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Exhibit "A" <br />File # GI10782- <br />241304267 <br />That part of Lot Ten (10) of "Home Subdivision of that part of the NW1 /4 of Section 9, in Township <br />11 North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., which lies West of Wheeler Avenue ", more particularly <br />described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point on the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 10 <br />which point is 259.2 feet Southerly from the Northeast corner of said Lot 10, running thence <br />Westerly parallel to the Northerly boundary line of 17th Street in the City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska (as now located) for a distance of 52.0 feet, running thence Southerly parallel to the <br />Easterly boundary line of said Lot 10 for a distance of 132.0 feet to the Northerly boundary line of <br />said 17th Street (as now located), running thence in an Easterly direction along and upon the <br />Northerly boundary line of said 17th Street (as now located) for a distance of 52.0 feet to the point <br />of intersection of said 17th Street with the Westerly boundary line of Wheeler Avenue in the City of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, running thence Northerly along and upon the Westerly boundary line of <br />said Wheeler Avenue (which is also the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 10) for a distance of <br />132.0 feet to the place of beginning <br />