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<br /> ` �` by owner'e snd operetore of eimller properties and aa Beneffclery ma�►raqulre for its protectlon. 'Trustor will comply °
<br /> 6=.
<br /> '}� a wlth wah other requiremente as Benefialery mAy lrom tlme to tima request for the prnteation by inauranco of the �
<br /> b� intere�t of the re�pective partles. Ali ineurence policies melntelned pursuant to thia Deed of Trust ahaR neme Truatar
<br />� � and Bensilalary es Inwred, af thelr ro�pectfvs Intereat mey appear and provide that there ahell be no cencslletion or =
<br /> ,� modiffcatlon without fifteen (1 FI dayi prior wrlttsn notiflcation to Truatee end Beneficiary. IN the event eny pollay d-
<br /> � . b hersunder le not renewed on or before fifteen 1161 days prlor to Its expiretion date,Truatee or Beneficlary msy proaure _
<br />-:�.��� �ucrh (iiaurance In accordanco with tha provi3ions af Perepraph 7, Trustor shell delfver to Beneflciery the orlglnel f��
<br /> policies of In�unnce and renswal� thereof or aopiee of such policlee and renewals thereof. Fellure to furnlah suoh -
<br />=,:� Insurance by Truator, or renewela es required hereunder,ehau,et the option of Beneficiery, constitute e dafeult. Ali
<br />-- - " unearned prsmlums ere hereby aadgned to Trustee e�edditional security, and a sale end conveyence nf the Property -
<br /> by tha Tru�tee ehall operate to convey to the puraheaer the Trustor's interoot in And to ell policles of Ineurance upon `
<br />< :.•.:tY�,� the Trust Property.
<br /> ,�` � `�� 6. Tax�i �nd Assnsm�nta. Trustor shell pay ell texea end apealel assessmente levied �or eseassed agelnst,or _
<br />'��.��?w���. due upon,the Property beforo detinquency and wlll deliver to Aeneilolary copies of receipts ehowing peyment of such
<br />`�,�%,?��`- texes end speciel aaaeasmente.
<br />-:`��, :.x
<br /> , 8. AdditiooN U�m. Trustor shell make all payments of i�terest and principei,and paymenta oF eny other chargea,
<br /> `�'"'�• fees, end Axpensea contrected to be pald to any existing lien holders or prior beneticlerles under eny prior Deed of
<br /> ��.:,:,.., •
<br />-'�''`�'�``�'� Trust, MortQape or other security egreement, before the dete thay are dellnquent end to pay any other claim wh(ch
<br /> �=���T�= jsopardiz�a the��saurity granted herein.
<br />:_�:����� 7. Prot�ctioro of Btn�Hdky`s S�curity. Should Truetorieil to meke eny payment, faH to da eny act aa herein -
<br /> '=..-,-„s,�� providsd or ff eny action ar proceeding fs commersced which meterially effecta Beneficiary's Intereat in the Property,
<br />=w�� including, but no Ifmited to, eminant domein. Insolvenay, er�angemente or proceedinpa involving e bankrupt or
<br /> '"'"��.��,.�,, decadent,then Baneficiary or Truatee, but w(thout obligation to do so,and without notice to or demend upon Truator,
<br /> �°;cx':.�;;:;�g��� and without releasing Trustor from any obUgetion hereunder,may meke or do the same, en d may pay, pur a h a r e,
<br />`LL=:� ��s� contest or compromise andy encumbrence, charge or Iten, which in the Judgement of e(ther appeers to effect aetd
<br /> �����a Property;in exercising eny such powera,the Beneficfary or T�uatee mey Incur e IlabUfty end expend whatever emounts,
<br />-.��;�•� tncludinp diaburaemente of reesoneble attomey's fees, whichin their absolute discretion may be necessary. In the
<br /> - - event that T�ustor shall fall to procure inauronce, fefl to pay taxes and apecial asseasment� or fafl to make an}y
<br /> �� payments to exiating or prior Ilen holders ar bsneficiaries,the Beneficiery mey procure auch Inaurance and meke such
<br />--�' f payments. All euma incurred or expended by Beneficiary or Trustee in accordence with the provisions of the Deed of
<br /> �J==��� Truat aro securod hereby and,wiihoui dnrriar��,�i�aii ba ir�rsiadla:aly dua�nd�SS;sble b`;Ttustat en�!�ltrl�h�wr Intereat
<br /> ''�'�� at the rete provided for advancea under the Loan Agreement;provlded,however,thet et the optfon of the Beneflaiary
<br /> -� or Trustee,such sums may be added to this principal belance of eny indebtedneas secured hereby and ahall bear the
<br /> =°— = aeme interest aa auch indebiedneas and shall be paynble ro3ebly over the romeining term thereof.
<br /> — ' 8. Assi�nm�nt of Ronts. Beneficiary shall have the right,power and euthority during the continuence of this Deed
<br /> --`� of Trust to collect the rents,issues and proflts of the Property and of any personal property loceted thoreon wtth or
<br /> -- without teking possession of the Property affected hereby,end Trustor hereby abaolutaly and unconditionally essigns
<br /> ell such renta,tssues and profits to Beneficiary. Beneficiery, however,hereby consents to the Trustor's collection end
<br /> �- retentlon of auch rents,(ssues and profits as they accrue and become payable so long es Trustor(s not,et such tima,
<br /> In defauit with respaat to payment of any indebtednesa secured hereby or in the performance of any agreament
<br /> hereunder. Upan eny such default, Beneficiary rney at any time, either in person, by epent or by e teceiver to be
<br /> eppointed by a court,without notice and without regerd to the adequecy of eny security for the Indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured: (a) enter upon and teke possession of the Property or eny pert thereof and in its own name sue for or '
<br /> otherwise collect such rents,issues end profits, inciudinp those pest due and unpaid, en apply the seme, less aoats
<br /> -�°°�°-�� and expenses of operetion and collection, including reasoneble attorney fees,upon any indebtedneas secured hersby
<br /> — and U such order as Beneficiery may dete�mine: tb)perforrn auch acta of repair or protection ea rr�ay be necessary or
<br /> -- — proper to conserve the value of the Property:(c)leese the same or eny part hereof tor such rental term and upon�uch
<br /> -- = - conditiona es its judgment may dfctete. Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree otherwise in w�iting,any eppliQation of
<br /> °° � rents,Issues or profits to any Indebtednoss secured hereby s hell �ot extend or postpone the due date of the Installmsnt
<br /> _�„�-„�� paymente ea provided In the Loen Agreement, and the appllcatlon thereof es aforeseid sheli not watve or cur.e any
<br /> - -`��;� default or notice of defeult hereunder or invelidete any act done purauent to such notice. Trustor slao assigns to
<br /> ...;s=�;j..�� Beneflciery,as further security for the performance of tfie obllgetiona secured hereby,all prepaid rents end eil rreonies
<br /> _:�_T;;;,,.� which mey have been or may hereaitar be deposited with seid Trustor by eny lessee of the Property,to secure the
<br />_�`;;-��, , payment of any rent,end upon defauit in the performance ot any of the provfaions hereof, Trustor egrees to deliver
<br /> � such renta end deposits to the Beneficfery. DeUvery of written notice of Benoticlery's exorcise of the rights granted
<br /> '�''�''��'� herein to eny tenant occupying said premises shell be sufticient to require said tenant to pay satd rent to the
<br /> _,,.s,..., ..
<br /> Benefictery until fuRhor notice. -
<br /> . • 9. Cond�mnatfon. If title to any pert of the Property sheli be taken in condemnation proceedings, by right of
<br /> • eminent domain or similar ection, or sheli be sold under th�eet of condemnatlon, ell awards, demeges and proceeds
<br /> ere hereby essigned end shell be peid to Beneficiary who ahell apply such eward,demapes end proceeds to the sums
<br /> � ` secured by the Deed of Trust, with the excess, if any, paid to the Trustor.
<br /> _ � 10. Futurt Advances. The Loan Agreement provides for advances from time to time to Trustor by Beneficiary
<br />� .,-�. �� as provided therein. In addition,upon request of Trustor, Beneflciary,at Beneficiery's option,prior to reaonveyance
<br /> � �"' ` x ; ;., of the Prope�rty to the Trustor, may make additional future advances to the Trusto�. Such future advances, with
<br /> ------_-----�- -- . . . ... . . _�.- ^--� -e r-"-�"'�-'-"u-___��.. �'��o����......�..����A.... �6n�s.bi..nf�a
<br /> . . -."`-.. ...-' - II1L@�88L L�18�60I1. S�19II p0 SeCUfeO Uy ltti3 vOtsu v� �tuoa o��on vviva�a.av vr p�v�n�aav.� ..vvo ow...y -
<br /> ; are secured hereby; provided thet at no time shali the aecured principel and future advances, not including sume =
<br /> edvanced to protect the securiry, exceed one hundred perce�t 110096) of the originat principal amounts secured ^
<br /> hereby. ,
<br /> 11. Remediea Cumulattve. All remedtes provided in th(s De�d of Trust are distinct and cumuletivo to any other
<br /> • rtght or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, end may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> � independentiy or successively.
<br /> ; 12. Acc�leation:R�m�di�s; Sal�. A default shall exist in the event of:
<br /> (A) Any fraud or misrepresentetion by the Trustor in connection with the line of credit which this Deed of Trust
<br /> ' secures;
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