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<br /> (ep�e�Abav�MI�Lln�For R�eordinp Dtt�)
<br /> s.�t;,,�;; „a,,,,,r,,,,w,.,, INTERNAT'IONAL, INC. �
<br />�f7;�;:`•�� (3RAN1'OR(Sl: 3�4805773 P.O. i�ox 536 �
<br />-�:• . tA1TMAM! tN��T NTIAL 1A�TMMq flMi NiIAL Gddae�r)
<br />'�'' : ."" RpS;�RbuL-yi JUd�► G. 1233 Cl II�?bh Rd. � 5t@ 120
<br /> ° Ctosont�urg, pana C,
<br /> _�t•'r•f;.:�, M�4NqA0rn►� e�n �rAT� tDCOW
<br /> K:�'7C'�.
<br /> =�— 310o Memphis P�ace, Grand Island, NE 68803 Gr�nd T�;aand .Nebraska
<br />�•.,,s�.� 'fHIS DEED OF TRUST.Mode thle lJ.th d�y of_ Nover.�bec , 1997 t�e�ween�ana G. Rosenbur� & Judy t.
<br />;:�'�
<br /> henlntRer F�Aed TRtJS'��I3.wbOfe M1dUC�06 Mem s P aca��rnnd fsrand �d `
<br />�.: �.'•'.:. �n�� . � � !o, reinttter catled TRUSTBE,who.+e�ddrese 1� 1?127 Pacific St� Qmaha� t7F
<br />_�,�,, . ,j'�i rflc�l+r'�'��. �
<br /> and AVCO INI�,[�1C�J„$�t, �?� ���1 '10NA1.,iNC. �Nebratic�c4rpontlon.hereine[tet ctiled AENBFICIARY,whose address is
<br />_�.. ,,.. �,f� Island� �I� 68843 .
<br /> -„..r, ; .. 1233 N el�i l�d�. 5 � 20' "`GL'�i
<br />_-�f V.►1TNFSSBTH:tdat ltusta�MNfS.COTIVBYS.SBL]S M1D WARRAN'fS 7'0 TRUS'I88,IN'IRUSl:WICH POWER OF SAL�,the followLig
<br /> °'^'' described property,situtted in H311 Cmmry,Nebraslu;
<br /> ty
<br />�iz:.���`�
<br /> -�'=� :At Fi.fteen (.l5) �lock Two (2� Colonial 13etat�s Tenth ('_Oth) "urdivision,
<br /> --� G�ty of Grand Ieland, Hall County, Nebraeka
<br />'— to jether with�Il buildin��aed improve2eett no�or�ereatter erected thereon�nd ati tcreem.�wntng�.�hsdef,stam suh and bliads,aad hadng,
<br /> li�httn�,plumbin�,tu,elecWc,vendl�Unj,retrljentiet and afr•conditloaln:equlpment uted In conner�ion therewith,all ot�vhtch.for the pucpose ot
<br /> thl�Deed of'Inut,�d�ll be deemed fiatnres tnd wbJect to We Iien hereot,�nd tho hecedituaeau�nA a��purten�nce�pecpintns to the propeny above
<br /> dacdbed,sod tll�ueeb,l�aw,�lley�,past�Les�wayt,w�ten,M�ler courta�,tltAt�,ilbertle�tnA privlle�{e�,w hatwever Werennto balonjinj or in
<br /> urywlse�ppenafnin=uoA the nventons and remdnAen,dl of whleh Is referroQ to hereln�fler n�he"prcmiRe�". .
<br /> 'I'O HAV�AND TO HOLD the above-de:cdbed pcemises.wiN tho�pputteaancet�nd fl�ture�,umn the�ald Benetleliry,ita successora and asl=ns,
<br /> torever.[or the purposa and uta deteln tet iorth.free trom dl d�ht��nd benetitt under�nd by vinue ot nny Homestud Hxempdon L�w�of tha Sute
<br /> of Nebntka whfch m�y be en�eted,whlch tdd d�htt an0 beneflu the a1d'Mntor does he�eby eaprc�sly rcle�K and waives.
<br /> FOR'I7�PURPOSE OF SECURIN(3:(1)Fedorra�nce ot e�ch��eement ot Trustor conulned hereln;(?)P�yment ottl�e pdncip�l tum with intemst,
<br />----=_-- u provided in accordance wlth t6e tenns and provl�ions o[�Promluory NotelLosn A�rcement(herefnn(terrefened to�s"promtuory note"1 dated
<br /> — ° November 11► 1997 .herewfth execueed Dy'I1�usta�nd pay�Ale to the der n! �ficluy.in t6e Friacip�l sam of
<br /> - �q77(� 3� .and havtna Ihe date of lu tind piyment due on �1/1��'" --,oc as extended,
<br /> ��� deferred or re�cheduled Dy reeeMtl or tetiatace;(3)Ptynfentof my�ddttlnnv�dv�acet,wlth fmnest ihere�m a m�y haeatterbs lo�ned br Hene[iciuy
<br /> '''"`—� to'hustor in s muimum wm oiS 101615.40 wlthln I�y��n from the Eatc of thl�Deed of Tru�t:
<br /> .-��s+��c�
<br /> __ -�;==y�� however,thls par�:nph doet aot coasdtute a eommttmeat by Beaetioiary to m�lce tutoro�Avancew: M)The p�ymeat ot any money that m�y
<br /> - advmced by the Benettctuy to Tcustor for any reuon or to tdlyd partle�,with intere�t theceon,whem�h���m�u�u�r��Ov�aeed ro pro�ect ehe acudry
<br /> ��'"'��- In�ccotdtnce�vith the covenast�of thft Deed otTtust;(3)Aay ronewtl.cettnanefa�a exlenslon ot olA prnml+tory nde.a�ny otder��reement to p�y
<br />'�•, which m�y be substituted tAerefor.
<br />�..�;.;:.;:ti.u,,
<br /> """}:" ' '"" At�dditlonai aeudty,'huaor hereAy�Ivea to tnd confen upon Beaettcluy the ri�ht,power,�nd wtA�rlty,dwlns iM conUnuinea ot theac Tcusts,to
<br />�'"" "' �� collect the roau.issues,aud proIIU of�atd property,reservfa�unto TevYtor the rl�{ht.pdor to�ny defmdt hy Tniata In p�yment ot any indebtednes�
<br /> 'L � ' secured hereby a in pedorm�nce of any a�reement hereunder.to collect and retun euch rente,l��u��,�n,�pn�l itt��lhty become Jua anA p�yable.Upon
<br />- any�uch detwlt,Benciicl�ry may�t any tlme,efther In penon.Dy a�eat.ot by�recalver to be�prnin�e�i h)n courl.��d witAout tejuA to tho adequacy
<br /> ' `� ,� -: of any secudty for the indebtedne�s hcrcby�ecured,eater upon tnA t�ke posseealon of eald pn+perty��r�ny pui�Aereof,ln dlf own name sue for or
<br /> otherwlse collect such nnte,issuea.�ad proftu,Incindint those put due and unptld,md�pply Ihe e�me,lest cosu�ad expensee o[operaUon and
<br /> • collecdon,tncluGinj nason�ble ittomeys'fea,eosta,�nd eapen�es,lfpermltted by t�w,upon�ny Im1cbi�4ne��secured heceby,and in auch order u
<br />� �� Beneticivy miy determine.'fhe enteriea upon u�0 ttkingpoueatoa oitdd pmpeny,the collectlnn of airh nn��.lnuef,�nd profit�wd the�pplica-
<br /> .,�.s %'� Uon thercot ta doresdd,shill not cute or wtive any default or notice ot default hereunder or Invalld+�ic my�ci d�n�punu�at to fuch nottce. .
<br /> ��v ...; .
<br />_. ��_ ,� Ail paomTn�m�a-de by��nf'�n�th no�`if�on�s,�e�u�aLbmav ibe lev cd inA as��eed��nln�t�IA preml�r�,lni ancapremlumb�eptln.�nd all other
<br />- __- ,-,-,-- _r_�_'-•"--�-- -. ' '
<br />� ' charges�nd acponset aareed to be ptid by the 7tuttor. • �
<br />• •• SECOND:To Ne piyment oi Intenat due on uid loan.
<br /> � ' THIRD:To the payment of pflneip�. •
<br /> ;�
<br /> � To PRO'fECf THE SBCURTfY HBREOR TRUS1'OR(S)COVBNANTS AND AORBES:(1)7o kee�+Rald prernl�e�in�ured qatmt les�by tlrc tnd othcr
<br /> haurds,caanilty md condn=encies up to�he full wlue o[Qt improvemenU ter the pro�ectlon of Beneflrl�r�In wuc!m aaner,in�ucA emoueu,and in
<br />, auch companiea u Beneficiuy may from tima to Nme epprove,and thtt losa proceed+Ueu eapen�e of collecUoA)iAall,�t Beneiicitty'i opUoe,►�e
<br /> applted on a�td lndebtedness,whether due or not a to Ne nstoctUoe of uid Improvemenu.ln eveni of In��7'ruRtor NIII�Ive Immedlale notica by m�il
<br /> to the Beneflclary,who may mike proof ot lou it not made promptly by Truanr,and each In�urnnce cnrnpmy concernrd I�hereby�uthodeed m�d
<br /> • dincted to mike Q�yment for aucA losa directly to thc HoneQclery lnitetd of to the Truanr.(1)'Ib p�y�II�,ree mA��cl�I��tenmenu ot my kln�that
<br /> have been or may be leWed or aesessed upan eofd premltw,and to deliver tv Banetici�ry,upon reyur�t��1�I�c I�ri+eOclary,�he ollicld recelpt thowlna
<br /> p�yment of all tuch taxen�nd assessmentf.(3)In the event of dettult by 7tuttor unGec Pnnsr�pht I nr 2 ni���ve,l�antllcl�ty,�t It�optlun,m�y(U pince
<br /> and keep sueA insurance above provided for In force thtoujl►out ihe Ilfe of Nlt Deed of'[rua�nd pay�he r�,�on,hle pemlum��nd ch�r�e�therefor;lb)
<br />- p�y�ll e�id tucea�nd usesament�wtthout deurminfe�thevalidlty tlieteot;and(c)P�y tuch Ilen��nd all e�irA�Il��ui�rmtnte���hdl ba deemed�part
<br /> of the todebtednets+ecurcd by thts Deed of?cuat and shdl be immedtately due u�d pay�ble by Truuor h����•nrlfcl�ry(4)7u p�y when due�ny Ilen on
<br /> the propetty which is senlor to thc lfen ot Boneficluy md,notwithsttndiot any ripht or optfon{nn�ed M��ny unlcx Ilon or hy�ny unlor Ilenholdcr tn
<br /> permit the pdnclpai balance ot such 6entot llen to tncreasa,Truttor�vlll not permft�he pHnclpel balence n��nv�cnlurll�n u�Incra�e�havc 1he bal�nre
<br /> � 26•0474(REV.8•94)NE•OENERAL USURY LAW
<br /> �
<br />