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<br /> � 1. DI Cherry Perk, Ltd., being tho owner of Parcal Ono deuribed on exhlbit A attached hereto henby grnnta unto Hoppe,Inc.,
<br /> Q its euccessars end wigas aa ea+ement of ingresa end egrcss upon end the rlght to use the pdvato roadway on Pucel One for access��
<br /> to S.CheRy Street. Such rlght shall inure w the beaofit of Hoppe�Inc..Its successors and essigns including tenants.invitees and �'
<br /> � liceasees for the bene�it of Percol'I�vo described on exhtblt A attached hereto snd I�arcel'Ituee descrlbed on exhibit A attached \C
<br /> her�to.
<br /> 2. Hoppe„lnc.,being the owaer of Parcel'1Wvo and Parcel 71►ree botb described on�xhibit A auncheA heroto hereby�rrants unto
<br /> aI Cherry Park Ltd.,iU successora end assigns an easomeat of ingnss end egress upon and the rlght to use any futuro private
<br /> roedway on Pucal'l�vo or Parcel'tlu�eo for access to Stu6r Road. Such right shail inuro w the benofit of(3I Cherry Park,Ltd.,
<br /> ite successors end assigns iacluding teunnts,Invitees end liceneees for the benefit of Parcel One.
<br /> 3. Hoppe,Inc.,boing We owner of Parcel'Itvo and Percel 71uee both descrIbed on exhibtt A attached hereto heroby creetes en
<br /> easement of iagcosa and egress upon and the dght to use any futuro pdvau roadway on Parcell\vo for access to S.Cherry Stnet
<br /> from Parcel T7�ree. Such rlght ahall inwe to the beaefit of Hoppo,Inc.,its successors and assigas including tenants,lnvttces and
<br /> Iiceasee�for the beaefit of Parcel'tl�ree descrIbed on exhlbit A attached herow.
<br /> • 4. Hoppe�Inc.,being the owaer of Parcel'l�vo end Parcel Tliree both descdbed on exhibit A ettached hereto hereby crGaus an
<br /> easement of in�ress end e�t+�ss upon and thu rlght to use any t�uwre pr[vate roadwaY on Parctl'Ihnx fa acces�to Stuhr Road from
<br /> Parcel Trvo. Such right ahaU inure to the lxaofit of Hoppa,lnc.,fts successors end essig�s facludU►g uaants,invitas end iicensas
<br /> for the benefit of Parcel Two descdbed on exhibit A attach�d herew.
<br /> 5. 1n dofiaing the oesements set forth above and in the dovelopment of Percels ltvo and'Three,Hoppe,Inc.,or its successors or
<br /> essigas shall connect the pr[vau madway on Percel One with the ftiture pr�vate madway to be built on Parcel'ltvo aad wnnect
<br /> thc futuro pdvate roadway on Parcolltvo with the ti�ture prtveta roadway w be butlt on Paral'I'bne.
<br /> 6. 'Ihe partIes hereto agFee w joindy mainuin the private radway on Parcels One.'IWvo and Tbree. 1he cost of ineinuaance shell
<br /> be sbared by the owners of Parcels One�'Irvo and'17uea or any subsequent parts thereof In ea equftnble manner. lf all of seid
<br /> parcels ero developed into multifunily housing(and counti�ng eny suppoiting unita such es an oi�'ica aa a houslag unft)then the
<br /> maippenance cost�shaU be shared in proportion to the nwnber of housing units serviced by the roadway. If a parcel or signlficaat
<br /> portion thereof is developed iato eomething other then housing the cost shall bo shared in proportion w abutting liaeul footage
<br /> AIOAg tI10[OQdWdy. In such count ench sido of the rondwty shaU bo wunud. Maintenance cost¢hall include�now nmovd,
<br /> resurfacing,weterproofing,sSgnage oxcept for perk�ng stall markings but shall not include s�eet Aghdng.Cost sharing for n parcel
<br /> shall not commeuce untU the parcel hes been developed.
<br /> 7. OI Cherry Park, LW., henby grants unto Hoppe. Inc.,its successors and assigns a udlity easemeat upon Parcel One a�
<br /> designated ia the finsl plat of Pucel One. Such rIght shall iaure w the benefit of Y�ioppo,Inc., its successors and assigos including
<br /> tenmts�invltas end licensees for the benefit of Parcel'M►o descdbed on exhibit A,attached hereto and Parccl'Ibree desedbed on
<br /> exhibit A attached hereto.
<br /> 8. Hoppe,tne.�being the owner of Percel'I�vo end Parcel'Ihree both desedbed on exhibit A attaehed hc�reto heroby gcAnts uato
<br /> GI Cherry Park Ltd.,its successors and assigns the right to use tho utility easements platted upon Paral Ttvo and P�rcel Three when
<br /> the sume or eny part thereof ere finally platted. Such right shall inure to the benefit of(iI Cderry Parlc,Ltd,its succeswrs and
<br /> assigns including teneats,invItees and licensees for the benefit of Parcel One.
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