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<br /> B.All future advauas from Beuefictary to Truetor or other future oblisadons of Trustor to Beneficlary under any �;�
<br /> promiesory note.contract, guaranty.or other evidence of debt executcd by Tntaror in favor of Beneflciasy executed __
<br /> after thie Securlty Ittsttumeat whether�r not this Security Iustnunent ie speclfically referenced. If more�han one _
<br /> peraon elgna this Security Iastnuneat, each Truswr agrces that this Security Inetcument wlll secure�l future
<br /> advances and future obligetiona that are given to or incuned by any one or mora Tn�stor.or aay one or morc Trustor
<br /> and othere. All fl�ture advances and other future obligations are secured by this Securlty Instrument even�hough all
<br /> or pan may aot yet be advanced.All furiue advances and other funue obllgstions are secured as if rnade on the date
<br /> of tlils Securlty Instrumec►t. Nothiag In this Security Inetrument ahall constltute a commianent to malce addkional or
<br /> it�ture loaas ar advances In any emowK. Ar►Y such wmu►itrnent must be agread w in a separate writing,
<br /> C.All obligatioas Tcuator owes to Bencflciary, which may latar arIse,to the extent not prohibited by law,includIng. _
<br /> but not limited to, liabilides for overdrafta relating to eny deposit account agreement betweea Tmstor and
<br /> Beneflciary. xpe by p
<br /> p the PrOperty aad�its valu�e and any othersums�vanced andnexpen�s�f inc��by Beneficiary under�e teia�s of this
<br /> Security Instrumeat.
<br /> This Securlty Instiument wlll not secure any other debt if Beneficlary fails to glve any required notice of the right of
<br />- rescission.
<br /> 5. PAYA�NI'S.Truswr agrces that all pay�ents uader the Secured Debt wUl be patd when due and in accordana with thc
<br /> terms of the Secured Uebt and thia Secudty Instrumeat.
<br />. 6, {�r�gRA1V'Iy pF TITi,E.Truswr wsrrants that Trustor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate caaveycd by thie
<br />� sa�letj Ttyrustor�tarraats�t thehProperty is nnbenc mnbered,exycept for�enc�umbraueces of r�rd����t,withpower of
<br /> 7. PRIOR 3EC[JRITY INN'Y"E1tESf3. Witli regard to any ather martgage�d��ttn�sa. security agreement ar other lien
<br /> - document that created a prlor securlty interest or eacumbrance on the Pro g�s:
<br /> A.To make all paymeats when due aad w perform or comply with ail coveaanta.
<br /> B.To promptly deliver to&neficiary any nodces thet Trustor receives from the holder.
<br /> C.Not to allow any modificadon or estensloa of, nor to �q uest aay future advances under any note o:�grament
<br /> secured by the lien doc�unent witbout Beneficiary's prior written consent.
<br /> S. CLAIMS AGAINST T[TLE.Truator will pay all uxes,asseesmente liens.encumbrencea,le�se paymenu,ground rents,
<br /> utilitlea, aad other cherges nlatiag to the Properry whea due. Benef�c[ary may rec�uire Trustor to provide to Bmeflciary
<br /> copies of ell notices thu such anaunta are due and tba recelpte ev{deacing Trustor e psyment.T:uatar wiU defeod tiqe to
<br /> the Property ag�st any Yl�ims tha�.�y��ts clsim4ior def nses Te�us o�ma�h�t.a natstarties rw�ho a lyltbor
<br /> Beneflc[ary,as r uest�d b &netici Y 8 P �PP
<br /> or auterlals W ma�ntain or uaprove the Fn,pciiy.
<br /> 9. DiJE ON SALE OR ENCUNBRANCE.&aeficiary mAy,at its o tion,declare the entire balance of the 5ecural Debt to
<br /> be immediately due and pay�ble upon tht creation of.or conuact�or the creatton of, any lien,encumbr�dce.trn�+fer or
<br /> sale of the Pmperty. 'I31s rl t ie aubject to the resMctious imposod by federAl law(12 C.F.R.591),as appllable.'ILie
<br /> wveaent shall run witb tbe�operty aad ehall remaia in effect uncil the Secura! Debt is paid ia full aad thb Security
<br /> tn,sm�meac ts releasea.
<br /> 10. PROP'ERTY CONDTPION,ALTERATIONS AIVD INSPECTION.Trustor will keep the Property ia good condltian
<br /> and malce all repairs that are reasonabiy necessary. Trustor shall not cominit or allow any waste. i�npalm�eut. or
<br /> deterioratton of the Property.Truswr wlll keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. Trustor agras that the
<br /> �r�mit any chan eA pin an paliaase,iiestrletivebcovena�at or e�aseement withouteBeCneScIary's pr�i r w�ritt�en c�oaseu��lYust�or wi�ll
<br /> notify Beneficiary of all demands, proceedinga, clairns, and actlons against Trustor, and of eny loss or danuge to the
<br /> Propetty.
<br /> Beneficiery or Beneficiary's egenta may, at Beneficiary's option,eater We Property at any ceasonable ti:ne for�6e�urpose
<br /> of inspect3ng the Property.BeneBclary diall give Truator notice at ihe time of or before an inspecdon spccifyLig a
<br /> reasonxble purpose for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property shaU be entinly for Benehciary's 6oneSt aad
<br /> Truator wili in ao way rely oa Heneficiary's�nspectioa.
<br /> li. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM.If Trusror fails to perform any duty or any of the covenaata contained in tliis Saurity
<br /> Inatnunent. BeneSciary may, without nodce, perfocm or cause them to be performed. Tntstor a�pointa Beaficiary at
<br /> attomey in fact to sign Trustor's name or pay any amouat necessary for perforn�ance. BeaeSciary s right to oim for
<br /> Trustor shall not create an obligation t perform� aad Beneficiary's failurc to perform will not preclude Beae Miary from
<br /> execelsing any of Beneficiary's other rigbts under the law or thls Security Insuument. If aay coastruction oa the Propeit�
<br /> is discon t i nued or not carri e d on i a a reasona b le manner,B e ne fic iary ma y t a k e a l l s t e p s n�e s s a ry t o p r o t e c t &n�i�c i a ry e
<br /> securlty intenst in the Property.including compledon of the construcdott.
<br /> 12. AS3IGNIVIENT OF LEASES AND R�NTS.Trustor irrevocably grants. conveys anrl sells to Trustee,la t�st for the
<br /> benefit of Beneficia,-y,ao additionai securiry all the rlght,tide and interest in aad to any and all e�cisting or future leases,
<br /> subleases,and any other wrItten or verbal agreements for the use aad occupaacy of any portion of the Froperty,including
<br /> any extensions renewals, modiRcadons a substitutlons of such agreecnents(sll refened to as"Leases")and raRs,issues
<br /> and profits (al� referred to as "Rents").Trustor will prompdy provlde Beneficlary with uue nnd correct copiea of all
<br /> existing and future Leases.Trustor may collect,receive,en,joy and use the Rents so long as Trustor is not in default under
<br /> the temLS of this Securiry Instninxnt. .
<br /> Trustor aeknowledges thnt this assignnient is perfected upon the recorcling of this Deed of Trust and that BeaeFeiary ie
<br /> — entitled to notify any of TNStor's ten�nta to make payment of Rents due or to become due to Beneficiary.However
<br />�= Beneficiary agrees tl�at anly on default will Beneflclary notify Trusror and Trustor's tenants and malce dem�nd that al�
<br /> — future Rents be paid directly to Beneficiary. On reaiving notice uf default,Trusror wUl endorse and deliver to Beneficiary
<br /> — any payment of Rente in T�ustor's possession and will receive any Rents in uust for Beneficiary and will n4t co=nmingle
<br />- the Rents with aiy other funds.Any anaunts collccted wlll be applied as provided in this Security Inst�t. Tivstor
<br />-_ �,A..anra ih�r nn defaulc exiaca under the Leases or anv annlicable iwdlord/teaant law. Trustor also agrees to maintain and
<br /> ' requlre aay tenant to wmply with the term9 of the Leases and applicable law.
<br /> � 13. LEASEHOLDS; CONDAA�QM[JMS; PLANNED LJN1T DEVELOPMF.NTS. Trustar agrees to complr with th�
<br /> provisions of any lease if tLis Securlty Inatnunent is on a leasehold. If the Propeny inc(udes a unit in a coadomiaium or a
<br /> K planned unit development.Trustor wi11 perform all of Trustor's duties under the covenants.by-laws,or reg�l�ione of tlie -
<br /> condominium or planued unit development,
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<br /> 01984 Bankan Syttomf.inc.,St.CIOW.MN 11�800•397•1J�i 1 Fam RE DT-NE 12/23196
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