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<br /> in oas nr more parcels nod in any ordtr Trustee decermWes.Trustee may postp��sale��All'o�a��pprcel ot the
<br /> Property by public announcement�t tlx tLne and pl�ce ot nny prevlously schedukd eAle.Lender or its deafgnee may
<br /> purchaee the Property At�ny s�le. `
<br /> Upon receipt ot psrneat ot the prke bid, Truatee ehAll ddiver to thc purchASer Truata's decd �:onveyin�ths
<br /> Property.The recitab in the ltusta's deed eha11 be prima iack evidence ot the truth of the statemeats mAde thenin.
<br /> T�uatse ah�U s�pp�y the proceedt of the sde ia the tollow[na order. (�)to All costs and expense�of exercisiag t6e power o�fD
<br /> sak,and the sAk,including tlhe payment ot tLe Trusta's tees Actually incurred,not to exceed
<br /> Ol�h!�1iIoCIpAI A1t10UR1 0�thC 110�!Yt LL!l�l!Of thE dlCIA�AtIOA Of dl�ililll�And flAS011Abk alfOYAlyB'rees,��nnice�a�y
<br /> Iaw;@)to aU bums eecured by Wis Securuv Iuatrument;and(c)eny exce.s.9 to the peraon or persoiu kgaUy wtitled to i�
<br /> 22.Reconveys�na. Upon payme�i of all sums aecured by this Securlty Inswment, L.ender shallrequest 'husteo to
<br /> In�strum�t�to'11rus�Trustee sha➢1 reconvey�the Propec y without warranty and without ceharga the person or ypersons gY
<br /> enHtled to it Such person or persons shall pay any recordadon costs.
<br /> 23.Subatitate Tn�at�e. Lenda,at in opdon,may from dme to dme remove Truscee and appoint a successor uustee to any
<br /> co�nveyan�of tho Property�the�ccessor ausnue s�halid�iicceed to all the dtlewpower and dud�confe�eRpon Trustee�here'm and
<br /> bY aP� 'cable la��.
<br /> Z4.Requeat for�`�otias. Borrower requests that copies of the nodces of default and sale be sent w Borrower`s address
<br /> which is the Pc Addr�ss.
<br />- 25.ItWers o thb Secwity In�truetent If one or more ridera ere executed by Borrower and rocorded Wgether with this
<br /> Sxurity Insnuaiet�t,the covenants and agreeme�►ts of each such rider sdall be incorporeted�nw and shall amend and supglement
<br /> the co�enant�and agroements of this Secwrity Instrument as if the rlder(s)were a part of this SecurIry Instrument
<br /> [Chec�k Pli�,abk boa(es)J
<br /> LJ Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominiuni Ridu [�1-4 Family Rider
<br /> []praduatec�Payment Rlder �Planned Unit Development Rider �Siweekly Payment Rider
<br /> �g��g� []Rate Improvement Ridcr []Second Home Ridu
<br /> �VA Rider [�Other(s)I��l'l
<br /> BY SICiN1NG BBLOW. Bomnwa acapts end agrees w the tecros and covonants contained in this Security Instrumet►t and in
<br /> eny rida(s)executed by Bomowx and recaded with it
<br /> Witncsses: t�— (�)
<br /> ]►1R( p�8C0= •Baiower
<br /> , o
<br /> �'1 �� ,�Q�� (Seal)
<br /> �DOIti9 uRT �sLDOflOVS � •Bortower
<br /> (u�'.,al) ���
<br /> -Harower -Barow�et
<br /> s�c�orrr�n�, �- co�oty�: ��,��C�/�- /79�
<br /> 'It�e foregoing ins me�t was acimowbdg fore me this ��'�- day of
<br /> , bY ��A�l.lr�s '�i^"�i�o�. �►d���as ��r► �s�a'�aRab •
<br /> Witness my hand end nota�al se�1 e� � �L G"' in sald County.the dau afonsaid.
<br /> My Commission Eapims:
<br />� � x ry r�t�io
<br />�; /3��a
<br /> QFNERAL MOTARI•SUt�d N�Enskt
<br />— IryComm. Aut.�1.2R�0
<br />_ �-eR(NE)�o2�2�.oi a.p•e oi e Form 302t�/90
<br /> �
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