<br /> • " . ,. . ,�: f.,.�e_�=?�:`
<br /> t « ., 'r'•.r_�� . / .. . .. ,. ._ . . . . '1"'i:��`'�-�.- :—• .�.,T--..,.a._��_-`
<br /> _ . µ'��.*
<br /> "'..._ y� • • --__
<br /> ,.�r''.r_�t �
<br /> 13. I.�NDER`8 RIGHT TQ COMMENCE AFi DEFEND LEQAL AC710N8. Orentor shall Imrbdiatelyp►ovlde Lenrler wlMi wdnen notice o}eny actual or ,_,
<br /> � � '� thr�a��rMd ectlon,wR,a oth�r procMdlnp att�cting th�Prop�rly. Arentor henby appoints Lender e�Its enomey•In•fad to cartmnnce,Intervena In,and �j.�:
<br /> ,� dehnd wch actlons,wit�,or other IaqaJ proc�eedinga and to compromlae or wrile any d�lm or comroversy pertaining thereto. Lender shail nat be Ilahle to -r
<br /> Orantar lor any action,e�'ar,misteke,omission or dela y perteln i n g t o the actions desc►Ibed In thls peraAraph or any dameges reauiting iherelrom. Nothing � �_;
<br /> " oontalned h�r�ln w i l l pre v s n t U n d�r hom t e W r p t h n a a l o n�d o s�x i b�d In thl�p e r a p r a p h In its own name. y �-_-
<br /> '_ •�� U. INOEMt�NFICATION. Lsnd�r ahal�not atwms a be ra�pon�lbl�for th�p�rtorrnance of eny ot�rentor'�obllgetlona wiih roapect to ihe PropeAy undsr O
<br /> � erry dranxtences. Crenta�hell ImrndiatMy provlde I.ond�r with wrfttsn notke of and indemnlfy and ho Ide ndo�and�u�erofiAl�de n.actlons.6eulne e d� �'`
<br /> , snpioyN�und apsnU herrriesi from ell dalrro,dartief�es,IIabIlltiss(Indudng ettomsya' fees and IeQa �e 1, ,�
<br />`,-,;• o�h�r Npd proeNdinyt(eum�lativ�ly"Cldnx')psrteinlnp to th�Prop�rly(Inciud�np,but nol Ilrtited to,ihose Involvin Huazdoue Materiala). C3rantor,upon ��..::
<br /> ' � the reqw�t of Lendsr,ahell hlro Isgal oounesl to defend Lendsr lrom wch Clalms,and pny 1he attomeYa'fees,lepa�exqnse�end other ooats Incurted In � t_
<br /> �� connoctlon thorowlth. In the eRemetive,Lendar shall be enthled to employ fle own leaal counsel to dafend such Claims at Cirentor's cost. drentor's
<br /> ,,.�x�l�f�, obligatlon to Indx►nity L�nder und�r thlt pa►apraph�hell wrvhrs ihe tsmdnatlon,relsaie or Iwaclosure ot thia Dead ot 7rust. �
<br />�� 16.TAXE9 ANO ASSESBMENTB. Orantw shNl pay all taxea end asaeumentu rNating to Property whsn due and Irmrdiately provlde Lender eWdance -
<br /> of pa t o1�atrM. Upon tM r�qwst ot Und�r,Orenicf ah�ll d�poatt with Lsnder eACh monih one-tw�lRh(�/12�ol the eatirreted annuai inauranca •
<br /> pr�jaxn and e�a��uirms pertdnlnp to lh�Prop�rty. So long a�thero Is no defauM,thes�amouits �hell be eppllad to tho peymant of taxas, _
<br /> - T '� aepttrtMnta and Inwrana es requind on ths Prop�rty. In ths went ot defeuR,Lendar nhell have ihe right,at Its eole opia�,to apply the tunds so held to
<br /> pay any taxe�a egelnat th�Obilpetlons. My tunda applled may,at Londer's optlon,be applled In rovxse ader of tha due date thereof.
<br /> le. IN9PEC710N OF PROPERTY,BOOKS,HECWtDB AND REPORTS. Cirama ehall al�ow Lsnder or As agents to exerrine end ine t ihe Properry __
<br /> an assiatence
<br />�'��1.. . � end sxertins.inspset and meke oopN�ot Orentor'�h°°Its and r�cada p�rtalning to the Propsrry from time to tlme. C�rentor shnll�rovi y
<br /> :`�^�-�,C ' nqulndyy L�nd�r fa ih�w purposa. All of the s�atuns and intorrt�allon containsd in Cirenlor'a books and reoorda thdl be penulne,true,aowrate nnd
<br /> ' ' cortpi�u(n ail r�sp�cis. arentor�hall nots tha en�K�na of L�nd�r'a benefldel IMerost In 0�bockc end ncord�pertalnhg ta the Property. Additionelly,
<br />-,.,t:...,.
<br /> _�,,� �ranta fhell npatt,In a fortn�atlttectory to Londer,such Inforrtiallon as Lander may request reparding Cirentole Rnandal ocnditbn or the Property
<br />-=':'_;:�l. Intametion ehNl bs tu such periods.shall roAoct Qrantor'e reeads et such tlme,and ahall be rendered wNh wch frequency ai Lender may designate. All
<br /> =-'`:_�^= InfomiaUon tuml�h�d by�3rema to Lend�r shalt be truo.aacurau end oortplats In all reapect�,end dgned by Cirantor if Lender requesis.
<br /> - :��
<br /> '°�-� 17. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES. Wfthln ten(10)days efler any rsqusat by Lander,dranta shall deMver ta lend�r,or any iru�nded iransferee of Lendera
<br /> �:-:� rl¢ita wlth resp�cM to ths Odlyntlans.a dqned end adviowledped elatement sped(ying(a)tiia aut�tandinp halanco on iha Obligetlone�end{b)whether _
<br /> p�a pos��sss any qairrr,ds(�na�s,set-0fte a counixdalrta with roapect to the Obiigationa and,if so,tha nature oi such detms,de�enaes,set-0ffs a
<br />,��,��,;� oaxrtordaims. Cirantor wiil b�eondusivsly bound by eny representation that Lender mey meko to the intendad trensfnr�e whh respsct to these metters in
<br />'-��;t<� tha event that Qrerrta falis to provlde ths requested atatement in a timely menner.
<br /> ,;=�s 1�. OEFAULT. C;rentor shaN be In defauft under lhls Deed of Trust and the Tn�stee'e powe►shet!become operelhre fntha evsnt that Cirantor,Barrower or
<br />^:�1;�� any guarantor of the Oblipationa:
<br /> _,;,_� (a)fall�to pay eny Ob�ipation to Lendw when due;
<br /> _ _ (b) falla to perform anY 06U9at�on e►breaches eny wertanty or covanant to Lender conta(ned in tNs Qeed of TNSt a any other preaent a futuro
<br /> -;s;,,,� egreement;
<br /> (c)dasuoys,loaas or damapes the Propercy In eny materlal respeet a sub�ecte lhe Properly to seizure,contiecalion,or eondermation;
<br /> (d)seeka to rovoke,teminate or mherwlae Iimit fts Oahiliry under any puarenty to Lender;
<br /> —�-� (e) di�a,beeortb�lapelly Inoornpeiant,la dlnsoNed a temVnated,becomes insotvem,rt�ekea an aaslpnment for 1he benefit ot creditas,falls to pay
<br /> __,�_�� d�bts as th�y becon�due�flks a peUllon under the federdi banfwptcy laws,has en Involurrtary petitbn in banlwpey flNd i�which Orantor,Borrowar
<br /> «i��y�u:ranfctl:�.cs tses�Q�rl:talt!�n��ndar any w►it a procesa of court;
<br /> _=-v�� (n allow�pood�to be ueed,tramported e►atorod on ihe Property,the poassssion,tremportation,or ws ot whlen,u iiipef•
<br /> ---— (9)allow�any perty olhrr than Orer►tor a Bortower ta aasume or undertaks eny Obligatlon wllhait tM written cons�rt of Lender,or
<br /> - ihat 2t�ie aosp�0}pay ro�tforaperfomance Is itmpelrod�flcant dedine in!Iw valus of the Propeny;or W Lender.In good faith,for any reason,beifeves
<br /> — 1Y. RIfiHTS OF LEHDER ON QEFAULT.If there is a defau8 under this Deed of Trust,Lender sheil be entitied to eurdee one or more of the toilowing
<br /> rome�M�without rado�or d�rrand(�zapt ao requlrod by iaw):
<br /> (a)to d�ders ttw ObNpations Imrrndlately due and payabls In tull;
<br /> (b)to ooN�ct ihs outsta�xlrW Obllpa�ions w(th or without rosortlnQ to Judielal prooe�s:
<br /> —"'— (o) to rpulre t3ranta to delhrsr end make available to Lendar any peraona!propeny or Chattela oonatituttng rie Properry al a place reasona6ly
<br /> - Cp11YMIMlt l0�fAfltOf 811d L6IN�Y�:
<br /> -- �dep olnt•a rr.al ro�r wnha» 6ond fiw na,tfflroc brin�ng euft on tAhe�Obl patians end wk��hout oteh�irw�e m�e�ting�eny sta utory con�rs re0a►din8
<br /> �n►.n,n b.mo incn,d.a m.t�d.r•n�i neve in�s�►rncc�r�nt�o�am a naw�:
<br /> (�) to�rtploy n menaging egont of tt»Propsny a�d kt th°s°m°,°fth�r M Trustes's own neme,in tM name of L�nder or In the narro of Cirantor,and
<br /> nosivs ths rent�,Incon�es,fawss and proflts ot th�PropeAy and epP�Y th�sartn.aft�r payment of all naceisary chargea end expenaea,on account of
<br /> � ths ObIiWtlona;
<br /> --- — (0 to P�Y�Y�in eny fortn or mannsr dwrtwd axpadisnt by Undar to proteet th�aaa�rNy of thli Deed ot 7Nat or to cure any detauR other then
<br /> — pryrrant ot�m.rsst w ptinapal on tna ohllgation:;
<br /> ��--- (p) to foroeb�this DNd of Trun Juddally a nonjudieldly end to direct lhs eab ot the property throu�►exerdse oi the power of aale as reterenoad In
<br /> pvagraph 20 hsreof In aaroordence wnh appirabl�Iaw;
<br /> (h)to setott arantor'e Obtigationa apalnat eny errwurrte owed C3rantor bY Lender Induding,but not Ilmited to,monba,1(Ibt�tllTl!(It6,end deposk
<br /> ��"—"� eocouMt mafinelned wllh I.or�r u any cummlY sxlattnp or future aNlNate o�Lender,and
<br /> (q to ex�rdse ell othsr rlgMs availabla to Lpnd�r under any oth�r w�itbn epreenwnt o►aPP����gW
<br /> — �H�cMr'6 rl�hts are q�muiellw end maY b��x�rdsed topslh�r,a�paratNy,and in any ader. In th�ev�nt that L�nd��In�tkutas an actlon eseidnp the
<br /> �� -T��' rsoowry oT eny of the Prop�rty way of a pnjudgrrrnt rerr�edy In en ealon egalnat l�rantor,Grantor waMsa the Potling of any bond whldim�h t
<br /> --- ort���r��. ��a �cMsiqnse maypurchass tFw Propecy at eny uN. Pracaeda of any Trust»s�ale twreunder ahall be e�pplfid
<br /> - '���a lfrst,to tfis wats end sxpen�s of�x�rdfk�a the powa of�als end ot ths sels,Induding the payrt�ent of tha T►ustaa'a fMa actually Incurred and rrot to
<br /> - --�� �xcNd th�evrwuM whtch rrey be provlde�(o►�n this Desd of Trust,secand,to peymant of ths ObNpatbns sewrod horeby,thl�d,to the paymam of(unlor
<br /> -- ��� trust dsrd�,rtwrtgegea u othor Ilanhold�n,end the beience.If eny,to the peraon or peroons lageNy emMed thereto.fiaproperty or eny part thereofi may
<br /> r,,a��,;�,�� ys���orw peral,or�o such peroN�,manner or order as Lender in ite ade diacnt�on may eleet,and one a more ex�rdaea of the power herein prented
<br /> ��`��+*��� ehall not sMin�ulah a exhauat the power unlsss the etriire�operry le sold a the obligationa are peid tn iW.
<br /> =�+�-.s�aa�i�
<br /> :,,;��.,�... perty by exerdse of the power of
<br />•;°.•..s;�j,.., . 20. TRUSTEE'S EXERCISE OF PCWER OF 8ALE CN DBFAULT: If Lend�r elects to seli QramoPs INerast In the Pro
<br />'�y*•, :• ' eale hereln oontalned.Lender shell notity Trustee in the menner then required by law.
<br /> - � Upon recelpt of such notice of Lender and at the directlon ot Lendsr,TN6t99 6h811 C8U6910 bB fA00fdBd,puaisned ma deiwerea Sucn�oiices ot detaun
<br /> and ratices ot sele aa may then bo roquired by law and by Ihle Deed of Trust. Ttustee ahall,oniy at the arectlon of Lender and wilhout demand on Cirentor,
<br /> �- after auch tirr�as may then ba requlred by law and after recordatlon of nuch notice of dafaufl and aher nmlce of eale havinp been glven as required by law,
<br /> selt the Property at the time and plaee of sela flxed by It In eueh notice of eale,elthar as whole or In aeparate lota or pereel�or Items as Lender shell deem
<br /> i e nt,and In such order as It may detarmine,at pu41lo auction to ihe highest 6ldder for cash In lawtul money of the UnBed Stetes payable at the t(me oi
<br /> ;;� { e,a aa otherwlae may then be requirad by law. 'fruetee shaN deliver to such purchaser or puchasera thereof ks good and suffldent deed or deeds
<br /> oonveying theprope rty so aold,but without eny covenarrt or wartaMy,expreas or Implled. The recltals In sueh deed of any mAttero or tacts shell be
<br /> ':�.�__ conelusive proof ot the tMhlulness thereof. My�erson,induding,wNhout Ilmitetion,Cirantor.Trustee or Lender,may purchaso et sueh sale. Trustee may
<br /> - _.--- :,rnF�� nnet pforiGea vr iai:pvsir:ri m'�O�a.:.�.M��-•'=�'=•,=��!hs pmnertv
<br /> m tne ma - -
<br /> .y' 21. REQUE87 FOR N0710E8: Grantor requests that a copy of any notiee of default and a copy of any notiee of sale he�eunder be malled to each peraon
<br /> who Is a party hereto at ihe address of such peroon set forth herein at the same time and In the same manner raqulred as thwgh a seperete requeat thereof
<br /> " i had 6een flled by each suCh peraon.
<br /> NEDOTC R�v.?J87 Pap�3d8
<br />