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<br />-��_- Aiter Reoordattort�e�rn to: �� '�.. � n W � -
<br /> _ -J� ttaioa sauk 7►nd Ts'i►st Caspaay � �,v tv ,,r
<br /> Graad Islsnd sraaob � N �
<br /> �,,�� 1008 1� W�bb lld �
<br /> .:,,,,;� 4rand x�lana, lls 69803 t
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<br />.r'.'�
<br />__;�.�;�.: _ �
<br />��;_;�� �� DEEDOFTRUST
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<br />_��� c�aawroa ��.
<br /> �� -�� a�R�R V�rnoa P�aas, a ssrri�d p�rsoa
<br /> — V�raoa D P�aas
<br /> - Patriois R P�aas
<br />- - �-- ADWI�ff ADDIIWS
<br /> - - - 151� Laaax Z517 La�ar
<br /> -------- Grand Isinad, !ta 68803 f3rand Isiaad, NE 68803
<br /> nuniowa No, mt�nnc�non tw. Tn.�o�at�w. ioo�ttnc�noN tw.
<br /> �- (306) 38Z-5503 508-54-318? (308) 382-'5903 508-53-3187
<br /> - rRUSrat:�nion sanlr 1►nd Trust Coapaay
<br /> �008 llorth 1f�bb ltoad, Oraad Islaad, 1fE 68A03
<br /> - In conud�ntbn of th�loan or othu andk axommodaUon h�nin�ft�r sp�oifl�d and any futuro advanwt or futun ObIlpaUom,a dNin�d h�nin,
<br /> which may h�natnr b�advanad or incurc�d md th�trust h�nin�lt�r m�ntion�d tnd oth�r pood�nd valuabl�oontid�ration,th�nalpt and
<br /> au'n"ii.iii�tiy+3t tivtslch:t=hrsalty sC.''n4..'-'�!="'� �it+�ntnr hsroby IrrwocaYl harWlna,s�lit,_tt�naf�ro,ptants,oony�y8 a daaelqns to Lrom�.hls
<br /> _- wcaaora�nd aatpm In uu�t,for?���oa �iak 1►ad Tru�t Ca�ipanJ arann isaaaa Hraacn, �t�i3o r .7�.. :.�.
<br /> arand Isl+�p�,, �Qi 6A6Q3 ���r), ��
<br /> ■ Wn�fldary und��this I�d of Trust,with pow�r of nl�and ripht of�ntry anel poss��aion tll ot Onntor's pnant uid futun�nat�,ripht.tltl�and
<br /> .Inanst In�nd to tM n�l prop�rty d��ib�d in Sch�duls A whlch Is anachW m�I�Owd of Trun and tnoorNontsd h�nin by this nf�r�nc�,topNMr
<br /> with all pnsent and futun Improvommts�nd flxluns;tll tuipihl�p�reonal prop�Ry.Includinp,wiMout IlmltaUon,atl machimry,equlpm�nt,bulidlnp
<br /> mat�ci��,end poods of w�ry natun(�xdudlnq houahoid pooda)now or h�re�tt�r locat�d on or u�sd in conmotion with th�nal prop�rty,wh�th�r
<br /> Of flOL 11f1%!d t0 thE 1ltld; all pt{vII�QQII.heradlfamnnSs. and�PP�d4op:+c•a, Inctudlnp„y:,(�dev��le pm� enf r� hta anaoelnbd with thn�oat property,
<br /> wh�th�r pnviau�ly or wbt�qwntly tran�f�rc�d to th�r�ai propaty from oth�r rid prop�rty oi n�w"�ffiiFb�1Q�7�RDl��'t�1������ �
<br /> propety to othor rsRl prop�rty;All I�aa��,Ilo�nws�nd othsr�yrNm�nn;all rmt�,luu�a and profib;�I water,w�ll,ditch,nNrvolr and minKai
<br /> riphts and stocks p�rtaininp to th�nal prop�rty(cumulatlwly'Prop�rtyl'�;to hww and to hold th�Prop�rty and th�riphts h�aby prant�d ta��uN
<br /> �nd b�r►�tit of TruttN,hls suoasson a�d�aipm,untll paym�nt In tull of ail ObYaations s�cund henby.
<br /> Monova,In turth�r consid�ratlon, (inntor do�a,for arantor end C3nritor'�hsin,npnisntatlws,wcc�uors�and aaipm,h�nby sxpn�ly
<br /> warrant,oov�nant,and�prN with l.�nd�r and TruK��and th�ir�ucassors and uelpns�s followr.
<br /> 1. OBUGA770N3. ThU DMd ot Trust�hdl wcun th�paym�nt and p�rtormana of dl pn�nt�nd futun indebt�dn�ss,Il�bilitlN,obitpd(ons md
<br /> oov�nanu��r�u�id tl��tol�inttiwoml w���notii�and oU�ii ap Nme�•
<br /> ,._Z�
<br /> MT'� p1iDITi.IMIT AGl1�1lITOA?� DA?R M�M�R11
<br /> !=�p 835�381.00 10/31�97 11/10/01 Z6366 sM 195110���
<br /> � o �r pr�s�nt or futun wr(tt�n�pn�m�nh with L�nd�r that nf�r sp�c ci y to th s o Trust �x�ouE�d b►t��a
<br /> - difhnnt purpos�a tl11ie tM forpoln9)�
<br /> (o) any puaranty of oblipatbna of othe parti�s piwn to Lendsr now or hsraNt�r sx�cuted that refero to thie Derd of 7rust;
<br /> - _ (d) futun adwncoe,wh�th�r obllpatory or opUond,to th��am��xbnt as M mad�cont�mporan�ously with th��x�ouUon of thl�DNd of Trost,
<br /> mad�or sxtended to or on bshnit of OrRntor or Borrow�r. (iranMr apre�s thtt if one of ths Oblip�tton�Is a Iin�of or�c+it,the Ilen of this DMd of
<br /> � � Truet eh�ll continw untli p�yment tn full of di d�bt dw und�r th�Iin�notwllhstandln�th�taot that from time to tlm�(but Wfon brminaUon of
<br />'=z-�"��" ths Ilns)no balanoe may W outntandlnq� At no time ehali ths Iien of thia DNd of Tniat,not Includfnp auma advmad to protsot th�e�cuflty of
<br /> ;:_�a� thle Dsed of Truat,�xasd S 70.76Z.D0 _ c and - --„_.__.�, _ _ . -:.�_.--_--
<br /> T�-� (�)all am�ndrt�snb,�xt�nNona,ron�w4is,modtttoattonu,reptac�m+��u ur dt�itttuttb��n tu�u�y stmo-tsi•�ate�°""-""°"'
<br /> --�°=;-:. As us�d In thia Paraproph 1,th�Mrma Ormtor md Borrowsr shall Includ�and tleo m�an any tirantor or Borrow�r if mors than om.
<br /> `�•`=��'��-� 2. REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTiE3 AND COVENANT3.Grantor represenq,wurants and covanents to lender th�t:
<br /> .�;;;;�'4;;,, , (e) arantor hea fN simpl�markstabU title to the Props�ty and shall mainttln the Property frs�of dI 1(sns,security Int�nals,encumbnneee and
<br /> clnima oxapt for thia De�d ot Truat and thos�d�scribsd in Schedule B,which Is attuoh�d to this Os�d of Tru�t and incorpont�d h�nin by
<br /> � �� •�?'.. rsferena,which Grantor eprsea to pay and Ferform In a timety mannsr;
<br /> ) (3rantor Is in comptlmc�In ail rsapsots with ali appllcabl�f�d�rcl,staU end local Iaws and npulaUons,Indudln ,without Ilmltatlon,thos�
<br /> re(atin8 to 'Hazardous Iul�teriate," ae defimd hers►n, and other environmental matt�re (ths 'Environmentel Laws�,nnd neither th� fsd�ral
<br /> .. ,,,,,;j,, , pov�mment nor the stat�where ths Propsrty tn located nor any oth�r povernmental or quasi povernm�ntsl entity has fllsd n Ilsn on ths Prop�rty.
<br /> �1p�' nor an th�n any powrnmsntai,Judldal or tdminlatntiv�aotions with resp�ot to�nvironmental matt�ra(»ndin�,or to ths b�st of th�Grantor's
<br /> ' � knowt�dps,thrsatensd,which Involve ths Propsny. PNither Gnntor nor,to ihs b�et ot Grantor's knowisdpe,any oth�r party haa u�d,p�n�rat�d,
<br /> ..�.a.wd.dlacharaed. stored,or dispossd of any H�zardous Materlala ea dsflnsd hersin,in connwtion with ths Propsrty or transpoRSd any
<br /> ��'`' - .�.�..��..��.,w w�...�n�h�fuf�u� Th�t�tM•Haz�rdoua
<br /> -'R .� � Huardous Matsdeia to or irom the Prope�ty. c�ranmr aneii�oi«wR���d���iR••-��`•s����•��••••-.�.-._....._._ .___ .
<br /> Mat�rlala'shall mean any substance,mat�dil,or waets whlch Id or Wcorrroe repulated by any gowmm�ntal authority Includinp,but not Itmit�d
<br /> to: (1) petroisum;pi)friahie or nonfrlable aebeatos: pu)po�Ychiorinated biphenyla; pv)thoae substenc�a.met�rials or wastes desipnat�d aa a
<br /> 'haaardous aubshnce" pursuant to Ssation 311 of the Clean Weter A,cl or Ilsted purouant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Aot or any
<br /> amandmenta or reptecsm�nts to th�w statutsa;(v)thos�aubatancss,manriale or westos d�Hned as a'ha=udous w�sts'purouu►t to S�otlon
<br /> 1004 of th�R�source Cane�rvation and Reoovery Aat or any amsndmenta or rsplacements to ttiat etstutr,and(vl)thow subatanas,matoriats or
<br /> wastes detG�ed ae a'huudoua subatenco'purouenS to Sentlon 101 of the Compr�henelve Environmentnl Reaponse.Compsneatlon and U�bility
<br /> i�tts�yGr ntor�halt not IeiN or p�rmit th�sub e a�of ths P op�rty t erten�nt or�ub enantuwhoss operations�may rosu�lt i�n Contaminatlon of
<br /> the Property with Hezerdous Matsrlale or toxla nubatancee;
<br /> �� (o) AII appllcabls lawa and rspulationa,including,without IimlUUon,the AmeHctna with Dleabiliti�s Act.42 U.S.C,S�otion 12101�t e�q. (and all
<br /> munlclpal nuthority with Jur�sdict o0 ovsr�t s P olperty, p esently an a d ehal9l bstobssned and omplied wrlthbn ell mate I�alyre p�cts,and all
<br /> r righri,Iiceneea.permite,end certificete�of oceupsnoy(includlnA but not Ilmfted to:ontng variances.epeclnl exceptions for nonconformfnp us�a.
<br />� end tinal Inepeotlon approvelsl,wrheth�r temponry or permanent,which are mRterlal to the use and ocoupenay of the Property,presently an and
<br /> ahell be obMinsd,prsaervsd and,whers neasaery.rensw�d:
<br /> • Pep�tof6... . -- . .-.
<br /> IPNCBt�F FormAtionTecnnolog�es.�n' It�iB/981 IBO'JY93��3)B9
<br /> . _ . .__ -.._. -- r�uys::y�r:t.`__ _ ` ... _ .
<br /> �.al
<br />