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<br /> Unless ottienvise agreed in writing,all insurance pror�eeds ahall be applied to the rectoration or repair of the Property
<br /> or to the Secured Debt,whether or aot then due,at Lender's option.Any application otproceeds toprincipul shaU not
<br /> extend or postQone the due dete of the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any payanent.Ar�y excess w1U be
<br /> paid to the Grantor. If the Propesrty is acquired by L,ender, Grantor's dght to any insurance polictes and proceeds
<br /> resulting from damage to the Property before the acqulsldon shall pass to Lender to thv extent of the Secured Debt
<br /> immediatcly before the avqutsitlon.
<br /> 20, ESCRO'4Y TOR TAXES A1VD 1N9URAriCE.Uni�ss atherwise provided in a separate agrecmcnG Grantor wiQ not �
<br /> be requircd to Fay to I,ender funds for taxes and insurance in escraw.
<br /> 21. FINpNCIAI.REPOR'i'S AND AODtI'IONAL DOCUMEIYI'S.Grantar will providc to L.endcr upon request,any
<br /> Grtanctal statement or intormatinn Lender may decm reasanably neccs.9ary.Grantor agrccs to sign, dellvcr,a�d fdc
<br /> any addttionel documunte or certiCcations that L.ender may cansider necessary to perfcct, continuc,and prescrvc
<br /> Cirantor's abligationR undcr thit Security Instrument and I.cndar'e Iicn s�xtus on thc Propcny.
<br /> undcr thle Secu�lty inwtt�umcnt urc Joint and individuul.If Ciri�ntur elgns this�curfty Ingtrumcnt twt das nat sign an
<br /> cvidencc ot debt,(lrant�r dae+ ��only ta martgage (3rantor'R intarc►t in the Prupesty tc��c�urc peym;;nt of the
<br /> Sccured Deb1 and C3rantor d�r�q not ngrec tn ix: personally llahle an the Securcd Ikbt.If this Sccunty Instroment
<br /> �si:curos u guarnnty t�etwcen l.endcr and Qrantar,orYntar agreos to waivc any dghte Ihat may prevcnt l.i:ndcr from
<br /> bringfng any action ur claim agninxt Clrantar or any perty Indcbtcd undcr thc nhligatiun.Thesa dghts rnay inctudc,but
<br /> ares n�t Nmitcd to,any anli•dcticicncy ar ane•action law�.C3rantor ugrees that I.endcr and any paRy to this Securlty
<br /> lnstrument msy extend. imxiify dr makr.aay cha�ge in thc:crms af this Security instrument or any evidence of dcbt
<br /> witltout Cjre�tor'e consent.Such a change wltl n�t raleas� Grantar[ru��� the terms ot this Sccuriry Instnuaent.The
<br /> dutie�and bene6ts of thia Secudty Instnunent shaU bind and bene�t the successors and assigns oi Grentor and I..ender.
<br /> 23. A,PPLICABLE LAW;3EVERABIL!'I'Y;INTERPRETAT[ON.This Security instrument is govcmed by the laws of _
<br /> the jurisdiction in which Lender is located,except to the extent otherwise required by th�laws of the jurisdiction
<br /> where the Property is located.This Securlty Instrument is complete and fully integrated.'lbis Security Instrumeat may
<br /> not be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any scction in this Security Instrument, attachments. or any
<br /> agreement related to the Secured Debt that canflicts with appUcable law will not be eftective,unless that law expressly
<br /> or implied[y permits tlie veriatIons by wrltten agreement.If any seaion of tlus Security Tnstrument ca�ot be enforeed
<br /> according to its tarms, that sec.�tion will ba severed and will not affect the enforeeabilIty of trie remaiader of this
<br /> Security Iastn�ment.Whenever used,the singular shaU include We plural and the plurel the singuler.The captioas and
<br /> headings of the secttons of this SecurIty Instn�meni are for conven�ence only and are not to be used to interpret or
<br /> define the terms of this Security Instrument.Time is of the essence In this Security Insmuaent.
<br /> ?A. 5U�CESSOR TRUSTLE.Lender. at Lender's optIou.may from time to pme remove Truuee and appoini a `
<br /> succeasor trustee without any other formality thaa the des{gnation in wrtting.The successor trustee,withoutc
<br /> conveyance of the Property,shall succ,eed to all the title,power and duties aanferced upon Trustee by this Security
<br /> Instrument and applIcable law.
<br /> 25. NOTiCE.Unless oWerwlse required by law,any notice shall be gtven by delivering it or by mailing It by first class
<br /> mail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of thLs Security Instrument,or to eny other address designated in
<br /> writing.Notice to one graator will be deemed to be notice to ail grantors.
<br /> Tb. WAIVERS.Except to tlne exteat pratubited by law,Grantar walves all appraiscment end hornestead exemption rights
<br /> ralat;na to tho Propercy.
<br /> 2"1. 01N�R TERMS.If checked,the following are appllcable to this Security Instrument:
<br /> (�(( We ot C.rediA The Secured Debt inctudes a revnlving line of credit provision.AlthouBh the Secured Debt
<br /> may be reduced to a zero balance.this Security Instrument will remain in eHect until released.
<br /> ❑ Cowtrrdion Low.This Securtty Instrument secures au obligatton incuned for the constructlon of an
<br /> improvement on the Property. —
<br /> (� Fixtore FiNn�. Grantor grants to Lendcr a securiry interest in all goads that Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> future aad that are or wIU become ffxtures related to the Property. This Security Instrument suf�ices as a
<br /> finan�ing statement und any carbon,photographic or other reproduction cnay be filed of record for purgoses
<br /> of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Codc.
<br /> ❑ Riden.The covenaats and agreements of each of the riders checked below are inwrporated into end
<br /> supplement end aQ►end the terms of this Securfty Instrument.[Check all appGcable boxes�
<br /> ❑CondominiumRider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Other...................._..,................................
<br /> ❑ Additioeal Ternr.
<br /> SIGNATURES:By signing belaw,Grantor agrees to the tcrms and covenants contained in this Security instrument and in
<br /> any attachments.Grantor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1.
<br /> . . ....�!� ...�crf......1�.��,.��.�,A/.Q��l.�z.... .............................................,,..............,.....,,....................
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<br /> sldnacure?' pATHICIA L DICKEY (�ote) (signacurel (Dace)
<br /> STATEOF......N��BASKl1....................................COUN'I'Y OF..........,...... .....,.._.............................}ss.
<br /> c�p�Na�•�� 'This instrument was acknowled ed before me this........`�SH.........day of..............f�QVF.M�F1.......�,��7..............
<br />-- v P.T.H�G�A..�,..RxGK�Y....A�I..tJnMARR,I�A..P.�B�QI�.................................................._...,.....,..........................
<br /> My ommission expires: ��*���J•
<br /> (Scal) .,,.. ._ _...............................
<br /> (Noury Pubiic)
<br /> ' �� GENERAlNO1ARY•St�leof Nebr�sk�
<br /> ."�:'•.: I�Oon��.Exp wr 31.t998
<br /> 018pt8nk�n6YM�mRInc..6t.Ciou1MN(�d00-3YL23��)FdmRE-0T�NE NdG� (P8QB4014)
<br /> � �
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