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<br /> "Ptocs�d�7 In oonnectbn wilh condsmn�tion a Wh�r tskinp of the PropeRy or part theroof,or for conveyance n le of condamnatksn.
<br /> lendsr eh�ll be endtbd�t(ts optlon to commsna,�ppear In and prosacute in Its own name any adlwn or proceodinpa,end ehrll stso
<br /> be sntitled to mak�any comproml�e or Rettleme�d In connectlon with euch taklnp or damape.In tha event eny portlon af the PropeAy Is
<br /> sa takan ar dameqdd, l.ender sha�ll h�ve tha optlon In iti eale and abeolute dlscrAtlon, to epply en such pruceeda, efter deductinp
<br /> thsnfmm all cost�t An��xp�meA Incurnd by It In conn�ctlon wlth�uch Prcceeds,upon ony Indebtedna�a secured harsby end In ach
<br /> ord�r��Lsnd�r m�y d�t�rmin�,a to rppty�II eud�ProrMd�,efter such dsductlone,to the nitoratbn ol th�PropeRy upon auch con-
<br /> dlllom��L�nd�r may d�t�rmin�.Any �pplicdbn of Proaed�to IndebUdne�o ehall not uxtend ar poalpone lhs due date ol�ny p�y-
<br /> r�iant�ur�Jur Uw Note,a cun any detautt th�r�undsr w h�reunder.A�y unapplled funds ohail be pald to Truetor.
<br /> 9.'��form�nc�by��nda.Upon the occumsnca of an Event of Defeult hareundar, or If eny act fe taken or tepal procssdlrp
<br /> commenced whlch materlally affects Lender'�Interest In the propeAy, Lender mey In Ite own dlacretlon,but without obllpation to do w,
<br /> and without notice to or demand upon Tru�ta�nd wlthout rebasfnp T►uuor from eny abllyaUon,cio bi�y ect whlch Trustor hea e�raed °
<br /> but talled to do and may eleo do any other act It deem�t necess�ry to protect lhe�scurlty hereof, Trustor ehall, Immedlately upon
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pey to Lender dll co�b and expanaes Incurrod end eume expended by Lender In connectlon vrith tha exer-
<br /> cl�e by Lenc}�r qf the tor�r�y rl�hts,toQether with intero�t theroon at the dsfault rete provlded In tha Note,which shalf be added to
<br /> the Indebtedness aecurod hereby.Lender sheil not incur any Ilabllity beceuee of anyttdnp It may do a omlt to do hereunder.
<br /> �. Husrdaus�t�H�ls.Truator shall keep the Property in compitance with all eppllceble lawe, ordinances and repulations
<br /> relating to Induatrlai hyyN�ne or environmental protection(callactively referred to heroin ae"Environmental Lewa').T�uator shall keep
<br /> the Property frse from eA eub�tances deemad to be hazardous or toxic under eny Env(ronmentel Lews(collectively refsmed to heroin
<br /> as'Hazerdous Materiale').Truator hareby warrants and ropresents to lender that there ero no Huardous Materlals on or under fhe
<br /> Property.Trustor hereby egrees to tndemnKy and hoki harmbas Lender,Its d(rectors,offlcero,employeai end egents,end eny aucces-
<br /> sors to Lenders Interest,irom end ageinst any and all clalms,demages,losses end Ilabilitles erising in connection with the presence.
<br /> use,disposal or transport of any Hezerdous Materials on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREC30INC3 WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.Assipnm�nt of R�nb.Trustor hereby aasi��is to Lender. and prante Lender a security interest i�,all precent,tuture and
<br /> efter aris(np ronts,issues end pro0ts of the Property;provided thet Trustor shall,unttl the xcu►rence of an Event oi Defnuit,hereunder.
<br /> have the right to collect end retain such rent�,Issues end proffts as they become due end payable. Upon the occuRenca ot an Evont of
<br /> qefeult,Lender may,elther in person or by agent,with or without bringing any actlon or proceeding, or by a recelver appc�nted by a
<br /> oouR and without ropaM to the edequacy of its eecurify,enter upon end teke possesston of the Proparty,or any paR thnreof,fn tta own
<br /> name or fn the name oi the Trustee,end do any acts which(t deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value,ma�lcetability or
<br /> rentebtl(ly oi the PropeAy,or erry part thereoi ot Interest th�retn,or W Inaease the income therefrom or protect the aecurity hereof and.
<br /> with or without taking possessio�of the Property,sua tor or otherwtae cdlec:t the rents,issues and profits thereof,Includ(ng thoae past
<br /> due and unpaid,by notiying tenante to make payments to Lender.Lender may appry renb,tssues and proflte,less aoeta and expens-
<br /> es of operatbn and collection Including attomey's fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in sud►order as Lende�mey deter
<br /> mine.The entering upon and taking posseaston of the Property.the cdlectlon of such rents,lesues and profits,and the epplk;aQon
<br /> thereot as aforeseid shell not cure or waive eny defauit or noUce of default hereunder or invalidete any act done In response to such
<br /> rlgfw�ilr M�i�aia�t tn a���►��t��a�f�Ip(a��lt arn1, n�twithatand(ng the conUnuance in possesston ot the proQerty or the cdlection. _
<br /> recafpt end eppikx�tlon of renta,(ssuea ot proftts,Tn�stee end Lender shal!be entlded to exercise e�ery right pravided for tn any of the
<br /> Loan Inatrumente or by lew upon occurrence ot eny Event ai Defeuft,including without timltation the right to exercise the power of sale.
<br /> Further,Lendsr's riyhts end remedles under this pare9raph shail be cumulathre with,and In no way e IlmltaUon on,Lender's rights and
<br /> remedfas under any asalpnment of leasea and rents recorded egatnst the PropeKy.Lender,Trustee and the receiver ahall be Iiable to
<br /> eccount only tor ttwse rents ectually recelved.
<br /> 11.EvMts ot D�fault.The foibwing shall constitute an Event ot Default under this Deed of Trust
<br /> (a)Fe�luro to pny any Instellment ot pr(nclpal or(nterost or eny other sum securod hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A broach oi or default under any proviston contelned in the Note,th(s Deed ot T�uat.eny W the Loan Inatrumente,or my
<br /> other Nsn or encumbrence upon the Properly; -_
<br /> (o)A wrtt of execudon or attacnment or any similar procdas anefi be entereci eyeinst i Ns�r wF�ich af�aff bocoma a lirm on
<br /> the PropsRy or�ny portfon thereof or Intereat thereln;
<br /> (d)Th�rs�h�N be tfbd by or apelnat T�uator or Borrower en edkx�under any preaent or future federel,stata or othx stetute.
<br /> I�w or npul�tton nlsttnp to bsnkruptay,Inwlwncy or other nlief for debton;or then shall be sppatnhd any trwbe,rooelver or
<br /> Uquldator W Tnutor or Borrowsr or oi all or a�y part oi the PmpeAy,or the rente,lstuas or protits thereot,or Tnutor or Borrowsr
<br /> shall malw any yon�al wslpnment for the beneflt of crmditore;
<br /> (e)The seN,transfer,Iease,asslgnment, cor�veyance or turther encumExance of all a eny paR oi or any tnterest In tl�e
<br /> Propsry.skhsr volunu�tly or Involuntadty,wlttaut tiw ex�xesa wdtten cansent of Lendsr,providad that Ttustar stwtt ba�snsl!-
<br /> ted to sxecute a baae ot the Proparry that does not contatn en opHon tn purchase and the term of whlch does not�xcend one
<br /> �
<br /> (fj/lbandonment oi the Property;or
<br /> (g)tf TruaDar Is not en Indlvldual,the lasuance,eale,transfer,aaalgnmant,conveyance or encumbrance oi rtwro then(H a
<br /> oorporatlon)e total ot percent of Its Issued and oubtanding stodc, or(H a paMershlp)a total d per-
<br /> cent of partnerahlp Interests,or(It e Ilmlted Ilabfllry oompany)a Wtal ot percent oi the limlted Ileblllty compa-
<br /> ny tnfarests or vodng rl�hb dudnp the perlod thls Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on the property.
<br /> 12.R�m�di�a;AcuNratton Upon D�hult.In the event oi any Event oi Default Lerxler may,wltl�out nodce exoept as requked
<br /> by lew,dedaro aIl Indebtedneaa eecured hereby to be due and payabb and the eame ahall theteupon beoome due and payable wlth-
<br /> out eny preaentment,demand,protest or notk�e of eny klnd.Therealter Lender may:
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exerclae tha POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Truatee shall ther�eatter cause Trustors Inter-
<br /> est(n the Propeity to be eold and the proceecls to be dlsVibtsted,all in the manner prov(ded�n the N�breake Trust Deeda Act;
<br /> (b)Exerclse any and all �tghts provlded for in eny of the loan InsUuments or by law upon occurcenoe ot any Event of
<br /> Defeult;and
<br /> (c)Commence an ecUon to foreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a receiver, or speciflcally enforoe any oi the
<br /> covenanta hernot.
<br /> No remedy hereln conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be axGuslve ot any other remedy hereln,In the Loan
<br /> Ina�umenb or by lew provided or pertnitted,but each shatl be cumulaNve,shall be in eddltlon to every other remedy ghren hereunder,
<br /> tn tha Loan Instrumenm or now or hereatter extsUnp et lew or In equfty or by statute,a►xi may be exercfaed concurrently,Independently
<br /> or succesively.
<br /> 13.Tnistw.The Tn,istee may resign et any Ume wlthout cause,end Lender may at any time and wlthout cause appolnt a suo-
<br /> /V��N N���IYHM��Tnwfm.Tnufaa�Hdl M�lu 1[nlJa fn env nsAv t�v�Yu��nn�u�fheu�f lim(}nt4vf 1 mrlor Linrmu�nr Tlf1t�K N NfV N�f
<br /> � �. ..�.���........�.��.�.��.y�_y, _...__...o ..._.__....._.___..__..__.,__.._. ..��. _._.� �_ .
<br /> chaser oi the PropeAy,for any loss or damage unless due to reckless orw{Itful mlaconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any actbn
<br /> In connection with the enforcement oi thts Deed of Trust unless tndemr�ied,In wrfting,for all cosb,compenseNon or expanaes whlch
<br /> may be assoclated therewith.In eddition,Trustee may beoome a puncheser et any sale oi the Property Qudkk:iaal or under the power oi
<br /> sale grented heretn);postpone the sale of all ar any poAlon of the Property,es provlded by law;or sell the Property as e whole,or In
<br />= separate{�aroels or Iots et Tnistee's dlscreUon.
<br />- 14.FMS and Expun��s.In the event Tn�stee sells the Propertyr by exerclse oi power of sale, Trustee sha�l be entltled to apply
<br />:- any sale proceeds flrst to payment oi all costs and expenses of exercislrp powe�of sale,lncluding all TNStee's feos,and Lender's and
<br />- 7rustee's attomey's fees, actually incurred to extent permltted by epplkable law.ln the event Bomower or Trustor exexcises any right
<br />_ provfded by law ro cure an Event of Default,Lender shall be entlUed to recover from Trustor all cosb and expenses ectually Incurred as
<br /> a tesult of Trustor's default,lnciuding without limltation ell 7rustee's end attomey'e fees,to the extent psm�itted by appllcab{e law.
<br />= 1b. Futun Adv�nc�s. Upon request ot Borrower,Lender may,et Its optlon,make additional and future advances and read-
<br />- vanoes to Borrower.Such advances end readvences,wlth Interest the�eon,6ha11 be secured by thls Deed oi Tnist.At no Ume shall the
<br />