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<br /> (HBA Loan)
<br /> This Secand Deed of Trustlthis'Second Daed at Trust"), is made as afOCT. 31 , 19JI.by and amony �
<br /> Thomas J. Roberta, a singie person, Wiiliam P. Roberts, a single peraon, and�'
<br /> E• Jean Roberts, ("Trustor"),whoae mailinp address is 1012 North Oak, Grand Island, NE��8801
<br /> a wfdow Commercia 1 FedE�Xali�Bank; . whose mailinq address is `�
<br /> �a�� � ,�� , Nebraska; and Nebraska investment Flnance Authority ���,
<br /> ('Be�efiClary"1,whose�n�i Q- s a1����1m urt, 1230 O Street,Uncoln, Neb�aska 68508-1402.
<br /> FOR VALUABLECONSIDEHATION,Trustor irrevocabiy tranafers,conveyaa�dassipns to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH POWBH
<br /> OF SAL�, for the beneftt and security oi Beneficfary, under and subject ta the terms and cenditions of this Second Deed of Trust,
<br /> the�eal property, leqally described on Exhibit A attachr.d hereto and incarporated herein by reterence (the "Property'1; and
<br /> TOGETHER WITH,ail rents,prof(ts,royalties,income and other benefits de�ived from the Property tcollectively,the"rents'),
<br /> ali leases or subieases covering the Property or any portion thereof now or hereafter existinp or entered into,and ali ripht, title and
<br /> intetest of Trustor thareunder, all rlqht, tiUe and interest of Trustar in and to any qreater estate in the Property owned or hereafter
<br /> acquired, all interests, estate or other claims, both tn law and in equity, which Trustor now has or may hereafter acquire in the
<br /> _ QfOpL•l2;,8!!LII�Lls1LS1LS,tiph!;-of��ry, 2�ii�.iiioti2S,tiStoditanar�is un�a�Nir:cr�a�wa�i�inreoi ur��tt�ernio,6ii waier riphts,aii riph[,
<br /> title and interest of T�ustor, now awned or hereafter acquired, in and to any land, Iyin4 wtthin the rtpht-of-way of any street or
<br /> � htqhway ad)olninp the Property,and any and all alteys and strtps and gorea of land adjacent to or used in connectfon with the
<br /> � Property, and any and all buildinps,fixturea and improvements naw arhereafter erected theraon (the'Improvements"1,and all the
<br /> � estate,interest,rlqht,/title or any claim or demand which Trustor naw has o►may hereafter acquire tn the Property, and any �nd
<br /> ,. all awuds made(or ths takin�by eminent domafn, or by any proceedinp or purchese in Iieu thereof, af the whole or any part of
<br /> # the Trust Estate,tncludtny without Ilmitation any awards reauttinp irom a chanpe of prade of streets and awarda for severance �
<br /> � damapes.
<br /> .� The Property and the entire est�te and intereat conveyed to the Trustee are referred to coliectively ea the"Trust Bstate'.
<br /> =�
<br /> :� Fa th�Purpos�of S�curtnp:
<br /> �
<br /> �; A. Payment of i�debtedness evide�ced by any pramtssory note ot Trustor in favar of Beneftciary;end .
<br /> ' B. Payment of all sums advanced by Beneficiary to protect the Trust Estate, witt� interest thereon at the rate of
<br /> sixteen percent(16961 per annum. ' '
<br /> � The indebted�ieaa described in paraqraphs A and B above is referred to as the "Indebtedness."
<br /> This Second Oeed of Trust,a�y promissery note of Trustor In 4avor o}Beneficiary and any other tnstrument yiven to
<br /> evidence or turther secure the ptyrnent and performance ot any obl(Qation seaured hereby are referred to collectively aa the'Lan
<br /> Instruments'.
<br /> Trwtor covenanta that II) Trustor halds title to the Trust Estate and has lawfu! authority to encumber the Trust Estate,
<br /> fiil the Trust Estate is free end clear of all liens and encumbrances except tor easements. restricttons and covenants of record and
<br /> the Deed of Tru�t from Trusior encumberinfl tha Property dated on ar about the date hereof (the 'First Deed of 7rusY1, and
<br /> `lili)Trustor wilt defend the Trust Estate apainst the lawtul claims of any person.
<br /> To Protect th�Security of MTs S�cand D�ed of Trost:
<br />_ � 7. P�yms,tt of/ndebt�d�resa. Trustor shali pay when due the principal ot,and the tnterest on,the tr�debtednsss and
<br />- ali other sums as provtded in the Loan Instruments.
<br /> � 1 NIFA 2/96
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