. .. >.. .....d ..,..../J'"',a4_C.^�:2cT*�^..._—.+��_..+...g.:i.e_
<br /> ' ��
<br /> - .`�..►F'y'�;
<br /> :::i� ..
<br />-:y.�::�f. � COVENANTS ��� `rld bnEiPO4 ---
<br /> "_'',,M. �� a �.�. n� othuwls�, my
<br />.-:..,-�tti�N 1. r�yrt�s. 8orrovi�r apnn to make .�Y�Y4S��-� s�"`- �++�hon dus. Unl��s ow�r L
<br /> r Iled first to rny�trounts Borrowar ower on th���cured d�bt
<br /> p�ym�nt�Lender nceivss irom Borrow�r a pv dW� '�.h��sfit will b�rP �rr7
<br /> � ` "'� sxalutiv�of fnten�t or ptinclpa0,ucond t �nst;'ind th���p,QrU�R��d,?f� ��prepsymant of the�scured dsbt occurs for any r�ason,h will
<br /> . �.. �. not nducs or�xcw��ny scheduled peym t u il t�„��c1���1.�A9t;r �„,� �"'.
<br /> rf 9 rps�attrlbutabls to thsp►operty whsn due�nd wlll d�f�nd titl�
<br /> r • ,: .,,' 2.�Ay�ln�t Titl�.Borrower wlil pay �
<br />"��•. to th�prop�rty a�Q�In�t�ny cl�lm�whlah viould impalr the Ilm of thls d��d of trust.L�nd�r m�y requlre earrow�r to�sslpn any ripht�,cl�im�or [�y•
<br /> �b
<br /> .•.�.�. d�{��q�whleh eorrow�r m�y hav�apdn�t paMu who supply labor or m�tNial�to Improw or m�intaln tF»prop�rty. L____
<br />-�y;'�`"�, 3.�r���Ilcl�ai shill Includi aiti�iro0 mort p��po cliusi n fivor of Undin�Ut�6'oir�wlll bitnimsdiirlosi piyee or ai ihi Inw ed on anyiuch ��"
<br /> or�t ttw cocurod debt�If Lander requi�ee�mo�rt9 gs Pniurance�t Borrower e�riei to milnta n nuchhniurenee foi ii iony�ai��ndir�riqulrei���� c_
<br />:�� 4,propwty,Borrowsr will kup ths prop�rty In pood candition and m�ke all rsp�ira n�son�bly n�cestary. -
<br /> 6,Exp�t�s.Borrowsr agree�ta pay sll Lender's axpenssa Includinp ree�onable attorneys'feei,if Barrows�break�any coven�nU in thl�dssd
<br />—°� of uu�t or in any obliy�tlon tscured by this deed of trust. �arower w(II pay these emounn to Lender as provlded in Covenant 8 of thls deed of
<br /> _'� .."� uust.
<br /> ��•i•• �, d.p�io�g�cy�ity�M�n+ts.Unleu Borrowsr first obt�lns Lendsr's writtsn con�ent,Borrowe�wiil not make or permit eny chanpes to any prior
<br /> �' �� �scurity iMarests.Borrower will pa�tarm �II of Borrower's oblipation� under any prlor mortpepe, deed of trust or other security�preemsnt,
<br />,,;f;,.;��+'•j i Inctudinp Borrowsr's covenmts to m�ka psyments when due. _
<br /> -�• �.A���of p�ts�d proliq.Borrower as�ipns to Lender the rents and proflts of the property.Unless Borrowsr snd Lender hevs�preed
<br /> a�.�`,'"''��, otMrw n In writ�ny. Borrow�r may colNat and rotaln the�ents as lan9�s Borrowsr is not In defauk. If Borrower dsfaults,Undsr, Lsndsr's
<br />-x���"��-!1=� appil�d first t uthe coain�of�meniptop the property�i c�ludlngd couit coati and attome�6fees�commis ii ons�o�Mntal a�0ents a�d any o�thet
<br /> -���'i��?t� nece�sary ni�ted expenees.The remsining amount of rente wfli then apply to psyments on the securod debt as provlded in Covenant 1.
<br /> " e.LMa�hald�'C�d��umc%pl�nn�d Unit D�v�lopm��m•Barrower a@rees to com Iy with the pr��oW.�W���P�orm�illhot Barow�s dutii
<br /> �-=�_� �Nas�hoid.If thi�dNd of bust is on�unit In�condomiNum a �W�nned unft
<br /> �wloprrNnt.
<br />--��:�� undei th�cownants,by-I�w�,a rspulattons of th�eondominium or pi�nrnd unit d�wiopm�nt.
<br /> _ - = P:rt°m°m`�.Yd li�«�wua tMm to b��p�rformidf Lsnder m Y�Nyn�Fiorrowsr'i�tyisme�rro ysenyimount if n ce��ary forfpxfo�minc�f�ny �
<br /> ''�=�=����� consUUCtton on tMproperry is dlscontinusd or not aurisd on in s ro�eon�b�e m�nasr,Lsnder msy do wh�tever is nsasa�ary to prot�at Lmder'a
<br />-«:c M:':ii�•� security inUnst in tFw ptoperclr•Thl�may includs complsUnp the construotion.
<br /> ,�.�v Undsr's faihx�to p�rform will not pnciud�Lsnd�r ftom exercisinp any of its oth�r rlyhta und�r ths law or this desd of Vust.
<br />°_,;�`..`'.��� ny
<br /> -��3�� end Wip°be�i nOHSSt nom t�hs d�pe of thi paym�nt until p,idtin full�It e�lntere�tde e(n eNe�on the iscured deb2 unta wlll be due on demmd
<br /> '''� 90. D�iM+it�nd Aoc��tlon•�� �now�r ►ails to make my paVm�nt wt�n dw or brsaka any cownanta under thts desd of trwt or �ny
<br />--?�.r, .' `� obily�tbn acund by thL dud of Vu�t or any prtor mortpags or d�sd ot trust,L�nde may�cc�l�nt�tt�matwity af t1»s�cund d�bt and
<br /> ,-�,� dem�nd imm�dht�p�ym�nt and may Invoke ths power oi nls�nd eny othsr remedNs permittsd by�pp�icabls taw.
<br /> - _- ���Rpu�t ta Mod��p}p�}�t,It I�heroby raquested th�t copfsa of the noticss of dsfauk and eale be sent to each person who U a partyr
<br /> -------� h�rsto,at the sddnu ot ach tuch p�raon,u set forth heretn.
<br /> ---__�.�= w riln th��rui�o}p�rtY o� oi mi pHt Pircel the eof isiituated��a rwiotics of defeult corrtaini�th�info m twnirequasd b�i:v.Tisz T�
<br /> --���; shNl�I�o mNl coph�of the notic�of def�ult to tM Bortower,to sach penon who is a p�rty
<br /> rsto,�nd to oth�r persom as pr�scrlbed bY
<br /> �pplfoabl� law. Not�Sas thsn one mor►th �fter tM Trusus records the noUce of dstault or two months If the trust property�s not In any
<br /> --- �ncorporat�d city or vill�and Is uad In farminp op�retion�oented on by the tru�tor,ths'Frustss sh�ll pivs publaS no����n totth�h��ph�st
<br /> Y-�� �nd In tM m�nrMr{x�scdbsd by��pppllcabN law.Trusta�,without dsmmd on Borrowsr.shnll�lt0p,rateP�����equk�d by�pplloabN I�w.
<br /> �,�:,,�,;,,,�� piddK.If rpuk�d by tM Fam Homnt��d I'rot�otion Aat,Ttu�t�e thall off�r th�p�oP��Y
<br /> — Tnutw m�y po�tparN s�M of all a ony paresi of the prop�rtY bY P�hlio announc�m�M at th�tims and plaa ot�ny pnviou�lY acMd�d�N.
<br /> - _�— L�nder or ks dnipnw m�y Purch��s ths p►op�rtY�t�ny��le.
<br /> Upon recs t oi paym�nt of t1»p►ic�Wd.Trusts�shdl deliver to tM purche:er Trustee's desd convsyinp ths{xopertl►.
<br /> The reniti�ls contNn�d in
<br /> Tru�tN'�t �hdl be prim�facis svldlsnce of tM uuth of the stataments contai��d therein.Trust�s shNl�pplY the proceed�of the��I�i�th�
<br /> tii�tutit,T��1t fN�•'lb1 to all sums iicund by thli dnd of�u st snd lcl�the b�lincs�ifiny bto the p�ersons/epe l ly s n t i�t l�i d t om c oiN i ii,fees �nd
<br /> - r
<br /> �3,For�ctown,At Lender'a option,thia deed of trust may be to�eclosed in the msnner prov i d�b y a p p l i w b i s l a w t o r f o r e c l o�u r e o m o rt p��e�
<br /> on nd prop�tty.
<br /> = 14_�y�,���K m�y�nter th�property to Intpect it it Lender pives Borrower notia bsfonh�nd. Th�noUcs must�trt�th�n��onabN
<br /> cws�fa Undu's insp�otbn.
<br /> �6,��ypn,Bortow�r usi0ns to Lender th�p►ocuds of eny awad or cleim for dam�„�!es connscted with�condemn�tbn a otM►t�kG�p -
<br /> � ��cur{y�Nm�int t������Such proceedt will be�pplied as provided in Coven�nt 1. is atsiynm�nt i�subl�at to th�t�rms ot any prior
<br /> LL�""�'' �y p�y uponXBorroiriydefamiih,Lindir dois�n�ot wifve iny ripht to Ieter��considsr ihiivint i d,fwit If�t h�ppsns amps��BY��xarciskq
<br /> - -- - - -i
<br /> _,-=,s;�,-,�� �����S�� � �,��� g�Q����nd Assipns dound. All duties undsr thi� deed of trust W� Joint �nd nwrd• Any
<br /> — -' B�arow�i►'sNinUrist�in thih�sKY to t i Truaes u�sithi t�rmi of thls de�ed of t uatt In��ddi bn(iucdhisDonowii iprNS that tMcl�ndir and
<br /> -'�--=_a•�� �ny otMr Borrow�r undK thl�dMd of tru�t m�y�xt�nd,modifv w m�ks any other ch�n0�s fn t�tKmt of thi�ds�d of uust w tiw a�cund
<br /> °._.t� d�bt wrthout that Bonow�r's cont�nt and v�ithout rdaatinp th�t�orrow�r hom th�t�►ms of thU d��d of tru�t.
<br /> A � °= The dutle�and benefits of thi�deed of tru�t ahall bind and benefit the successors and assipns of Lender and Borrowsr.
<br /> _,__�'._��
<br /> :-"'-II;:. `. 1{,fiotle�.Unisss otherwise rsqulred by I�w,any notice to Bortowsr ah�il bs plven by deliveri�q it or by m�il(nq it by csrtified meil�ddnss�d to
<br /> - �,,�'}�`k Borrow�r�t tM pro�perty addrsss or�nY otMr addnss th�t Borrower h�s piven to Lsnder.Borrow�r will pivs mY notic�to L�nd�r by cKtifNd
<br /> ' ,��:�. bi�iint to L nd�ai eddr u u st t d onip Oe 1 of t ii died ot trua�tt�addnu which L�nd�r has desiynatsd.Any otMr notice to L�nd�r�MII
<br />� Any notice shdl bs ds�m�d to h�ve bsen piven to Borrower or Lender wMn ytv�n in ths mmner stated above.
<br /> - � 19.Tnm1K of tM PtopMtY or�O�tk�r�nt�^�s°ROw�r.If ali or any part of tfie property or my int�roat In k is sold or trmsfernd
<br /> -• withou�Lifr�r'�rcowerrcia�rwt a nihvai p�er on inddi b�neflciel/ntiresi in t�Baiow�r�fi io�ddorb ui sfe�rred HowivK Lsn�dK ma�t
<br /> paym� t
<br /> �'• d�m�nd payment in the above situatlons If it is prohibtted by federal law ae of the date of this deed ot buet.
<br /> ;� y
<br /> Z�,p�p�y��,WI►bn tphe oblfpati�n secured by this deed of truat hee been paid,and Lender hea no further obilpation to make e vances
<br /> a . c �o pNsrt��i,Ths Le endoiihili deliver�to the Borrowerthor do Bo rower s cuc essor in$nterost�,the nuit deed a►xlbhemnote�od�other evid�ca of tlse
<br /> -ti'f� oblipition so satisfied.Borrowsr shdl pay eny recordatlon coste.
<br /> ~ - 21. Suecnsor TrustN. Lendor..at Lendet_s�oPtlon,�a�r�e ti�Yfit�m�iha substkution of trustse for ecord i�the offics of theropfs�e of deeds
<br /> -- ' y substituUon of trustee ae roquirea oy avM��.��••�.-•�-•-•�•-
<br /> _..�............ .h.0
<br /> ' succeed touell the power tdutlei�auhop it�y and titte ofp he Truatee�nemed in the deed of trust andsof any ec eaeor nist e.�����r � ��
<br /> ra,v s or zl
<br /> BANKERS 6YSTEMS.�NC..ST.CLOUD.MN 6e301 Il•!00•�87•75�11 FORM OCP-MT6NE 0/19181
<br /> I
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