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<br />,�:.:;i�•�.�.• C. I. TITLE INC. 434/31/V�7N01
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<br /> �_.,ti,�,,t_�� Taus�: r:aa�e�,x.�. y�K� U.B.BANK NATIONAL A380CIATION
<br /> R:� ��� w�rtn �r awaro :�ir►em xs saeoi
<br /> ` " n wn o t n or ot er a t na er arry ture a ces or ure pat ons,as a ne ere n,w
<br /> =__g,��r�� rrey heroinafler be advanoad or Incurted end the truat herelnafter mentla�ed and other yood end valua6is condderetlon,the receipt and suflidency ot whlch
<br /> . :,�:;,�..� ere her�by admowMdged��reMOr hsrsby Irtevocebiy wartania�onrg;ir�o�saRs.va�st�r.,�spta.c�n:�e;s en�as!�l�e r�rn,stee,his suecessors end
<br />___�.�� asalgns,IN TRUST WITH POWER OF 3ALE fw tha bene�t and secudry of *IYST MNx t1�TION7IL A//OC271420N
<br /> _—___;;.`; tA kq U.9.BJ1NK ldJITIONAL ASSOCIATION l'�.ender'), the
<br /> �
<br /> ] o u t � o rust, r su to t temr an co s n set ort ,w o�entry an postos n o ranta's present
<br /> a end fi�lure satate.rl�t.1NM end interost In and to iht real propeAy dssaib�d In SchNduk A whk;h�s attachad to tM�Dead of Truat and Inoorporated herNn
<br /> _�_-�=°""��-! by thl�refarenoe.topsther with all present and fulure Improvertwits and flxlures;all tanplble parsonal prop�►►Y�ndudinp wilhout Ilnitation ell machinery,
<br /> -----�—,_� equ�prt�nt,buqdinp mataials,end qoods of evary nature(sxdudng conwmer poodsl now or herealter beated on or us�d fn oonnactlon wfth the rsai
<br /> prop�rty,wh�th�r a not attlxed to ths Iand;privflepes,h�reditamente,and epp�Menanas�nduding eN dsvebprt�nt r�Ms essodeUd with the Prop�Ay.
<br /> - � vrheth�r prevbusly a sub�squenlly trensierred to the Prop�Ay from other reai prop�Ry or now a Mraafter suiaptlbN of trenafar from this Proporty to oth�r
<br /> - real property;basea lioenees end othe►agreements;rerrt�,Isausn end proflts:water,well,dtch,rowrvoir and minsrel rtgMs end atodu pehaining to ihs nal
<br /> --=--i�� propeAy(wmulathnly"Property�):to havs and to hold ih�Propnty and ths rigMs henbY prantad for the u�a and benefit of Lender,hIa suaeseoro end
<br /> ---— � assig�a,until peyrrrnt In lull of ail Odigations sewred heroby.
<br /> a (Uoreover,In turtlier oonsideretbn,arentor doea,fa C3renta and r.3rentor'e hetn,reproesntativea and assipns,hereby expressiy warrent,eovanarn,and
<br /> apr�e wflh L.endsr rd Tn»tes and thelr eucoascon and atel�ns es follawa:
<br /> — � 1. OBUQATION9. Thia Deed of Truet ehall seaxs tM paymmt end perfomwice of ell pra�nt and tuture ind�btednese,Nabilidea,oblipationa and
<br /> _; covenents of Bonower or GraMOr(cumulatNalyr'Ob1lDatioes')to Undsr pu►suarrt to:
<br /> ' (a)thla D�ad of Truat end tM following prorriasory notes end othsr e�e�rtisrrts:
<br /> ' VFIKiCIPAi.�1AIOUNTf !Kl1Lt �IAT1I1tt1'Y �R
<br /> _—=A
<br /> _�,�._���; 11,049.39 10/01/97 10/15/07 48500a014a
<br /> ------=�
<br /> __ �.i;-��a
<br /> --- (b)all otMr presen a ure,w en agreeman s w n a re er y o s o rua �►�x�au or wn�o►eii(tennt
<br /> - _:y=� purppMSthanth�tohDdny):
<br /> _=" _��' (p�eny gueredy of obllgatbna of other perlies gNen to Lender now or hereafter executed that rofers to thls Deed of Truat;
<br /> ` (�futuro advanoea,whether odipatory or optional,to the seme exlent es If made eontemporaneously wilh ths exoanbn of thle Deed of Truat,made or
<br /> r,`���', extended on b�he�f of C�rentor or Borrower. Cirantor apreea that If one ot tho Obllpatbns la a Ilns of credt.the Iien of this Deed af Trust thall conlinue
<br /> ``�`'--�'-w�` ' un1N payment In tu�l of all debt due under the Iine nolvrBhetur�ing the fact that hom time to time(but batora temilnatlon o}th�Ilne)no belance may be
<br />'�`�'��°��:' outstanding. At no tlme durtnp ths t�rtn oF thls Oeed of Trust or any extonelon thereuf shall ths unpeid and outstendfnp secured pdndpal futuro
<br /> - .,a ,�,.,... ,� as_�e
<br /> i::�` . � adaaneea,not Indudng eums edvenoed by Lentfer to protecl the eewriry of iHa Deed of Trust,exeeed ihe foNowing artauM: .a
<br /> Thla proNdon thatl rat oomtitute an o611patlon upon a eomrtitmem of Lender k meke additbnal adveneas or loans to Orantor;and
<br /> ._ .. .�` (s)NI ertrndrnnts,extsntbns,nnowals,rtwdlflcttttons,replaeer►�ente a substhutiona to any of the toregoing.
<br /> . ' As used in this Paregraph 1,the terms Grantor and Borrower shall Indude and alao mean any drantor or Borrower if moro than ono.
<br /> � '��= 2 REPREBENTATIONB,WARRANTIEB AND COVENANTS.C3rantor represents.wartante and covenents to Lender ihat:
<br /> � � (a) Cirantor haa fee simple merketaWe tflie to the Property and shaN melmeln the Property free of all ilena,securriy Imerests,ena�r�brt�ncas and ciaJms
<br />_ ._ �+ �, exoopt for lhis Deed oi Trust end those desalbed►n Schedule B,whfch Is etteched to ihis Deed of Truet and Incorporated hereln by reterenoe,whlch
<br /> ��,�pi� �- (irentor agreea to pey and pertortn in&timely menner,
<br /> ~�"- °- (b1(iranta IsM cortpllance in all reapecte wilh eli appliCable federal,atate and local laws and repulationa,including,wrihout Ilmitation,those ralating to
<br /> - ...- -^-•�---����_._., _...,...�.�....w�e.�...e�,,......,��..,...: .�,,.e��
<br />' -. `•,•• � � - aK8Z8►d0U5 �11�01@il&I8:as deflned hereln,9�IC OtI1Bf @�IVl�onmert[ei mHiiero�nv cua�.nunm�.w.o..o n a.....«..... ...�._�._
<br /> � ' other govemmental a quesi govemmeMel entfry hes flled a Ven on the Property,nor ere there eny govammentel,�udldai or admin`�at►atNe aclione witfi
<br /> ' respect to ernVonmentel mattero pending,or to the beat o}ihe drenloPs Iv�owledge,thrsatenud,whidi Involve the Properly. Neither C3rantor nor,to the
<br /> ' beat ot(iranta's knowledae,eny other peAy has uced,generated,released,discharged,stored,or ci'isposed of eny Hazardoun Materlals as deHned
<br /> ' herein,In connectton with the Property or tranaported eny Hazardoue Materials to or(rom the Property. Qrantor shell not cortmit or pem9t such adiona
<br /> to be taken In Ihe(uture. The tertn'Hezardous Materialc'shaM maen eny subatance,materlal,or waste which Is or becomes regulaled by eny
<br /> govemmentel authatry Induding,but not Ilmhed to,(q petroleum:(Ip friad¢or nonMeble asbeatos:(111)polychlorinated blphenyls;(hr)thoas substancos,
<br /> " materiala or wastaa dosignated es a�h820«IOU6 6Ubstanee'purauent to Sec�lon 371 of the Clean Wnter Aet or Ilstad pursuartt to Soetion 307 of the
<br /> Geun Water Act or any unendmonts or replaoemenis lo these statutes;(v)those subatances,mateMals or wastes delined aa s"hozardous waate' _
<br /> pursuant to 3actfon t004 of tha Rdsouroe Conservation and Recovery Act or any amendmerris or replecemente to that atatute:and (vl) those
<br /> I eubslances, mate►ials or wastee deflned as a'hezardoue subalance'pursuant to Sectton 101 ot the Camprehensive Envlronmentai Responae,
<br /> Compensation and IJadliry A�t,or any amendn'iema or reqaoamenis to ihat statuto or any other simllar state or federol atatule. Nle,regulation or
<br /> res�u^Itin�M�eminatbn of the R roperry wlth�Hezardous�Malorlela or ox o�eubsterWces�of the Proparty to a tenant or subtonam whose operatlona may
<br /> . Sjr
<br /> a.o.�a s
<br />- NEDOT R�v.2i91
<br />