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<br /> paymcnts may no longcr bc rcquircd,at tha opdon of Lcndcr,if mortgage lnsur�cc covccagc(in thc amount sind for thc perlod
<br /> ' that Lcndcr rcquires)providcd by en insufcr uppravcd by Lendcr agaIn bccomcs svallabla nnd is obtaincd.Borrowcr shall pay thc
<br /> prcmiums requircd to meintain moctgagc insurnnco in cffcct, or ca providc n Io�s rescrvo, unte�thc rcquircmcnt for martgagc
<br /> " � insurancc encls in aacordanca wlth a�y wr�ttcn agrecment bctwcen Boauwer and L.cnder or applicablc law. ';;
<br /> ' 9.Inspecttnn. Lender or Its ngent rretty makc retimnable envie4 upon and inspocGons of the Property. l.ender shall give
<br /> .,��• Borrowcr nodce at thc timc of ar pdor w en inspccUon spccifying rcasonablc causc for thc inspcction. .
<br /> 10.CondemnAtWn. 'Ihc procccds af any award or claim for damagcs, dicect or conscqucntial, in wnncxUon with any
<br /> ,.�w�!!� condcmnation or othcr taking of any part af thc Property.or for convcyencc in licu of condcmnadon,arc I�crcby assigncd and ;;_=
<br /> ��'"''•"� shaU bs paid w L.cnder. ��--
<br /> In the event of a total talcing of the Prope�ty.the procoeds shatl ba applled to ihe sums secured by this Securiry Insuument,
<br /> wheiher or not then due.wlth any cxccss paid to Aorrawcr.In the cvcnt of a partiAl leking of 1he Properiy in which thc fair merkct e=--._
<br /> ; velue of the Property lmmediately bcforo the taking is equal to or grcater than the amount of the sums sc.cured by this Security _
<br /> �. Instrument immediatcly befora thc taking, unless Borrowcr and Lcnder othcrwlse agoc In wrlflng, thc sums secured by ihis �-
<br /> Socurity Insuument shall be rcductd by ihc amount of thc pnxr,cds muldplled by the foAowing fracdon: (a)thc total amount of --
<br /> thc sums sccured immediately bcfore the taking. divided by (b) the fair merkct valuc of the Propeity immediatcly before the _
<br /> _��t�, . ' taking.Any balance shall bc pald to Bonower.In the evcnt of a pardal takIng of the Property in which thc fair market value of the `
<br /> � .. Proputy Immedlately before the taking is less than the amoont of the sums secured immcrliately before ihe taking. unle.�s
<br /> .,•• Borrower and I.cnder othenvisc agrce in wdting or unless applicable law otherwisc provIdcs,thc procccds shall bc appHed w the �-
<br /> ;f, , � sums secured by this Sectuiry Instrument whether or not the sums aze thcn duc.
<br /> - If the Property is alsandoned by Borrower.or U,atter nodce by Lender to Borrower that tho condemnor offers to make an
<br /> �, . award or scule a claim for dameges.Borrower feils to respond to i.cndu with�n 30 days after the date the nodce is given,Lender
<br /> s'c is authorized to collect end apply the proceeds.at its opdon,either to resto�adon a repair of the Property or to the aums secured
<br /> f.
<br /> ,. ,,;,,�.t; by this Securlty Instrument,whother or not then duc.
<br /> � Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwisc agree�n wrt�ng,eny appllcedon of procoeds to pdncipal shall not extend or postpone
<br /> '_�F,�'�. the due date of the monthly payments nfernx!W in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> • 11.Borrower Not Rekaaedi ForbearAnce By Lender Not A Waiver. fixtenston of the time for paymerit or modification
<br /> ��"'� '�� • of amortL•.atlon of the swns secured by this Secuslty Instrument g�►ted by Lendu to eny successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br />�s��;�; � not operau to nlease the lisbiUty of the originel Borrower or Borrowu's successors in int,eres�I.ender shaU not be reqnired W —
<br />� �` commu,a pc�x;r,ccib�g�i,�afi�st a,iy suc.�.essor in int�^.st ar rcfs�.;c i�cxuxsd�nte fos p�ymeas or oihrx��Le mod�f;snsorilzsflon of
<br />-''�"�'+-��:`7�� the sums secured by this Sxurlty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's successors
<br /> v��� in interesG Any forbearanca by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the eaeccjse of any
<br />_-�`". i"�}�'' right or rcmedy.
<br /> _�,.,,,�,f�:_.
<br />-_�'�:,�:;,��`:' 12.Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Liability; Casignera.The covenants end agrcements of this
<br />-'.s"�=�'�;� Securlry Inslrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subjcct to the provisions of
<br /> -��� paragraph 17. Bonower's covenants end agreements shaU be joint and scveral. Any aorrower who casigns this Security
<br /> =r��� Insuument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-stg��ng thls Security Insavment only w mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> ^°"��'�'�°� Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Seciuity Ins�ument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> _�,� secund by this Security lnstrument;and(c)a�rees that L.ender and any other Sortower may agree to exte,nd,modify.forbwr or
<br /> _--_ _ - make any accommodations wlth regard to the terms of this Securtty Instrument or tlie Note wlthout that Borrower's consent
<br /> - �- 13.Lonn Charges. ff the loan secured by this S�urity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br />���,� anci thai law is finally interpreted so thac the interest or other loan cha�ge.c collected or to be collected in connecdon wiW the loan
<br />-
<br />