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. t� <br /> --�-� -------- -_ - <br /> --�Y�� <br /> „i .,.�:r''�` <br /> , . I .�'[�q.°'r'��:`I171�Y�►kf+tMJ:O�u� - -'.L._ . . ---v'Ny°95,°.:�;.n'.... �_�_-�--_ ,r.-.-..'- --.... <br /> �� <br /> ` ' , � "�� 17, Tr�nsf�P of th� Prop�rty op a B�noflclal Inter�st (n Borrowsr. If all or any part ot the Property a _ <br /> ' � • . �ny Intaeat In it le aold or tranafened (or If e beneflclal Interest In Borrower la aold or transferred and Bortower Is not a naturol � <br /> � person)without Lender's pdor wrltten consent, Lender may,at its optbn, requlre Immedlate payment In full ot all sums secured by [ <br /> ' ; Ihio 9ecurity In�trument. However, thls optlon shell not be exerclsed by Lander If exerclae Is prohibited by federel lew as ot the <br /> daiv al Iht�9ocutlly Inctrument. <br /> -`�4 II Lender exacleea thle optlan, Lender shall gNe �ortower notice of ecceleretlon. The notico shail prwide a periad ot not <br /> �� � leea thu� 30 daye trom the d�ro the nopce le dellvered or mdled wlthln whlch Bonower muat pay ell sums aecurRd by thls � <br /> Hecurlty IneWmenl. II Borrower irlle to p�y lhese sums prlor to the explratlon oi this period. Lender may Invoke nny remedles <br /> ------ — � pRrmiiied i�y iniy"onwiity iiioi�arvrt:itlsaui ivrttttr nailcc at dctnand an florro:�er -� <br /> 1B. eorrow�►'� Rlpht to R�Inst�t�. If Borrower meets certaln conditions, Bortower shali hsve the right to have � <br /> � rnf�rrrmrnt nf Ihl� Aecurlly Inetrument dlscontinued et eny Sime prlor to the earller ot: (a) 5 days (or such other perlod es <br />_ �R�4�`.�� �ppHc�ble lew m�y epeclty tor relnattlement) betore seie ot the Property purauent to any power of sele contnined in thls Security = <br /> Inetrumxit: or (b)eniry oi� Judyment enlorcing thle 3ecurity Inatrument.Thoae conditions are that Bonower. (a) paya Lender el � _ <br />�,,� eume whloh ihen would be due under thle Securlty Inatrumant end the Note as If na acceleretlon had occurred; (b) cures any � _ <br /> , de1�uN of �ny ather covemnt or agreementn: (o) paya all expenaes Incuned in entorcing thla 9ecurlty Instrument, Including, but <br /> � not An�tnd to,re�somble�ttomeye'(ees; end (d)tekes suah action as Lender mey reesonabty requlre to assure that the Ilen M �• <br /> lhie 8�curfty InelrumenL LendK'e rlghtn In the Property and BoROwer's obllgation to pay the suma secured by this Secudry � <br /> � InatrumenR ehs0 rontinue unahmgad. Upon relnstatement by Borrower. thls Seeudly Instrument and the obllgatlons soeured 6� — <br /> • � hereby ehaB rem�ln tuly eHeative ae If no ncceleratlon hed occurrod. However,thls rlght to reinstate shall not appiy In the case � <br /> - ol �cc�xs�tlon undRr p�r�qraph 17. <br /> 11, B�I� of Nat�; Ch�n�� of Lo�n S�rvi�sor. The Note or a a paftlai Interest In me Note (together with thls <br /> � Necudty Inewment) m�y be aold one or moro timea without prlor notice to Bonower.A sale may result in e change in tha entity — <br />�:�, " , (known�s Ih� "lom 8ervlcer')th�t copecta monthly payments due under the Note and this Secudry instrument. There also mey <br /> � ".� Ire one o� mon ah�ny�e uf ths Loin Senicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there Is a ahange ot the Loan Servicer. _ <br />-"'t ' . D61'f6WW :�vH bo pivan wtHtan notleo o} the chnnge !n accordance with pnmgreph 14 above and appiicable Inw. The nMice w� � <br />"� � � sMU tha n�ms �nd �ddreee of ihe new Loan Servlcar and the sddresa to which payments shouid be made. The notice wN also <br />�'y . �!! aontdn my othK Intorm�tlon requirod by appllcable law. �Q <br /> - �O. HualdOU/ 8ubM�no�i. �orrower ahall not cnuse or permit the presence, use, disposat, storage, or reiease d y <br />�', � . my Huardoua Bubatmaea on or In the Properiy. Bortowar ehsll not do, nor allow anyone elae to do, anything aftecting the �, rn <br /> - ' Prapaly tl��l la In vlolatlon of eny Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shali not apply to the presence, use, a �:�q <br /> �`w'� 61Qf11{N Ofl Ihtf Property of small quentitiea of Huardoua Subatancea that are generely recognized to be appropriate to nortnd Q � <br />��• • <br /> �• { rasld�nll�) u�es md to rtulntemnce oi the Property. � � <br />'S'� <br /> j HonowK 6hdl promplly pNe Lender wrlttun notice of any inve3tigadon, claim, demend, Iswauit or other action by any� <br /> povrrnm�nW or repuNtory�p�noy or priv�te party Involving lhe Property and any Hazerdous 3ubatence or Envfronmental Law of <br />�'�;r.; wMch Bnrrowen hRa�ctud knowledye. If Bortower leama, or Is notlQed by any govemmental or regulatory authodry, thnt any� � '_ <br /> • F �;;• n►nov�l o�ot her r�m�d l�t bn o t �ny Hu�r doua 3u bs Unce a ftea t i ng Prope rt y is necessary, Borrower s ha l i promp t ly t a ke �I <br /> �-��LL��.�•y�: = fldviiiiir iwnauil 3�uRi k"i iGGi'ii�iiiLS n'K�i �A:1fCiSTiS�t:!�:.. _ <br /> M uard In Ihls p�r�pnph 20, 'Huardoua 3ubstsnces" ere thoee substnncoa deflned as toxia or hazardous substances by <br />��Y*t�?. EnvkunmentW L�w md the tollowing eubatsnce�: gaaolhe, kerosene, other flemmable or toxlo petroleum products, to�da <br />°'-'=�==-r�� pertlGd�s �nd h�tbldtks,voktNs solvsnte, matsrials containing asbestos or fortnaidehyde,and radioactive meterlals. As used N <br /> `";�'�"`� panpr�ph 20, "Envkonm�ntal L�w' ms�n�tsdenl lawa md lawa ot the Judsdiotlon where the Property la located that reiete to <br /> __:.;*;;;�� hMMh,e�tery or nnvkonm�nt�l protection, <br />�T�-� NQN-UNIFQRM COVENANT9- Bonower end Lender lurther covenant and agree as tollows: <br /> �1. Aac�I�rMlon; R�m�dl�s. L�nd�r �hall giv� notice to Borrower prior ta aacd�ratlon <br />�� lollowinp darow�r't br�aah of sny cov�nmt or aDn�m�nt In thls Security lnstrument (but not <br />___��� , prla to �acN�r�tlon und�r psr�gr�ph 17 unl�ss applicablo law providos othorwiw). Th� notic� <br /> _�=4� sh�ll�p�olty: (a)th� dNauR; (b) th� actlon requir�d to cure the doi�ult; (c) a d�ts, not less th�n <br /> 30 d�y�hom tlt� dK� th� notic� ts qiv�n to Borrow�r, by whtch ths default must be cured; and <br />— __..o �d) th�t hlittr� to our� th� d�tauk on or befor� th� d�t� sp�cifi�d tn ths notico may reauit In . <br /> --_ — �ec�l�ratlon of th� �um� s�aur�d by this 8�curity Instrument and ssle of the Propeity.The noRicO <br /> --- - shdl turther inlam Sorrow�r of th� rl�ht to ntnstKo aftar accolar�tion and tha right to bring a <br /> �;�;�� court �otlon to �sNrt th� non-�xist�nc� of � dstauk or �ny oth�r dsf�ns� of Borrow�r to <br /> -,�°_� �aa�Nrallon �nd sal�. M th� d�fauR Is not cund on or bsfore the date ap�clfiod In ths notic�, <br /> � - -- L.�ncl�r N it� opNon m�y nquln Immodi�t� paymont In fuil of atl sums aocured by this 5ocuriry <br /> —=-� InNrurr��n! wflhout fuKh�r d�mand �nd m�y Invok� th� powo� of s�lo And any othor rom�dt�t <br /> — p�rmllt�d by �ppllo�bl� law. L�nd�r �hall b� antitl�d to aolleat all expensea Incurred In pursuing <br /> -�---�--� th� r�m�dl�� provld�d I� thl� par��r�ph 21. Includinp, but �ot Ilmited to, reasonable at�orneya' <br /> _�,,.,y ,,,�r�i 1����nd oods of tkl• avld�no�. <br /> ;.,,"�'�,�;�. H th� pow�r of sel� lo Invok�d, Trust�� sh�li r�cord a notic� of d�fault in e�ch county in <br /> - •� ,��., whloh �ny parl of fh• P►op�rty Is loc�t�d and sh�ll mNl copl�a of such notics In tha manner <br /> , � � �; p���or�Md by �pplla�bl� Iner to Bor►ow�r �nd to th� oth�r p�rsons preseNbsd by appiicable law. <br /> ' Aff��th�tl�n� nqulr�d by �pplle�bl� law,Truet�• shall qivs pubiic nottce of sale to tho peraone <br /> and In /h� m�nn�� pr�tarlb�d by ■ppUaabl� law. Tru�t��� without domand on Borrower, shall setl <br /> th� Prapnty N publlo �uatlon to the hlgh�st bidd�r �t th� ttm� and pl�ce and under the terms _ <br /> � d��l{�twl�d In Ih� notlo• of s�i� In on• or mor� parcds and in sny order Truatee detsrminee. <br /> Tru�t�� mwy poHgon� �al� of dl or any parc�l cii th� Propsrty by public announcement at the - <br /> tlm� �nd pl�cs� of �ny prw{oualy sah�dul�d sal�. L�nder or its design�e may purchass the = <br /> Prop�rty�t �ny��I�. <br /> 1lpon r�o�lpl of p�ym�nt of th� prlc� bld, Trwt�� shall dsltvar to the purchasor Trustev's - <br /> ' d��d e:onv�ylnp Ih� Prep�rty. Th� noltals In the Trust��'s d�ed shall be prima facle evidsnce of <br /> ' 11u� I��afA�f IMn ��J�M�n1� �n�1� Nu��In Tr��d�� ahall mnnlv Ihn n�nnnaela r�f fhn cnla tn fhs <br /> .� .. . _.�-.. .. _ ...� ....... ..... ..� ......�...�...� .....r.. ...�.�.... ..�_'__ _"_" _rt.'• "'_ �'__.��__ �' "'� �� ... ...� . <br /> 1 fallawlnp arct�rc (�) to dl aoats �nd �xp�ns�s of �x�rcising ths power of sale. and the sale, <br /> � Onniudlr��INo N�ym�nl oi th� T►ud��'• ha �otual0y Inourr�d, not to axaaad three <br /> � _ _ 96 of the prtncipal amount of tha <br /> ! nal��t Ihw fl���nf tlw d�al�rdlon of d�l�ult. �nd r�a�onable attornsy's teas ea perm(ttsd by law; <br /> � (b) fo MII sum• uour�d by thb S�curlty In�trum�nt; end (a) my exwss to ths person or persons <br /> , I�pNlly �ntltl�d fo 11, <br /> I <br /> � �„„ . , � ,. ��,,, n . , <br /> I <br /> _ 1 <br /> � �,��.. <br />