br /> .` _ - _r''.f^_^'=_' - _=�..�. . . . . ...� . � � �c .:i., �tT .
<br />, :k'-y � �-`�'c.`.•t� �+�._
<br /> - N.�� N` l � VVV�W�i'Q� • ��a� ���Yp1W� •\�-� ``
<br /> ' •4 l� ' .. �` , ' �.J ��� 'it_
<br /> ' ;' f �, peyma�. Bartovror agrgss W maic0 e0 psymecrt�an d�e seeeued Qt�bt wfien duo. UNess BoTruwor an0 Londar e�se ott�erwfse. m�V �. �
<br /> 4�..�. pa1��Lpr�r meeiva�ftom Borrower ar iar @crmivcr'a�ar►afit wiU b�apAtiee tiret ta any amouMa 8orrower owes ow ths see�rad Qebt . :"s�,.:,
<br /> . o�usiwat tnterest at prindpa�.sacond to IirtaresL end than to ptfrtaipaL t�C�O�C�errt at tha baewed da�e�ra far acry raasnn,it viiii. , i��n.,�. •t:
<br /> �;`•; not radu09 or exeuse e�1f�ad P� ` ``, '
<br />. -..�,.•r,: ,,�,�;'- �l Ec:�ut tY.f•_y r� 2 , "�; ,
<br /> '. , g,a�iras pgcinst Tf3��artowrar w:�pay .�sae ,�a�Q;� es mtuibutabto ta the pmpetry wflen du9 ar►d wIIt Oetand t1tiD . '; :,'.,�•
<br />-:`,. • to t i s s prep ap��e fi l d a i m a w N c h t►►1�t 1�@. I.a n d e►r n a y r e q u U e B n r r o w a r t o a u s i g n a n y r i g h t s.cleIms or ,a.
<br /> , � d e t e n s a s w h i�Q a R a w e r m a y h a v a e g a i n s t a B� l�7 � t m prcve or matr�ta6�the propetty. • <
<br /> .� �,.�..�. ° , �
<br /> . � , 8„ins�trse.Borruwer wilt keeD tha propaRy in�eae0 undsr terms aeeeptaLie tv i.ender at Bcrrowefs e�erse end far LenQere Dena fit.A O • � '�'�
<br />',,`� % insursnea potidaa sfmil incNde a slenderd mo�tgsge dauso irriavor of�e�Lertder wi0 De named as loss payaa or as ihe insur9@ on eny sw� ' �`�` . ' '
<br /> . -: ' ' fr�um�w Pbfl�Y•�Y fusurBna�Pmcee�s m a y 6a a p�QeA.wtthin Lendar'a dtsaetina.tn etther tho restoretian or repair ut ths demfi8ed OroDerN t ,
<br /> ;.��-,� .,�� •• t.
<br /> `' • o r t o t h a 6 e e u r e d d e l r t.it tOnGer re q u l ress mo R gage i n sursnce,Hurtowar aBTeas to malr►tein sud�insiam�ce ior as long as Lender reqWres. �:"�,' �
<br /> � a �`� 4.Ftog:rty.Barmtiver witl keep tha proporty In Baod conditIon and make ai!►epeUs teasanabty nocessery-
<br /> w _
<br /> +.�'6' • � _ � '.
<br /> "•,� . 5.6�¢nsaa.Bmrotvor a�ees�o pay eit 6e�Qer's� (ot�tding reasanaDte atoorn�V�'tc�.it Bouorler Cteaks airy covener+ts in tNs Qeas n
<br /> �.. �� r���. af trust or In eny obJtgat�nn secured Oµtliiz daed ot st.�arrower wN pay these amounts to�eader as provided tn Coven�tt 9 of 9his deed ot ; .
<br /> ` ,�i �tlSZ' ��
<br /> � ; .
<br /> 8.R�iar Sseaisity 6st�esta.UnIeas Boaotiver Hrst abistns LenQeYe written consertt,8oaower wiU not make or permit amr changes to eny pflor �< < -'
<br /> , -' t security inteteate. Bonor.vst wi0 Oertorm aU of Borrovrer's obkgetian9 ander any ptior mortgage,deed af uust or offier ssscurfty a�eemern. - _:
<br /> z. inrJuding Bonowefs covenartts to make paYmer�whert dua. ' r�'�
<br /> 7.p�{����np�Psofrts.gorrawer assigns to 4ender the rerrts and profiis oi tho aroperty.lJntess Borrovuer and L.�nQer hava agread f,Y
<br /> � ottferwfse fn vrtiting,8ortower may collect and retein the rerns as long as Borrowar is nut in delauR.if Borrower detauits.Lertder,Landers p� ,
<br /> tegertL or a eo�pt appoirrtea reeeiver may take posseseton and manage ths Droperiy and coUeet the ren�.Any rents LenQer caltecte sha116e i� .s...: r
<br /> _.' ., ,� a➢A�Ied ftrat to tRs costs ot marcaging�the OroPertV Inc4edir�eourt easts and ettumeYS�fees,eommissions to rerrtat eSe�ta,and aety mher t :
<br /> � .� � .e.. �_ isecessary rolated a�ensea 7ite rema�nmg emauni of reitta WiU then appty to paymertts an the seaufld debt as ptovided in Covanam 1. �,` .-..;:__
<br /> ° 6.e�os�cr.uL•�:coaacnuniums:F�rae uatt o�agmsntn.Eonowe.s ees to wmpt�►v,;u►the prn,ristnns ot c+nv�ease if r►►ts aeas af uust Is on z =
<br /> ' a;easeho2��d t'�a deed of truat ts on s untt in a conQomtnium ur e p�amieQ uNt Qe�►etopmert,Borrpwer wI0 pertcrm a0 0!8otrowere duttes 1
<br />..,'4,,'«_ ,. . „ .`, tmder the�.��.ar regutetianc+af the eortdomiNum or planne�unit dewlopm6nt. • .
<br /> Y : , 9.Authority at LmtQer ta V�farm tai 8amm►er.tf Borrowe►faita to�a�►of Bnttovre<a duUas under tfiis deed of�ust.Lender may
<br /> `E + . : , p e r t a rt n t h e d u d e a o r e a v s e t A s m t o 6 a p a r�o r m e d.t e n d e r m a Y s i g n orrv�aefs name m ay arry amow�t if ne�ssary tar perfarmanee.(f e�ty � �r t
<br /> 0
<br /> �eonsdueHon an tt+e9raperty is d'iseorninued or not cartied on in e reasona�la rt�enne�. '1.en ►maY M+N1�amvar is�ecesseN m Wa'�e���'8
<br /> - . •'� � ';:� sec4uitSl irrterest in 4he P►oDerN.TAis may IncNde campietUtg the consGUCti�n • . ,
<br /> . . _,:._�iiF.i�:T: Lender's fa7ure m perform witf nat pred�de Lendar hom exertistng arry af ite att�er AgtUS under tha taw ar Uds deed ut Vrist. • ��•.=3,._�::�_"��
<br />,� • . end�n11 bea�r i�itteresi trm t�ha�ot U�ie pa�ytemrert�I�paidin�t�ull a�t the inter�eset�rabte in eftect on�e ec�ed Q�ht�.�witi Qe due on demand " h�' ' _ y
<br /> . ,. _
<br /> ti � 10. Oatcutt en0 Aeealersikra.H Borrower faits to make enll Oaymertt when Que or breaks eny eovenants under tNs dead ot vust or arry � �j*.-
<br /> - oEfigatlon eawred by tl�ta deed of bust or anY Orior mortgage or Qeed aF trust.I.ender mav ecceterate the ma�t�uity ot the seeuted debt and '. r �_
<br /> . •• ; -�•. Qemand immediste paymert artd maY invoke tho power ot sate and eny athor romed'res Dermfitted by applicabie Iaw. • -
<br /> � , �. .vy.�.
<br /> •� � � N.Raquost tot(�a4tce o!DeLautt.it ta hereby wquested that copies of tfie notfces of detauft an0 sala be sent to each Derson who is a parqt •:��``� • °-
<br /> , � �-• �' ' ; hereto,at the address oi eaeh.suct►person,as set tarth hereir�.
<br /> . . �nfr:�"1��.
<br /> ` � ;, �� 12.Power of Stta.if tha La:sier imrokes tho pawer of saie,the Trystea shali first record in the office of the�egister ot deeds a!eacls caunty ��
<br /> _ � yvhetetR ttte tr�st�roporty ar samo part ar Darcei thereot is sih�ated a notice of defautt cortmhUng the trtfom�ation�eQuired bY law.Ths Trustea _
<br /> • sifa0 aiso mail cop�es of tha statica of delauft to the Borcawe:,to each person who is a�arty heteto,and w ather p�6snr asprescxibe0 by ,,,.:
<br /> � ' appflcaQie Iava No4(ess than ane mot�tlt after the Trustee recarEs the noUce of defa�R,or two morrths N tfia Vust property ia rtot in arry �-;. __
<br /> i r e c o r p o r a t e d e i t Y o r v f t l a g a end I s used tn farmin g aperetlons earrled an hV the trustor.the Trusteo shall give pubtia no8ce af 8ata td tha persona �.,
<br /> � and in tha man�rer prescribed bV�apppttea6te law.Trustee,without demand on Bortower,s ha t l se 0 t he prope rt y e t pu 6 1 1c au c t ion t o t h e h i g h e s t _
<br /> � ,; bfdder.if required by the Fazm Homeste�d Dretaction Act,Tnistee sAall oHer the proparty in two separete sales es requirad by epplicabls Iaw. E r-
<br /> i'ruscae may postpone sale ot all or eny pateel of the property by aubiic announceme�st at the time an0 placa of any prev3ousty eeheduted sala. �.�w,
<br /> " LenQar or its designee may purchase the property at any ea1e. . -
<br /> .� � _ .��i`, Upon�ecetpt ot paymeM o1 thB price btd,T►ustee shatt AeUver to the purehaser Trustee's deed eonveying the property.Tfre reeidats carrtained in `" �' • '
<br /> Tnestee'e deed ahall ha prima facie sY�dience of tha truth of the atatemerrts contained therein.Trustee shatl eDDty the proeesda ot the eata in tha r +'�z-
<br /> ; � • , fotlowing order. (a) to a0 axpensea ot the asie, inctudia@. Out not Iimited to, reasonaAte Trustes's faes, reasonaEle attomeys feas and ,_,_. _
<br /> • reinstetoment feea;(b)to all suma seaaed by thfs deed of trust,and tc1 the batance,if erry,to the persons tegally entiUed w rece�ve tG _Q,�t _
<br /> ` ,. . �_'�.:�:..,... . : : ,•'3,�:.
<br /> • 18.Foroctosure.At LertQe('s option,thts Qeed o4 trust mey be foroctosed in tAe manner provide by appficabte►aw tor foroctosute of mortgagas . _
<br /> ' , . � . on real proPertlr• :,:�t.r: ��:
<br /> �; � ` t t4.fsttpoetton iender may enter tAa property to tnspect ft if LsnQer gives 8ortower not+se 6eforehand.The notice nn,ss stete the reasonabte ��,^wy-_
<br /> � � . cause for LenQers insDec�c:t. �F'=��
<br /> .r, .. '
<br /> .` 1y.Cm►Ga�as►.Bonower assi ns w Lender thepcorxe�s of arry award nr ciaTm tor dama9es connected wttb�a conCemnation or athe�taking . �.
<br /> ot ail or a:�r C�t of the property.�uch proceeds wili hB eypned as provlded In Cavenane 1.Thts assignmeM is suDject to trie terms af ar,y priar zt'� .
<br /> ,•� securlty ag.*�:r.tacn. . �. -
<br /> - � � 76.Walues.By ezercfsing�ry rame6��vaitabl�w LenQer,LenQer doeo not ghra up any rlghts to later use anv other remedy.By not exerctstng � :,,-; �r:`
<br /> ' any remedy upon BoROwafs defauit, nCer does not waive any right to►ater consider tha evern a Qetauft H it happens agatn. • - __
<br /> �,�
<br /> ��� 77.JoTcrt m�d Sovaral Ue4Aity;Co-stgnare:Sueeassore and Aasigns BotmO.All Quties under thia Ceed of'trust are joirn and ceverel.Any = -
<br /> ' • � � Bortower who co-sipns thta treed of vust but daea not wslgn tho undartying dabt insVUment(s1 dcs�s so onty to grant and eonvey that
<br /> � �.� � Borrowore imorest in ffie prCperty to the Trustee under Me ter�ma of this deeo oftru3t.tn addi�on,SucY+a Bonnwet egreas thet the L�Q9►and :
<br /> - � . � ' debt wh�hcut that Borrowe s�ronsent end wttfmiouyt eteasing that Bonowo rtiom the tenns oBt thls d ed o���thia deea o!trust or U'�sscured . -: .
<br /> o ..
<br />'-'' �,�� ''± 7he dutteu and 6enoflts of tf�ES Qeed ot uust shall binQ anA benetit tha suecessora and assigns of Lsndar aad Borrawer. • ;
<br />-- ;,;�. 78.Naflco.Unless otherwiso requtred by law,any notica to Borrowa�eha116e given by defivering k or by maliing R by wRifled mait addressee to. � ' _._
<br /> '. Bonowar at the p�oDorty eQdrosa or anv otfier addresa that Bottower hos alvan to lender.Bonawet wi�l give any notice to t.andor by oartiflad
<br /> ° • • #: mali to Lendare addresa an pago 1 ot thfs daed of trust,ar to any other adQroas whieh LenQer has designated.Any othsr noUco to Lersder shai! •
<br /> ,"",• . be sont to landor's address ea state0 on page 1 ot tnis deed of trust. .
<br /> ' � �` �, Any noUce shatf Oe Qeemed to heve been gfven to Bortowar or Lcnder when glven in tha mannar stated abovo. .
<br /> � i � • .
<br /> ' � ' '� 19.Tran�for of tho�roperty or e Boneflctal hKerast fn tho Bonowcn.H ati or any part ot the praporty o�ar►yr interest in it is so(d or transfeRad
<br /> � f 1 without Lenders prio�wrltten consoM, LenQer may demand lmmediata peyment oi tho soeurod debt. Lander moy atso demanA immediato ` �� .;,
<br /> � � �...�•4 DaY+�ent if tho Bonowor is not o natural peraon and a baneflclaf interest In the Borrower ia sotd o►transtarred. However,Lendar may not .
<br /> f Qamana Daymerrt tn the e6ove eituaUona if it is prohibitod by federal law as o}the dato of thia deed o1 Vust. .
<br /> '. �• � � �` 20.ReconwYaaeo.YYhon the obtigatlon secured by this deed of trust has eoen pald and Lender has no turther obligation to make advaneoa � �. _
<br /> '� ��' under the InsvumoMa or agreomente secured by thls deeA o!Vust,tho Trustee snet�,upon written request bV the Lander,recomey the Vust .
<br /> proparty.Tho Londar ahall deliver to the Borrower,ar to Borrower's 8uceessor ln intorost,tho trust Qeed and the note or othor evidence ot the
<br /> �.. . ��•�, obl�gaUon eo eaticfled.Banowor shell pay any recordaUon costs. ,
<br /> � 21.Sucecsaot Tn�stao.Landor, at lanEer's o tion, rr�y remove Trustee and ap oint a successor Uustee by fir8t,tn�iUng a copy ot the •• � �� �
<br /> " � � substitution o}trustoo as rsquirad by appticablo Paw,and than,AY fiNng tho substit�n ot Vustae tar recard i�oftico ot tho ragistor otalCads . . .,
<br /> � of eaob county in which tho Uust proporty,or somo part thereot,is 8ituuted.Ths successor truatoo,without ddnvoyance of the proparty,,sha11 .. .
<br /> ' � ' suoeood to oli tho puwer,dutios,authority and tlUo oi the Trusteo named�in tho deed of trust and ot any sueeossor trustee.
<br /> .- . � . • .
<br /> _ '.. • � . . �
<br /> . �� . � ' rnoeo s or a� . , .
<br /> .,
<br /> " � � �`� { BANREi19 SYSTEM9,INC.,ST.ClOUD.MN EB301 IL80d997•23411 iONN OCRMt6H8 8/19/91 � � _
<br /> . . .
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