28. Deal with Financial Institutions. To establish, maintain or terminate bank accounts, security
<br />accounts, certificate of deposit, money market accounts, margin accounts, common trust
<br />funds, mutual funds, treasury bills and notes and any other type of cash fund, cash
<br />equivalent or security in my sole name or jointly in my name with others and to negotiate,
<br />endorse or transfer any checks or other Instruments with respect to any such accounts, and
<br />to endorse, deposit or collect any checks or drafts made payable to me or to my order.
<br />29. Miscellaneous Powers. To open, read, respond to and redirect my mail, take custody of all
<br />my important documents, including but not limited to my Will, Trust Agreernents, Deeds,
<br />Leases, Life Insurance Policies, Contracts and Securities.
<br />30. Counterparts. This document maybe executed in any number of counterparts and each
<br />shall constitute an original of one and the same documents.
<br />31. Severability. If any provision of this document is notenforceable or is not valid, the
<br />remaining provisions shall remain effective.
<br />32. To apply and receive benefits. To apply for and receive for me any benefits whatsoever of
<br />any federal and state government or other agency, including but not limited to, social
<br />security; Medicare, veterans or welfare benefits, Medicaid.
<br />33. Investments. Top retain, invest and reinvest assets in banks and savings and loan
<br />associations or other associations fully protected by the Federal Deposit insurance
<br />Corporation.
<br />34. To change Utilities. To sign necessary papers to change, cancel or terminate my telephone,
<br />electricity, gas, water,sewer, trash, cable TV, satellite TV, change address of_cancel-credit
<br />cards.
<br />35. Substitute Power of Attorney. In the event the above named attorney should predecease
<br />me or is unable, unwilling, unavailable or incompetent to serve as attorney, or continue to
<br />serve as attorney, then I appoint as Substitute Attorney my son Nemecek.
<br />In the event the above named Substitute Attorney should predecease me or Is unable,
<br />unwilling, unavailable or incompetent to serve as Substitute Attorney, then I appoint as
<br />Second Substitute Attorney ray daughter, Bonita Nelson.
<br />36. Power of Attorney effective notwithstanding disability or incapacity of principal; continues
<br />in effect after principal's death until notice. Pursuant to the provisions of the Nebraska
<br />Probate Code, 1 declare that this power of attorney shall not be affected by my disability or
<br />incapacity, and that the authority, granted herein shall continue during any period while I am
<br />disabled or incapacitated. Further, pursuant to said sections, all such authority shall
<br />continue after my death, until notice of such death shall have been received by my attorney
<br />so that he or she has actual knowledge of the fact that I have died. Any action taken in good
<br />faith by said attorney during any period while it is uncertain whether i am alive, before he or
<br />she receives actual knowledge of my death, or, in any event, taken during any period while 1
<br />am disabled or Incapacitated, shall be as valid as if I were alive, cornpetent and not disabled.
<br />Dated: January / (' , 2013.
<br />(6)
<br />201303866
<br />