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<br /> �� TO()IITHSR WITH ull t1�C i�apravem�uts aow or liereafter erected uti die praperty.:►nd ull e;�.ument�. appurtei�x:es.and N
<br /> � ` "• tiatures naw ar uereafter a pact of the properry. All reptacement� aud aJditianK slixll xlsu t►e covered by dds S�xudcY ,4'°
<br /> Ia�uwueat.Alt of the faregoing is referred m in tt�tA Sec:urity Insttuiuettt xs tbe"Propeny." _
<br /> �'---- BORROWBR COVSNANTS that Bonower ls Iwwfully sei�ed af d�e est�te uereby couveyed xnd has the ri�ht tu gca�t Wncl ___ .
<br />'��'"�� convey the Properry and that the Property ia unencuraberecl, except for eucumbnuues of record. Barrower wacranta snd will Y_
<br /> defend geaerally tt►e dtle ta tbe Properry aBainst All claims aad deauuxls.subject to any eucumbrances of m:ord.
<br />-- � � THIS SHCURITY INSTRUMBNT wu�bines uuiform covenants far nadonal use aud non-uulforrn coveaants wlth lir.�ited _
<br /> „ :4 variadons by jurisdicdon to wnsdtute w antforra secucity lustiument covedng rr.al propeny
<br /> . , UNIPORM COVSNAIdTS.Hnrrower and Lender co�veaantd��e CharQa+°8orrower ahall promptly pay wLeu due the �
<br /> ,`' 1' p�y� °t princlp�l and In�a�ti ��Y re a cnt and late charges duc uader the Nntc.
<br /> - �''•��� • princip�l of and iaterest on the debt evldanced b the Note and any p p yui
<br /> r� 2.F�ncb for Taxa nnd Insar�nce.Subject to appllcable law or to a written waiver by Lepder,Borrower shall pay to
<br />-°:`-�«;,:s;• L,end�r on the day monthly paywents are due under the Note,until tbe Note 3s paid in full,a Svia("Punds")for: (a)yearly taxes _
<br /> Y�:;:��� and asse�nents which may attaiu priorlty over this Securlcy Ir�uument as a lien on the Properry; (b)Yeatly leasehold paymeata
<br />_-�_..,�-.��� �nsurance Premlums;(d)Yearly flood insuranca Pmniuma.
<br /> --,��:��. or ground rents an the Property.if any: (c)Yearly bAZard or propacy a able h Bonawer to lxnder� ia s�cccordance witli
<br /> '""="`�� if any;(e)YeaTly mottgage insurance preuiiwus.if pny;antl(�AnY sums P Y Y --
<br /> -:.•:.�.;�-,:,.
<br /> ------- ttte provisions of paragraph 6, in lteu of the pxymeat of mart�age insurance prem�um.g•These iums s�re crUed"Escrow Items.
<br />=` �'�. L.ender may, at any time. collect and hold Funds ln an amount not W exceed che masimuat amount A lender for A federAliy
<br /> �_�"'-'"�� rclaud mongage loan may ralutre for Borrower's escmw account uadzr tl�e federal Real Bstau Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> unless another Itw ttu�t npplies to tt►e Fus►ds
<br />°�i'�� 1974 as amencled from dme to wne,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2b01 et seq. ('RESPA'). —
<br /> ;,.., .
<br /> �-'�+ sets a lesser amount. If so.Lender may,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not w excad the lesser amoua.
<br /> `"`�'� L.ender may estirnau the amount of Punds due on the basis of curnnt data and reasonable esdmates of eapeaditures of future
<br /> -=:�� Escrow Items or othetv�Lse ia accordance wtth appliatble law.
<br /> 1Le punds shall be held in an insdtudon whosc deposite are insured by a federal agency, instnunentallty. or endty
<br /> =��� (including Lender.if Lender is such an insdtudon)or ia any Fecleral Home Laan Bank. Lender shall apply tbe Fuads to ps►y the
<br /> --_—= Bscrow Itews.Lencler may not charge Bonower for holding and applyiag the Funds.annually analYzinB th�escrow accotuu,or
<br /> .,��_.�.���� v�rlfying the�sscrow Icem.�.uulc:+s Leud�c g::ys Bona•��er intt�s ou�he Funds und applicable law pe=mits Lender w mdce sveh
<br /> ��.�_� a charge. However,Leader may requtre Bonuwer W pay a one-dme charge for an independent real esq�ce tax repnrtia6 semc�
<br /> -�-='~y'� used by Lender in connecdon with this loan, unless appllcable law pmvides odieivvlse. Unless an agreuaent is made oc
<br /> —�"— aPPlicnble law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrovucr u►y Interest or�xrnings oa the Fu�cls.
<br /> ��u� Borrower and Lender may Agree in wrldng. however, tLAt intetest sbaU be paid on the Funds. L,ender shall give w Borrower� •.
<br /> `•.•."'.b�,�� of the Funds, showin8 credits ancl debits to the Punds and tLe putpose for whiah each
<br /> — -- without chxrge. an�nuuual s�cccoantin8
<br /> ---= deblt to the Punds wAS made.The Funds are pledged as addidonal securlty for all sums sxured by tlus Security Iasuument.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender excced the amounts pecmitced to be held by xpplisable lnw,Lender shall�ccoune to Borrow�r
<br /> --- for the excess Punds in accordanc�w�t1������ents of applicable law. If the unount of the Funds held by Lender ac stnY _
<br /> _---= dme is not suf6cient to pay the Bscmw Items when due,Lender may so nodfy Boaower ia wrtting, and,in soch c�se Borrower
<br /> ,�� �p�y�J„��r���moutt�ne�sary co make up the deficiency. Borrower shall nutice up the deficiency in no mon thxn
<br /> ;� twelve monthly payments.at I.ender's sole d l s cce don. � n� �Bp��r�y
<br /> Upon payment in fvll af all sums secured by this Secucity Insmimeat� Lender shall P�P Y
<br />