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<br /> � • RF.RECO�td�Q
<br /> ,t � BORROWER O NANTS that Borrawer is lawfully seised af the estate hercby conveyed and has the dght to ��tl
<br /> _ . ' �J, * F grant and oamey the Propeny end that the�'roperty is uneacumbered,c�ccept for encumbrances of tecord. Bonower
<br /> _ '.y.� warrants and wW defend geaerally tha title to the�toperty against aA claims aad demands�subject to any encumbrances �4:�`'
<br /> aP rcoord �
<br /> ��� TEIIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT corrabines uniform covenaats for national use and non-uniform covenants with �_
<br /> .:�� l i m i t e d v a r I a t I o ns b y jurLsdic[ioa to const(tute a wiiform securiry instrument coverIng real property. Cr
<br /> ,�f, UN�'ORM COVENANIS. Borrower a�►d Le�dcr covenaat and agree as follows:
<br /> •.s���� 1. Paymeat otPrindpaY,Intaat�ad L1e(�at�e- B°n°Wer shall pay whea due the princlpal of,und interest _
<br /> _'� oa,We debt evldenced by the Note aud 1ate charges due undet the Note.
<br />`±�I""'� '? 2 Monthly Paymeat of'I�,Inanr�oe,and��� �nower sball include in each monthly payment, _
<br /> � •� together with the princIpal and interest as set forth in the Note and any late charges,a sum for(a)taxes swd special
<br /> assessments levted or to ba levled againsc tUe Proparry,(b)lcaschold paymenu or ground rents on ttte Property,and __
<br /> .. .,, ., (c) Premlums for insurance requlred uadet paregraph 4. In any yesr in which the Lender must pay a mortgage
<br /> . insurance prcmium to the Seaetary of Housipg and Urban Development("SecretarY")+or in wry Year itt�'�'1�ch such
<br /> -� .; � premium wauld have been requlred if Lender stiU held the Security Iasuument,each monthty payYnant shall also
<br />- • include e[ther.(i)a sum for tha annual mor�gage Insurance premium to be paid by I.ender to the Secretary+,or(ii)a
<br /> �'r; � � • monthly charge instead of a mortgage lnsauence premium if this Security Insuument is held by We Secretary�in a
<br /> �;`•'•, '''�� reasonable amount to be detemiined by the Secretary. Except for the montttly charge by the Secretary,ihese iums
<br /> �,;�•'`°"�-�`' are called"Fscrow Items'and the sums paid to Lender ate cailed"Escrow Funds." -�
<br />--.Ts s,,6;:'•.t
<br /> -_,��:��.+�,t� L,endar may, at any time,collect and hold amounts for Escrow Items ia an aggregate amount not to ex c e e d t h e
<br /> maxImum amouat that may be required for Borrowet's es�7ow account under the Real Estate Settlement Pcocedures
<br />�-=�:7->:�: A�t of 1974,12 U.S.C.$?b01 et�se .and irnplementing ngulations�24 CFR Part 3500,as they may be amended from
<br /> time to time('RPSPA"),except that the cushion ox reseNe permitted by RESPA for unenticipated disbur.tements or
<br /> ��`` �``` disbursements before the Sotrower's payaieats are available ta the acoount may not be based on amounts due for the
<br /> .f.i. . .
<br />.--,1-: Z:.
<br /> �-�:II;',�;� mortgage insurance premium
<br />- -;:L:"r"� ff the amounts held by Lender for Fscrow Items exceed the amounts permitted to be held byRESP'.4,Lender shall
<br /> .-���F#�� account to Borrower for the excess funds as reqnired by RESPA. If the amounts of funds held by Lender at any timc
<br /> -��:,�� ate aot su�cleat to pay the Escrow Items when due�I.ender may notil�r the Bonower aad requlre Borrowcr to make
<br /> - Y-- up the shortage as penaitted by RESPA
<br /> �_-�— The Escrow Fl►ads ate pkdged as additiortal aecuriry for ait sums sar;�ed t,y itsi��cctssfty Insizs�mems. If A�rrower
<br /> --��s�-''--�� teaders to Lender the full payment of a11 such sums�Burrower's acoount shall be credited with the balance rema�n�8
<br /> --''��"J� for all iastallment item�s(a),(b),and(c)ead aay mortgage insurance piemium install�ent that Lender has not beoome
<br /> ---:?��' obligated to pay to ttte Secretary,and Len�er shall promptly refund any excess funds to Borrower. Immed�ately prIor
<br /> �_',.;,���.�j to a foralosure sale of We Ptoperiy or its aoquisidon by Leader,Bonower's axount shall be credited wtth anY balance
<br /> -- -�� remaining for all instaUmenis for items(a),(b),and(c).
<br />----__----_= g. �pp�ication ot pay�enis, All paymenu under paragapl�s 1 and 2 shall be apglled by I�eader as foAows:
<br /> ���i' FIRST•to the mortgage insurence pr�mlum to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by the
<br /> __�.�.A.�a
<br /> ----,�,,.g;,�:., Sectetary instead of the montWy snortgpg�insurance premium;
<br /> _.����� SECO to eny taxes.spectal assessrnents,lea.�ehold payments or gcound rents,and Sre,tlood and other hazard
<br /> - insurance premiums,as tequlred;
<br /> �HIItD•to interest�lue under the Note;
<br /> FOURTH, to amortl�atlon ot the prindpal oP[he Note;and
<br /> FIFTH,to lau chat��due under th�Nou. '
<br /> --_ ,,{� p�p�ood and aMer I�ird L�Srranoe, Borrower shall insure sU improvements oa the Property,whether
<br /> _,���� now in exi.stence or subsequeatly erected�against any bazards,casuaWas,at►d ooatingeactes,iacluding Sre,for which
<br /> ---=-•..°�� Lender requires insurancc. Tl�is insurance shall be m a i n t a i n e d i n t he amounts and for the p edods that Lender
<br /> ,_=-"� requires. Bonower shall also insurc all improvements on the Property,whether now in eadstence or subsequently
<br /> - �-- � erecteC,a8ainst loss by Aoods to the extent required by the Secretary. All insurunce shall be carded with oompanies
<br /> "���`�`°"'�' approval by I.ender. 'Ihe insurance policla and anY renevvals shall be held by Lender and shall include loss payable
<br /> �_�..�.�,�� clauses ia favor of,aad in a form acceptable to,I.ender.
<br /> °�-�-==� xn the event of loss,Bonower shaU give Lender irnmedlate noticc by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not
<br /> _�.��:���� made promptly by Borrower. Each insursnoe company coacemed Ls hereby authorized and di[ecced to malce payment
<br /> �=;��F�:^� • for such loss directty to Lcnder,instead of to Bonower and to Lender joindy. All or a� part of the Insurance
<br /> _m-,��,:�:,�, ' proceeds may be applied by Lendcr,at its option,eithet(a)to We reduction of the indebtedcess under the Note and
<br /> �b^-•�� • this Security Insuument,first to any delinquent amounts applted m the order in paragaph 3,and Wen to prepayment
<br /> �:".`�,.•r_•
<br /> ;.:; of pdnctpal,or (b)to the restoration or repaic of the damaged Property. Ac�y appHcatioa of the proceecls to the
<br /> - �, prtncipal shaU not extend or postpone the due date of the monthlv payments which are refernd to in paragcaph 2,or
<br /> change the amount of sucb paymenLS.Any excess insuraace proceeds over an araouat required to pay aIl outstanding
<br /> - �� indebtedness under the Note and this Security Insuumcat shall be paid to the entiry legally entitled thereto.
<br /> . ' �. In the svent of foreclosure of this Seturity Insuument or other uansfer of title to the Property that extingutshes
<br /> � the indebtedaess, all r[ght,title and Interest of Borrower in and to insurance polic[es in foTCe shall pass to the
<br /> . .. .
<br /> � purchaser.
<br /> ,i..��' ' s. Ooeupanc.y, Pcese�vatian. M�inuaaaoe and Protartion of tbe Progerty; Bocr+oNer's La�n Applkstbn:
<br /> ----�-�- — ..._ _ .. .. .----� -^--------,__�t_..t..... ...,.ae..,.o.ui.l.,n aiwaafluc
<br /> -----._.___..--- ---r--
<br /> I�easeholds. Bonower shaU occupy.CSlia0115n,ana use we rivpcny iu D�u�..c,�Y...�..q.o.. +w....................-....�--�-
<br /> � after the execution of this Securlty Insuumcnt(or wtthla sixty days of a later sale or uansfer of the Property)and shall
<br /> continue to occupy the Froperty as Bormwer's prtncipal residencc for at least one year after the date of occupancy,
<br /> . unless Lender determines tbat requirement will ause undue hardship for Botrower, or unless extenuating
<br /> circumstances e�dst which are beyond Bonowet's control. Banower shall notify Lender of any extenuating
<br /> 1VgBRASKA-I�I3A DBlib OF 7RUSf �'
<br /> nowmca�,c�w,�.ce���t Pegc 2 of 6
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