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<br /> � (F�1A IAdn)
<br /> This Second Deed of Trust(thts"SOcond Deed oi TrusY1, ts made as of Nov. 4 , 1997 by and amonp
<br /> a�� Mich� 1 V. Valdez an unmarried man
<br /> l �rustar"),whose mafinp address Ia304 East 9th St. , Grand I sland, N� 1 . _
<br />� � ('T�wtee') , whoas matling add�est ia `��" �
<br /> Commeecaa1i FVdtlxglgaankk, � , Nebraaka; and Nebraska tnvestment Finance Authorhy ��
<br /> ('Benefi�l�r�i'�,�ro1�as6m��'np a��ressls �00 Cammerce,CourG 1230 O Street. Uncoln. Nebraska 88608•1 402. �'
<br /> • �o
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERATION,Trustor irrsvoaa6iy uanafera,conveys and aastqns to Truatee,IN TAUST,WITH POWEA
<br /> OF SALE.for the benaf(t and aecurity ot Beneflciary,under and subject to the terma and canditiona of this S�cond Oeed of Trust.
<br /> the real properry, ieyatly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference(the"Property'); arid
<br /> TOGETHER WITH,all rents,profits,�oyalties,income and othar benefitt derived fram the Property Icallectiveiy,the"rents"1.
<br /> all leaaes ar subleases caverinp the Property or any portton thereof now or hereefter exietinp or entered(nto,a nd�II ripht,Utle and
<br /> tnterest of T�ustor thereunder,all right,tiUe and Interest of Trustor in and to any preater estate in the Property owned or hereafter
<br /> acquired, all interests, estate ar other claims, both tn law and in equity, which Trustor now has or may heresfter acpuire tn the
<br /> Property, all ea:ementa,riphts-ot-way,tenementa,heredttamanta and appuRenances thereof end thereto, all water rlphts,all rtqht,
<br /> title�nd Interest of Tiustor, now owned or hereaher acquired, tn and to any land,lyinp within the ripht-of•way ot any meet or
<br /> hiphway adjoini�p the Property, md any and all�Ileys and stripa end Qores of land adJaCent to or used in cannection with the
<br /> Property, and any and all buildin�s,fi�ctures and improvements now or hereafter erected thereon(the'Impravements"1,and all the _
<br /> astate,interest, ripht,titie or,ny claim or demand which Trustar now has or may hereafter acquire in the Property,and any�nd
<br /> all awards made tor the takin� by eminent domafn, or by any proceedinp or purchase tn lieu thereof, of the whoie or sny psrt of
<br /> ths Tru�t Estats, inciudin4 wlthout limitation any swards reaultfnp from a chanQe of y�ade of atreets and awards for sevarance �
<br /> damapas.
<br /> The Properry and the entire estate and interest conveyed to the Trustee are referred to Collectively es the"Trust Estate'.
<br /> 6or th�Purpot�of S�curtnp:
<br /> A. Payment of indebtedness evtdenced by any promissory note of Trustor in favor ot Beneticiary;and
<br /> B. Payment af�II sums advanced by Beneficiary to protect the T�ust Enata,with interest thereon at the rate of
<br /> sixteen percent(1696)per annum.
<br /> Ths tndebtedness desc�ibed in paraqraphl A ind B abave is refarred to aa the'Indebtednest.'
<br /> 1'hls Second Deed of Truat, any pramlasory note of Trunor in favor of 8eneticisry and any ather inmument �iven to
<br /> �vfdence er furthsr aecure the payment and pertormanca of any oblioatlon seaWed hereby are referred to collectively aa the'Loan
<br /> Instruments".
<br /> Trustar covenants thet (il Trustor hotds dde to the Trust Esiate and h�s lawful author(ty to encumber the Trust Estat�,
<br /> �ii� th�Trust Estate is free and clear of�II Itens and encumbnnces except to�easementa,resutcttona and covenmts of record�nd
<br /> the De�d cf Trust irom Trustor encumberinq the Prcperty dated on or about the date hereof (the "Firsi Oeed of Trust'1, snd
<br /> (tfi) Trustor wilt defend the Trust Estate�qainst the tawtul claims ot any persan.
<br /> To Prot�ct th�S�curiry of tht�S�cond D��d ot Trust:
<br /> 1. Paym��ot/nd�btedn�ts Trustar shall pay when due the princtpal of,and the interest on,the Indebtedness and
<br /> all other sums as pravided in the Loan Instroments.
<br /> . � NlFA 2/96
<br /> �.�.��-
<br />