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<br /> Lot Six (B) and the lilest Ilelf (Wl/�) of Lot Seven (7). Blocic Ten (10)�
<br /> in Baker's Addltion to the City aF Grend Island, Ilall County. Nebrasl<a,
<br /> except e tract mote particulerly de�cribed ass Beginning at e palnt
<br /> on the 5outh line of Lot Slx (fi)� Blocl< Ten (1D) 9aker'� �ddition to
<br /> the Ci�y of Grend Islsnd, �nid point being 35 Feet Eaat of the 5outhmest `-
<br /> corner of �eid lot Six (Ef)t thence running westerly an the SouEh line
<br /> of seid Lot Six 46 Por e distance of 3S feet to the•5outl�west corner
<br /> of seid Lot 81x (6�t thence stmning nor.tiherly on the West line oF 98�d
<br /> Lot Slx (6) for a di�tence af 10 Peett tlience runnin eoutlieasterly
<br /> on a li�e to e poirit on the'South line oF seid Lot Six �6)� said pol�t
<br /> bein� 35 feet Eeat oF the Souttrrest corner of �aid Lot Slx (6)� being
<br /> the poi�t oF beglnning elso excepting e certain tract mare particulerly
<br /> described es foll��ss A trect of land loceted in Lot 6 end tl�e West
<br /> FIe1F of Lot 7, �lxk 10. Qekers Addition� ai�y oF Grend:Ielend, Ilell
<br /> Caunty, Nebraska. descrlbed es follarst FiePerring to kha Nortt�sf
<br /> eor�er a� aeid lot BI thence Southeaaterly a diatance of lO1.B0 feet e-
<br /> long the West line of �aid' Lot 8 to the point oF begimingi thence
<br /> ' Svutheeaterly DeFlecting 000 Oegrees. 00 �ninutee 00 seconde e dls�ence
<br /> oF 20.OZ fHet along tho West line of aaid Lot e. thenca Eest�rly deFlect-
<br /> inq,074.Degrees�.OB �11n�tes� 45 Se�conds lefE e di�tance oF 38.39 F�et
<br /> elong the Nartherly exl�ting liiqhway right of way linef lhen�e Narth- � • .
<br /> ea�terly QeFlecting 015 Oagtee3� 57 minutes. 00 secnnd left{ e dlstence
<br /> oF 45.4H !'eet along the south line of seid lots 8 � 7� thence North-
<br /> Westerly defleoting Q89 degrea�� 56 mir,utes. 14 seconds leFt, e distance
<br /> oF 11.74 Feet elong the property line oF the Grantor(s)t thence Westerly
<br /> on a 654.62 foot radius curve to tt,e right, deflectian to the inf ti�l
<br /> tengent 6�ing Q80 degreey� 5Z minutes� 20 seconds left, e dlstance of
<br /> ' 8x.54 feet, su6tencii�g a aentral engle of �07 degtee�r 13 minutes 33
<br /> seaonds to the polnt of beginnl.ng. .
<br /> Attachmeat to Deed of Trust dated February 3, 1997 between Brtan
<br /> J. McMahon and Laurie A. MGMahon. husband and wife, as Trustors,
<br /> and Five Points Bank. a Nebraska Corporafion, as Trustees.
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