5.�. .:aY.i_�.. . �.. _._ .�:�..�_�_-�:.=.,_.r� �. -..r� t..- :c'� .:c-�_._�ty�-��_+c.-s.T.�:..t_�i�.:
<br /> T�. f ----�.___. . . . -. � y,=-}- -�f---
<br /> q.:xv.�.�•..-%"'r•o � ' _ � �"< F' a ,.t: .. � f f �4- n:.'c � �� ��` `l. '
<br /> . :4 � . _ . . ,4 „ � .f� =`. � . ._y., -�r . `, t` i �r
<br /> t'-�` -a .� . - ' - .,��'�t � `� c',;�, —- .c. _ ± _ . � � .%
<br />. .ti.� '4� o .y� ,t� - a � (� �� `
<br />. `�4. �r •i�_. `�: _�<�'Q'�c �f. �,�,'
<br />.. . � �' . t. .<t ' � �. ".��,",'� o;`�`•' � .
<br /> . .. i :.�' ��� ���(y0 , � ��µ��`;_
<br /> Y�t� .All f�e fmm�eue�darq m 7Yoswr ar other fat�e ob����of Ttastos W B'�ary mWer { �_ °, ..```.,
<br /> `�. i`F 4 � �' � ��$�Si8II4p�OI 4�ICt CVLdEIIC2 O�dE$t QECaOCO,Oy 7�tOSWI�II�YM O�BCIIC�t�B�� .�f• . �•`
<br /> • . 8�C[f1�9` �DS3tl1IDEIIt W�t�E!OY IIOL t�3$BC�IIty�SOSlt�SIIt IS Sp@C1��y t�. �IItflIC t118f1 OIIC , `•� u �`' �.
<br /> ,r � .�.:.
<br /> ,. • � �Q!'i,q•$ '�L���t,� 1YtL4t0I 1119I t�S S�L'UI1�jt I� W171�64.C�tC e 811 � ;�o �E`
<br /> � ; ;. � �`�.� aaivauoes��e obligai�� that ane en to oi iaCUaed��bY anq ane or mo:e 1�r,or a�uu�Qr mo�e T�usSnr .
<br /> . aud a�s.AD fmnce adva�s and ather�obligadons a�saeatod by 9ris Saa�t9 in�trameut evea.�ou8h a]I �' `. �`' _
<br /> ° � �� orpart may m�tp�� Ari fadtte edvauses and offier l6mae nbi�dams are se�ated as if made on the date � � . �:
<br /> t3�'g$ewrjty Insut�meIlY.�NO this&�wnityt Ia�mmeut�hall��stitat�8 o�oitmeai b mage addi�affi1 or ' '"•* Y `'r'.
<br /> ;.� .� . �Fa c�e IQans ar adwances ia any�Any cammitment nm�st be agr�eed tp in a s�pa:ate cvating. , ;� ,.,' , ., .
<br /> � C.All abligabioms Tiastas owea W Beneficiarq.�cL may laoer aiise.w th�extent nnt pmlu'bited by law iactud'mg �,, r �:
<br /> — � - � b u t n n t li�t� Gn. liab�7it�es for avecd�8s �eladng w an� deposit aocQUnt agm�ent 6etween '�'iastor an� _ � ,�`
<br /> �_,�.•� �i'.��.:`.
<br /> :-��.;� D.A 1 1 a��i t�'a n a l s�s a d v a a c e d a u deape a s e.a i a c u�s e d b B e a e&c i a ry f o r i a s a u n g,Dm s e c v i n S o r o t h e�v i s e p mt�ung �:=?. ,:ti: .
<br /> ase. y •
<br /> t�properiy eAd i!s vatae and any o t b e r sunos a d v a u c e d an�esgeases iacumecl by Beaefrsiary under the tem�s o f e H i s °`
<br /> . � .:��, g�i�y I�u�s. . � . .�u. t ,
<br /> -.rt�. , .,
<br /> . 'i�is Se�ly Imsammeut�ant se�e aay mher deUa if�ciary fails co gtve saP reqnu��of Sie right af .l ���`-
<br /> .. �cis�on. � � �''=�`--`�-:=-
<br /> ' . ` s 5. F�lf1l�PTS.7�usDos a�es d�at aII paytu�nts w¢der the Socared D�bt wID be-paid wbeu Qte and ia acourdauce wi�tbe , ��'�`-_ �v :
<br /> OA ,� —
<br /> ;�_,'� ` • , tenms Of the Sea�ced I?ebi su��is Sewnry�eat. � x -,._-.�--::
<br /> ,. :
<br /> � 6. WARRAI�Y�F 7IT17.L.TmsWT waaaa�flrae T�asUai is nr vn'11 be lavs�'ariy se�ed of the es�e caaveyed bq tMs � `��=
<br /> ' ` . . g�ty Tncttument eui!h83 thC 1lght to 3sevoc�Dly 6r3st.OOIIVeY.8u$sell dte Fmpe[ty to TCUS�e.3t!t�ost.wtth Powet Of ` '� -
<br /> ptro�tq' t for e�mn6�of record. .
<br /> ' � ' sal�.'iYastnr also waaanL�that tke �s�be�,eac� .
<br /> . �'�:, 'f
<br /> �'� ;�. 7. PSIOR�Y�FSTS.Wi�=egard to suy atP�ec II�dee�of t�secu�tY ag�eni�other lien . _ • -
<br /> ;a ` � �t tbat saea[ed a paas secnritp inttt�st ar enc�b:aace un tbB .'IYastazag�ees: �`• ` - �" ' -
<br /> ..F ,, , A TO ma�e aII paymeats whao►dne and to gerfomm or c�nply�tb aIl cuveoants. . �f�-•_;
<br /> � H.To��tty de�ver�n B�ry a�►Y IIo,does t�at 7tasoai�vc.a fiom t�eho2d�. � -
<br /> :� � C.Nof ta aIIow aaq mndif�wban or eatenscoa of,nor eo =eqaes-t an}►fadue adva�es u�der auy nate ar�eai ° '-_
<br /> , . '` � se�red by the lien doca�ent without Beuef�ciazy's paor wnttenca�eni. �.�- �`�
<br /> . �?r ,� t .` 8. CLAIIblS AGAIl�IST TiTl.d:.'IYostn��11�ap sII�,a�ments liens.eawmb=aaoes,Iease Faymentq,�u�md�enta,. � - _
<br /> � , uu`lid�s,end other :eiariqg to tae Prap��ty when dae. B�dasy mapre qSmre T����e�h� .�
<br /> eiari
<br /> . . . . � :�:.'� c o p i e�a f a ll n a ti c e s�s rs c�a m o n n i s a t e d u e a n d t h e r e a�p t s e v t�8 Tmscur' pa Y m e N- `� .. -'""
<br /> , 8 e agacingt ycla9ms 0at wonld imgair the Utea af tbus Seca�ty Instsumen� Tnrsws a�ees to agd�n to •' -.��„e
<br /> "';� e������ry aa �d Benefidary,ta._a._9 sIB�.claims ar defeas�3':ustor�ay bave agaiast pa�es who sappty labor �,�.;;�•r
<br /> � � • ' pi iais to ma�ntamor�ve die r+�t+e�t5►• . , . �r�-
<br /> . ,'< � ,�s
<br /> 9 DDE ON�AI�OR ENGUN�ANCE.Benef�3ary may.at its on.der�a��e euune balauce of Q��d DeAs w �` �s;�r:.��:.- ;-�-
<br /> �3
<br /> ' . . be�ty c�aad�ayab2e npon tbe�eadoa o�or cunt�t�the cre�a of lien►�rdma�.�r ar ,;.��3,.'�.' ' ...��_:
<br /> � .' s a t e o f t h e P m p e r t y.7 i u s n �s s a b j e c t t o t h e�c t i o a s i m p o s e d b y f e d e�a�T a w j 1 2�.F.R.5 9 i),a s. 2 e.1�L s �°�r, .;�;;�--
<br /> . • covenant sLall mn wStb the�mgerty and sbaU remain in effect nni�the SaaueO Debt is paid iu foU t�s 3ec�tty. F` •� ,�:,�'_.
<br /> .. � ' InsWmeatiszeIedsW. � � . . ---�- -
<br /> .;; . •`-�.� ��� `r�.�.
<br /> � � , 10.PI�OP'�RTlI COl��'dON�AL7ERA'1'IONS AI�ID 1NSPE�TION.T�usto=w�71�p the PtOge�ty ia od condidon + _�`': `.�"—:�
<br /> '<
<br /> , ' . . .. . ; aad ma�e ail ti�at are ieasona��Iy . 1'tastor sbaD not commit or a�ow any wastei.�painmeni. os - -- ;-_.
<br /> -�. _i deoedo�-al�on of� pe�y Tiaswr wiu&�P;+apErtq fcee of noaious�ee�s and�s. Tzasour�rees tLat H� ''����'�; �:
<br /> � . 1 natuie of t�e occuyau��aa�nse v�ll not snbslantially clian�ge�vithant BeneSc�y's grior wnuen conseui.'YYastor w�l twt "''"'°""�' �a�K
<br /> , � . �; . p e�m it a�►c�Be in any t�cens�,res�cdve saveuant or c�setst�nt wit�ont Be�eeficlary's pzior wrIuen cunsent.ry'iuswr wltl ��,. ��_-
<br /> e
<br /> „; ;{,;� n a t i f y.B e n e f c c�a t y o f a l i d e m a n d��g r u o e a d i a g s, c 1 a i m s.a a�l a ar o n S a S a i�s�'E's a s t a t,a a d o f a a y 2 o s s a r d a m a g e t o t h e , ...;:.• �;
<br /> ���Y• id
<br /> � ; . 2::�'"
<br /> � .�' ,'� as Benefsclary'sagc�a may.at Benc��y's optian.enrer tt�e Pmpeny at any�p.mnable ttme fo:the se . i�'��' , - --
<br /> � ' oBF n��g the PmpertSr. Beae&ciary sbaD give Tsust�r afldce at the dme of or before•aa on s7� ing a ::'.r;��.,�':�----.
<br /> ' ' " � reasana�2e��pu�pose fos the � Any,ia�gec�on of the Pm�perty shaU be enticely far Beia��' y's 1 t ar.� ,'. :
<br /> �. Trastas wAI in no way rety an Sene�fccia�►'s�don. . ;. ��- . - -
<br /> .. ._ '�.... fr:
<br /> . Z�. l��'$QRj'j'Y'j'Q p���kjtq.Jf'1�Ip5��1S t0�0�SIIy�Tty 07 8�af�COV�D3nL9 OO�IIE�1Dl t�S$CCUtTtq • •. S --=
<br /> ;. `'� Iast�m�ent, BeIIeSaaty may.�pithont notIce,Perfonm or caase tuem w be pe�fwme0. 7'�ssor a�poiab BeneFcbazy as --�`
<br /> ,; s• attomey in fa�c to s�gn Ttvstor s aame or pap any amormt n�azq fai pert�aacx.Beneflclary a ti�ht w erfmm fas ' '°�°;�
<br /> . , �: � Tiastar s�aU#im create aa abligadoa to�,and Benefisiary's fe�ue to perfom�wiD nnt preclude Bene�darq ham � � , �=�,.
<br /> , :::;. ;�g any of Benef aatq's other rigfits rmder the law os thL9 Security lnst�ens.If auy const�aetiuon on the .-_° .. --
<br /> i�s�ilisconSnued or not cauiad an in a reasonable maanrs.Beuefu3ary may fake aU steps neoessary to pmt�t Ba�e�
<br /> � . �.,l�': s�rity iuter�in the Pragerty.inctadiag e�mDleHon of flte cQnswcdon. '. . . .
<br /> �;.���.'. . . j �Z. ASSIGNMQPP OB 1bASFeS APID RENi'S.Tiustor irrevoc�Iy g�ants.cameys anA selts to Tmstee.in trust for the ,,. � ...
<br /> iu
<br /> , benefit of Beaeficiary,a9 attdidamat sec,wity aU t�e right,dde aad iateiest in and to any aa�aU euisting or fninte tease�s, .. ' . .
<br /> .. S� � � ..��.` sab leases.a n d any o t b e r written or v e z b a l a g c e e m e n t s for t h e use s u d�����uDaacy r�effetre0 m t i a n o f t h e P i o p e rt y.i n c l u d i n g . �
<br /> auy eateasions renewaL9,modi8cado n or substitudoas of sac� ais(all w as"I.eases')and nnts.i�sues ,' ��:'�e�,
<br /> ' � � � °p aad fiG�(a1�refeaed w as 'Rents'). 7Yastar will pm�t3 p p�ide BeneB c i a:y with c�ne au$oon�ect ies of aII ,
<br /> � . e�g asd�¢d�e 1�.T�o r may co l�,r�.eajoy g¢d tue t h e R e n i s so Ioug as T t a S t v r i s a a t i n�t n a d e r . � - ..
<br /> . t h e te�s o f t�i s Seartit9 Losm�eut. � . � `
<br /> � Tivstar acguowtedges t�t tbis assignmeat is peifec�d apon tbe re+cordiug of tLis Deed of 9'iust and tt�at Beneflciary is . �.�.�'
<br /> , . entitted to n,ntify siry of 1�nstor's tenantg to makepayment of Rents dne os to become dae to Beaefeciary. However . �
<br /> � � Bene&ciary a�es tbat oNy on defauit w�l Ber.�Sc3aiy natiSy Tmstor anA Tnuwr's tenanLv ancl make deman�t�t al� .
<br /> . � • tutiue Rents De aici direc�y to Bene�ciary. Qn receiying anfice of de�alt�Tmstar arl0 eado:se aatl delivet to Bp��e�fi,da�ry .: .
<br /> any payment o�in'F"iastos's pc�sesdon aad�vill ieceive any Renas m tnut fos BeneBciary and wiU aoi
<br /> e
<br /> . . , the Re�s with aay ather fonds. l�ny amounrs coltscted�vill be a�plla1 as praviQed in this Secaritq 1asWmen�.Tmstor . . .
<br /> . wanaats that n�defffiiIt eaists aader t�e Leases ar aay ayplicaDSs Iaadloidltenaat 1aw.Ttustor also agrees to mainffiin ars�
<br /> . . . . require azry tenant W comply wtr�h the teans of tM Lcases aad appl�caDte taw. . . : �
<br /> . 13. LEAS�iOLDS; COP�DOMIIVIUNdB; PLAI�INED UNfT D'rVEUDP'VIEPiTS. Tn�stor agrc�es tocomp Iy,with the � � ..
<br /> D D4
<br /> • ' � ' paavisioas of a�t Iease if tL�is Security Inssrument ls on a teaseAold. lt chep�erty includes a u�t ia a condsmmimn vr a ,
<br /> t s
<br /> ._ . pianaed unit develogm°nt.Tnutor will perfom�all of Ttastos's d�ties under tfie cavenantv.by-taws.or tegWation4 of ttte
<br /> coadarminium or planncd unit developnttnt. , " . ; . .
<br /> ,' � . � i Ipago 2 of 4)
<br />- ,. . � i 8/8308m[e�Slnta�v.u+c..SLCUudMN If�90O397•2307i FamqE-0RN? 71127�9 - • . . � .
<br /> .. 4 � .
<br /> . ..} . '_
<br /> -- .,_ _
<br /> '. � . ' ' � '------ .
<br /> ' � . . �- �.
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