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<br /> • ,; TOGETHER W1TH all the !mprovements now or hereaftcr erected on thc property. and all casetnente, o
<br /> appurtrnaaces,and tlaturea now or hsreafter a part of the property. All repiacemeats and addittons ahall also be covered �
<br />-. � '�,. by this Security Instrument.All of the foregoing is refened to In thia Securiry Insuument as the "Property." �
<br /> BoRROw�R Cov�nNrs that Bonower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and hazs the rlght to grant and �
<br />':%�����., convey the Properry aad thet the Property ie unencumbered, except for encumbrauces of raord.Hoaower warrants an� _
<br /> � will defend generaliy the title to the Property againat ell claims and demsnds,subject to any eacumbrances of record. �
<br /> THIS SECURiTY INSrauMEnt cc�rabincs uniform covenants for uatlottal usc and non-uaiform covenent9 +vith limlted �"
<br /> varladone by JurIsdiction to consdtuu a uniform securiry instrumeat covering nal propecry.
<br /> UNtFOaM CoY�nNrs.Borrower and L,eader covenant aad agre�as followa:
<br /> �� 1. Payment ai Princtpal and Interest;Prepaymeat and L.ate Charaes. Norrower ahall promptly pa when due
<br /> ar
<br /> __ = the prlacipal of aad interest oa the debt evIdenced by the Note aad aay prepayment and lete chargea due under e Note.
<br /> - 2.Funda for Taxes end Iasurance.Subject to applicable law or to a wrltten watver by Leader,Bonower ehaU pay
<br />. _±:.:� to Lender oA the day monthly payrnents are due under the Note,until the Note ie pald in full,a sum("Punds")for: (a)
<br /> � yearly taxes Aad assessments which may attein priorlty over this Secudty Instniment as a lien on the Property; (b)yearty
<br /> ,',�{:�.�..,
<br /> , ti�,. leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property,if any; (c)yearly bazerd or propetty insuraace premiums; (d)yearly �
<br />:�a��; flood insurnnce premiums.if any;(e)yearly urortgage insurance premlums,if aay;and(�eay sums payable by Horrower
<br />:,�.::°:,�,+, w Lender, in accordance with the provlsions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuraace premiums.
<br /> `� �:� These items are callod"Escrow Itema." I.eader may,at any time,coAect and hold Funde in aa amount not to eaceed the
<br /> ,� �•-�a ma�imum amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Barrower's escrow account under the
<br />'`��'t' � federal Real Estate Settlement Procodures Act of 1974 as ameaded from tlme to time, 12 U.S.C. § 2601 et seq.
<br />-"' ("RESPA"),unless another law that ap lies to the Funds sets a lesser amouat. If so, Lendermay,at aay time,collect aad
<br />._�..:�:..� hold Funds in an amount not w ex�the lesser amount. Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basie of .
<br /> ':"�1 current data and reasoaable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Iums or othenvise in aaordance with applicable
<br /> --�s:�
<br /> law.
<br />'�_':'�'� The Funds shaU be held ia aa institution whose deposits are insured by a federal ageacy,instnunentality, or entity
<br /> (including L.ender, if Leader is such aa institudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lrnder ahall apply the Funds w
<br /> :��;,y,�� pay the Escrow Items. Leader may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the
<br />_-�•��:��4� escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Punds and applicable law
<br /> �+cnnits Lender to malce such a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a ono-4lme charge for an
<br /> '� ladependent real estate tax reporting service used by Lender in coaaection with this loaa,ualess applicable law provides
<br />-_.�,��_� otherwise.Unless an agreement is msde or applicable law requires interest w be paid,I.ender sbaU not be required to pay
<br /> Borrower any interest or eacuinge on the Funds.Borrower and L.ender may agree in wrldng,6owever,ihat interest shall be
<br /> ""'��;� paid on the Funds.I.ender shall give w Boaower.wlthout charge,an anaual uccounting of the Punds,ahowing credits aad
<br /> -- debita to the Funds and the pucpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. 'Ihe Fund�ace pledged as additional
<br /> -=":a��1 secudtv for all sums sxured bv this SecurltY Instrument.
<br />�,y�;�.w� If the Funds held by L,ender excced the amounta perwitud to be hcid by applic�ble law,Lender shall account to
<br />