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<br /> Unlesa ottLenviae agreed in wrlting,all inaurance proc.eeds shall be applied to the restoratio�or-�aTr�'t Ehe�roperty or to _
<br /> the Secured Debt. whether or aot then due, at Beneficiary's optloa. Any applicadon of proceeds to priucipul shall not
<br /> w the Gr��tor.�It the Piopert ay�Q f the s�c6 by B�enefic azy,Tras o�r'e r��et io�an yt insur acPea�polici��and pr�a resuIting
<br /> from damage to the Property before the acquisltian sball pass to Bene�ciary to the extent of the Secur.xi Uebt imcnedlauly
<br /> before the acquieition.
<br /> 20. ESC���to Beae��Sci funds for�taxesCandUla�suraace in escrowrovided in a separate agreement, Trustor will not be
<br /> n9 P Y �Y
<br /> 21. FINANCIAi. REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMEIH'TS. Truswr wlll provide to Beneficiary upon reyuest. any
<br /> fmancial statemeat or informatlon&neficiary may deem reasonably necessary.'I�rustor agrees tv sign,deliver,and t31e an�
<br /> blgadons u�nderethis�Soc�tu�Ity Ins�tr unent a�ndAB cne acl��s lienistat s on thae Prop�erty.t,conti�iue,and preserve Graator a
<br /> this Security Insaument are joint and indlv�dusl.If Trustor signs thia Security Insttument but does not aign an evideace of
<br /> debt, 1'rusror does eo only to mortgage Trustor's interest im the Property to secure paymeat of the 5ecured Debt and
<br /> Trustor dcxs not agree to be personally liable on t�e Secured Debt. If this 5ecurlty Instrutnent securea a guaranty between
<br /> Beneflctary aad Trustor,Trustoragrees to walve aay rl ta that may prevent Beneficiary from bringing any action or clniim
<br /> a xlast Truaror or an party indebted under We ob�ulon. Theac r�ghte may inslude. but are not l�ntted tn, Lny
<br /> anti-deficimcy or oaanct3on lawe.Tcustor agreea thu�eficiRry ead aay partY to thie Security instrument m�y exteod,
<br /> Su�chi i c�hsw�ge wi�1 no��eaee'1'nietoer from the tem of thie�So�ty�In uumeat T�he datia and bniefiTte�of Wls��ty
<br /> icutrnment chalt bimt w�d benefit the succcsson and assigns of Tsu�wr end Benefleial,
<br /> 23. APpLICAlILE LAW 6EVERABIL1TYi IIV'i'EBPRETA`i'ION.Thia Securiry Iascruuxnt ia governed by the lawa of the
<br /> Judsdlctlon in which �eflcluy 1e located.except ta the eateat otherwise requ�+ed b� ythe lawe of tbc jurlsdiction where
<br /> the Property ie locued.'Ibi�Securiry Inetrumenf fa comp�lete u�d fully Iategrated. 'Itt{a Security Ipstnuuent may not be
<br /> anended or moditied by oriJ agreement.Any�ectlon ln this Securlty Iaetnunent �ttscLmenu,or aay Ygreement relatai to
<br /> thc Secured Uebt thit conflfcta with appHcable law wUl not be effecfive,uulas t�at law eapressly or impliedly pennite the
<br /> vutuione by wdttea agreement. If wy eoctioa of thi�5ecud lnsuument caanot be eaforctd accord�►S to ite tec�nv.that
<br /> aection will be severed u�d will not affxt the anforcability o�the umm�inder of this Secudry Insuument.Wheaever uaod.
<br /> the siagWtr stWl iaclude the plunl and the plurel the s�ngular.'The captions aad headings of the sectlons of thie Secudty
<br /> Instrwnent are for convenIence only und an aot to be usod to interpnt or defiae the terms of this Saudty Instcumenf•
<br /> Time is of the essence in tbis Securlty Insuuirxnt•
<br /> 24. SUC�ESSORlTAtthSTE���n efi f r�mality t&han�e d�i�gaation in�wYrlt'�ing'I�e si�cces�r uus�toe�wit�hou c�onveya�ac�etof
<br /> the Fropeccy, ahall succeed to all the title, power �nd duties coniernd upon Trusca by ihis �x:uriiy L�strw�ti aud
<br /> applicxble law.
<br /> 2S. NO'RICE.Unless othenvise requlred by law,any aodce shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first c1ASS wail
<br /> to the agproprlace part}!;s acldress on page 1 of thia Securlty Insttument, or to any other address destgaated in wrlting.
<br /> Notice to one uustor wiu be deemed to be nottce to aU m�ators.
<br /> 26. WAIVEItS. Except to the extent prohibited by law,Ttustor waives all appraisement and homestead exem�tion rights
<br /> relating to the Property.
<br /> 27. OTHER TERMS.If checked.the followiug are applicable to this Securiry Instrument:
<br /> �L�ne of Credit.The Secured Debt includes a nvolving l�a.e of credit provleion.Althaugh ttte Secured Debt may be
<br /> ceduced to a uro hxlance.thLs Security Insuum�at will recnain ia effect until released.
<br /> �Construction I,aon,'Il+��Socurity Instn�meat aocures an obllgation incurral for the wnst�ucdon of an impmvemeat
<br /> oa the Property.
<br /> ❑Fixture FWng.Trustor grnnts to Beneficluy aaecurity interest in a11800da that(3ranWr owns now or in the tuture
<br /> aad that an or wUl become fixnues reloted to the Property. 'fhis Securlty Iastrua�eat suffices as a fuiancing
<br /> gt8tdYlG�t 8pd eIIji C8T110A,phoWgraphic or otber reproducNon may be fllod of rocord for purposes of Article 9 of ttte
<br /> Untform ComwercIal Code.
<br /> ❑Riders.The oovenAnts and agramenta of each of the riders chxked below are inoorporated into aad supplement and
<br /> aaoead the terma of this Securlry Instnunent. [Check all appHcable boxesj
<br /> �Condominium Rider � Planaed Udt Development Rider ❑ Other..................................................
<br /> ❑Additional Terms.
<br /> SIGNATURFS: By slgning below,Trustor agrees to ttie ternis and covenants wntaiaed in this Security Iastrument and in any
<br /> attachments. Truswr also aclmowledgea receipt of a copy of thls Secur[ty Insau�nt on the date atated on page 1.
<br /> (sigiva,re)'If�.9 E�� ..................�oe)� csignicure).........................................................�nue).
<br />-s STATE OF�?J4'��....................._..,......., COUN'I'Y OF��............................................}as.
<br /> � om�.am� ......�QG�?,.. day of
<br /> � 'Ihis instnurient was acknowledgod befote me this .... ..........QG� . . •...����...............
<br />�-= by ��i..�'ir..�?X�r'��............_.�.................... .... ......................�................................... .
<br /> = My commission cxpires: ��r j✓���
<br />.� GEHERALN0I�RY-Sltle olY�Qr�sk1 ........... . Q ...................................
<br />`'� I DAVID R.B�EHIE (Nonry Pubtfc>
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