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<br /> Unless otherwlsc agreed in writing,all inwurancc procecds shall bc applicd to the restorAtion or rcpair of thr,Properry
<br /> or to the Sccurcd Debt,whether or n4t then due�at I..endcr's aptlon.Any application of proceeds ta p�incipal shap not
<br /> extend or postpone tho due date of thc scheduled puymcnt nor change the amAUnt of any payment.Any�xci:ss will be
<br /> paid to the Grantor.If the Property is acquired by I.cnder.(3rantar's right ta any insurance pol{cles and proceeds
<br /> resulting from damsge to the Property beforc the acquisition shull pass to Lender to thc extent af thc Secured Debt
<br /> immediately betore the acquisitton.
<br /> 20. �:SCROW FORTAXES AND[NSURANCC. Unlcss othenvisc providcd ln a sepnrnt�nrreerncnt,Grantor will not �
<br /> be reyuired to pay to I.ender funds for taxes and insurance In escrow.
<br /> 21. FIIVAIVCWL REPORTS AND ADDTIIONAL DOCUMEN'1'S.Grantdr will pravide to Lender upon request,any
<br /> 5nancial statement or inforrnatlon L.ender may deem reasonably necessary.Grantor agrees to sign,doliver,and file
<br /> any additional documents or certificatIons that Lcnder may consider necessary to perfect,continue,and prescrve
<br /> Grantor's obligatians under this Security Instru�ent and I.cndcr's lien status on thc Propeny.
<br /> under this Security Instrument are joint and individual.If Grantor signs this Securiry Instntment but docs not sign an
<br /> evidence of debt, Grantor does so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property to securc payment of the
<br /> Secured Debt and Cirantar does aot�gree to be personaUy liable on the Secured Debt.If this Secudty Instrument
<br /> secures a guaranty between Lender and Grantor,Grantor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from
<br /> bringing any acdon or claim against Grantor or any party indebted under the obligadon.These nght�s may Include,but
<br /> are not limited to,any antt-defic3ency or one-action laws.Grantor agrees that Lender and any party to tbis Security
<br /> Instniment may e�ctend,modify or make any change in the ternts of this Security Instrument or any evidence of debt
<br /> wlthout Grantor's consent. Such a change wiU not release Grantor from the terms of this Security L�strument. Tbc
<br /> duties and beneHts of this Security Instrument shall bind and beneSt the successors�utd assigns of Granror and I.ender.
<br /> 23. APPLICABLE LAW;SEVERABI4lTY;IM'E1tPRETAITON.T'liis Security Instrument is governed by the laws of
<br /> the jurisdiction In wluch I.ender is located,except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurlsdictton
<br /> where the Property is located.This Security Instrument is wmplete and fully integrated.This Security Instrument may
<br /> not be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any section in this Security Instrument.attachments,or any
<br /> agreement related to the Secured Debt t6at conflicts wlth applicable law wiU not be effective,unless that law expressly
<br /> or impljedly permits the variatlons by written agreement.If any section of this Security Instrument cannot be enforceci
<br /> according to its terms,that section w�U be severed and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder af this
<br /> Security Instrument.Whenever used,the singularshall include the plural and the plural the singular.The captjons and
<br /> headings of the sections of this Security Instrument are for convemencc only and are aot to be used to Wterpret or
<br /> {!P�]P_.�I�_P.1P.T'IIIA Af IFI1S SCCUrItV IIISIIl1RICI1�.Time is of the essence in tuis Security Instrument.
<br /> 24. SUCCESSOR TRUST�E.Lender,at Lender's option,may from tfine to time remove Trustee and appoint a
<br /> successor trustee without any other formality than the designation in writing.The successor trustee.without
<br /> conveyancc of the Property,shall succced to all the title,power and duties confened upan Trustee by this Secudty
<br /> Instrument and appllcablc law.
<br /> 25. NOTICE.Unkss athervise required by law,any notice shall be given hy delivering it or by mailitng it by first class
<br /> mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrument,or to any other address designated In
<br /> writing.Notice to oue graator will be deemed to be notIce to all grantors.
<br /> 26. WAIVERS. Except ta the extent prohibited by law.Grantor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights
<br /> nlating to the Property.
<br /> 27. 01HER TERA'I5.If checked,the fol(owing are applicable to this Security Instrument:
<br /> ,�XI Liae of CredlA The Sectued Debt includes a revolving llne of credit provlsion.Although the Secured Debt
<br /> may be reduced to a zero balance,this Security Insttument will remain in effeet trntil released.
<br /> ❑ Cuestnction Lo�n.This Security Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an
<br /> improvement oa the P'roperty.
<br /> ❑ Fjxture Filia�.Grantor grants to Lender a security interest in ail goods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> future and that are or will become fixtures related to the Property.This Security Instrument sufGces as a
<br /> fmancing su�tement and any carbon,photographic or other reproductson may be Cded of rewrd for purposes
<br /> of Artkle 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
<br /> ❑ Ridera The covenants and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incorporated into and
<br /> supplement and amend the terms of this Security Instrument.[Check all applicable boxes]
<br /> ❑Condominium Rider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Other..........................................................
<br /> ❑ Addttlonsl Terme.
<br /> — SIGNATURES:By signing below,Grantor ag:ces to the terms and covenants contained in tlris Security Instrument and in
<br /> = eny attachments.Grantor alsn acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1.
<br />—' �1....�I4�W..:m.............. ..............�,�/.A�/..�7... �.�....�� �..�`l 1 �,1/.Q�/.�7..
<br /> _ (s�8neture) CHARLES M HA,�• •NGS (Datc) (s�qnaeure) KAREN T HASTINGS (Date)
<br />- /
<br />.,'i STA1'E OF............AIEBRASKA............................. COUNTY OF........HALL..........................,,.,...................�ss.
<br /> . '
<br />:� Ilndmdual) 'I'his instrument was ackr►owlcdged before mc this...........6Jli......day of.................M011EMBEF�,...1997.............
<br />'� yp�,� . ANEN..7_...NASIZNGS.,.........
<br /> ` E H�R���5"�q��. '�E���"'�FT�f��I��`A� �'Llast u�'T� �"�AEI�'
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<br /> � CEN NO ARr•Sble ol Nebusb � (Notnry Pubt(c)
<br /> _,j"Z SCOR C.KISSLER
<br /> �8.'� Ay�Comm.F�p�4�31.I99A
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