j� /' .. - .. , . ' --,
<br /> �i ' . - .��.a..r�`Lr.. _ __'""
<br /> �at,....• —' - ..a_�a..Y.a�.� •aui�o:.-.. iS__... . . _�5 +.�. _. . "�_-
<br /> _., .�.�_ __._ �---._.r. '-----._—.�._.-'-'.4_a_..
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<br /> -_•R.{�"�i .
<br />�..,',°..�ern7i . pr
<br /> �'v.-;•�� h at�e�d e�etbn iuHTa ot proa�dl g�e ectln9 tlte PEQop�rty ��a h�reb/aappoim�L4nd�r�ai Ils�atl�omeynlnefect t oorrrnen�Ints orn In,end
<br /> ' `�'t'� • de�snd su�h actlons,s�ls,a other legal procead�nps end to eompror►r�e nr settis any clalm or oontroversypertalning thereto. Lender shetl not bs Ilehb to
<br /> """`�• arentor tor dny+actibn,x►or.mistek°.oM��l°"°►delay pstteinlnti to th�edlons described In thla paragreph or any darregea resuRinp thersfrom. Nmhing
<br /> in Ne own name•
<br /> �' yxitained hereln wlll prevent Lender(rom ts�kking the actlons describad In ihle parepraph _
<br /> r unde►
<br /> 1�1. INDE�NFiCA�70N. Lenck+r�haJl not easume w be rosponaible for tht perfomienoe of any ot Qrantor's oblipatlons wlth respect to the Property �
<br /> ;: � eny drwrtutsnosa. arentor tha�l Imrnedlately provide Le�deliebllftbs(Induding ariomeya�feeal end legel expenesa)ticauses of�act�ion,actlo a�auit6�and ; �
<br /> :: , �p�OY�,s and eflenn harrriess(rom all clalrtu,dema8s . _
<br /> .' o����ga1 aocaedng�(cumulatively'Cleima')pedeining to ths Properly(Inciudinp,but not IlmNed to,thoae InvoMng Hezardous Matertala). drentor,upon
<br /> U " tha request of Lender,shall hlru bpal counsel lo dafend Lender from auch Clalms.end pay the ettomeys'feea,legal ex nses and other costs incurted In
<br />' ,�. a y �'1 _
<br />-�' F ,�� o�bliga�t ol n to irde�rrnity lend�er und�e ah s��shail�survtve t�hattemi�netlon�rsl�easeeorl(or�edcsu�re ofthf e Doed of Tru� 81°fe"'ors�ost. ar�tors hi -
<br />�`'°�� 16. TAXESoAN�8u3SAlEN7e8.�e t ot Lend�er,�Cirenta ahall�depo�sitaur�nt�r eadiP�h�one tw��ith 1(l12)��of�thetesytlmated�nualrinaurence� -
<br /> y���� 3o bnp ee thero le no defauft,thsae amounta shall be app�led to the pa ment of texea, �
<br /> � of Paum,taxes and assessmente pertalning to the Property
<br /> - 8sse�wneM�and Insuance ae required on the Property. In the event of detauN,Lender�hell hnve the dgM,et Ita sole optlon,to apply the nds so heid to �
<br /> " iT pay any taxea ar egainst the Obilgellons. Any tunds epplied rr�ay.ai Lender's oPll°n,he app��ed In reverse order oi the due date thereof.
<br /> ,� � ` 16. INSPECTION OF PROPERTY,BOOKS,RECOROS AND REPORTS. �rantor shall allow Lender or its a�Ms to examine and Inspect the Property
<br /> �� ne,�Und�fathe�purpo��ss All of the�algna�s andrinfomies t�eol taloed tn 0 t�a'�af rbookc and records sh�all be genu�ne�true,�e e and
<br /> ' , . o o r r p l e t e tn ell ra a p e d�. arentu ehall note the exi�tanoe of Lenders ben�fldel imeeat In(ts books end r000rds Pertelninp to the Property. Addi�bnally,
<br />�-�Y�°Ri': Ciranta shaM rsport,in a fam sat is factory to L e n d e r.s u c h i n f o m i a t t o n a�l�n d e r rt ny requ�s t r�g a r d i n g a►e n t o r's flnnndai condtlon or ths Prop�Ay. The
<br />-.,<,_ inf�tlon ihall be fa such p�rioda.shall reflect Ciremor's recarda at such time.e n d sh e N be rendsred with woh fnqwncy as Lendsr may d s s i D na te. A l l
<br /> :i`�':� Infom�eUon fuml�d by C3rantor to Lend�r ahell be true.accurate and oomplste In dl rssp�cts,end sipned by Ci►entar If Lender reqwsta.
<br /> '.�i�arati�� y
<br /> =— ,:� 17. EBTOPPEL CERiIFICATEa. Withln t�n(t0)dnys eR�r eny raqw��t��►+�i) tM�ou�u endinp b��an�c+a�i thitmd�dilo�nr!f and(b)whil��
<br /> -- �ipM�wNh n�p�et to th�OblW�tlans.a�IprNd and edciowNdp�d
<br /> - Orrita potwccoa any elalme�deteneee.ee1�Ns a awmsrdalrry whh w�ct to 1M�t{on�end,If so,ths n�tun of wch �MIMN�,at�oH�a
<br /> �--T�r� tt�w�M th�al Glnn�taa�lf t provld�th�nqw��ii+d�t In a tlamdy�mnnK• �y�to itw irrt�nd�d Ira�isl�roa with respact ta thesA menere in
<br />'�ri��;.�
<br /> .�.-��A� 1/. �EFAULT. Onn1o►th�M b�in d�t�ult und�r this OMd of Tnut and 1M Tnnt�'s paxK�Iwll bacomo operative In the svsM thnt Ciranta.8ortower c►
<br /> any pwr�tNa ot th�Obllp�tlon�:
<br />:';:�=-.� (�) faN�to p�y�nY Obikpllon 10 Lrnder wh�n dur,
<br /> -- (b) faN�to p�rlam�nY Obi�pnllan o►b��act��anY w°rranty°�°o��e�1 to Lendrr oameined In ihls Osed of Trust or any other preaem u lutun
<br /> _�� �prMr►Mnt:
<br /> (o) dMroy�,lo�or dernep�s tM Prop�rty M any rreterial rs�prct a subj�cu the Properry to seizure,conflscatbn.a condxmetlon�
<br /> '-_ (d) �ks to rwdc�.t�milnau or otiNrwi�e tlmit Ha IlabiNty undar any puarenty to L�r�dar.
<br /> -�� (�) d�j�b�oonrs I�pyty meortpt�nL i�di:sohnd a tert�nat�d.b�oonrs Insolvait.rtekss en aatlpnmem fa ths beneflt of a�editon.tall�to peY
<br /> __ - ds6ts u th�y bkor►r dw�ANs a pttNlon ur�ths bdrrel baniwptcy Iaw�,has sn Invohu�tery petftion in benlwptcy flled in whkh(irento►.Barower
<br /> -- ,x any�uerardar I�nam�d�e►hee PropertY taken und�r eny wril a prooes�of court:
<br /> —� l� eMows pood�to 6s ussd,tren�ported or etond on the Propsrty.lM posassbn.trensportat�on,a use of which,Is Illegal;
<br /> ---__ (p� ONOWi Yly�y O�IMI lIll�I C�(MTO�Of�OffOWK{O BYSUIIM YI Uiit�iri'I3i��iS}f�tIOlt�lUta.rt the wtltt!�n!�nsem of Lender:a
<br /> ----_� ��t���+t���� t i����,It��fkant dadine In tM value of the Propsrty;or ir t..ender,in eood r�nn,ror any rea�n,�xisv.�
<br /> �9, pKiHTS OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. If there la a default urxkr this Dead of Trust,Lend�r shall be errtitled to exerdse one or mon of the tolowlnp
<br />--- nmed�s withou!notlo�a d�ntind(�xapt as requtnd by law):
<br /> (a) to drdan tM Obllpdtlom IrmwNatNy dus and payabis in tull;
<br /> (b) to odl�et th�outslendnG ObWp�bn�wnh a wMtaut roaortirp to Judldal prooass;
<br /> (o) to nquln C�r�n►a to ri�Nwr end rtnlc�nveNeW�to L�rKMr anY P�►wn�P►oP�Y a Chett�ls eonstitutinq ttN ProMrty at a pisos rse�or.ab�y
<br /> = oonwni�rd to C�rrita end La�d�r:
<br /> �'�w— (d� to erA�r upon and tek�pou�ulor►of th�Prop�rty wflhout epptylnp for or obtdnfnp the eppotntment ot a receiver and,at L�nd�r's optlon,to
<br /> — appokd a ne�h,K wNhout bond�wittiout fkst brM�ging wft on th�Obliyatlons and withan otMrwiw meetinp any atetutory wndNlane tperdrq
<br /> no�h�ro,ft t�in7lntNided that lsnd�r�hall hav.tnis eomra�tual rlpM to appdrrt a ncsivK;
<br /> ' ��� �o�mploy r m�uWpirp�pmt of tt»Prop�Ay and I�t th�rarn,�Itlwr in Trun�i�awn nwrK,In the nartM ot LxKMr or In 1M nem�of[irentor,and
<br /> ��atw 1M nnt�,k�oans,I�s and proMs ot ihe Proporty�nd epqy tt►�sems,aftK payrtrrh of all n�oe�aery cherp�s end�xp�nas,on aaourR of
<br /> th�Odipatlons; .
<br /> --`- (� �a�y�y���y{�a menner dMrtrd sxpsdient by Undar to protact ths ncuritY of lhia Deed of Trust ot to cure any d�fauft otMr than
<br /> payrrMrK of IrtnnK a prindpal on th�Ohilpetions;
<br /> (p) to tor�dow this Dwd of Truit judk,lally or nonNxldal�Y and to dnct ths�als of�he propaty throuph sx�rdae of tha powsr of eeN as r�bnno�d in
<br /> _=�,, pa�pnph 20 hMwf In a0000rd�rlo�with applleabN laW�
<br /> — - (h) to Nt�off C�mtor�Ol�Ypstion�e6etntt any artaunts ow�d Orantor bY Lend�r IndudlrW�but not Iimilsd to�monl��.InstrumAnt�, and drpoth
<br /> - aoepxns mdm�d wrih Und�r w eny currontly exlninp or hnure afMfate ofi L�nd�r,and
<br /> ;. (q to�xedw al oth�r dpM�avellabN to Lend�r under eny othsr wrtnm apn�msnt a applkabi�law.
<br /> ----- - �I and in an ord�r. In th�oveM that L�nd�r Inatkutee an action sMldnQ 1h�
<br /> -J - � l.�r�s�t s aro cum�lstiw end may l»axardad top�thsr.Wparat Y. Y
<br /> noowry o(any ot th� PropKty way ot a�judprtrrrt nrtwdy 6i en actbn agalnd Cirenta,tirentor walves ths pott(np of any bond whldi �pht
<br /> .--�,� otMrwis�b�nquind. Lendsr or s de maypurchas�the Property at enr�ale. Prooeede of eny Tru�tse a sels hsnund�r�heN b�epplTid
<br /> - -�-1 1kat�to tM oon�and sxp�nas of ex�rd�ing th�paw�r of sal�and o}th�sd��Induang th�Payr�t ol th�Trusus's f�es aotualty k�curt�d and not to
<br /> — -- �xa�d ttw artwunt which msy bs provldsd ta In thia Deed o}Truat,eecond,to payrr�em of the Oblipations eawred henbyr,third,to tM peyrrwnt of Iunbr
<br /> l� tniat dNd��morlg�s.or other Iisnhold�n,and ttw belana.ii any�to tM p�rson aprcone I�pally eMilNd tMroto. Theproperty or any p�rt thwafi rtxy
<br /> _;"'°��..�� b��old in on�peral,or M�uch percN��menner a orda a�Lendar In Ns sole disastiom m�y*et.end on�a moro sxerdaes of ttw powar henin pranUd
<br />-:`:� L �hell not�xllnpulsh a sxheust ths powsr unless ths sNlre proparty Is eoid or the ohligatbns are peid In fuli.
<br /> '`._�'��
<br /> �:_.,.{,,�, 2p, 7pU9TEH'8 EXERCISH OF PdWER OF 9AL@ ON DEFAULT: If L�nder electe to ssll Orentor'e irnerest In the Property by exerd:e ot the power ot
<br /> -'` "� 1 saN h�rsln corrteined.Lende►shell notity Truetae In the monner then requked by law.
<br />��.�•.°, ^
<br />"'�f' ' ` Upon nceipt of such notioe of Lender end at the diroclbn of Lender,TmKeo shell aiuts to b�recardad,publlahed and dslivxed such notloea ot default
<br />- � ���p�o}���y thsn b�requkad by law and by thl�Ds�d of Trust. TNfte9 bhell.only et ths dlroction of Lendar end wfthout demand on C�ranta,
<br />.. . �tNr wch tims as rrey then be rsqulred by law and aNer racordatlon of�uch notice ot detauR end a8er nolioe of eale having been given as roquired by I$w,
<br /> � qry�p�operty at ih�time and place of sale flx�d by k In auch notica of eale,sfllwr as whcle or In eeperete Iots or percela or items eg�wns�r ah�1�kem
<br /> i.em
<br /> . �xp�rd,end In such order as It rr�y dete�,at pudla auction to the highat bidder tor cash in lawlul money of the UnRed Statas payabia a�t t ati�a
<br /> al�,or et oth�rwit�may then bs requlred law. Trustee ehell delhnr to euch tt,�asar or purchasero tMreof hs pood and suffider►t
<br /> .;. �yt�y Srye aopKty so aotd,but without eny covsnant or werranty,exprots or irrplled. The rodtal�in suoh deed ot eny matten or facts�hall be
<br />� oaidusive procf of the tnilhtutneas lheroot. Anyperwn Ind�ngf wkhP n Ir�e1►a►�arantor,l'rustee or Lender,may purcha�e et euch eak. Truatee may
<br /> ;.;�.. : In tM menrNr provldod by iaw poatpone aaie of lal or enY port
<br /> `;;r'g{,r ,
<br /> : ,:�, 21. REGUEBT FOfl NOTICEB: a►anta requeste thet a copy of any notico of d�fnult and a aopy of eny notice of sale hereunder ba melled to each pereon
<br /> . who li a perty hereto at tha address o}such person set forth hereln at the sartw tlme end In the eams manner required aa though a seperate requeet thereof
<br /> had b�sn flled by each such person.
<br /> , , Pap�3d8
<br /> NEDOTC Rw.297
<br /> .
<br /> i
<br /> _.. �
<br /> .... . - - _-----��r-..�_._...-�__
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