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<br /> r . RE•RECOliAED 9T- �U9539 9?� �U��,3.� k�
<br /> ' �. 10. Rolnatatctuca� Sarrawcr hes a rlght ta bc reinsiated if Lender has requirecl immedIate payment in full `
<br /> ' t becuuse of Horrower's falluro ta pay an amouat duc under the Note or this Secudty Instrument. This right applic;s
<br /> •� even atter[arcclosur�procuAin�aro instituted. To reinstace the Secudty Instrument,Bonowcr shaU temder in a lump
<br /> sum all amounGg requiced to bring Batrawer's accouat current including,to the extent they are obligaUoas of Bonower
<br /> y under thts Sc;curlty Ins►rumcnt,farctlosure casis and reASOnable and wstomary attorncys'fees and expenses properly
<br /> � �t' assoclatecl with thc foreclUSUrc praceeding. Upon raiastatement by Bonawer, thls Securiry Instrument and the {
<br /> ' _ obligatlons thnt it sGCUres shall remain tn effect as if Lender had not tequlred immedlate paymcnt in full. However,
<br /> f�,� Lendcr Ls not requircd to permit rcinstatemoat if:(i)Lendcr has acccpted relnstatement after the cammenccment of
<br /> foreclusare proceedtngs wlthln two years imtnediatcly preceding the cammencement of a current foreclosure
<br /> �,�+•�. proceeding,(li)rctnstatement will preclude fareclosure oa diUorent grounds In the fumre,or(iti)reinstatemettt wiU '"
<br /> �. adversely at�ecc the pciority of cdo liea created by this Secudty Instrumen� �':
<br /> 11. Borma�er Not Rekasod; Facbaianoe bY I�e+ber Not a Waiv�er. EaKensiott of the time of payment or �
<br /> � modification of amortlzation of We sums secured by this SecurIry Instrument ganted by Lender to any sucoessor in _
<br /> �� Interest of Bonower shall not operete to release ths llability of the orIginal Horrower or Borrower's successors in °
<br /> ' tnteresG Lender shall not be required to oomiaence praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend
<br /> time Cor paycaent or otheiwLse modify amortization of the swns secured by this Security It►sttument by reason of any
<br /> _.' demand made by the original Bottower or Borrower's succes,sors in interes� Any forbearance by I.snder in exercising
<br /> .��,:. : � any rlght or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the exercL�e of any rIght or remedy.
<br />- - 12 Suoors�ois and Assips Boand;Joint and 3av�ud LLbtliry;�o-Siaoers. The covenants and agreemeats of ttUs
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigas af Lender aad Bonower,subject to the provlstons _
<br /> �:,., of paragraPh 9(b).Borrower's cavenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Aay Borrower who co-signs thLs
<br /> Securi ty Inruumeat but does not execuce We Note:(a)is oo-signing this Sc,curlty Insuument only to mortgage�grant
<br /> and convey that Bonower's in4erest ia th�Property under the terms of Wis Secudty Instrument;(b)is aot personally
<br /> �• � oblIgated to pay the sutns secured by this Security Insuument;and(c)agrees that L,encler and any other Bonower muy
<br /> z_,. ,.`f agree to extend,modify,forbear or make aay accommodadons wIW regard tv the terais of this SecurIry Insuument or
<br /> the Note without that Bonower's consen�
<br /> '•:,.:.;��- 13. Notioa. Any aotIce to Sonower provided for in this Securlty Instcament shall be given by delivering it or
<br />;,�,,.� . by mailing it by�rst class mail ualess applicable law requir�s use of aaother metttod. The notice shall be directed to
<br />��#�• the Property Address or any other address Borrawer designates by noticc to Lender.Any notics to Leadcr shall be
<br /> -.�;;���. • �iven by fust class mail to I.ender's address stated hereW or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Aay . _
<br /> `''"'F- `, aos3ze ra:�id�fQr in thfs�?�!*�ty Tn.ctrumenc shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or Lender when gtvea
<br />_ �:-.;�,,, .
<br /> _ .•.� � as provided ia thLc paraBraPh. —
<br /> '' N;°;*��, 1,�, p�ins Ia�v;Sew�,�ab�iry. This Securlty Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the
<br />-��F:�a?l��� jurisdiction ia which the Property is located. In she event that any provisioa or ciause of this Security Instrucaent or
<br />•-^�;�•:...� ,
<br /> --=-_,��.,. the Note oonflicts wlth eppUcable law,such conAict shall not affect other provlsions of this Security Insuument or e
<br /> ��.;• :�° ' Note which can be glvea effect without the conAicsing provlsion. To this end We provlsions of this Secudty Iastru�►ent
<br />- _==�`=#•
<br /> �-x.;�"l�.` and the Note are declated to be severable.
<br /> __ -�-�.;, • 15. Bor�n�er's Oo�y. Borrower shaU be given one conformed oopy of the Note and of this Securiry Iasuumen�
<br />---�,�-�.;� ;�;;,;, 16, Haardous Subetanoes, Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence.use,disposa1,storage,or release of
<br /> °�`�-"-�� any Hazardaus Substances oa or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do,anything
<br /> �---;::'t r�� a�'ecting the Properry that is in violation of aay Environmeatal Law. The prereding two sentences shall not apply to
<br />_ ��=_-�r�-� the presence,use,or storage on the Property of small quantities of He7ardous Substances that are generally recognized
<br /> _ a;;;��,� t�be appropdate to normal resideatlal uses and to mainuaance of the Propeny.
<br /> °-��cs Bor�rower shall promptly gIve Lender wrltten notioe of any investigatton,claiat,demand,lawsuit or oWer actioa
<br />____-_--- by any governmental or regulatory agenry or private party involvIng the Property and any Hazardovs Substance or
<br /> - - Environmental Law of which Bonower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns.or ts notiHecl by any governmental
<br />__��,� or regulatory suthorIty,that any removal ox other rem�xl.iadon of any HazaMous Substances affecting the Property is
<br /> _-- neces.5ary,Bonower shalt prompdy take all neo�sary remedial actions in aceordance with Environmental Law.
<br />—'`--`�'',"� As used ta this paragraph f6,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances de�ned as toxIc or hazardous substances
<br /> �'���'�r� by Environmeatal Ia�v and We follrnving substances: gasoSine�keroseae,ather flammable or tnxic peuoleum products,
<br /> `�'""`" w�dc pesticIdes and berbicides, volatile solventa, materials cAntainin�asbestos or formaldehyde� and radioactive
<br /> ����•� materials. As used in this paragraph 16,"Env[ronmental I.,�w"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where
<br /> ;�,',';r [he Property is located that relate to health,safety or environmental protectIon.
<br /> ,�
<br /> � " NON-UNIFORM COVENANT�. Bonower aad Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ' 1� Aaai�rnment o[Rcnts. Borrower unconditIonally assigns and uansfers to Lender all the rents and reveaues
<br />- of the Property. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to oollect the rents and revenues and hereby directs
<br /> , each tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's aEents. However,prior to Leader's notice to
<br /> - Bonower of Bonower's breach of any covenant or agreement in the Securlry Instrument, Borcower shall collect and
<br /> ►" receive all rents aad revenues of the Property as uustee for the beneHt of Lender and Bonower. 'This assignment of
<br /> - �. rents consdtutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for addittonal security oNy.
<br /> � ff Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower. (a)all rents received by Bonower shall be held by Bonower as
<br /> � trustee for benefit of Lender only,to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(b)Lender shall be -
<br /> ,�,�-� ' entitled to coAect and rereive all of the rents of the Propetty;and(c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all rents _
<br /> duP and unnaid cn i Pnder nr iender'c aoent on Lender's written demeIId to We teII2lII� -
<br /> „ _ _ __ - --- --r-- -- ------ -- —-- _
<br /> Bonower has not executed any prior assignment of thc rents and has not and will not perform any act that would -
<br /> - prevent I.ender from exercising its rIghts under this paragraph 17.
<br />- Lender shall nat be required to enter upon,take control of or maintain the Property before or r.fter g[ving notice
<br /> of breach to Eionawer. Howcver,Lender or a judicially appninted recciver may do so at any time there is a breach.
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